//------------------------------// // Tax Payer's Nightmare // Story: The Strongest There Is // by Onomonopia //------------------------------// Pinkie followed Hulk to Applejack's farm, where she waited for him to come crashing down next to some trees. Pinkie covered her eyes as Hulk's landing kicked up a dust cloud and knocked over some of the apple trees. Pinkie made a mental note to tell AJ about that later as she followed Hulk into the Everfree Forest. The sun had just begun its descent behind the mountains, but already there were shadows that gave the forest a creepy look. While that would be enough to scare most ponies, Pinkie knew the forest well and she also knew that the Hulk was far more dangerous than anything the forest could throw at her. "Are you feeling alright?" Pinkie asked him as she hopped over the trees he had toppled over on his march. He only grunted in reply and continued to walk forward. "I figured that seeing some pony from your world would upset you, but can't you talk to me? I am your friend after all. You can trust me." Hulk growled in reply as he came to a stop and looked around, eyeing the trees for something. "Hulk have nothing to say," Hulk finally said. "Metal Man no important now, none of them important." "Then you don't care if I hold onto this?" Pinkie asked from atop Hulk's shoulders as she held the transmitter that Iron Man had given Hulk in front of his face. He growled and tried to snatch it away from her, but she moved it and hopped down to the ground. "Well, do you?" "Hulk no care. Hulk only want to-" Pinkie came to a stop beside the Hulk, looking at him with confusion as Hulk glared ahead at a certain pony that stood in front of him. "What silver pony doing here? Hulk warned you about trying to mess with Hulk!" Pinkie looked from Hulk to the empty space in front of him, having no idea what he was talking about. As far as she could tell, it was only the two of them in the whole forest. 'I must say that I am amazed with you Hulk,' the silver mare said to Hulk sounding very impressed. 'I did not think it possible for you to actually make a friend, but here is the proof of how wrong I was. You have earned my respect to a degree.' "Hulk no want your respect! Hulk wants you to leave Hulk alone!" Hulk snarled back, getting ready to charge at her. "Um Hulk? I know the both of us are crazy to some degree, but I have no idea what you're talking about," Pinkie said to Hulk as she used her night vision goggles to no avail. Whatever was angering the Hulk, she couldn't see it. But whatever it was, she figured that if it bothered Hulk enough he'd deal with it. "Well I'm going ahead. When you're done talking to the whatever it is, I'll be up here." Pinkie then hopped off, stopping next to where Hulk had been glaring and squinting her eyes. When she still didn't see anything she frowned but continued along her way. "Puny pony can't see you?" Hulk snarled at the silver mare, who turned her head back towards Hulk. Hulk's rage let up for a minute when he saw what looked like...sadness in her eyes. She realized that Hulk was looking into her face and re-adjusted her hood so that he could no longer see. "Why silver pony sad? What Pinkie do to pony?" 'It is a story for another time,' she said quickly, causing Hulk to get angry at her once again. "What are you hiding from Hulk? What should Hulk know?!" The silver mare didn't answer, but instead looked back towards where Pinkie was. 'All in due time, but I don't know if you are one I should trust. But for now, I will tell you not to give up on your friend, no matter what happens. Even if she makes mistakes.' Then she simply vanished into thin air, leaving Hulk alone with his rage. He growled at where she had vanished before heading over to Pinkie, figuring that the pony had indicated for him to join her. Hulk walked over to Pinkie to find her jaw dropped, smirking to himself as he followed her gaze and saw that they were at the spot where he had impacted the ground when he first arrived here. "Finally Hulk find spot." "You wanted to come back here?" Pinkie asked him as she looked into the massive crater. "Um, did you by any chance fall from space when you got here?" "That what Banner said," Hulk muttered as he walked down into the crater, looking around with growing frustration. Pinkie watched him quietly for a minute, before she couldn't take it any more and had to ask... "What are you looking for?" she asked him as he started to kick over trees in frustration. "Maybe I can help. I have this cool thing called my 'Pinkie sense' that allows me to detect things that are otherwise undetectable. Do you want my help?" "Hulk don't care if pony help, but Hulk need to find puny robot." "What's a robot?" "The thing Hulk smashed as he fell from sky," Hulk responded as he started