//------------------------------// // An Unstoppable Force Meets and Immovable Object // Story: Bionicle: The Darkness Within // by FenrisianBrony //------------------------------// The two beings, both so diametrically opposed in both looks and personalities stood facing each other, staring into the others visage of control, neither able to break the other, but both unwilling to back down first. By now, both groups had stopped fighting, forming two impromptu groups behind the pair as the very air seemed to crackle between them. The pair shifted slightly, sending a visible shiver down both of their bodies as the air physically began to get heavy between the Toa and the pony. “What’s the matter brother? Losing your touch?” Whenua laughed, breaking his eyes from the group opposite him. *** “’Shy? What’s wrong Sugarcube?” Applejack asked, worry permeating her voice. “Yeah. Show this guy that he doesn’t mess with you.” Rainbow whooped, making to fly forward, but being held in place as a magical aura surrounded her tail and yanked her to the ground. “Wait. Don’t touch them.” Twilight warned. “Something’s happening.” A she said this; the clearing was lit up as a streak of blue light flashed between the pair. A split second later there was an almighty crack which seemed to rend the very air around the forest. “Get Back!” Ordered Luna, opening her wings to their fullest extension and shielding the ponies as she herself moved back from the pair as more and more lightening and cracks flashed between them, striking the ground in quick succession. *** “The creature is right.” Vakama ordered, “Move back.” “And what of our brother?” Nokama asked as she walked backwards with the rest of her brothers. “We need to get him out of there.” Agreed Nuju. As he said this, another almighty crash sprang from between them, this one larger and louder than any that had come before, preceding a flash of Lightning that burnt the ground around the pair, causing a cluster of leaves to start to smoulder, a fact that went unnoticed by both groups. “That’s it!” Whenua shouted. “Get them apart.” He said, before running towards the pair, Nuju following hot on his heels. *** “We can’t let Fluttershy stay there any longer.” Rarity proclaimed, moving towards the two locked combatants. “Finally somepony sees sense.” Rainbow exclaimed, wrenching her tail from Twilights grasp, before speeding towards Fluttershy. *** The four got to the middle at exactly the same time, taking no notice of the other species beside them as they grabbed their respective friends, yanking them out of the circle that had been burnt on the ground around them. With great effort, the Element of Kindness and the Toa of Stone were separated, falling to the floor a way away from each other, and instantly being surrounded by the remainder of their friends. *** “She isn’t breathing!” Rainbow screamed frantically, shaking Fluttershy’s body frantically. “Move.” Twilight ordered, prompting Rainbow to scurry out of her path as Twilight knelt down by Fluttershy’s unmoving body. “Twilight darling. Please tell me you can do this.” Rarity said, her eyes filling with tears. “I-I don’t know. I can’t…keep going.” She panted as sweat poured down her forehead. “Then it is a good thing I am here Miss Sparkle.” Boomed Luna, “Stand aside.” Moving out of the way, Twilight allowed Luna access to Fluttershy, whereupon she knelt down beside her, her horn glowing faintly in the dim light of the forest. “Stand back!” She shouted, as the light overtook her horn and bathed herself and Fluttershy in its light. *** “Onewa? Brother, speak to me.” Whenua said nervously, shaking his brothers body. “Hey, hey, hey!” He shouted suddenly sitting up, smashing his head against Whenuas. “Glad to see you’re still with us brother.” Whenua laughed, holding his head with one hand while offering the other to “Can’t get rid of me that easily.” He agreed. “What of the creatures that attacked us?” “I do not know.” Vakama admitted, looking over to where the creatures were all crowded around the yellow one, who wasn’t moving. “We should help them.” Nokama proclaimed, getting to her feet. “Yeah right. I say we quick-run before they try and ‘apprehend’ us again.” Matau said, standing up and facing Nokama. “We have sworn to protect those who cannot protect themselves.” Nokama insisted. “Did you just see them? I doubt that any thing around here will give them trouble.” Whenua responded. “The yellow one is hurt through our actions.” Nokama insisted. “It is our…” She was cut off by a sudden flash of light, which covered both the yellow pony and the large dark one. “What was that?!” Onewa shouted, looking over at the area that was