//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: A Cause For Concern // Story: The Legend of The Mirror Pool // by Icudeadnow //------------------------------// The rain came down in sheets and the thunder crashed down around the unlucky inhabitants of Ponyville. Most had went inside for protection and safety from the storm. But a lone, purple unicorn was running, and dodging obstacles, down the lonely streets as she made her way to whatever destination she had in mind. The unicorn slipped on some mud and landed on her face, causing her to grunt in annoyance. "Motherbucker... and in the rain too..." The unicorn said, annoyed that she had ruined the book she had been carrying with the utmost care. It was one of the rare, original Fletlock's Sciences That Boggle The Mind. It was next to priceless and was one of the few left in the world that had not been burned in the Great War. She snatched the book up and stuffed it back into her bag. She cast a spell that kept it dry and safe from the elements. There was no way she was going to be able to make it back to her house. She searched her surroundings and found Sugarcube Corner. She was sure that Pinkie Pie wouldn't mind her stopping over for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Cake were out on a family vacation with the twins and weren't expected to be back for another week at most. Without any hesitation in the slightest, the bedraggled and wet unicorn sprinted her way towards what she hoped would be protection from this skyward onslaught. She made it to the front door and breathed a sigh of relief that was drowned out by the roar of the rain and the crack of the thunder. She knocked on the door and waited for about five minutes. When there was no answer she just shrugged and started to walk off. "Twilight? Oh hey!" A pink pony said. Twilight turned around and offered a smile. Strange... the hapiness that showed in Pinkie's smile did not show at all in her eyes. She did not look like the pony that Twilight was used to seeing. "Pinkie... you don't look so good." Twilight asked, concern showing up on her face. There was something wrong but she just couldn't quite place it. Pinkie shuffled nervously and tried to divert the subject of conversation, "Yeah... wanna' come inside? More than happy to help a friend!" Yes... there was most definitely something wrong with this picture. Pinkie never acted like this. She was usually overly happy for no reason other than she was high on life. Twilight shrugged and hesitantly entered Sugarcube Corner. "It's going to be like a sleepover! I can't wait to have fun!" Pinkie Pie said happily. At least Twilight thought she sounded happy. Twilight stole a worried glance to her friend who had turned to grab some cupcakes off of the counter. Her usually radiant mane had seemed to have lost its bright colors and was a darker pink. And upon closer inspection, Twilight could see small scars across the pink mare's front legs nearer to the hooves. They were jagged and looked quite deep. What was the most worrisome was the fact that they looked to be brought on by some kind of sharp object. Had Pinkie cut herself? There was something very wrong with this picture. The shop was an absolute disaster. Dishes piled up in the sink, the floor was dirty, things were disorganized. It truly looked as if a twister had ripped its way through here. "Pinkie... are you sure you're alright?" Twilgiht asked. Pinkie looked up at Twilight and nodded her head. "Yeah! Why wouldn't I be silly?" Pinkie said with obviously feigned hapiness. Pinkie had been acting weird for over three months but nopony had paid heed to it. They all just assumed it was Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie. Twilight huffed and made her way upstairs to Pinkie's room. If there was going to be any indication as to what was going on with Pinkie Pie then she had to check the most obvious place the pink mare would hide her deepest secrets. "Twilight.. where are you going?" Pinkie asked, her facial expressions taking on a worried pose. Twilight knew she just couldn't barge into Pinkie's room so she had to lie. She didn't like lying to her friend but it was for her own good. "Just the bathroom. And I know where it is so no need to show me" Twilight said, worried that she gave something away when she lied. She never was one for deceitful or underhanded acts. But desperate times called for desperate measures. "Oh... well come back down when you're done! We're gonna' have so much fun!" Pinkie shouted with the expected fake happiness. There was something wrong and Twilight was going to help her friend no matter what the cost. Their friendship meant too much for her to just dismiss this. Twilight made a