//------------------------------// // Ch.2: A Nacht Time Party! // Story: How My Best Friend Forever's Parents Became My Parents Too! // by trahzo //------------------------------// Today was now Friday, and Nacht wanted his party to be during the night. It would only make sense since Nacht Licht's name is after all Germane for Night Light. "Alright everypony, stand back!" Spike commanded after. They knew to beware if it was something Pinkie related through Twilight Sparkle's messages. So Spike opened the suitcase for Nacht's birthday while the other 4 hid ducked behind the couch! As soon as he opened the suitcase, there was a big explosion as everything was in place at lightning fast speed! The party was all set up. Spike lied on the floor, with his eyes closed, after a second, he opened them and saw the impressive décor! Velvet walked up to Spike to see if he was fine. "Spike, are you hurt anywhere!?" She asked, "Oh, yeah, I'm fine mom." Spike replied. "Did you just call me Mom?" "I didn't say mom I meant Velvet!" "You called her mom." Nacht jumped in to the conversation. "What? No I didn't dad! I-I mean Nacht Licht!" Spike replied. "Aww, don't worry Spike we always thought of you as a part of our family!" Shining Armor said. "N-no! Your all mistaken, I never said any of that!" Spike yelled as he ran up the stairs to Twilight's old bedroom, since that's where he'll be sleeping till Twilight returns to pick him up. Later that night, Nacht Licht's Birthday Party started! Nacht & Velvet hanged out with some old friends, he never saw since high school, maybe even since junior high! The ponies & other creatures brought their kids along with them to the party. Shining Armor hanged out with his friends from military school & Cadence with the friends she has not seen since she became the Crystal Princess of the Crystal Empire! Spike played with the younger ones in the backyard! "Woah, who's kid is that?" Asked a unicorn. "I don't remember you ever having a dragon for a friend!" "That's because he's ours!" Nacht replied. "You adopted a dragon? Kinda strange if you ask me!" "He's not our child yet, but he'll soon be, our daughter gave us this kid so we & when I say we, I mean I don't have to go through the painful labor of childbirth for dang 3rd time!" Velvet said, glaring at Nacht! "Hey everypony, I just remembered something, don't you have to hit the birthday pony as many times as their current age! Let's get him!" "Shiznet!" was what Nacht said in fear as every last party goer was now targeting him, one of the pegasi was holding a long stick, since it was for the piñata. Don't worry, Oh the dang toast, today was not Nacht's day even though it was his birthday. "Is dad going to be okay mom?" Asked Spike "Yes, & also, you just called us mom & dad again." Answered Velvet as she used he magic to carry Spike.to his room! "Wha? NO you got it all..." he was cut off when a hoof gently stroked his spines. "Shh don't worry little one, just get some rest, and tomorrow, get ready for my birthday tomorrow son!" Velvet rocked Spike like you would to a baby since he is a baby dragon after all! Spike never felt so loved, he never felt this much since Twilight became a princess! Twilight stopped showing him such love & compassion since then because of her royal & political duties as a princess! Spike was fast asleep and Velvet tucked him in with lots of love & care for the little guy. Then she kissed his forehead! "Goodnight my little one." said Velvet as she closed the door. "He really loves this place & us!" Nacht said, after he fully recovered from the brutality he received earlier. "Should we adopt him?" Asked Velvet "I don't know, what would his reaction be?" Nacht answered "Let's just wait till then to see if clue to adopt him will come!" The 2 kissed & went to their room to sleep on the idea for the night. End of Ch.2