//------------------------------// // The Wonders Of Another Universe(AKA The Stupid! It Burns!) // Story: Twilight Sparkle and Friends and the Incredibly Disastrous Re-enactment Project // by pmcollectorboy //------------------------------// The Wonders of Another Universe(AKA The Stupid! It Burns!) Twilight Sparkle stared at the strange contraptions before her, unsure of what to make of them. One seemed to be a box with a glass front and several buttons. Another one had a slot for some reason or another. All her other friends were equally as confounded, staring at the objects with mouths agape, but Pinkie Pie, without missing a beat, picked up the package, tore it open, slid the object inside into the box with the slot and pressed some buttons. Pinkie. How are they watching a television without electricity? Hey! We're My Little Pony! I ain't gotta explain. . . "Shh! The show is starting!" Pinkie Pie said, shushing the ceiling. As the ponies watched the box with the glass front, it took a while for the idea to register with most, save for Pinkie Pie, that they were watching a show, a show made of moving images. The show went through several advertisments and a disclaimer of sorts. Then the main show started up with a chipper song. "My Little Pony! My Little Pony!" the show sang. "Oh my!" Rarity squawked. "Heavens to Betsy!" exclaimed Applejack. "I think I'm going to be sick," muttered Rainbow Dash. Twilight watched intently, hoping to learn as much of the movie as possible, eager to do a good job for Princess Celestia. As she watched, she levitated the script and flipped through it, dividing her attention between it and the movie. "Who in the hay is Danny De Vito?" Twilight asked. A name in the script then caught her attention. "Cathy Cavadini? Why does that name sound familiar?" Oh! I know! Twilight! You know her from being a voice actor for. . . POMF! TUMBLE! CLANG! THUD! Fillies and gentlecolts, I apologize for my friend's rude behavior. There will be no more distractions. The show wove its theme song through various scenes. Pinkie Pie watched intently, humming along to the theme song. Rarity smiled and rubbed the back of her neck as a bead of sweat pooled on her forehead. She seemed to wobble back and forth between being mildy embarrassed and somewhat entertained. Applejack merely stuck out her tongue. Rainbow Dash looked physically ill. Spike frowned and pointed at a particular scene. "Is that supposed to be me? Why do I look so. . . weird? Why do I SOUND weird?" The rest of the show played on in relative peace, with most of the rude comments coming from Rainbow Dash. After the show ended, Twilight ejected the "tape" and flipped through the script. "Wow. That was. . . somethin'," Applejack muttered vacantly. "We're supposed to make a stage version out of THAT?" Rainbow Dash exclaimed, her face still pulled into a grimace. "Oh I don't think it was all THAT bad," Rarity added, although her half-sideways smile suggested she was uncertain of her feelings. "That's what Princess Celestia asked of us, Rainbow Dash," Twilight said, never taking her eyes off the script. "I guess we'd better start by building a stage out somewhere." Twilight looked up. "Rarity. Do you still have that stage you used for the fashion show?" Rarity shook her head. "I'm afraid I dismantled the thing, and it didn't seem big enough for a full blown play." "Oh. Well then I guess we'll just have to build a stage from scratch." Applejack stepped forward and puffed out her chest with pride. "I'm the pony for that job!" She then tapped her right front hoof to her chin and looked up in thought. "Although I may have to call in a favor from my handypony cousin for help." Rainbow Dash glanced from the "tape" and then back to Twilight. "Hey shouldn't we pen our own version of the script before we do this thing?" Twilight shook her head. "No time. We're doing this thing on the fly, but I'll make a list of whom I think should be cast as which character." Rainbow Dash still looked queasy about the whole idea, but Applejack placed a strong hoof on her shoulder. "Come on, everypony. Let's get this thing started and put on a good show!" Applejack exclaimed with pride. As all her friends departed, Twilight slumped to the ground, the odd nature of the task and the weight of her responsibilities finally catching up with her. "What have I gotten myself into?"