A Little Shock

by Dreamgirl

I Might Be...

Princess Luna and Prince Lightning Spark were fast asleep in their bed after celebrating their one year anniversary, Luna was having a dream of their wedding day; which she remembered vividly
Lightning had just finished singing a song expressing his love for Luna, he joins his lovely bride at the alter and the ceremony continues.
"Do you Prince Lightning Spark, take this women as your loftily wedded wife"
"I Do"
"And do you Princess Luna, take this man as your loftily wedded husband"
Luna began to cry tears of joy "I do" she said softly. Luna looked over and saw her mother and her sister crying their eyes out.
"May I have the rings" a purple baby dragon walked up with a small satin pillow with two gold rings resting on it, the happy couple each took one of the rings. "Lightning put this ring on Luna's finger and say With this ring I thee wed
Lightning Spark gently slipped the ring on Luna's finger "With this ring I thee wed"
"Now Luna put this ring on Lightning's finger and say With this ring I thee wed"
Luna slipped the ring gently on her love's finger and said "With this ring I thee wed"
"With the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife you may........" before the minster could finish what he was saying Lightning Spark lifted Luna's vail over her face and kissed her lips passionately "....go on kissing the bride"
The newly wed couple parted their lips, held each other close and stared deep into each others eyes; they were starting their lives together.
Lying in her bed with her husband Luna started sweating, she woke up feeling not herself 'I don't feel so well'. Her stomach gave a violent jump, she ran to the bathroom, waking Lightning, and she quickly got sick. Worried Lightning Spark followed Luna into the bathroom and found his wife hunched over the toilet, her face covered in sweat and her eyes watering "Are you alright Luna?"
"I don't know, I've actually had a stomach ache all day"
Luna stood up and Lightning put his hand on her forehead "You don't have a fever, how long have you been sick?
"Well the past few days' I've just felt a kind of nocuous, almost as if I was...." she turned to face her husband with a few tears in her eyes. Lightning Spark had a surprised look on his face, he finally spoke "Do you think?"
"Well if you wouldn't mind" Luna replied; her eyes tearing. Lightning Spark pulled his beloved wife into a warm embrace, wiped away her tears and gave her a reassuring smile "Why would I mind another one of you to love, now lets go back to bed; we'll see a doctor in the morning."
Luna and Lightning went back to bed and fell asleep, Luna did have to get up 2 more times before her stomach finally settled.
Lightning and Luna went down to the infirmary and they ran some tests on Luna as the couple requested, by then the princess was started to feel light headed and like she was going to throw up again. After about 15 minuets or so they were up in their room waiting for the results. Lightning felt he had to break the silence "How long is this gonna take?"
"They said it would only be a few minuets"
Then suddenly a knock at the door "Come in" Luna said, a nurse came in carrying an envelope.
"Your results princess" she handed Luna the envelope.
"Thank you" the nurse left the prince and princess alone as she knew they wanted. Luna took a deep breath opened the envelope, she read her results and looked at her husband.....
To Be Continued