//------------------------------// // Chapter One - The tale begins with a boom // Story: The Nightmare Reborn // by vintage brony //------------------------------// “Warning! Warning! Warning! Evacuation is in effect!” Declared the robotic voice barely capturing the actual distress the colt was feeling. “Shut up I know! Maybe I can fix it! Exclaimed the scientist while pouring multicolored liquids from various test tubes into a beaker. Mean while the beaker shook violently and bubbled with a multitude of colors.“I cant stop the reaction I have to seal of the lab to cushion the explosion!” He said hurriedly turning and sprinted for the door. Once beyond its threshold he began closing the door just as the beaker began to shine brilliantly. This only frightened the scientist more and caused him to stumble with the door and fall. He then strained his neck to watch in horror as the beaker suddenly exploded out with a brilliant light engulfing everything in sight with the chaos that ensued. The scientist was lying outside his home/lab and ached from horn to hoof. He was completely still save for his breathing. All he could think is “What just happened?”. Soon the high pitched squeal in his ears slowly receded into nothingness. He soon brought his hoof to his face and winced with the pain it brought. He opened his green eyes and his vision was blurred and any motion he saw left after images. Eventually everything came back to focus and he decided to try and sit up. He ground his teeth with the effort but managed the task. He would have to wait awhile before he was ready to stand, but then he turned to see his house in shambles. He could hear the sound of ponies rushing around him and the fire ponies coming to the scene of the explosion. The small white square house he lived in was unrecognizable to what it was this morning! All the windows were blown out and scattered glass could be seen down the block. One wall had a huge dent in it and he was surprised it hadn't caved in yet. It also looked as if somepony had recently painted his house by thrashing about a rainbow. All of the colors slowly slid down the orifices of the property. Part of him was excited from the amazing reaction he was in and had made, but then the sensible part of him took over and scolded himself. ”You simpleton! How could you be so moronic with this! Who knows what could have happened.” he then looked around the area and didn't noticed anypony hurt besides him. Some other blown out windows and his door had been rocketed into his neighbors roof. (this got the scientist part of him excited again thinking of how that had occurred and the probabilities of a repeat occurrence and scolded himself for a second time) “ I'm lucky another pony wasn't injured. I wouldn't be able to live with my self if that would have happened.” “Huuuuuuh. Why do I have to buy a new roof every other weekend? Cant you control yourself Event?” said Event's neighbor Kidd noticeably exasperated (the one with Event's front door in his roof). “They don't make a “sorry I put a hole through your roof” cards at Haymark so I'll as always I'll pay for your replacement. And I thought I told you to call me Evan?” said the scientist with a slight chuckle. He looked up to see Kidd display an irritated expression. “ Sorry Kidd...” he sighed as his ears flopped down and he stared down at his hooves. Kidd noticed how sorry he looked and decided to forgive him... again... “ Its fine Evan at least my paintings are ok...” he sighed. “Let me help you up.” He held his hoof out towards Evan. He took it with a slight smile and stood up. “Thanks.” he replied as he swayed from side to side precariously. Evan slowly rubbed his head and tried to remember the anti-nausea spell a mare had taught him. Once the memory was found he went through the steps and a gray corona engulfed his horn, slowly overtaking his head. Once it was complete he was able to stand on his own. “Well this is gonna be a pain...” Evan grumbled mostly to himself. Looking at the mess he caused. “Well you can start to fix this mess, I have to get back to my paintings.” said Kidd as he turned and started to make his way towards his disheveled mess of a home. As Kidd unlocked the front door he examined the damage done. His home was made of white stone and was two stories, it had a dome in the middle of the roof that thanks to his neighbor had seen better days... “Oh Celestia help me...” Kidd sighed to himself feeling exasperated. Once in his home he saw ceiling tiles strewn around the place and broken glass littering the expanse of the floor. He carefully traversed the mess and made his way up the staircase to his study. He looked around and was pleased to see there wasn't much