Lunar Rising

by azore24


Christopher Judge’s voice appears in your ear from seemingly nowhere. It says, “Previously on Stargate SG-1...”

Before your eyes, a series of images appear. Some are accompanied by voice-overs while others seem to be scenes which you have previously witnessed.

First, a scene of the briefing room is spliced with shots of the Palace of the Royal Pony Sisters while Daniel says, “Let nopony question their just and fair decrees.”

Jack’s voice sounds in response, as the image shifts to that of Ponyville as seen from the edge of the Everfree forest. “So, we have pony aliens...” An image lingers for a moment longer: a grey pegasus pushing a cloud across the sky.

A yellow filly in a large pink bow looks up at Jack and says, “You called us kids. Well, kids’re baby goats, and we ain’t goats. Ah’m a pony, and Twist here’s a pony also, so we’re foals, not kids.”

Cheerilee now looks confused as she says, “Are you saying you think this Luna was a real pony?”

One pony from a crowd of others calls out a question, “Where do you come from?”

Jack gives the obvious reply, “A little blue-green planet called Earth.” This shot now cuts to Daniel and Jack in Ponyville’s library.

“So, Daniel,” says O’Neill as Daniel stacks book on top of book. “Just some light reading before the party?” At the word party, the sound of noisemakers blares.

Pinkie Pie gives the fourth wall a big hug and says, “I know that this is off book, and everything, but it’s been sooooooo long since I’ve seen you all. I was starting to think you’d all forgotten about me. So then I threw this party, knowing that it’d have to be in the episode recap. I mean, who would skip this? That way, I knew I’d see you again!” The scene begins to transition away, but is wrenched back by Pinkie. “You’re leaving already? But I’ve got this really great prank planned out for Twilight!” The camera slams hard to the right, the sound of hooves sliding off plastic resounds, followed by the crash Pinkie makes when she falls onto the invisible ground of the fourth wall.

The new scene is foreshadowed by Twilight’s voice, “... everything points to Nightmare Moon returning tonight!” With a flash, Nightmare Moon appears; she cackles evilly.

Now, Twilight is addressing nine others in the library. “... six Elements of Harmony, but only five are known: Kindness, Laughter, Generosity, Honesty, and Loyalty. The sixth is a complete mystery.”

“Wheee! Let's go!” Pinkie shouts as she runs into the Everfree Forest. The camera jerks back warily as she appears onscreen.

You next see an avalanche which separates the group along species lines. You then see a Manticore leap out from the shadows, followed by six voices shrieking.

“A manticore!” Twilight shouts.

The images have stopped. Once more, Christopher Judge’s voice cuts through the blackness. It says, “And now, the conclusion.”

The images disappear for a moment before you are flooded with familiar music.