A Lucky Belle

by Goodbye1234567890

Chapter 1

It all started with a queen. This queen was Chrysalis, Queen of the Changelings. But this queen had a secret. She has a son. Now, I know what you all are thinking, the whole hive is her children. But none of them are as close as her actual son. This young Changeling is named Mogard. Chrysalis' pride and joy. At the time, he was just a young larva. Every night, the queen would stroll past the growing chambers in her hive to see how the newer additions to the hive were coming along. But she would always stop by Mogard's chamber and speak to him, like a mother speaking to her baby.

"Do not worry, my son," she would say to the infant Changeling she would later learn to love like no other she would ever meet, "our chance at redemption will soon come. And you will help me lead us to victory."

The larva would just wriggle and make baby noises in response. This young Changeling would later learn that face was his mother's in due time. This is where we will be skipping to. All the way to when he is about eight years old.


The Changelings are trained in many forms of battle. From changing form, to miniscule magical capabilities, and everything in between. It is in the training coliseum that we see our main hero, Mogard the Changeling, training for what would turn out to be fate itself working to preserve the peace. They were prepping for war. War on Equestria.

"No! You must be faster than that!" the instructor hissed at Mogard as he charged his opponent, a pony that had been captured on the outskirts of Equestria.

The captured pony was fearful, but relentless. He yelled and struck Mogard upside the head with his hoof. Mogard quickly recovered and backed off a few steps. The instructor was confused at this change in tactics, but kept silent. Mogard squinted his eyes with the effort of doing something that only he and a few other Changelings possessed. This ability was called by the ponies: telepathy. The Changelings called it something that sounded like a mixture of a hiss and a low growl.

What he was doing was looking into his target's memories for something. It couldn't go very far into the memory, or too recent. It could only pick up those most important to whoever the target was. Finally, Mogard rested on a face, the face of a mare pegasus. She looked oddly like the stallion in front of him, except with a deep grey coat instead of a white one and yellow eyes, unlike the green eyes that resided in the stallion's eye sockets. The mane was a blond color, along with the tail. On her flank, were a mass of white spots.

Mogard smiled and jumped into the shadows, out of sight of his opponent. Then he concentrated his energy in the small horn on his head and began to change. Soon he was exactly what he had seen in the image in his opponent's mind. He walked out of the shadows and confronted the frightened pegasus.

"D-Derpy?" he began, "H-how did you get here? I thought you were back in Ponyville?"

Mogard simply nodded. He didn't know how to mimic voices yet, only appearances. He continued moving forward, toward the frightened pony, readying his magic to suck whatever love this stallion felt for his new form.

"W-wait," the pony said suddenly, "something isn't right... Derpy Doesn’t have a tooth missing."
Mogard gasped and took off his disguise. So close! He thought to himself in anger. Plan B then...

Mogard rose up on his hind legs and jumped high into the air. He hovered there for a few moments, buzzing his wings with anticipation, while working out a plan. Then he started a steep dive-bomb. He concentrated the small amount of magic they were taught to supercharge his decent and make his impact harmless to his own body, sort of like a shield. He landed right in front of the pegasus and hissed. The pony reared on its hind legs and fell on his back.

His head hit a rock and he was out cold. Mogard saw this as an opportunity and approached his fallen opponent. When he got to the downed Pegasus, he stretched his front right leg out and helped the pony to its hooves.
The instructor began to clap, "very good Mogard! Fastest time today! Gorn, you must work on your speed and tacticts."

"Yes sir," the pegasus said. He was suddenly surrounded by a ring of green, as his disguise wore off. He turned to Mogard, "You did very well! It never gets old fighting you."

"Likewise," Mogard said with a smile, "those ponies don't stand a chance against us."

"Agreed," Gorn said and put his leg around Mogard, "let’s go, the queen has an announcement."


"My beloved subjects," the booming voice of Chrysalis, their queen and mother, "I know you are all starving. And I appreciate you're continued efforts. But wait no longer! We have found a land where love is everywhere! In the air, in the food, and most importantly, in the ponies. No longer will we starve. No longer will we be forgotten," there was some excited murmuring in the large crowd, "I would like to call up those who will be leading the invasion."

Mogard looked around at all of the others, who had suddenly become quiet, and smiled. He already knew he was being picked, mainly because he was already told who was being picked by his mom. Chrysalis cleared her throat and began reading off the names.

"Gorn will be in charge of the group destroying their protection," she began. She motioned for Gorn to go and join her, which he did eagerly, "Scrips is leading strike team 1," The Changeling named Scrips flew up and stood next to Gorn, "And finally, Mogard. He will be joining me and two others in infiltrating their capital."

Mogard acted surprised and flew up to stand next to his mother, with a look of pride on his face. His mother looked down at him with a smile, not one of those evil smiles she gave everyone else, but a smile that said: Great job son.

"We will be leaving tomorrow as soon as the sun shines," Chrysalis yelled over the cheers for the three young Changelings, "Be ready. I have them within my grasp!" And with that, Chrysalis faded out. She was in the capital already and was nearly ready for the attack to commence.

"I can't believe it!" Gorn said in surprise, "We actually got picked!"

"I know!" Mogard said, trying his best to sound surprised. He never was a really good actor.

"You're hiding something," Gorn said, narrowing his eyes, "aren't you?"

"Hiding something?" He said, cocking his head in confusion, "I'm not hiding anything."

"You're getting intimate with the queen, aren't you?" Scrips said mockingly, "Lucky bastard!"

Mogard just laughed nervously before sighing. That was too close. I gotta be more careful.