left at the top of the stairs to give off the illusion she was going to the bathroom. She turned around and silently made her way to Pinkie's bedroom. The floor groaned under Twilight's hoof and she immediately stayed still. When she was sure that she had not given her position away, Twilight slowly made her way to the door again. She reached a trembling hoof to the doorknob and slowly turned. She didn't know why but something was wrong... very, very wrong. What lay behind the door was something out of a nightmare. All over the walls and floor were the words, I am dead. They were all over the walls, floor and ceiling. Not one square inch was spared by this creepy writing. "Twilight... what are doing!" Pinkie said from behind Twilight who jumped back in fright. "W-w-what.... is this?" Twilight asked, horrified that she found something as bad as this. She was hoping that it was just a friendship problem but it was clear that something was beyond wrong. Pinkie slowly walked into the room and examined the room. What scared Twilight the most was the calm, cold calculating look she gave her creepy surroundings. "You really want to know what happened here?" Pinkie asked, with a deadpan tone that scared Twilight beyond omprehension. There was something in those eyes... something not of this world. She didn't know how or why she knew this but whatever it was... it was indescribably horrifying. "Y-yes... I do." Twilight bravely ventured forth with an answer to an unnerving question. Pinkie was so calm and collective even after Twilight had found this. It made her wonder what exactly happened here... "Him..." Pinkie said, who had pointed at an empty corner in the ceiling. There was nothing there. But the more Twilight stared at this empty corner... the more she felt as if she was staring into the eyes of something evil. It was anything but empty... thre was something there. She could feel it. Twilight cast a spell that would help her see what Pinkie was referring to and immediately wished she had not. In that corner were black tendrils of shadow licking hungrily at the air and the surrounding wall. She felt as if something cold had grabbed hold of her heart and was squeezing the life out of her. Twilight cut off the spell and whimpered in fear, never taking her eyes off of that ominous corner. "Pinkie... we need to go. NOW" Twilight whispered to Pinkie. The pink mare turned her head towards her and shook her head. 'He won't let me leave. You need to go before he gets in your dreams too." Pinkie said with a warning tone evident in her voice. Twilight turned on a dime and sprinted out the door and into the hallway. She carelessly collided into the wall but didn't stop. She could feel something was chasing her but she couldn't see what it was. She had the feeling that the best way to help her friend was to get some help. The other hallway doors slammed shut, shaking the Sugarcube Corner violently. Something was screaming but it wasn't Pinkie. It seemed to be whispers but it was screaming. And there were thousands of them as well. They were filled with anguish, hate, and despair. Twilight never stopped and tripped down the stairs. She hit her head on the wall but was not knocked out. She groggily got up and stumbled over the counter. She opened the front door but it was slammed shut and she flew back and hit her back against the counter. "Hey you! Leave her alone you bully!" Pinkie yelled from atop the stairs. The screamed whispers suddenly stopped and all attention was on Pinkie Pie. She flew back and slammed into the wall behind her. Twilight could see her being dragged away to what she thought was her room. "TWILIGHT! RUN!" Pinkie Pie screamed. Some kind of ancient instinct told her that going after her friend would only result in disaster and unfathomable horrors. About three seconds later the whispers started up again and the shop started to violently shake again. She decided that going out the door was not an option. She spotted the window and went for it. She couldn't wait to open it so she dived head first out of it. The glass shattered and she was cut in multiple places. Blood trickled down her face. She quickly recovered and ran off into the stormy night. The rain drowned out her screams as she blindly ran down the streets. She faltered and stumbled, slamming her head into the wall of a house. She looked up slowly and saw that a vase had fallen off of the ledge. upon impact on her head she felt herself slip into darkness and was knocked out. As soon as the purple unicorn had slipped into a forced slumber, Sugarcube Corner had gone quiet in an instant. The only sounds to be heard were the rain and the thunder. Nopony had heard her scream but she was safe... For now.