Embrace the Darkness, Carpe Noctem

by musicman722

Everfree Training Montage (32)


It was quiet. No birds chirped. No animals played. Only the sound of the wind whispering through the trees as the entire forest held it's breath. Yes, it was too quiet.

Perfect for an ambush.

I watched from the shadow of a cliff face, gazing out with a thermal vision spell to find ambushers and targets. Griffins hid in the clouds and tree tops, waiting with their bows at the ready. The Dogs stayed low to the ground or even under it, like a trapdoor spider. The ponies were scattered about, each prepared to perform their own designated task. I smirked. Both parties were almost on top of each other. It was only a matter of time now.

Hehehe, let the fun begin! The Voice cheered.

The first few Dogs stepped out of the foliage cautiously, scanning the area for any hostiles. It was all clear for them...until half of them were shot in the head by the griffins in the sky. I winced as each of the bodies crumpled to the ground and chaos erupted throughout the area.

“Squad one, Move up and flank them!”

“Cover me!”

“Hostiles on your six!”

“We need air support at Sierra!'”

“I need reinforcements!”

“Hold this position!”

“Frag out!”

I studied the battle carefully, taking in every aspect that I could and watching certain soldiers as they worked. I soon dropped from my position on the cliff face and jumped to the nearest shade of a tree, hissing in pain as the sunlight hit my misty body. I had waited too long and misjudged the shade's reach. Live and learn I guess. My health bar flashed red in my HUD as it dropped from the exposure. I hunkered down and watched the battle up close as I pulled out some snakes from my satchel that I caught earlier.

As I ate (Snakes taste like Twizzlers. Go figure.), I watched a unicorn nearby levitate a branch to bop the hostiles in the back of the head. Unfortunately, he never saw the pegasus drop behind him as she bucked him into a tree. I winced a bit at the sight. It was too close to where it counts.

Not like he was going to get laid with a horn like that.

'…..I don't even....Just shut up.'

Make me.

Further along, I saw a few Dogs and ponies working brilliantly together to take out the enemy. A unicorn would set up flash light traps and after the hostiles were blinded, the Dogs would rush in and take them out, provided they weren't blinded as well. Some pegasi and griffins threw down tear gas to blind the Dogs and ponies on the ground before running away to safety. They kept up these harassing hit and run tactics to slow down enemy advancement.

In the end, it doesn't really matter.


Well, they all going to die. And you know what the kicker is?

'I don't want to know and yet you're probably going to tell me.'

Your Banshee enemies aren't going to do it. It'll be you, giving the order for them to willingly 'sacrifice themselves for the protection of the innocent'. More like lambs to the slaughterhouse.

'And this is the part where I'm going to ignore you.'

Only because you know I'm right. I said nothing and kept watching the battle before me.

On and on this went for a few more hours. Both sides would gain the upper hand for a short time before they were flanked or stopped by hostiles. Eventually, Bravo platoon surrendered to Charlie platoon, making the score for today two to one.

I floated out of the shadows, clapping my hands, “Well done, Bravo. You win today's skirmish again.” After I had sorted out the platoons, I made a training regimen. Two platoons would stay on the ship to do drills and physical training while the other two platoons stayed down on the ground and held small battles with various scenarios and other simulations to increase their experience and build teamwork. Every other day, the platoons would switch out and there would be a different combo on the ship and the ground. Of course, we still kept hunting for Banshees in the meantime, but I wanted them better prepared.

I gazed upon the bloodless battlefield and spoke, “Excito.” Every soldier that was 'killed' began to get up and walk about, stretching their limbs after lying still for so long. The trick to making these skirmishes seem realistic was something I came up with. On everyone, there were pressure pads under their armor in vital spots that, when hit hard enough, it would make the body go limp as if they actually were dead or unconscious. It took several tries to get it right, and don't even get me started on the calibrations. They work, and I'm happy with it.

I let out a piercing whistle, “Alright everyone, regroup!” I shouted. Almost instantly, every crew member stood in a wide arc in front of me. “Good game everyone. You're all still improving splendidly. I trust you've learned from any mistakes you made this time around. Coby, you need to be more aware of your surroundings. You're almost always one of the first few out because you don't pay attention. A mistake like that will cost you out in the field.” The young pup I was addressing had his ears back in embarrassment with a few sympathetic glances sent his way. I couldn't entirely blame him. Fighting does give one an adrenaline rush and those unused to it lose track of what's going on. However, it's my job to keep him, and everyone else, alive, and if I had to play the big bad drill sergeant, so be it.

