//------------------------------// // Wedding // Story: Luna's Exile. // by Discordisbestnonpony //------------------------------// "You look beautiful sister..." The moon Princess sighed, looking up at her beaming sister in her perfect white lace dress, her flowing rainbow mane, she looked stunning. "Thank you, sister." The sun Princess smiled down at her younger sister, wrapping a wing around her "And as do you, in your dress, my young sister." Celestia smiled down at her young sister, in her perfect blue and black dress, the moon princess weakly smiles up at her sister, she didn't want to ruin her sister's big day. "Princess! It is time, your groom is awaiting!" called a guard from outside the door "Good luck young sister." Celestia smiled as her sister went ahead of her down the aisle. Luna sighed to herself, she knew that some thing wasn't right about this, but, she must do it. For her sister, no matter how much she dis-liked her sister's soon-to-be husband, the thought of them being married sickened her, but, it was for her sister, and she loved her sister, and she will do it for her... She walked down the aisle, and blushed slightly as everypony looked at her as she walked down the aisle, she held her head high, and went and stood, beside where her sister should soon stand. She glanced over at her sister's fidgeting groom, who was fighting the tux he oh-so reluctantly had to wear. She looked up when she heard everypony stand to welcome the bride as she walked down the aisle. Celestia looked through her veil at her groom, his yellow eyes, brighter than normal, and for once, he wasn't trying to cause chaos, although, everypony could tell he hated the tux he was forced to wear. His eyes shone when they made eye-contact with his perfect beaming bride... He reached down and held her hooves, as she held his paw and his other chicken-like foot. The reverent smiled at the couple, he began. "Today, we shall bound a princess, and a soon to be prince. Our princess of the sun, Celestia, and Discord, the god-of-chaos, of whom, he has decided for his bride, he shall lay off the chaos, for his wonderful bride. But, we shall get started..." The reverent put on his glasses as he lifted a piece of paper with his magic, he cleared his throat. "Today, under the sun and moon, and the approval of the moon princess of whom, is standing next to her sister. "Do you princess Luna, agree to this marriage, and to support this marriage?" Luna look at all the ponies staring at her. She had to say yes, even though she didn't want to. "I.. Yes. I do, an I will." She said lifting her head high, the reverent smiled once again "Very well.. Will the ringpony please bring forth the rings?" The ringpony trotted forward nervously with the rings, the reverent took them and kindly dipped his head to the young stallion, the reverent once again cleared his throat and started the ceremony... ~~~~~ "You may now kiss the bride!" the reverent said smiling brightly, after what seemed like forever of him talking about the bondage of marriage and how wonderful it was to have a new prince. Celestia by now had been crying from joy for about an hour, and Discord had been holding back his tears which started flowing as he kissed his bride, the couple went down the aisle at a quick pace to get to the reception, with Luna close behind along with the bride's maids, they walked into the Ball Room of the castle, it was decorated perfectly, light blues, little suns hanging down from the ceiling, along with different shades of browns, a long buffet table sat, along with a long table for the bride and groom, Celestia leaned in and whispered to her new husband "Now, remember Discord. No chaos, you can cause it later, but not here please..." She said as she notices him itching to do so. "Oh but dear...! You know how much I long too!" He says scratching her under the chin. "But for you my dear, I wont... I will later though... And if I do, it will be a few harmless pranks...!" He says snapping his talons causing somepony to float magically "See?" He smirks snapping them again making the pony fall to the ground suddenly "Harmless!" He chuckles. Celestia chuckles a little "Don't do it many times dear." Discord face falls a little "Fine, fine." He sighs and walks to his seat at the table, along with Celestia to sit, Luna sits beside them as they are served their dinner of roasted carrots and a small baked hay garnish, and cloud cake for desert. Luna eats silently while Discord and Celestia do small talk, flirting once and while, everpony looks up as the DJ, Record-Scratch puts on music for the newly weds to dance to, Celestia smiles up at Discord as he takes her hoof gently into his paw, they begin to Waltz and Luna smiles at the two "Maybe its just me... Maybe he really does love her...." She thinks to herself as the two dance happily, the song quickly ends and Discord quickly sweeps his bride into a kiss making every pony clap and cheer for the two. Record-Scratch stands and smiles "Lets get this party started everypony!" He says putting a faster pace music for everypony to dance to, Celestia walks over to her younger sister, of whom is still sitting at the table being the only pony who isn't dancing. "Why aren't you enjoying the party sister?" Celestia looks at her sister with concern, Luna snaps out of her train of thought "I am sister. I was just thinking. And besides sister. I have nopony to dance with." Luna weakly smiles up at her sister. Celestia sighs "Very well sister..." She says going back to her new husband with a slight frown, he curls around her "Is your sister being a bore again my dear? I could fix that with just a snap of my talons...." He says with a sly smile as he scratches under her chin again. "One tiny snap of my talons my dear I could make her the life of the party! It would be simply marvelous!" Celestia sighs "But.... We shouldn't, it wouldn't be right thing Discord. She would be upset, and this wedding has already been hard on her.." "But my dear!" Discord protests "It would be a simple prank! No harm would be done to her! Or anypony else! Just maybe pains in their sides from laughter my dear Celestia!" Discord pets his wife's mane "Promise it wont hurt her at all Discord?" Discord's smile grows as she says this "Oh my dear.. I promise!" He says snapping his talons making Luna magically come to the dance floor making her dance magically and clearly against her will "Discord!!" The moon princess yells as she starts kicking her legs out and folding her front hooves to her chest by force. "PUT ME DOWN!!!!!! " The moon princess yells furious as she falls to the ground starting to do a version of the worm. "Discord!" Celestia says firmly trying not to giggle. "Put her down now..." Celestia says trying to keep a strait face. "Fine.... Fine.." Discord says snapping his talons making her fall to the ground, causing everypony to laugh to laugh at poor Luna. She backs away from everypony laughing and taking pictures for the Newspapers, she quickly turns around and runs out the door tears starting to fall down her face as she runs to the castle "Discord...." Celestia sighs "Oh she just takes every thing to seriously!" Discord smirks as she runs away.