now engulfed in a white light. “New plan. We help them.” Vakama said, running towards the group. “Arrg. Fine.” Matau said, following Vakama towards the epicentre of the light. As the six Toa moved to help the creatures, the leaves that had been struck by the lightening began to smoke more, before bursting into flames, causing the other fallen leaves to catch fire in quick succession, bathing the clearing in fire. *** Luna collapsed on the floor, her horns glow flickering before dying completely as her eyes closed and she fell into a state of unconsciousness next to the prone form of Fluttershy. “Your highness?!” Castelian shouted, running up to Luna and kneeling by her side. “’Shy?!” Applejack shouted, rushing over to Fluttershy as her eyes cracked open. Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie and Rainbow rushed over and embraced Fluttershy as she took a ragged breath, her chest rising and falling in tandem with it. “I thought…”Rarity started, but was cut off by a sudden eruption of fire, which spread with alarming speed, surrounding the group in a wall of flame, cutting them off the Lunar guards. “Twilight? Luna?” Applejack asked uncertainly, backing away from the fire. “I…I” Twilight began, her horn flickering into life slightly before fading again, causing her to collapse to the ground, panting heavily. “TWILIGHT?!” Rainbow shouted, attempting to fly over to her fallen friend. The flames crawled further up a tree, creeping along a branch, before breaking it off and sending it plummeting towards the ground. As Rainbow flew underneath it, it smashed into her back, pinning her to the ground. “RAINBOW?!” Applejack shouted, making to run towards Rainbow, but being held back by Pinkie Pie, whose hair had gone flat as her tail twitching as she grabbed hold of her. “Careful!” She shouted, as another burning log hit the ground near Rainbow. “What are we going to do?” Fluttershy squeaked. “I…I don’t know.” Rarity admitted, pulling Fluttershy, Applejack and Pinkie into a hug as the fire continued to get closer. The four ponies embraced each other tightly, watching in terror as the fire continued to creep closer to them. They could dimly make out a cacophony of voices from the other side of the fire wall, but couldn’t make out what they were saying. Rarity, Pinkie and Fluttershy closed their eyes, waiting for the inevitable end, and unable to watch as death creeped closer to them. Applejack however opted to keep her eyes open, unwilling to shy away from the fire. “I think we should leave now.” A voice sounded from behind her, causing her to turn around, laying her eyes on one of the creatures. *** “Hey fire-spitter. This is for you.” Matau smiled, pushing Vakama forward. Taking it in his stride, Vakama simply walked forward, raising his hand slightly and parting the flames as he walked past. The sight that greeted him was grim to say the best. Out of the six creatures within the ring of fire, two were unconscious. The closest one to him was the purple horned one, while the cyan and rainbow one was pinned by a fallen log and not moving. The remainder of the creatures seemed physically fine, and were holding onto each other tightly. “I think we should leave now.” He said, striding over to the group, and causing the orange one to turn around and stare at him. “But…fire…how?” She stammered. “Later.” Vakama insisted, closing his eyes and concentrating slightly. “What in tarnation are ya doin’” The orange one asked, rising to her fullest height and squaring off against Vakama. “Y’all need ta help my friends.” As she uttered the last syllable, Vakama opened his eyes again, and spread his arms wide. In an instant, the fire ceased to exist. It didn’t burn down, or go out; it simply disappeared. Concentrating for a split second longer, Vakama released the built up heat, forcing it to take the form of a pillar of heat, before he shot it into the night sky. “From what?” He laughed, lowering his gaze to the creature again as the rest of the Toa joined their leader. “And I thought I was supposed to be the show-off.” Matau laughed. “You are brother.” Whenua laughed. “But…fire…you…gone?” The orange one spluttered. “I think you broke it Vakama.” Nuju said sceptically. *** Castelian watched in horror as the fire sprung up around the Element bearer, cutting them off from the guard. “Noctunre! Get the out of there!” He shouted, pointing his hoof at a guard. The guard saluted as Castelian checked on Luna again. As far as he could tell she was just unconscious, probably from magical exhaustion, although he didn’t know much about magic as a whole. Nocturne took to the sky instantly, attempting to fly over the rising inferno. He was stopped in his ascent by the tree canopy catching fire above him, forcing him away as the intense heat washed over him. “Lord Commander!” He shouted, “I can’t get to them.” Castelian looked up at the rising fire, before looking back at the base. ‘If they couldn’t get over the fire, how could they save the elements? Without Luna, he was powerless to act.’ Even as he thought this, he heard a voice that he didn’t recognise. A second later, the fire simply ceased to exist, and revealed one of the odd creatures towering over Applejack and the other Element Bearers. As he watched, the creature released a wave of visible heat into the night, before looking back at them. “And I thought I was supposed to be the show-off.” The Green one laughed. “You are brother.” The Black one laughed. “But…fire…you…gone?” Applejack spluttered. “I think you broke it Vakama.” The White said sceptically. “You saved the Elements?” Castelian asked incredulously. “The who?” The blue creature asked, stepping forward. “The Elements of Harmony.” Castelian answered. “Lord Commander.” One of the guards called over. “Ms. Dash is injured. She needs to get to a hospital.” “Ms. Sparkle is unconscious as well.” Another called over. “And the princess as well.” Castelian muttered to himself, before turning back to the creatures in front of him. “I hate to ask you this, but we require some assistance in getting the injured to medical care. I know you have no reason to help us, but my duty requires that I ask anyway. Will you help us?” “Help? You just attacked us.” The green one pointed out. “And you were an unknown variable who could have threatened our princess.” Castelian reasoned. “Give us a moment.” The red one said, before turning and conversing with his friends. *** “We’ve got a duty to the Matoran, not these creatures.” Matau pointed out. “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’m having to go with Matau on this one.” Onewa spoke up. “How can you say that?” Whenua asked incredulously. “This is a whole new species that aren’t even in the archives.” “These creatures could help us find the Makuta and the stolen Matron.” Nuju added. “Nokama, your opinion?” Vakama asked. “There is much these creatures could teach us.” She said eventually. “It’s settled then. We can at least offer aid to them in getting the injured to medical attention.” Vakama said, before turning back to the creature that the others had referred to as ‘Castelian’. “We will help you, if we can have some of our own questions answered.” “Well at least we can have some answerfinding.” Matau grumbled. “Thank you.” Castelian said, his face almost cracking into a smile. Almost. “Now follow me please, and we can take the injured to Ponyville general.” With that, Castelian turned and walked over to one of the unconscious bodies. Looking at Vakama quickly, who replied with a single nod, the Toa followed Castelian. *** Five minutes later, the Toa team and the remaining ponies were ready to begin the walk back to this ‘Ponyville’ that Castelian had mentioned. Onewa had taken the large one, who Castelian had called Luna, onto his back, and was being helped by Nuju. Matau had grabbed hold of the multi-coloured pony, ‘Rainbow Dash’, who he was holding in both of his arms and scowling. The last pony, the one that the others had referred to as ‘Twilight Sparkle’, had actually regained consciousness, and was currently attempting to control her shaking legs enough to stand and walk again. Sighing, Vakama bent down and picked her up, cradling her in both of his arms. “T-thank you.” She whispered. “Where to?” Vakama asked, turning to Castelian. “Ponyville General hospital is almost an hours walk from here. Factor in the injured, and we are looking at an hour and a half to two hours.” Castelian answered, making to walk off the way they had come. “So. You command these men?” Vakama asked, walking next to Castelian. “I do. The Moonlight Wardens, Pride of the Lunar Guard.” He said proudly. “You command these…men.” He finished uncertainly. “I am their leader. We are the Toa of Metru Nui.” Vakama tapped his chest. “I am Vakama. Toa of fire.” “Nokama. Toa of Water.” Nokama said gracefully. “Whenua. Toa of Earth.” “Nuju. Toa of Ice.” “Onewa. Toa of Stone.” “Matau. Toa of Air and the handsomest creature on the face of Metru Nui.” “Of course you are brother.” Whenua said sarcastically. “And who might you be?” Nuju asked Castelian. “Lord Commander Castelian. Second in command of the Lunar Guard, and overall command of the Moonlight Wardens.” “Care to explain what any of that means?” Onewa asked. “How much do you know about Equestria?” Twilight asked, regaining some of her faculties. “Where?” Nokama