mess in here, a few knocked over bottles but he picked then up with his teeth and flew up to the shelves to place them where they belong. After landing back on the floor and looking at his painting he got back to the task at hand, thus he realized. “I forgot what my inspiration was!” he exclaimed then placed his hooves on his face feeling distressed. “I need this finished by this weekend for the art expo or my exhibit will be incomplete! What am I gonna do now?” he wondered. He soon started looking around the room which was a little messy but not due to the explosion next door but from the never ending work he was doing up here. “I guess I should start to clean up while I think.” he said to no one in particular afterwords he quickly cleaned will flying around the room. “ It looks as if discord went through here. Well I guess I'll be the one to bring order to his mess this time.” he chuckled to himself slightly then he stopped and dropped the rag he was cleaning his desk with. “ That's it!” he said suddenly excited with his sudden realization. Several hours later... “Thanks again for helping me and for coming over when you did” Evan said feeling his eyelids drooping slightly with the lateness of the hour. “No problem sir just try not to let it happen again...” said the fire pony for Celestia knows how many times. “Right sorry... I'll be more careful with my test. But did you see how MASSIVE that explosion was!” Rushed Evan as he lost control of himself, he soon realized what he said and rubbed the back of his head with a hoof and apologized to the visibly annoyed stallion. After all the commotion died down Evan decided to go see if he could repair his neighbor's house or invite him over till its fixed. After the short walk down the street he knocked on the door and waited patiently. After a few moments he made to knock on the door again quickly loosing the resolve to be patient. But in his haste he didn't realize the door begin to open, effectively knocking on his neighbor' snout. “Oh my bad Kidd I'm sorry!” Evan said both trying to sound sincere and trying to stifle a little chuckle at the situation he put himself in. “Its fine just try not make it a habit. But anyways I have something to show you come on!” said Kidd soon forgetting his irritation at the stallion at his door as he flew up the stairs to his study in barely contained excitement. Following the instructions he slowly made his way to the stairs and realized that this was the first time he ever saw the inside of the structure at least without there being a hole in it... the first thing he noticed were all the sketches on the walls and a few on the floor, he wondered if that was his fault as well... Some of the sketches were crumbled in a bin but most were strewn on top and around each other at a work table. There were plans for things that Kidd was working on and some intrigued Evan. Some out of disbelief like a small hoof held device to send correspondence instantly and be almost indestructible, above it was the title N.O.K.I.A. Device. And some were just plain weird like a carriage that moved on its own and without the help of a carriage pony! This intrigued him with what would propel such a device. Perhaps magic? He also spotted a self portrait on the wall and realized how the likeness was uncanny! From the brown coat to the the long black mane and tail, the eyes look as if they were living capturing the spark in the brown discs. The facial hair was short and kept and as black as his mane and tail. Even the cutie mark matched the one Kidd wore, it was an eight ball with a lit fuse in it. As he admired the time it took to make it it reminded him of the instruction given to him and hurriedly went up the staircase. Once the stairs were traversed he spotted Kidd take a final glance at an easel that presumably had his latest work on it. Kidd motioned him over with a quick move of his head, beckoning him over without taking his eyes off of the piece. Evan complied and after a quick glance sat entranced upon what Kidd had created. His speechlessness brought a nervousness to his voice and appearance. “Well? What do you think?” He asked Nervous about the impending response. “ D-dude...” Evan managed rather lamely as his words failed him. “ Oh horsefeathers! Ugh I'll just be rid of it... it was a failed attempt to begin with.” Stated Kidd as he hurried to cover the piece to try and hide the misguided shame he felt. “ Hey, hey hold on there! Its... great I just... wow.” Evan said trying to look for a dictionary to fix his lack for words. “No I'll throw it out, its no good.” Kidd said quickly trying to fly the painting out. “Hey! Will you stop and listen for a sec? Its good don't doubt yourself so