How My Best Friend Forever's Parents Became My Parents Too!

by trahzo

Ch.3: A Parent's Love is Soft Like Velvet.

Okay, now we make it to Velvet's birthday. It was a bright & sunny morning and Twilight Velvet awoke to the smell of food!

"Morning sleepy head." said Nacht

"Huh? hey, who made this spread?" asked Velvet.

"Spike did, since you remind him the most of our daughter, he went and did this!"

"A big smile appeared on her face, she enjoyed Spike's time with them & so did her husband, son, & Daughter-in-law.

"Cadence was right, he's such a sweet boy! Let's discuss about adopting him!"

"Sure thing."

Later, after Velvet finished the rest of her breakfast, a boom was heard from their room.

"Probably the other suitcase." Nacht said, while still reading his book. 'Huh, Dragons are still considered young at 2000 years old! Who knew. I'd like to meet this Kembroath Gilspotten Heathspike, he must have been a very kind dragon to author a book on dragon biology, but sadly he disappeared after the death of Princess Wysteria. Which was thousands of years ago before the birth of Celestia & Luna!"

Later, the party came & went, since I got nothing to write about for this one! But yeah, Nacht managed to revenge on Velvet for what she did to him in Chapter 2. Later that night after all the party guests left. Velvet was standing on the balcony.

"Honey, would you please come here so can we talk." Velvet said while motioning him over.

"What is it my love?" Asked Nacht.

"I love him, & I know you do too! I know that he's captured both of our hearts!"

"Well, he does make me wanna grab and hug him, I really wish he didn't have to go!"

"I'm just not sure if we should go through with it, maybe adopting a child of the different species would be wrong!"

"Maybe your right, how would other kids treat Spike if they knew his parents were ponies?"

" *Sigh* Yeah...hey, wanna know what'll make us feel better?"

"Sex right here?"


They were a bout to kiss until...

"Nacht? Velvet?"

They turned their heads to see Spike, crying.

"Spike, what's wrong?" They both asked

"I-I had a bad dream that everyone would leave me, and I'd be alone forever!" Spike said, while trying to keep his tears in, before Nacht & Velvet's room was flooded by a centimeter of sadness.

Nacht & Velvet realized that Spike needed someone to be there for him & knew they were the ones worthy of this! Velvet comforted Spike & Nacht went to get Spike a cup of water & a sapphire for him. After that, they woke Shining Armor & Cadence so they would all give him a group hug. Nacht & Velvet read Spike a bed time story while Cadence & Shining acted out some of the parts, making Spike laugh a bit! After the story ended, Spike fell asleep. Then Velvet gave him a goodnight kiss & the 4 happily exited the room.

"Let's do it hun!" Said Nacht

"Yes, he needs us!" Agreed Velvet.

The Next day was the day Princess Twilight Sparkle returned from Japony to Pick up Spike.

*Knock* *knock* *knock*

"No wait a minute, I still have my keys to this place, I don't need to knock!" Twilight said, while pressing a hoof to her face for her forgetfulness!

"Spiiiiike. I'm here to get you!'

"BIG SISTER!!!" Spike shouted while pouncing at Twilight for a big hug, followed by a big surprise by her parents.

"Big sister? Spike, what happened?" She asked.

"Ah, there you are Twilight Sparkle, we were wondering where you've been!" Said Nacht.

"Can someone tell me what the Tartarus is going on?

"I'll be glad to! In the next chapter!"

End of Ch.3