asked. “I’ll take that as nothing then.” Twilight mumbled. “Want me ta handle this one Twi?” Applejack asked. “Please. I’ll join in at bits, but now.” She yawned, before turning and wrapping her hooves around Vakamas chest. “Looks like someone’s picked up a new friend.” Matau grinned. “Yeah. I feel hurt brother. Replacing us this quickly.” Onewa laughed. “Laugh it up.” Vakama said, before turning back to Applejack. “Please continue miss…” “Applejack. Y’all can call me AJ if ya want.” She smiled. “Well this here land is called Equestria. Princess Celestia and Luna control the day and night respectively and rule from Canterlot.” Wait. These princesses control your solar cycles?” Whenua asked, sounding astonished. “Yeah. They’re super-duper nice, I mean, even when Luna was all ‘Grr’, and we were like ‘aggh’ we met each other, so it’s all ok.” Pinkie smiled, appearing on Whenuas shoulder. “Whoa!” He shouted, spinning around and trying to get Pinkie off his shoulders. “How did you do that?” “It’s Pinkie Pie darling. It’s best not to question anything she does.” Rarity laughed nervously. “So tell us more about your people.” Whenua asked. “What are your economies like? What does your country do culturally? Why do some of you have wings, while others have horns?” He rattled off the list, while the rest of the ponies looked on in confusion. “What are you, some sort of egg-head?” Rainbow slurred, waking and cracking one eye open. “Wait! What are you doing?!” She suddenly shouted, wriggling from Mataus grasp and falling to the ground. “Rainbow.” Rarity called in concern. “We have made peace with the…Toa? They are helping us get you, Twilight and Luna back to Ponyville for medical attention.” “What? But we were fighting them…and then there was a fire…and then that log hit me.” She said in a confused voice. “Which is why ya need to get to hospital RD.” Applejack said, walking over and placing her hoof on Rainbow. “But…” Rainbow started, but was silenced by a groan from Twilight. “Rainbow. Let it slide. Let’s get to hospital first, then you can have your posturing session.” “Whatever. Back to my original question. Are you an egg-head?” Rainbow asked Whenua. “I am an archivist. I’m not sure what an egg-head is though.” “An archivist? Like a librarian?” Twilight asked, suddenly perking up and looking excited. “I guess the archives could have been called a library.” Whenua agreed slowly. “Now can someone answer my questions.” “In answer to your last one, there are three, well four, types of ponies, as well as three alicorns. The first are the Earth ponies, like AJ and Pinkie Pie here. They’re stronger than the other races, except the alicorns, and have innate magic that allows them to grow crops better than the other races.” Twilight began, going into full lecture mod. “The Pegasus, such as Rainbow and Fluttershy, can fly obviously. They can also manipulate the weather, specifically clouds. The final of the main three races are the unicorns, such as myself and Rarity. We can manipulate the flow of arcane energy that permeates this world. Some, such as Rarity, specialise in a specific field of magic, while others, such as myself, specialise in magic as a whole, it being are special talent.” “And what of the other two races?” Vakama asked. “The alicorns and the Equos Lunar. The former, nopony truly knows about, while the latter, only a select few know about them.” “Luckily, you have ten of the most knowledgeable Equos Lunar in Equestria right here.” Castelian said, walking forward. “Go on then.” Whenua prompted. “We are Lunas personal soldiers. Part Pegasus and part Earth pony. Stronger than the first. Faster than the second.” “And the Alicorns?” Nokama asked. “Unless Princess Celestia, Luna or Cadence decide to tell you themselves, we will not divulge information.” Castelian replied. “You now know about us. But what about you?” Twilight asked. “Clearly you’re intelligent life forms, but you know nothing Celestia and Luna. I never seen anything documented about any creatures such as you either.” “I’m going to let you two take this.” Vakama smiled, indicating Nokama and Whenua. “Although intelligent life forms can only be applied to five of us.” “Was that an insult?” Matau asked indignantly. “If you have to ask, then I believe it was.” Nuju snickered. “Anyway…” Nokama interupted, before the pair could begin to argue in earnest. “We six are mighty Toa, each in command of one of the six elements, Fire, Water, Stone, Earth, Air, Ice.” “So there are only six of you in your entire species?” Rarity asked in confusion. “No, although there are only six Toa at this time.” Nokama compromised. “We were once Matoran