The Nightmare Reborn

by vintage brony

Chapter Four - Arcade antics

Kidd awoke on the rectangular and incredibly uncomfortable couch and groaned. Alright today is the day I get my house back. He said angrily in his head. Rolling himself off he got on his hind legs and stretched his back, falling back down to all four. He made his way to go and make sure the pegasus he was bunking with didn't make an excuse for himself today. Before he opened the door he put an ear to the door and heard him mumbling in his sleep.

“Don't put too much solder – he snored – you'll fry the mother board.” Evan said rolling in his sleep. Aww he looks so peaceful... Kidd thought, I should leave him be. “WAKE UP!” Kidd yelled at the top of his lungs actually lifting in the air for a moment. He was trying to keep a scowl while fighting the urge to laugh at the scene that ensued.

“What!? Whats going to explode!?” Evan said falling off his bed and looking around with widened eyes. Seeing Kidd holding back laughter he sat up fears forgotten. “Well isn't somepony just a joy in the mornings?” He asked sarcastically.

Once Kidd regained his composure he put on a demanding face. “Today is the day Evan, I need my home fixed. I haven't painted or created in almost a week!” He stressed to Evan who started rubbing the back of his head with a hoof in embarrassment.

“Well it has been awhile, and I did say that I would have it fixed.” He began barely looking at the still glaring Kidd. “Alright Kidd I'll get it done today. Let me just go grab my things.” Evan said getting to his hooves and began walking to his lab. Kidd then put on a smile and followed Evan.

Later that day...

Kidd walked outside from his now completely fixed home (inside and out) and sat next to the panting unicorn. “Well Kidd... its done... finally.” Evan said between huffs of breath, He wiped his forehead with a hoof and continued. “Now just letting you know I put an invention of my own in. Nails with a reinforcing spell. Next time part of my house crashes into yours it should be ok.” He said closing his eyes and smiling with pride.

“Evan...” Kidd said drawing out the name to warn him he was in dangerous waters.

“Don't worry wont happen again!” Evan said in a rush and waving his hooves around to calm Kidd.

“Yeah well I wanted to know if you wanted to go to the arcade. My treat, just to say thanks.”

“Buck yeah I do!” Evan said jumping in the air fatigue forgotten. He then galloped into his home and came back out shortly after wearing a shirt. Kidd read the front and questioned him “Pony Kombat?”.

“Yeah who doesn't like this game!” Evan exclaimed excitedly. “Oh and I know the pony who owns the arcade! Maybe he'll let us use the BIG machine!” Evan said gazing at the sky, eyes widened in thought. Which only made Kidd curious, Big machine? I wonder what he means by that. He pondered in his head.

“Well if we wanna make it before it gets packed we better start heading over there now.” Kidd said standing up. “Right!” Evan said as he began to follow Kidd to the towns arcade.

“Come on you!” The owner of the Broken Joystick said in frustration. He jumped from the red pad he was on and flew over to a metal pole with a pony sized red ball on the end. Once there he planted his hooves firmly on the floor and pushed hard, tilting the pole away from himself. Once that was complete he then flew back to the pad he previously occupied. Then threw himself down on it, bringing in all his weight to depress the surface to mesh with the floor for a moment. Then repeated the act on a pad just to the right of the first.

His focus was fierce, a bead of sweat slowly sank down across his face. He refused to blink so he didn't miss even a second of the action before him. “Alright I got this, I'm gonna be so ready for the kingdom wide play off!” He said boosting his confidence. “Its time to finish this!” He yelled as he saw his opportunity. He spread his wings to take flight one last time. Pushing off at great speed he headed for the metal pole to move it into place as he narrowed his eyes in determination.

“Excuse me, do you know where we can find the owner of this arcade?” Kidd asked the speeding pegasus who glanced at him, breaking his concentration and hitting the red ball on the pole. He awoke to the sensation of a hoof jabbing his side. “Geez Kidd way to commit murder. Now what are we gonna do?” Evan asked jabbing the unconscious pegasus again.

“I just asked him a question! Oh Celestia what am I gonna do!? I'm gonna get sent to a dungeon!” Kidd said holding his head on either side with a hoof while he hovered using his wings.

Hmm they think I'm dead Hu? Time to make these stallions into foals. The stirring pegasus thought in his still spinning head. He then let out a low grunt, gaining the attention of the two stallions around him.