Nah, I couldn't pull off a drill sergeant. I never had the badass grandma that they somehow do.

Even if you did, she'd still have more balls than you.

'I got more than you.'

The Voice sputtered, What? No you don't!

'Oh really? I seem to recall you admitting you not having any back at Ruby Hollow.'

....shut up And with that, the Voice disappeared, probably to go sulk in the back of my head. At least I didn't have to deal with him right now.

For the next half hour or so, I kept pointing out places they need to improve or remember, as I did after every simulation. Everyone can learn from their mistakes in here and if they knew what they did wrong, then they can fix it along the way. Coby was only one of many. Heck, even I was learning from it.

After I pointed out the majority of problems, I wrapped the session up. “You guys worked hard so you have an hour's break until I want you working on team work sessions. Lieutenants on me. Break.” The group dispersed to go find their personal stores of food and water while some wandered off to the stream nearby to wash up. Flamel and Storm Cloud converged on my position. “Having fun?” I asked jokingly.

Storm joined in, “I only wonder why I never did this stuff sooner in my life.”

Flamel just snorted, “Hmph, I do not see how you can call this training of yours fun. If we are training just to eventually die, then forgive me for not being so eager to participate.”

“Aww, you're just mad because you lost again.” Storm said, playfully slugging him in the shoulder. Flamel just gave her a brief glance but otherwise ignored her jibe.

“Nonetheless, Flamel,” I said, “I just want everyone safe. I cannot do it all on my own as I did on the way to Ruby Hollow. I'd literally run myself to death if I tried.”

Storm Cloud raised an eyebrow at that while Flamel's face remained impassive. “Really?” she asked.

“Eh, it depends.” I responded. I quickly changed the subject, “Anyways, the reason I called you here was to know how well you get along with those under you.”

Storm Cloud just shrugged, “There's a couple of them that don't always see eye to eye with me, but they know I can kick their flank into next week if they didn't follow my orders.”

“While I do not resort to such methods,” Flamel said, giving a disapproving glance to Storm, “I find that most, if not all of them follow me. It's quite surprising really. I never expected them to listen so well. Even after we lose, they don't discourage easily.”

“Just shows what a good leader you are.” I said. I was about to compliment him further when I suddenly heard the sound of a child giggling nearby. It couldn't be Pearl and her friends since they had to stay on the ship at all times in case Banshees appeared. I turned to try to locate the noise but I couldn't pin it down. “Do you guys hear that?” I asked the Lieutenants.

“Hear what?” Storm asked.

Another giggle. “That.”

“I hear nothing.” Flamel said. I frowned. I know I was hearing this. How could they not? I waited until the next giggle before rushing off in the direction of the sound. I barely registered the protests of the others as I left. “Where are you?” I asked around me. I scanned the area, keeping out of the sunlight as I searched.

Another giggle. I bolted to it. As I approached the possible source, I could hear something else. It sounded as if someone was trying to speak but it was muffled beyond comprehension. And yet...I felt as if I heard it before. I stopped under the shade of an oak tree that looked like it had seen better days. I strained to hear the voices speak and for once, I could catch something.

“I'm gonna find you, Laura!” I felt my heart stop for a moment. There was only one person who dared to call me by that nickname.

“No...It can't be..” I saw a blur of movement to my left and tried to follow it but it was too quick. Another blur followed by a childish giggle. It sounded as if it came from everywhere and nowhere at once. I tried to track the movements but it soon became too much. Too many to follow and none at all.

I don't know when it happened, but I found myself on the ground clutching my head. “S-stop! Go away! You're dead!” I screeched. My mind felt like it was cracking under some unknown pressure as if the universe suddenly decided to lean on me, hoping I could hold it up like an armrest. Images of my past flashed before my eyes, so real that I wondered if they actually were. I cried out in pain, but I was too far for anyone to hear me.

It seemed to stretch on forever but when it finally stopped, it was already night time and only a few hours had gone by. I got up and brushed myself off before making my way back to the ship. There was no motion blurs nor sounds of laughter, just the breeze carrying itself through the trees. I floated in the air feeling hollow after the painful headache. I tried not to think about it, but this forest provided as many distractions as a desert.


