Guardian of the Light

by DawnCrusade

Cross-Dimensional Confusion

Chapter Six: Cross-Dimensional Confusion

As Wryn and Max flew to Twilight's home, Wryn couldn't help but feel a kinship forming between him and the fiery alicorn. "So Max how did you end up in my world, it seems as if your entrance was predetermined to lead you to me," inquires Wryn.

"If you ask me, I have no idea," says Max, furrowing his brow in concentration, "I was in the hospital before this, but other than that I'm afraid I don't know a thing."

"So he was hurt? Could he have gone into some sort of coma and had his soul transported to my world?" Wryn contemplates, "Well you're welcome to live with me until we get this all sorted out," he says.

"Thanks, but I have a place to stay," explains Max, "I live with Twilight since we are married."

"Oh is he in for a suprise," Wryn thinks to himself, "Somehow that doesn't seem like the best decision you could've made Max, seeing as you just warped in from another dimension."

They land at Twilight's house and Max blinks at Wryn in confusion, "What do you mean by that?" he demands, staring Wryn in the eye.

Wryn opens the door, "Again, you are from another dimension, you may know people here, but they probably don't know you," he explains. With a complete disregard of Wryn's advice, Max gallops toward Twilight, "Hey wait!" Wryn didn't speak fast enough as Max is hit over the head with a book, "Different dimension!" he bursts out laughing.

"Wryn who is this alicorn?" asks Twilight as she levitates the book she hit Max with back on it's shelve, "And why was he running to me?"

Wryn stops laughing and stands up, "Everypony, I would like you to meet Max, he is apparently from another dimension that is similar to ours," says Wryn.

"That still doesn't explain why he galloped at the sight of me," huffed Twilight, irritated at the lack of an explination.

"Well," says Max, rubbing the back of his head, "Back in my world, I'm married to you and we have a foal," he is again smacked on the head with a book and Wryn falls back laughing.

"See what I mean?" Wryn says, trying to stifle his laughter, "Alternate dimensions can screw with your head, it's a whole new playing field." He stands back up, "So how were your days today, I hope you had fun because it's back to training tomorrow," Wryn says happily.

"Training?" Max groans, having been hit doubly hard the second time around, "What for?"

"The reason we fought was because I thought you were a spy working for the enemy," Wryn explains, "And I've been training my friends here to fight alongside me." Wryn turns back to the ponies, "Although I now will be meeting you all twice a week in the regular groups, then on the last day we will all spar with each other," he explains.

"Ah thought we already knew what we needed to," Applejack points out, "Will it just be to improve on our skills?"

Wryn shakes his head, "Dragons learn these skills early in life, so we are going to work on more advanced techniques from here on out," he describes. "So I will be meeting with earth ponies tomorrow morning, same time, same place!" says Wryn, "Now let's all get some rest."

The earth ponies wiped the sleep out of their eyes as they entered the cavern, Wryn was waiting paitiently atop a condensed diamond he had made. "Welcome again to training, however this time around you will both be training against me," Wryn grins slyly. "You will have to try and reach this diamond without me getting to you first is all," chuckles Wryn, "But just to let you know, the reason for this is because during your first fight it looked like your avatar was weighing you down."

"It was! They were super-duper heavy!" exclaims Pinkie, "I thought I was going to be stuck!"

"You shouldn't have," glared Wryn, "You wore your avatar like a piece of clothing, it should act like a second skin and shouldn't at all slow you down." He sighs, "So all you need to do is reach the diamond with your avatar, and you get to advance to the next stage in training," says Wryn, "But to warn you I won't hold back."

They charge up their avatars and charge at the diamond, but are swiftly knocked back by Wryn, "Ah'll get you fer that!" shouts Applejack.

"Then come at me!" yells Wryn, a grin spreading across his face, "Show me what you got!" They both charge at full force, but are knocked back again, Wryn yawns, "I thought you were going to get me on that one."

"That wasn't very nice!" shouts Pinkie, "I thought you were here to help us, not to pick on us!"

