Guardian of the Light

by DawnCrusade

Ancestral Guardians

Chapter Five: Ancestral Guardians

The day after the first attack was peaceful, which was suprising to Wryn, "Usually he would have a follow up of somekind, maybe he thought a general was enough," he contemplated. Wryn was heading towards the outskirts of the town where he told his friends to meet him after a night of rest. Wryn absently fiddled with the gauntlet that encased his right arm, "Let's hope the Elders were right about the strength of this piece of equipment," he thought as he reached his destination. "Good morning everyone!" Wryn said as he cheerily greeted his friends, "How are we all doing today?"

"Just fine, we were hoping you could enlighten us on what we will be doing to protect Ponyville?" inquired Rarity.

"I'm glad you asked, back in my town after the attack, I discovered several stones with powerful energies radiating from them," Wryn explained, "It turned out those were the spirits of the other dragons that used to be living there." Their faces expressed sorrow, but he continued, "When I picked one up a voice spoke to me, saying that 'They would help anyway they could,' so I gathered them up." His friends faces brightened up, "I tested this one day by planting one of the stones in the ground then using a spark of magic on it, and the spirit's avatar popped out and began to defend the area around it's stone," he finished.

"So we're gonna' be plantin' rocks around Ponyville and Canterlot to protect it?" says an unconvinced Applejack.

"I guess it doesn't do us much good if you don't see it for yourself," Wryn admits, "I'll go around the perimeter, plant them, then come back here to activate them."

"Here, let me help!" calls Rainbow Dash, following Wryn to help assist him in positioning the crystals.

Once they had successfully placed them, they flew back to the group that was waiting for them, "Now I just need to shock this one," Wryn trails off as he uses his magic to activate the stones. Giant ornate spires leap out of the ground once activated, linking together using magic and forming a barrier over Ponyville and Canterlot.

"You called Sire?" and ancient, but kind voice asks, as a Draconic Avatar appears out of the spire.

"Yes Arkin, I would like you and the others to protect this world with me, it means alot to me," responds Wryn.

"Neat, a ghost!" Pinkie commented, "Wait, you said he was a sire?" pointing at Wryn.

"Ahem, yes I am," Wryn interjects, "I am the last of my kind, so naturally I am now the King of Dragons or however you want to put it."

"We will do what you have asked Sir Wryn," said Arkin as he melted back into his spire.

"You're a King?" gawked Twilight as she stared at Wryn in awe, "But what does that mean since your world was taken over?"

"I still have my fortress, it's built into a mountain that is filled with Draconite Veins, an incredibly tough material," says Wryn, "Though no one is in it now."

"Do you have a queen," Rainbow Dash jokes, "Because if you don't then I think Twilight here would be happy to!" she laughs as she falls on her back.

Both Wryn's and Twilight's faces turn bright red, "W-What makes you think that I would?" stammers Twilight, her face growing redder.

Wryn walks away from the group, "Hey, you know I was just joking right?" Dash calls, and turns back to the group, "He knows I was joking right?"

"That may have been something he didn't want to talk about dearie," says Rarity, "He may have had someone back home he lost."

Wryn comes back to the group and Dash runs up to him, "I'm sorry for bringing that up-"

"No problem at all, I was dwelling on the past for too long and I needed that, thank you," Wryn answers as if it didn't happen, "So, who's up for a day off? You all fought well yesterday, and I think you all deserve a break," he says.

Everypony cheered at the sound of that, except Twilight, "Aren't we supposed to be getting ready for the second attack?" she asked.