lifting up trees. "Hulk now remembered him after metal man show up. Hulk forgot to completely smash him." "Oh that's cool," Pinkie said as she started looking around as well before her entire body began to shake uncontrollably. "Whoa, that was a big one!" Pinkie exclaimed as she started walking in zig zags. "I haven't felt a shiver like that since that Hydra attacked us, when Fluttershy needed to drop off her frogs!" Hulk was content to ignore her as he continued to search, but then the both of them heard the sounds of screaming coming from the distance. "That sounded like it came from-!" Hulk grabbed Pinkie under one arm and launched the both of them into the sky as they headed for Ponyville, which was already burning. "How many times puny town going to be in danger?!" Hulk roared over the rush of the wind. "You get used to it," Pinkie told him as they landed in the town square, Hulk dropping Pinkie as he spotted the source of the fires. The robot that he had battled was firing beams of energy into the buildings and ponies, scanning them as it did so. "So is that the-?" "RRRAAAAHHHH!!" Hulk roared before charging towards the robot with both arms outstretched. The robot, named Gyro, turned as it heard his roar and started to run towards him, it's eyes glowing a crimson red as it resumed its attack. Any ponies that were caught in between the charging giants quickly ran out of the way as Hulk and Gyro leapt at each other at the same time, the robot managing to slip under Hulk's grasp and drove him into the ground. Hulk kicked it off and rolled back to his feet, slamming his hands into the ground to create an earthquake that sent Gyro flying through one of the buildings. Hulk charged the fallen machine only to receive a blast of energy into his chest that threw him into the side of a carpet shop, another blast then sent him through it. Hulk roared and shook off the rubble of the building that had been brought down on him, while Pinkie watched him charge right back at the robot, grabbing its leg and slamming it through a number of stands. "Pinkie!" Pinkie turned to see her friends all running over to her, the Elements of Harmony on all their necks. "What is that thing and why is it attacking the town?!" "Seems that he and Hulk had a grudge match before they reached our planet," Pinkie explained as Hulk ripped a building out of the ground and smashed it onto Gyro's head. Gyro followed by letting loose a storm of fire into Hulk's eyes, which forced him back while momentarily blinding him. Gyro then leapt onto Hulk's back and tried to stab him with a needle, but the needle folded like paper on Hulk's skin and allowed Hulk to leap onto Gyro's back in an attempt to crush it. "The two of them are going to tear the whole town apart at this rate!" RD exclaimed as the ground shook under the ponies' hooves as the two titans continued to clash. "Pinkie, can't you do something to calm him down?" "Like what? He's in 'fight mode' and until that thing is scrap he's not going to stop!" Pinkie yelled back as Hulk grabbed the robot by its torso and legs, slowly starting to pull it apart. The robot's red eyes then looked over to the ponies and started to scan them, starting with Twilight. Hulk had almost ripped it in half...when it simply teleported out of his grasp. "That was my teleportation spell," Twilight whispered as Hulk looked around for the robot with a roar, not expecting it to appear over his hand and slam its legs into his head. Hulk snarled and reached around to grab the robot by the leg, trying to drag it down to him as it looked over at Rainbow Dash. Then it shot off into the sky, with a very surprised Hulk in tow. It then started to spin until it became a rainbow tornado, throwing off the Hulk and sending him crashing back down towards the ground. "Hey! That's my move!" RD yelled angrily. Hulk shot back out of the ground and slammed into the robot's chest in mid-air, wrapping one of his massive hands around the robot's sensor as he figured out what it was doing. The robot's head began to glow and a purple aura started to tear his fingers off of its face. Hulk quickly let go and swung his other fist around into the robot's leg, the blunt impact tearing the leg off. The robot glowed again and lifted Hulk up in front of it before throwing him into the Sugarcube Corners. Hulk groaned as he started to get up, looking up just in time to see a barrage of lasers start hitting the house. Hulk was about to leave when he heard the sounds of crying foals coming from upstairs. "Argh! Ponies always helpless," he growled to himself as he leapt to the second floor, walking towards the room from where he heard the crying and tearing the door off its hinges. Inside, he saw the two foals that Pinkie had shown him earlier as well as two ponies that had been