Wryn looks down, "In a real fight the enemy won't give you a chance to stop, you have to move fast and attack consistantly," he explains, "If I went easy on you we would get nowhere, I trust that you can handle this." With newfound vigor they attacked him again and again, coordinating their attacks and moving quicker than before, however they still couldn't reach the stone. "Let's call it a day," shouts Wryn, "It's getting late and I'm starving." They nod, panting hard from the harsh training he put them through, Wryn spreads his wings and offers to fly them back. Both earth ponies hopped onto his back and he took off, flying high above the clouds he takes a breath of fresh air. Glancing downwards he finds himself right above Twilight's, "This will be fun," Wryn thinks to himself. Folding his wings around his passengers, Wryn drops out of the sky, Pinkie and Applejack scream as the ground gets closer and closer. Wryn unfurls his wings at the last moment, slowing their descent and landing on the ground with a thud. Applejack and Pinkie were still shaking as they entered the library, where Wryn found an unconscious Max and an angry Twilight. "Let me guess, he forgot about the fact that he was in another dimension?" assumed Wryn.

"Yes," Twilight huffed, "He is starting to creep me out," and she walked over to Wryn, "So how did training go?"

"Pretty well," Wryn admits, gesturing at the two earth ponies, "Their working hard at the lesson I've created."

"Well you three look tired, go get some sleep, you have more training to deal with tomorrow," says Twilight, convincing her friends to get some rest.

"Thanks Twi, and don't worry, I'll keep Max down here so he doesn't disturb you," whispers Wryn, staring at the unconscious max.

Wryn was reclining on a branch, waiting for the two pegasi to show up for training, he had allowed Max to join him so Twilight wouldn't get annoyed and so Max wouldn't have permenant brain damage.

"So what kind of training do you put them through?" asks Max, peering at the ground below.

"Oh you'll see," answers Wryn, "Today's lesson will be interesting for our pegasi," he grins and laughs slightly. "Here they are now," Wryn says, he then calls them over to join him, "Today's lesson will be different then the ones we've had in the past, no attacking, no armor, all you need to do is catch me."

"That's it?" snorts Dash, "Honestly, I thought we were here to learn how to fight."

"Oh but this is the most important part of your training, how can you hope to fight an enemy if you can't catch them," explains Wryn, "You catch me, you get to train in combat, if not," he grins slyly, "You will have to try again the next time we meet to train."

"Ok then let's go," says Dash, taking a sprinter's stance, "I bet I can catch you in ten seconds flat."

"Try me," says Wryn, who spreads his wings and bolts off through the trees, and he calls back, "There won't be any slowing me down, even if you beg!"

Max looks at the two pegasi who began to chase down Wryn, "I guess I should try too," he grumbles.

Wryn weaved in and out through the trees, dodging the pegasi's attempts at catching him, "Do you not remember anything from your training? This isn't just a game of tag, it's training! So treat it like so!" he shouts out.

"Huh? Where'd he go?" asked Fluttershy, as she came to a halt next to Rainbow Dash, "He just vanished."

"Again, remember your training!" Wryn calls out from a branch high above the duo, he does a backflip in the air as Max tries to tackle him from behind.

"Oh yeah the Eagle Eye technique of course!" exclaims Dash, "How could I forget that?"

When they realized this, their attempts to catch Wryn got closer and closer, but he somehow ended up one step ahead of them. Wryn hovered between the three exhausted ponies, "I think we can call this a successful day of training," he says.

The two pegasi head towards their individual homes, and Wryn and Max start their flight to Twilight's, "What was the point to all that?" asks Max.

"Honestly, I don't know either," admits Wryn, "It was the way I was trained, and even my mentors had no idea why they did it." They land and walk into the library, finding Twilight asleep at her desk, Wryn picks her up and lays her in her bed. He walks downstairs and finds Max snoring away, "This guy wastes no time does he?" Wryn thinks as he also drifts asleep.

Wryn wakes up early the next morning, and wakes up Twilight, "If you wanna leave without Max knowing, you'd better do it now," he whispers.

Wryn is too late as he hears Max bounding up the stairs, "Who's ready to train?" he asks to his two facepalming friends.

The trio meets Rarity inside the ruins where they find her fiddling with a few gems, "Good to see you again Rarity," Wryn says, greeting the alabaster unicorn. "Training for today is going to focus on energy usage, since during the last fight it seemed as if you were relying too much on your vessels," he explains.

Twilight was about to respond when a flash of light comes from behind Max revealing a man in a top hat, "Seems like this is the right place," he says.

"Seriously, whats with the people teleporting from out of nowhere?" Wryn complains.

"No time for that, we must be on our way," says the man, teleporting Wryn, Max and Twilight, leaving Rarity alone in the ruins.


Thanks yet again to Camlio! We are working on a cross-story plotline here so go check out his story Universe of Dreams to follow the story!