"Go have some fun Twilight, this may be one of the last days we can do so," says Wryn, turning back to the group, "Now go have some fun!" They trot away and Wryn is left alone in the clearing, "Have fun while you can, this may be the only chance before war breaks out in full force," Wryn thought to himself. He spreads his wings and flies to the ravine, "I might as well get in my own practice while I have the time," he murmured to himself. He entered the crystalline cave and started to reform the diamonds that they had broken during the month. Wryn gathered all the shards up and condensed them so he could train on something that was somewhat of a challenge. He set down the crystal and began to punch it, "I haven't been keeping up my training routine, I was lucky that my friends lent me their help at the end, I my not be so lucky next time," he contemplated. The condensed diamond shattered as he delivered the final punch, "You know it's time to meditate once the diamond shatters," Wryn chuckles settling underneath the roaring waterfall. "They were too brash on their attacks they could've gotten themselves killed, it's a trait that comes with time, never underestimate your opponent," Wryn thought. A crack splits the air and a wave blasts Wryn out of the waterfall, Wryn uses his wings to steady himself as he tumbles through the air, "Is this another attack?" Wryn thinks to himself as he stares intently at the figure that stumbles out of the waterfall. It was an alicorn, whose wings and tail were pure fire, he had a grey coat and his horn looked extremely sharp. "Who are you and what are you doing here?" Wryn shouted at the lone alicorn, who glared at him, "Could they have been trying to inflintrate the town?" Wryn thought again.

"I might want to ask you the same thing," responded the alicorn, "I have never seen you around Ponyville before."

Wryn was taken aback, "Are you a part of their forces?" he questioned, "If you are then so be it!" Wryn launched himself at the alicorn and unsheathed Soul Vortex, but the alicorn neatly sidestepped his attack. The alicorn then launched his own attack, his horn caught aflame and he swiped at Wryn. The horn swiped past Wryn's face leaving a thin line of red in it's wake, "I won't hold back!" Wryn yelled, charging his avatar.

A sword materializes next to the alicorn, then splits into two, one a brilliant white, and one a deep blood-red, "Then neither will I!" he shouts.

They clash in the middle of the cavern, sparks flying as their weapons connect, "Who are you working for?" Wryn growls through clenched teeth. The alicorn doesn't respond and Wryn pushes forward, which blasts both of them back to opposite sides of the room.

"Chaos Solar Storm!" shouts the alicorn, as he shoots a ball of flaming dark energy at Wryn, who charges head-first into it. "I don't know who you are, but you're finished," says the alicorn turning away from the dust cloud in the center of the room, "No one can take that attack head on."

As the alicorn begins to walk away, "Hey, I'm not done with you!" yells Wryn, the smoke clears away to reveal a battered, but very alive Wryn. "That attack would have killed me if not for my sword," he coughs as he holds up Soul Vortex, "But I'm afraid your time is dwindling, time for you to face the Light." Wryn charges the alicorn, pushing off of him, spinning in midair, "Rain of Light!" he shouts, cutting the air with his sword and in turn, releasing bolts of light which strike the alicorn.

The power of the attack blows them both back due to the confines of the cave, but it ends up hurting Wryn more, "Solar Storm!" yells the alicorn, charging up another attack while galloping towards Wryn.

He never gets the chance to use his attack however, as Wryn grabs his horn, "I will not let my friends down!" he roars, tossing the alicorn into a wall.

"I won't let Twilight down either!" the alicorn shouts, starting to charge up another attack.

Wryn blinks, "Wait, you're here to protect her too?" he questions.

"Um, yeah? I'm married to her," the alicorn snorts, "There was a huge celebration at Canterlot Castle for it."

"Oh I get it now," says Wryn, covering his face, "Alternate dimensions, which explains why we don't know each other." The alicorn just stares at Wryn, "You've crash landed in my world, so welcome! My name is Wryn," he explains.

"Nice to meet you, my name is Max," says Max, holding out a hoof, "Sorry for attacking you."

Wryn shakes Max's hoof, grinding his teeth from the burns Max's horn left on his hand, "No problem man," he responds. He then flies over to the waterfall and runs his hand underneath it's cool waters, it slowly mending the burns, leaving scars behind. "Let's go back to town, it's been on hour since I was supposed to meet the gang at Twilight's."

"Agreed," says Max, and they both fly off to Ponyville.


Many thanks to my pal Camlio for letting me use his character Max in my story, go check out his story!!!