knocked unconscious by a falling beam. Hulk shook his head and walked past the two ponies and placed his hands into the babies' crib, watching with a smile as they climbed into his hand. He then crouched down as he prepared to jump out of the house as more laser fire started to hit the house, but one of the foals grabbed his hand. "Mama. Daddy," the foal with the horn said to him. Hulk looked back at the two ponies with a sigh, knowing that he had to help them too. Hulk reached down with his other hand and flicked away the beam before scooping the two ponies up. After he tucked them under his arm and closed his fist over the two foals to protect them, he shot out of the building as it crumbled around him and landed next to the ponies. "Take stupid ponies and keep them out of Hulk's way," he said to Pinkie as he dropped the two unconscious ponies next to the Elements and then handed the foals to Pinkie, who scooped them into her arms as Hulk turned around and threw himself back into the fray. "Bye-bye Hulky!" the foals said as he charged Gyro. Hulk saw the robot setting fire to more houses as he sailed through the air, so when he got close to it he slammed his hands together to create a massive shockwave that blasted the robot out of the air. It crashed into the ground near Twilight's library and got up with more laser fire, ripping a branch off of Twilight's house to smack Hulk as he came crashing down to the ground. The branch broke on Hulk's skin and he collided with the robot, grabbing its arm as it tried to escape, and the Green giant ripped it off as well. The robot staggered back as it used the magic it had copied from Twilight to keep itself upright while it fired more lasers into Hulk's chest. Hulk managed to dodge most of the lasers, until one slipped under his arm and hit-- "PINKIE!" Twilight screamed as the pink pony threw herself over the foals to protect them from the laser blast, knocking her over and out cold. While the ponies rushed to her aid, Hulk looked down at Pinkie with a cold rage building in his heart, not at the pony that lay before him, but towards the robot that would dare to hurt his friend. Gyro had just hurt the only creature that had been kind to him since he had arrived...and then he snapped. "HULK RIP YOU IN TWO!" Hulk screamed as he threw himself at Gyro, who fired a volley of magic at him. Hulk ran straight through the laser fire and swung the robot's arm into it's head, knocking the head clean off as it sailed into the distance. Hulk then let out a roar as he grabbed the robot's chest and slammed it into the ground, tearing out it's inner workings with increased rage. "HULK SMASH YOU! HULK BEAT YOU! HULK KILL YOU!" Hulk screamed as he tore open Gyro's chest plate and started to tear out his wires and inner workings, oil and fluids spraying all over him as he started to rip at the robot at an increasing speed. Hulk went in for the finishing blow, but a pink hoof wrapped around his arm to stop him. Hulk turned to see Pinkie holding onto his arm, tears streaming down her face. "Stop Hulk. It's over. Please stop," she whispered to him. Hulk growled and shook her off, but didn't finish his attack and stood up to glare at her. "Why pony stop Hulk?" "Look," Pinkie said softly as she pointed to all the ponies who had been watching the entire fight. Hulk looked at all of them in confusion, narrowing his eyes to realize that they were all looking at him in terror.--and they weren't just looking at him, they were also looking at the cords and wires that were being held in Hulk's hands...hands that were also covered in oil as well as pieces of metal. Then Pinkie looked back up at him with sad eyes. "They think you just ripped a creature apart. And now they fear you again." Hulk looked down at the robot which was no longer moving or reacting, oil spilling from where its limbs should have been. Hulk looked up at all the ponies with a sigh, standing back up and dropping the pieces of the machine at his feet as he looked at Pinkie. "Hulk no care what they think. If they think Hulk is a monster, then Hulk monster," Hulk said with a grim face as he turned off towards the mountain that he had made home. "Hulk is used to being feared." "Hulk, that's not what I-" Pinkie brought a hoof up over her eyes as Hulk kicked off the ground and sailed into the distance. She sighed to herself as she watched his green body sail away, mentally kicking herself at upsetting Hulk once again. Then she looked around at all the ponies. She realized that he wasn't the only one who needed cheering up. All of the ponies in the town seemed down after this attack and she couldn't blame them. So Pinkie Pie thought of a fullproof idea of how to both bring up their spirits and get the ponies to accept Hulk again. She was going to throw Hulk a party.