Luna's Mod

by Okhlahoma Beat-Down

Celestia Strike Source

"Well, Lulu," Celestia whistled through her teeth after hearing the idea, "I don't know if this is exactly what a Princess should be remembered for being involved in..." The dining hall only had the three Princesses in it at one end, plus a few Nobles, Generals, and Ambassadors seated at the table in discussion. "Really, your reputation isn't good with the public after the whole 'Nightmare Moon' fiasco, just think what would happen if you made a game where you can sellotape dynamite to somebody's testicles."
"Yes, I did think," Luna replied smartly, sipping some more of her wine. "And what I can think is going to happen is that Twilight and I will become 'the social Princesses'. We'll be remembered for bringing hours of entertainment to millions across two different dimensions, and plus we'll have done some great Princess-to-Princess-to-Human bonding."
"You have a human helping?" Celestia groaned. "Luna, you know that won't end well. He might ruin your project."
"Sister, he attends a Media College in West London. He's got more than enough knowledge of working in the topic." Luna shot back. "And besides that, he says he'll do the advertising and legal work. He isn't doing any of the software design."
"So it's just you two doing work on the actual game and the human is figuring out how to tell Everypony about it?" Celestia considered. Twilight nodded.
"Yes, and that also means that we won't have to bring him here or go to him!" beamed the purple alicorn. Celestia still seemed sceptical about it, sipping carefully on her non-alcoholic wine. Her sister and former student had both grown into more mature figures for the whole country, and now they were acting as diplomats across two dimensions by making a game that, by lack of any less insulting words, was quite frankly retarded. She was, of course, not calling her dear sister or best pupil intelectually challenged; if anything, they could both be smarter than her by simply bothering to make this game of theirs. Celestia was a gamer herself, but wouldn't dare going into the art of software engineering for fear of accidentally making her computer explode. She figured it would be best if she stuck to UGC Platinum League TF2 for the moment.
Maybe delve into advanced programming when she had the patience (and several more computers).

"So my sister isn't too enthusiastic about you helping us, Face." Luna began. "She seems insistent you'll do something to wreck both Twilight's and my life."
"Can't: Mum says no." Face replied matter-of-factly. "And plus, there's also the point that I can't visit you or anything, so why'd she be worried about that?"
"Erm..." Luna went silent. "You...uh...hmm...remember the night where drunk...and...sent...those pictures...?" Face was emanating a field of concern down the microphone.
"Yeeeeeaaaah...?" he replied cautiously.
" would you told you...I looked for one of my USB flash drives one time...and found it in my sister's PC...and, uh...she'd moved those pictures you sent me into her 'Special' folder...?" Luna trailed off. Face let out a breath.
"Oh, thank god. I thought you were, like, gonna say they were distributed." he chuckled. There was a pause. "Wait, your sister has CLOPPED over them?!"
"Listen, calm down, I know it's weird..." Luna began comforting.
"No, it's a friggin' honour!" he laughed. "The Princess of a foreign land has diplomatically-"
"OK, just shut up, this is hard enough."
"Bow chicka bow wow."
"Can it. Anyway, what was I saying? Oh yeah, Celestia's not too hot-"
"Bow chicka bow wow."
"-ON THE IDEA THAT I AM WORKING WITH YOU." Luna spoke up to drown out Face's incessant Tuckerisms. "Faust, Face, seriously. Just listen. You need to be careful. If you slip up once, Celestia is going to try everything to stop me and Twilight from talking to you. She's pretty strict on that kind of thong. Thing. Ah, dammn, talking's difficult when you let out a secret like that."
"Don't worry, it's safe with me." Face replied. "Anyway, I can't mess up your project. I'm working in advertising and legal work. All I need to do is convince a game developer that the two pony Princesses, one of whom has a sister who has pleasured herself over anonymous pictures of me, will NOT outsell his game in any way shape or form. No big deal."
"Oh..." Luna groaned. "I'm SO going to regret telling you that."
"You'll regret it later. Right now, we need to get some work done. If you get Twilight up to speed after I explain the facts about SDK, then I think we'll be set to go."
"Alright, shoot."
"OK. First off, you'll want to get the software open..."

"...and that just about covers it. You get all that?"
"Wow, good Faust, Face, you covered what might as well have been an advanced tutorial in the space of ten minutes. And we've finally opened a new project."
"Yeeeeah, I should have mentioned this will take literally forever. Hey, if it works at the end, we'll have accomplished something."
"Yeah, I suppose. So, we've got a blank canvas. You wanna help paint it?"
"Ah, nah, I'm a Publicist, not a Designer."
"You really like Red VS Blue, don't you, Face?"
"And your sister is DEFINITELY a Lover. Bow chicka bow wow."
"Just shut up. Let's get this going!"
"Certainly. That toolbar on your right is going to be one of your new best friends for however long it takes to build this all..."
And so began the longest night Luna had ever had since the whole 'possessed, wake up with worst hangover ever' fiasco.