Stormy's Story

by MrBigmac1011

Chapter 4: Reunion


Stormy wiped the sweat from his brow. Applebucking season was over and now, with no trees to buck, Stormy was on his first trip to Ponyville to help sell the apples he and his friends had harvested. Stormy and Big Mac's job was to unload crates of apples off of the cart whenever Applejack, who was at the stand selling, needed to refresh her supply. It was hard work, but being with his friends made the work fly by for Stormy.
By midday the cart was almost half empty. Although, Stormy wasn't surprised, the Apples did have a monopoly on the apple business in this small town. Ponies would line up just to get a bag of delicious apples, and it also didn't hurt that AJ had some cider samples out for anypony who was feeling thirsty.
"Applejack sure does have a lot of friends here in Ponyville." thought Stormy. Throughout the course of the day, he had noticed a few ponies that he could tell were best friends of AJ. A rainbow maned pony who was more interested in challenging her to a race than buying apples, a timid pegasus who would barely speak above a whisper, a very stylish unicorn who came up to the stand with a umbrella (even though there wasn't a cloud in the sky), and an earth pony who could barely keep herself standing still, and wouldn't shut her mouth for one second. Stormy never introduced himself, but he did notice how Big Mac wouldn't stop looking at the shy one,Maybe there's something to that?, he questioned in his mind. Not wanting to cause embarrassment, he just went along with his work, hiding an amused smile at his friend.
Stormy was just unloading the last of the crates, when he thought he heard a familiar voice. He stopped and craned his neck in the direction of the sound, trying to determine if his suspicions were right.
"Good afternoon, Applejack."
"Well howdy there Twilight, what can I get for you today?"
Stormy jumped at that last sentence,"Alright Stormy, don't jump to conclusions,, he said to himself as his thoughts were racing, "there are probably a lot of ponies named Twilight."
"Oh, not much," Twilight answered, "just two bags of apples will do."
"Runnin' a little low at the library?"
OK, Stormy thought, there could be a lot of mares named Twilight, but there's only one pony that I know that would live in a library, but just in case, I need to take a closer look.
When he made sure no pony was looking, Stormy moved a little closer to see AJ and this mare she was talking to. That's when he saw it, the violet colored coat, the purple mane with the pink streak down the middle, and the cutie mark of a burst of magic on her flank. It was her, he had finally found his mare.
Stormy managed to slip away unnoticed by his friends. He wanted to stay, but he wasn't going to lose Twilight again. He followed her, making sure that he was out of site, and she led him to what looked like a normal old tree from a distance. When he got closer however, he noticed the door and windows and the sign placed out front reading simply "Ponyville Library". He wondered how he would show himself, he wanted to surprise her but he didn't want to make a scene right in the middle of the town. After pondering over this he came up with an idea. Using his magic, he conjured a cloak, put it on, and knocked on the door.
After a couple seconds, the door knob turned and Twilight appeared at the door. "Welcome to the Ponyville Library," she said in a cheery voice, "how can I help you today?"
"Oh, I was just wondering if you had a certain book that I've been trying to find." Stormy lowered his voice so that Twilight wouldn't recognize him.
"Well I'm sure I can help you," Twilight replied, "just follow me."
Twilight lead Stormy into the library. When they got there, the latter started checking book after book until Twilight finally said to him,"Sir, if you'll what your looking for, I'll be happy to help you find it."
"Thank you, I'm looking for Princess Celestia's Guide to Basic Teleportation Skills." Stormy saw Twilight's face twitch a little at the name of the book. It was the book she had checked out from the library when her and Stormy first met.
"Sir, I have a copy, but I don't feel comfortable lending it to somepony that I don't know, it holds a lot of sentimental value." Twilight replied.
"Come on Twi," Stormy took the cloak off and used his normal voice, "I'm sure you can lend it to me."
When Twilight saw Stormy, her face changed, not to happiness like Stormy expected, but sad, like she wasn't what he expected. He was about to ask her why she looked that way when she answered his question before he asked.
"You're not real," she said in a cheerless voice, "you're just another dream. I'll think your real, fall in love with you all over again, kiss you, and wake up. So lets just skip the rest and just kiss me so I can wake up."
So he did. Stormy kissed her with as much love as he could, just to prove to her that he was real. When she broke the kiss, Twilight closed her eyes and opened them, but instead of waking up in her bed with tear stained fur and sadness in her heart, all she saw was Stormy. Her face lit up with the biggest smile she had had in a long time.
"It's not a dream, you have come back." was all Twilight said.
"Yeah, babe," Stormy responded with tears of joy in his eyes,"and I'm never leaving again, ever, I can promise you that."
Stormy and Twilight talked for hours, about everything they had missed in each other's lives. Stormy loved catching up with his mare, but more than that, he just loved being with her again. After a while, though, Twilight asked Stormy something that surprised him. "Stormy, I love you, and I've missed you more than you could know, and I don't want to spend another moment without you. I want you to come live at the library with me."
Stormy heard this and knew what his answer was without thinking. "Yes, Twilight, I'd love to live here with you."
After this, Stormy left the library. It took a little explaining to Big Mac and AJ why he was leaving, but that night he packed his things and left Sweet Apple Acres. And as he laid next to the mare that he loved, the last thing he said before falling asleep was, "Happy Anniversary, Twi. I love you."

(This is the end but look forward to my next installment, coming soon!)