A Little Shock

by Dreamgirl

The Reveal

"I'm pregnant"
Thrilled with this news Lightning Spark picked Luna up and spun her around, then setting her down gently. He then noticed the worried look on his wife's face "What's the matter Luna, I thought you'd be happy"
"I am, it's just...I don't know...I guess I'm just a bit nervous"
"Well to tell you the truth I'm kind of nervous too, we've only been married for a year; we talked about having kids but not for a couple more years"
"I know, I'm scared Lightning"
"Me too, but that's okay my mother once told me that there is nothing as frightening or as wonderful as becoming a parent".
The princess hugged her husband "You always know what to say, and I do love you enough to have your baby"
"I love you too Luna" the parents to be locked their lips in a deep kiss.
Luna began her second month of pregnancy, and was showing nicely with a slight baby bump. Her morning sickness had passed and her cravings kicked in, she mostly craved bread and butter pickles; she was also getting kind of moody and was yelling at Lightning Spark to stop breathing on her. Luna was sitting outside trying to relax but she just couldn't. Lightning came over to her with a big plate of pickles "Here honey I thought you may want a snack, how are you feeling?"
"I'm light-headed and my ankles are swollen...I Hate You...You Did This To ME!"
"Well hello hormones"
Luna looked ashamed for snapping at him "I'm sorry I'm just worried, are we doing the right thing bring a child into this world?"
"Look we knew when we got married that we'd start a family together sooner or later, it just has to be sooner; but don't worry Luna I'll be by your side every step of the way"
The princess smiled "Thanks Lightning, I think I'll go take a nap" Luna was about to get up but Lightning Spark picked her up the way he did when he carried her across the thresh hold. Curious Luna asked "What are you doing?"
"Well I don't want you to get tired"
"That's so sweet"
Lightning started to carry her up to their room, and Luna thought that it was warm there in his arms; she soon fell asleep in his arms. When Lightning Spark got to their room he noticed that his wife was asleep and he sat down on the bed stretched out and kind of cradled her, Luna smiled and snuggled into Lightning's chest.
When Luna opened her eyes she saw her husband staring at her, just staring and smiling "Were you watching me sleep?"
"Can you blame me your adorable"
Luna giggled, but it was cut short because she felt something weird "Oh" she gasped
"What's wrong?" Lightning asked
"It just felt like a cricket ran across my stomach"
"Really, that must be the baby kicking"
The princess put her hand on her stomach "No way, that's the baby; do you want to feel?"
"Uh...I don't.."
"Oh come on, feel your son or daughter" she then took his hand in hers and placed it on her swollen stomach. Lightning soon felt a tiny tap on the palm of his hand, and it suddenly became real to him; he was going to be a father "Wow that's so weird, I can't believe I made that"
"Well you did, and can I assume you want a boy?"
"Yeah, and can I assume you want a girl?"
"I don't care all that matters is that it's happy and healthy; I will love it because it will be ours"
Lightning smiled at her "I haven't thought about it that way, hey do you want to find out if its a boy or a girl?"
"Actually I wanted to be surprised, but maybe we should see the doctor to find out how the baby is doing"
"Your right, we'll go see the doctor in little while, but for now you can go back to sleep"
Luna gave her husband one last smile and fell back asleep.
The prince and princess were in the infirmary waiting to here how the baby was doing, the doctor was using her magic to see the baby and would be able to tell if it was healthy and if it was a boy or a girl. But the couple made it clear that they wanted to be surprised and didn't want to know what gender their child was. "Well how is my baby, is it healthy?" Luna asked
"Of course you have nothing to worry about, you don't smoke and you don't drink your doing everything right; the babies will be just fine"
Luna sighed in relief "Good it's reassuring to know my babies are alright"
Lightning Spark just stood in shock, then he spoke "Did you say babies?"
"Did she say babies?" Luna repeated
The doctor giggled "That's what I said...your having twins"
"Who's having twins?!" Luna asked in excitement
"You are, congratulations"
The doctor left them alone because she knew they wanted to be alone to talked about the twins. Luna looked at her husband "Are you okay, you look stunned aren't you happy about the twins?"
"Well of course I am, it's just...are we ready to have two babies?"
"Lightning I don't care if it's two babies, I don't care if it's three babies, I don't care if all of Canterlot comes out of there; we are going to love and raise them because they are our children"
"You right Luna, as long as were together who cares how many babies it is"
Lightning Spark and Luna shared a warm embrace, and this time Lightning felt two tiny taps against his stomach. Only 7 months to go.