much. Hey aren't you in the art expo this weekend? Enter this in! You'll do great! I'm sure you'll get tons of people just flocking to see it!” Evan said enthusiastically with a smile to match in an attempt to get Kidd to his senses. He then realized his comment as he glanced at Kidd's wings.”No offense.” he said with a nervous chuckle. “Really?” Kidd said not even noticing the last comment. “Yeah. Of course why wouldn't I be?” “Well thanks... well if it weren't for the mishap today-” Evan noticeably winced at this. “Right sorry... but if if it weren't for that then this wouldn't have been possible, it inspired me to do this.” “Wow really?... well then maybe I should break your house more often. Speaking of which where's your restroom I have to relieve myself.” said Evan trying desperately to contain a laugh at his own joke. I sincerely hope that was a joke... Kidd thought to himself as he noticed the smile on Evan's face he chuckled slightly. “Well regardless of the destruction of my home I thought I should show you what your antics can create if channeled correctly.” Kidd said as he put the painting back on the easel. “Well maybe I'll try that one day. But as for now I wanted to know if you wanted to stay on my couch until the morning when I can fix the roof.” “Well I guess that's fine, as long as its fine with you.” “Alright then well I'll leave you to get your things, when your ready I'll be at my home.” “Okie-dokie-lokie.” he said then realized what he said and was surprised by his own comment and wondered aloud “ Where did that come from?” “Don't ask me...” Soon after Evan helped Kidd with his things and locked the door on they're way out. Quickly arriving at the scientist's (now mostly restored) home, “Well here we are!” He said with a smile. “Uh yeah I know, neighbors remember?” Kidd said in return. “Well of course I know gosh but you've never been inside before... or many people really.” He said with a shrug. “I cant imagine why.” Kidd said with some sarcasm and a smirk. “Me neither.” The scientist replied as the remark when over his head completely. “R-i-i-ight well now where should I place my stuff then?” “Anywhere with an open space really I don't care. But while you get settled I'm gonna wash up.” “Alright then.” Once the crazy unicorn was off, the pegasus took in his surroundings. There was clutter everywhere but underneath it all he could tell that almost every wall was white and void of many decorations. And all the furniture was of geometric shapes. “I would have expected this place to be weirder to match his personality. Maybe with furniture on the walls and ceiling?” A few minutes later... Evan was drying his coat from the shower. When he was done he looked at the mirror he had that was cracked but still in the frame. He decided to fix it with some magic. Immediately a gray aura shone on his horn and the mirror as the cracks looked like they were being wiped away with a cloth.” Much better.” he said to his reflection. He then inspected his reflection. He had a slightly dark blue coat, blue mane with a dark gray streak in it and a tail to match. His mane was a bit messy but he was fine with the way it looked, his tail barely reached his knees and was curved to a fine point (even though he never bothered to mess with it).His hooves were of a silvery-white color, and his eyes were a bright green. And his cutie mark was one of a blue atom. Satisfied that he was clean he made his way towards his guest. “Hey just came by to say you could clean up in the restroom if you want and goodni- “ Evan stopped mid sentence. “Surprise!” Kidd exclaimed happy with the job he did in cleaning the room, which now gave off a slight glow. He cleaned it... he cleaned it all... Evan thought to himself, While he could only stand and stare at the room. It was an organized mess! Everything had a place! How many projects will I have to start from scratch?! Judging from the look the unicorn gave he figured he had done good. “Well no need to thank me! Although they wouldn't go unheard.” Said the pegasus giving an expecting look and a smirk. “I-i-i” Is all Evan could manage to mutter. “Oh well your quite welcome.” Said the pegasus as he flew over to Evan and put a hoof on his shoulder while also maintaining a smile. To which Evan responded with a restraining twitch. I broke his house, I've already done enough to him and strangling him wont help. “Right. Well. You can sleep on the couch, I gotta... go lie down... for a couple of days” Evan said defeated and slowly dragged himself to his bedroom. “Ok, goodnight!” Kidd spoke still happy with the reaction of Evan. Neither of them slept much that night for some thing was lurking. And it was looking to change everything.