however.” “Once? Matoran?” Applejack asked. “The majority of our world are Matoran, separated into six districts, Ta-Metru, Ga-Metru, Le-Metru, Po-Metru, Onu-Metru and Ko-Metru.” Whenua began. “If it is the will of Mata Nui, worthy Matoran can be elevated to mighty Toa. When our duty is complete, we pass on our title to another to fulfill their own destiny, while we would elevate to Turaga, great teachers and advisers to the Matoran and Toa alike.” “Who is this Mata Nui?” Castelian asked. “You seem to hold them in as high a regard as the Princesses.” “Mata Nui created the Matoran, and scattered us upon our homeland.” Nokama started, easily reciting the lessons she had once taught as a Ga-Matoran. “He also gifted us with the three virtues.” Vakama added. “The what?” Twilight asked. “The three Virtues. Unity. Duty. Destiny.” Whenua said, stopping and bending down to draw in the dirt. “The two smaller points on the symbol represent Unity on the left, and Duty on the right. The middle mark represents Destiny.” “Unity teaches that it is easier to succeed if you are not alone.” Nokama started. “Duty dictates us doing one's everyday jobs diligently and responsibly. Our duty, for example, is to protect the Matoran.” She trailed off at this. “Something we have not managed to do.” Vakama said glumly. The Toa stood in silence for a moment as they reflected on their current mission. The other ponies stood around awkwardly, wondering if they had crossed a line or touched a sensitive area. Eventually however, Nokama spoke up again. “Destiny represents the ability to better oneself. It means what a being is 'meant' to accomplish in its lifetime. All beings have a different destiny.” She finished her tuition and walked forward, bidding Whenua to rise and follow her, followed swiftly by the remainder of the two groups. “And now on to the real question. What are you doing here?” Castelian asked. “I would rather wait until your leaders are in a state to listen to our goals, so as to better fulfil them.” Vakama responded. “If that is your wish, then I will allow you to hold true to it.” Castelian said, before lapsing into silence *** Roughly an hour and a half later, the two groups stood on the edge of the Everfree forest. They stared out as the sun began to crest over the horizon. “My sister is awake.” Luna remarked, having recently regained consciousness and walking along with the group. “As well as some of the ponies in Ponyville.” Twilight pointed out. She too had regained the majority of her senses, but unlike Luna, had not managed to stand yet. “Regardless, we need to get you three to the hospital. Especially Ms. Dash.” Castelian interupted, laying his eyes upon Rainbows unconscious form. Almost half an hour ago, Rainbow had once again passed out from the injuries she had obtained during the fire, and was now being held by Nokama. “Then we need to press onwards and see them to aid.” Nuju proclaimed, making to walk forward, only to be stopped by Applejacks hoof. “Hold on there partner. Six new creatures stridin’ out of the Everfree will scare the daylights out of everypony.” “You mean like Zecora?” Twilight asked, a hint of skepticism creeping into her voice. “Yes, like Zecora.” Applejack admitted reluctantly. “That makes sense I suppose. Very well, what would you propose?” Vakama asked. “I will accompany Twilight and the other Elements to Ponyville general. Castelian and the other Wardens will find a path away from prying eyes to Twilights library, where the Toa will await myself and my sister.” Luna proclaimed. “Very good your majesty.” Castelian answered, before turning to the Toa. “If you would follow me.” “Yeah right.” Matau laughed, his mask glowing as he was surrounded by a white glow. When the glow faded, Matau had once again taken up the visage of a dark grey Equos Lunar, the strange mark on his rear taking the form of the Mahiki Kanohi that he wore as a Toa. “It’s time for my own answerfinding.” He grinned, before darting off into Ponyville. “Really Matau?” Vakama asked in skepticism, bringing his hand up to his mask. “Pursue him and bring him back.” Luna commanded. “It will be done.” Castelian said, making to move forward, but being held back by Onewa. “Our fearless leader has this.” He said, pointing to Vakama, who was walking towards Ponyville. “Does that not defeat the point of bringing back Matau? He is at least disguised.” Castelian pointed out. “Vakama as his ways.” Nuju smiled as h pointed to Vakama again, whose own mask was beginning to glow. As the ponies watched, Vakama faded from view, his mask being the last thing to disappear from sight. With a sigh, Vakama set off into Ponyville, in search of the errant Toa of Air.