“Oh thank Celestia hes alive!” Kidd said landing by him. “Are you ok?” He asked leaning towards him.

The wounded pegasus only mumbled quietly. “Um sorry I didn't catch that. What did you say?” Kidd asked leaning close with his ear perked up to listen more intently. His only answer was another quite mumble. “One more time?” He leaned close enough that their checks were almost touching.


Kidd's eyes widened but he remained stiff as a board, “What did you say?...” He asked fearing the answer.

“BRAINS!” The awoken pegasus exclaimed loudly throwing his eyes open and sitting up in a flash.

Kidd flew up and embedded himself in a nearby cloud leaving only his eyes visible. Evan quickly floated a cardboard box over himself (even though the box was shaking visibly). Seeing their reaction made the dark red pegasus lose the charade in a fit of laughter. Once the other two stallions heard the laughing then looked at the pony rolling on the floor. Kidd was miffed that he had feared for this ponies safety only to get this in return.

Once he regained control of himself the dark red pony sat up and wiped an eye with a foreleg. “You guys are to easy. Did you really believe I was a zombie? From hitting a pole?” He asked between small chuckles.

“Well sorry for worrying about my fellow pony.” Kidd said as he flew and crossed his forelegs in annoyance. “Anyways we're looking for the manager of this arcade to see if its open today. Have you seen him or her?”

“That is him Kidd. Hey there Hocus Winfrey! Hows it goin?” Evan said quickly recovering from the scare.

The pegasus glanced at Evan then appearing to remember him replied “Oh hey there Event! Its good, just got a new game for the BIG machine!” Hocus said growing a smile. Getting to his hooves fine he dusted himself off with a wing.

“Yeah sorry...” Evan said lowering his head while keep his eyes at the arcade.

“Sorry? For what?” Hocus asked, Then remembered what he was doing before these two arrived. “Oh no...” He said wide eyed. Slowly he turned around and glanced at the building holding his mouth agape at the sight before him.

“What?” Kidd asked in puzzlement finally giving the building a once over. He realized the building was actually a big arcade machine! On the side was a pixelated depiction of Hocus with a fierce and determined glare, along with random game characters. The entrance to the building was actually the coin slot! He could even see the pole that Hocus flew into was a huge joystick! Then he noticed the big screen had across the majority of it the words 'GAME OVER'.

“So I'm assuming that – Kidd gestured with a hoof at the huge machine – Is the BIG machine. Am I right?” He asked.

Hocus turned to look at Kidd with a a disbelieving face. “Oh really? What gave it away? The fact that its a whole building?”

“Well you don't have to be such a jerk about it...” Kidd shot back.

“Hey hey come on. We're all gentlecolts here right?” Evan tried. Resulting in both turning from each other and closing their eyes. Evan sighed then continued with his ears down feeling sad his friends were fighting. “So Hocus... is the arcade open today? We were planning to spend the day here.” Hocus looked at him expressionless in return, not saying anything. “Please?” Evan said with a pleading grin.

Hocus looked away and sighed. “Fine, just don't bother my friend in there he said he needs a break and doesn't want to be bothered. Oh and one more thing, I think there is a hobo living in there or something...” Hocus said waving his hoof in a nonchalance way that didn't fit his statement.

The pair looked at him with agape mouths and widened eyes. “Wait, what?” Evan asked. “The way you said that sounds like that you don't know. How can you not know if somepony is living in there? Don't you live there?!”

“Yeah but I've only seen glimpses on the security cameras. I haven't seen him myself. And its only in shadows. Who ever this is is really good at what he - “Or she.” Kidd interrupted quickly – Or she... does. Whatever they do.” Hocus explained.

“Oh we'll help you!” Evan almost yelled.

“We?” Kidd asked him. “I just wanted to play some Hungry Hungry Parasprites.” Evan put on his best puppy dog face. “Ew what are you doing?”

Evan gave up the face then replied “Come on! Please? I cant just let him have this problem. If there is one... And you gotta help me! I'll owe you one!” Evan pleaded.

Finally giving in Kidd hung his head and ears then sighed. “Alright I'll help you.” Evan grew a wide smile and jumped in place.

“Awesome! So can we look at the video hoofage? It could give us some clues that we need.” Evan asked Hocus.

“Sure, come on in then. The equipment is all in the back room.” Hocus answered leading the way.

