Second Chance

by spell_squire

Powers from within

Chpt. 3

(Powers from within)

Spell Squire sighed happily, as he flopped back on his bed, the springs of his mattress protesting at the sudden weight. Turning to his side he wormed his way farther up the bed to tired to care that he was covered in his own sweat at the moment.

A week had passed since his first session with Twilight and he had done well, if he were about Sweetie Belle’s age. Not to be discouraged, he had thrown himself into practice and now, he could move his dictionary across his room. It may take him a few minutes to do it, but he could move it across his room now, and that was progress in Spell’s book.

Rainbow Dash had been very supportive and decided to help Spell Squire out, while getting a little practice of her own in as well. Together they had made a game of this, Rainbow would fly around the sky, as she liked, diving and rolling with as many tricks as she could use in a routine. All the while, Spell would sit in the field and focus his magic in the most basic of unicorn spells, levitation; he would try to grab Rainbow while she was in mid-flight. They were both surprised at the fact that in his first week of real practice of spell work he had managed to grab Rainbow Dash out of the sky once, and gotten close tugging at her several more times.

He was amazed at how ten days in Ponyville had dramatically changed his outlook on life, and it scared him. Because if life had taught him anything it was that, nothing stayed the same for long, especially in Ponyville if Rainbow’s stories held any truth. With a soft groan, he got up, went into the bathroom, and turned on the water starting his hot shower, letting the water wash over and relax him. Picking up his long brush, he started humming a little tune that seemed to be popular in the town.
Stepping out of the shower, he felt refreshed as he shook himself dry. Walking downstairs, he grabbed a bite to eat and walked out the door heading for the library and his next lesson with Twilight. Stepping out he gave a happy sigh, the sun was warm on his still drying fur as he walked through town.

Walking through the market and shopping area of Ponyville, it never ceased to amaze him the diversity of the stores. Food, clothing, furniture, and of course the oddities, for such a small town it did very well for it’s self. He let his hooves take him in the direction of the tree house, as his mind wandered nowhere in particular occasionally quizzing himself on the process of levitation.

His thoughts were interrupted however at the sound of a chorus of filly like giggles. In his time in Ponyville he had been well warned against the “cutie mark crusaders.” Three little fillies trying to earn their cutie marks however they could. Looking around he continued slowly his ears perked for any further noise to help him prepare him.
Unbeknown to him, Celestia and Luna combined could not be prepared for the cutie mark crusaders trying to earn their cutie marks in cart chasing.

First, it came as a quite squeaking as the wheels protested the momentum they gained. Then a rumble as the cart started to rattle and shake traveling down the street. Lastly, came the shrieks and panicked cries of not only the ponies in the way but the trio of filly crusaders that had gotten onto the run away cart in their attempts to stop it.

Looking up the road Spell could see the cart barreling towards him. With wide eyes, he looked around quickly for cover and then saw the three fillies on board the cart, and the cliff at the end of the road. Grinding his teeth sparks began to spout from the remains of his broken horn as the magic he gathered was loosed in raw arcane power, firmly planting his hooves in the path he stood his ground the cart barreling towards him at dangerous speeds, he planned to stop this cart and save the girls, one way or another. Narrowing his eyes, he focused watching the cart’s approach before the grey aura of his magic surrounded the three fillies, lifting them up and setting them on the ground behind the runaway cart gently. As the girls touched down safely to earth a barrier appeared around them as the cart was coming dangerously close to him a barrier suddenly appeared causing wooden splinters to fly in every direction some even sticking into the dirt or thinner plaster pockets in the surrounding buildings.

Panting heavily Spell slowly laid down not trusting his shaky legs at the moment while he tried to recover.“That was a bit excessive wasn’t it? B-but the girls are safe…” spell thought to himself as he laid there, his eyes slowly growing heavy as the three fillies sat there dumbfounded under their protective barrier. Once it disappeared though they seemed to come back to their senses.

Apple Bloom got to the exhausted stallion first, “Mister? Are you alright?” she asked worriedly in a southern drawl that was trademarked to the apple family.

Scootaloo snapped out of her trance of staring at the wreckage and zoomed over to Spell while he was shaking his head trying to clear the growing fuzz and gather his thoughts. But as he started to standing the orange coated filly crashed into the wobbly stallion causing him to fall back over as she began a barrage of questions “Ohmigosh! That was so cool! How did you DO that? We were so scared and done for but then you came out from nowhere and whoosh! Crash! We’re safe! You’re almost as cool as Rainbow Dash!” in response Spell could only lay there and gasp as he tried to catch his breath, as the little filly continued her barrage till Sweetie Belle put a hoof over Scootaloo’s mouth.

“Do you need anything Spell Squire?” Sweetie asked sharing Apple Bloom’s concern.

Both her friends turned and looked at her with a curious glance, neither of them had seen this stallion in town before, how did Sweetie know him? Apple Bloom then voiced her concern for the both of them “Sweetie, you know this pony?”

With a nod she smiled “He’s been learning magic with me from Twilight,” looking at the stallion who was now trying to sit up again she frowned slightly a furrow coming to her brows, “But I’ve never seen him do anything like that before, didn’t Twilight tell you to take thing’s slow Mr. Spell? She didn’t know what would happen what with your horn be-” It was at this unfortunate moment that Spell fell over, passed out could much to the shock of the three fillies sitting with him.

As luck would have it, today was Fluttershy and Rarity’s spa date. Hearing the crash, the mares thought it best to investigate the cause of the sudden noise. Seeing the three fillies was no surprise to the older girls, but the unconscious form of Spell Squire and the wreckage of the cart caused both girls to start and sent Rarity into her usual set of dramatics, “Oh, girls! What happened here!?”

“Well, you see what ha-” Scootaloo cut off Sweetie’s explanation in an act of excitement and maybe spite.
“Wewereoutcrusadingwhenthecartwentoutofcontrolandwhenwegotontothecartitjustwentfasterandthe wepanickedandSpellSquiretherecameoutofnowherealmostasawesomeasRainbowDashandsavedusstoppingthecartwhereitstoodandthenjustpassedout!”

Both mares stared at the filly for a moment before she shrugged not understanding the confused look the mares shared. Raising a brow Rarity looked at the orange-coated filly “Cart chasing?”


“In the middle of the day?”


“While every pony is shopping?”


Sighing Rarity shook her head and looked over to the unconscious form of Spell, “Oh, dear. He doesn’t look well, Apple Bloom, be a dear and go get your brother, I do believe I saw him just over by the apple stand with your sister?” With a nod, the yellow filly ran off to fetch her brother. “And Scootaloo, I need you to go run to the hospital and tell them what happened.” with a mock salute the little pegasi’s scooter and helmet seemed to materialize as she buzzed off towards the hospital.

Afterward the two mares and last crusader that remained looked at Spell Squire. His breathing seemed fine, his pulse too, if each were a little low. All in all the three thought he was just sleeping, ready to wake anytime. With a sigh they did what they could, sit and wait for the medical team.
