How My Best Friend Forever's Parents Became My Parents Too!

by trahzo

Prologue: The 1st Time He Met Twi's Family.

Twilight Sparkle & her family returned home after she received her Cutiemark & was accepted into Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns.

"YEEEEEEEESSSS!!!" A very happy filly shouted!

"Okay Twilight, simmer down, we're home, you can tell your BBBFF about what happened!" Said Nacht Licht, The father of Twilight Sparkle.

As soon as the door opened, Shining Armor in his teenage years was surprised upon the return of his family!

"Woah, Twily, mom, dad, your home early!" Shining Armor said, while trying to sneak what he had behind his back.

"What's that?" Asked Twilight Velvet the mother of Twilight Sparkle.

"N-nothing, yeah nothing, see?" He removed both of his front hooves from his back to show he wasn't holding anything.

"Yeah huh? Then why is your horn glowing?" Nacht Licht asked.

"Oh, uh, uh, hey, what's that on your back mom?" He asked out of curiosity.

"This is a dragon I just hatched with my magic today!" Twilight said while still smiling.

"Did you give it a name yet?" Shining Armor asked.

"1st, no & 2nd, don't change the subject, show us what exactly is behind your back or your grounded young man!" Twilight Velvet commanded.

The infant dragon looked at the pair, as they continued to get mad at Shining Armor. He wondered in that little infant brain of his if these were his parents. He stared blankly, and even more blankly.

"Okay, here!"

Shining Armor showed them exactly what he had behind his back! Pictures of his high school's girls swim team's flanks & admitted he was clopping to them.

"Grounded 10 months & were taking your pontendo playcube, playstallion 2, and crossbox." They both said.

"Aw man!" Shining said.

"Too your room!" Said Nacht Licht.

"So, what should we name my little dragon?" Twilight Asked.

"Hmm...his spines feel soft." Twilight Velvet pointed out

"How about Spines?" Twilight Asked

"Nah, sounds like a girl's name" said Nacht Licht

"He looks very happy to see us." Twilight pointed

"Happy then?" Asked Velvet


Nacht & Velvet put their faces to the infant's face, trying to think of a name. The infant dragon smiled & giggled a bit. They both Aww'd from what he did. They looked at the tail & noticed that there were many tiny spikes on it!

"Honey, look at the tail." Nacht said

"Yes, maybe that could be his name." Velvet replied

"What? What are you 2 suggesting?" Twilight asked.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Velvet asked her husband.


"Twilight, We've thought of a great name for the new addition to the family." Velvet & Nacht lifted the little one into the air.

"From this day forth, you shall forever be known as Spike the Dragon." They both proclaimed!

The 3 marveled at Spike, knowing that he'll be part of their family, he'll be the most unique dragon out there, a dragon who'll live among the ponies. Cadence walked in a while after & saw the very strange scene. Nacht holding up the infant with Twilight Sparkle on the left & Velvet on the right & the both of them holding their front hooves together all in a paused state that they wanted to hold just a little longer, just until the heavenly music in their heads & the imaginary spot light dies down. Cadence walked back out after watching the weird scene.

"Your gonna be our little dragon forever!" the 3 of them stated!.