While he was being lead Kidd took in the appearance of this other pegasus, he knew he has seen him before. He had a red coat and eyes to match. His mane and tail were black with dark grey streaks. Kidd doubted that this was from age, he looked barely older than Kidd himself. His mane was slightly unkempt but like Evan his tail seemed to be in good order. His cutie mark was the detail that held the memory Kidd was looking for. It was an arcade controller, Kidd had painted this pony before!

“Hey I know you!” Kidd said glad that he remembered. “You are part of that family of magicians! The Legerdemain's! They are some of the most renowned magicians in all of Equestria!” Kidd exclaimed excitedly. Hocus turned his head not even looking at Kidd before replying.

“They, are the Legerdemain's. I am not one of them. I choose my own destiny. It is not set in a stone some other pony chiseled before I was born.” Hocus said, annoyance seeping into his voice. This statement left the other stallions with an awkward silence that both were scared of breaking. Hocus simply looked forward again and continued.

Kidd walked by Evan following Hocus and asked him without taking his eyes off the strange pegasus. “Hey do you know what all that was about?” Kidd whispered trying to keep the conversation private.

Evan also refused to take his eyes off his friend as he replied. “Sort of, he doesn't really like to about it much. But it has something to do with a family tradition.” Evan also whispered.

“Alright this is the room, please be careful of the wires and things in here. If any of it breaks then Evan would have to fix it all.” Hocus warned the ponies following him.

“Evan? Why would he have to fix it?” Kidd asked with a quizzical look on his face.

“Yeah Evan made this hole set up. One of the things hes made. State of the art spell matrix that is monitored here. Its supposed to trip when anypony is trespassing and seal them in and notify me and the authorities. But as of late it appears to not be working.” Hocus said casting his gaze at an embarrassed Evan.

“I have been meaning to update it all and reinforce the spell but it should still be working. I'll have to inspect it later but I didn't notice anything wrong on my way here...” Evan said defending himself.

“Anyways these are the gems that hold all the hoofage that I've caught sight of the trespasser.” Hocus said opening a hidden safe to reveal three crystals, all of them in a dodecahedron shape. He grabbed them and placed them on a table that had what appeared to be a projector with a slot for the gems on top.

“Alright well you guys go through these and I've got to check on my friend real quick.” Hocus said as he turned to leave.

“Alright.” They both replied in return, attentions held by the projector.

Hocus made his way through empty rows of arcades, finally stopping at the only one in use at the moment. “Hey there Sketch hows your break from reality goin?” Hocus asked the pegasus before him.

This pegasus was easily the biggest pony that wasn't an alicorn he had ever seen. He was probably just a little shorter than Celestia herself. He had a pure white coat and light green eyes. His mane and tail were brown in color, his mane being rather bushy but short and his tail resembling it. His cutie mark was that of a paint brush making a bold and elegant streak of blue on his flank.

He answered while keeping his focus on the screen, not wanting to lose the race he was in. “I'm feeling a lot better thanks. Maybe as payment I can make some more artwork for here? I've already got some ideas that I can do.”

“Sure that would be great! And before I forget have you... seen anyone in here? You know besides me?” Hocus asked fearing the answer.

“No just you walking around near the arcades over there.” Sketch said motioning a hoof in the general direction.

“Over in the corner? I've been outside for the past half hour.” Hocus said thinking if he had been over there at all that day.

“Maybe I was seeing things I don't know. Been kinda busy racing through the EverFree Forest.” He said barely paying attention.

“Alright well if you see anything or need anything I'll be in the back ok?” Hocus said starting his way back to Kidd and Evan.

“Ok. Dang it! Second!? I was right on his flank!” Sketch yelled at the screen.

Hocus walked into the room and saw them watching the most recent crystal, today's. And the video was stopped with a blurry image of a silhouette dashing behind an arcade game near the back corner. “Well this cant be good.” Hocus said mostly to himself.

“Well at least we have a lead on them. With all of this we could go to the police and have them search the building.” Evan said motioning his hoof towards the crystals. Then the lights and equipment in the room turned off.

“Hey who pushed me!?” Evan asked angrily.

“Ow watch were your going!” Kidd said.

“What happened to the lights!?” Hocus asked.

When the lights came back on the crystals were all gone. “Ok. So anypony else got an idea?” Evan asked weakly. Kidd and Hocus both facehoofed in unison.