How My Best Friend Forever's Parents Became My Parents Too!

by trahzo

Ch.4: 2 More Surprises.

"Princess Twilight Sparkle, say hello to your new brother Spike, as you can see from the forms, we just adopted him!" Nacht & Velvet said with Smiles.

"Isn't that great Twily? Now Spike can look up to you, like how you looked up to me!" Shining said "This is great, I now have a brother to do guy stuff with!"

"Wow, I didn't think you'd love Spike enough to adopt him, but here's the papers proving it actually happened! I love you baby brother!" Said Twilight

"I love you to Big Sister!" replied Spike

"Well, now that all of that is taken care of, I got a surprise of my own!" Cadence said, directing all the attention to her. "Shining Armor, I got a bun in the oven."

"Well take it out then"

"No, I'm expecting."

"Expecting? Well if your expecting a package, then we should head back to the Crystal Empire right now."

"No you idiot! We're going to have a baby! I'm pregnant!"

A big shock came to everypony's faces! Shining Armor hugged his wife.

"We're going to be parents I'm so happy!"

"Cool I'm going to become an aunt!'

"Yay! I'm gonna be uncle."

Everypony D'awwwed at Spike's happy face. So the camera zooms out of the house, out of Canterlot, then out of Equestria, then out of Earth. Well that's the end of this story, except one thing...Pinkamena is standing right behind you & she's gonna make you choose between the Shank or Cleaver.

End of Story.