Time seemed to flow strangely. One moment I was between two trees in the forest, next I was between two walls on my ship. The sudden transition shocked me as I couldn't remember how I came there. My thoughts were broken by the sound of laughter again. I seized up, preparing for another wave of pain when I realized the sound was coming from the door just up ahead on the right.

I peeked in to see that the laughter was coming from the children playing in their room. Some tossed a ball around while others played with pillow forts. A few were scattered about doing their own thing, such as trying to read a book. I saw one of them try to sneak a cookie without anyone else noticing. I couldn't help but sigh at the sight.

They knew nothing of what our job is nor what we must do. If they do, then they choose to ignore it for the sake of having a little fun. I suppose it's a natural instinct. As one might protect themselves from harm, their innocence tries to keep them sheltered as best it can before they eventually learn the truth. After all, childhood is the most precious time of one's life, so that innocence does have a right to protect them and keep them playing until they need to grow up.

If only I could redo my own....

I shook my head and entered the room, “Alright kids, Lights out.” I was met with a chorus of “Aww”s. I gave them a stern look and they reluctantly went over to their bunks. This entire room was not only a playroom for them, but their bedroom as well. Their hammocks all lined the wall, out of the way of their play area.

I was about to close the door when I heard Pearl's voice speak up nearby. “Um, Gunhaver? Can you tell us a story?”

Okay, that was new. “Me?” I asked dumbly. She nodded and I had to ask why.

“Well, my mom used to tell me stories to make me fall asleep.” She said with a hint of sorrow, “And Magnus tried to continue it but he's not as good as her. But since Magnus isn't here, I was wondering if you could do it?” She looked at me with hopeful puppy dog eyes.

I hate when she does that. I sighed, “I don't know what to tell you though.” I said as I went through my memories, “I don't know many stories that you would like.”

Her hopeful look went south at the statement. “Aww.” Curse myself for being so susceptible to kids. I'm going to have an early heart attack if I keep hanging around them. I was about to give up my mental search when I came across an old song I heard as a kid and loved dearly. “Well, I don't have a story,” I said, “But I do have a song. Will that be okay?”

Pearl stared at me. “What kind of song?”

“It's a bit sad. Are you sure?”

She nodded, “Please?”

“Fine, I'm sure you'll like this one.” I said with a grin, “Project Memoriam Musica.” The sound of a gentle acoustic guitar strum filled the room. A few of the other kids peeked over at the sound. Now I couldn't sing this one properly worth a damn, but I put the actual song with the voice into the spell so I could get away with lip synching.

….what? I sing tenor-baritone level. It was one time at orchestra camp...long story. Just before the lyrics came in I conjured up some childish mental images to fit the story as well.

Puff, the magic dragon lived by the sea
And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honah Lee,
Little Jackie Paper loved that rascal Puff,
and brought him strings and sealing wax and other fancy stuff. Oh

Pearl and several other kids who weren't asleep already stared at the sight of a playful green dragon and a little colt playing together. They were entranced at the sight while the calming music slowly closed a few eyelids.

Puff, the magic dragon lived by the sea
And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honah Lee,
Puff, the magic dragon lived by the sea
And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honah Lee.
Together they would travel on a boat with billowed sail
Jackie kept a lookout perched on Puff's gigantic tail,
Noble kings and princes would bow whene'er they came,
Pirate ships would lower their flag when Puff roared out his name. Oh!

I saw Pipsqueak get a bit excited at that part but he just crawled back into the hammock and fell asleep with a wide grin on his face.

Puff, the magic dragon lived by the sea
And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honah Lee,
Puff, the magic dragon lived by the sea
And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honah Lee.
A dragon lives forever but not so little boys
Painted wings and giant rings make way for other toys.
One grey night it happened, Jackie Paper came no more
And Puff that mighty dragon, he ceased his fearless roar.
His head was bent in sorrow, green scales fell like rain,
Puff no longer went to play along the cherry lane.
Without his life-long friend, Puff could not be brave,
So Puff that mighty dragon sadly slipped into his cave. Oh!
Puff, the magic dragon lived by the sea
And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honah Lee,
Puff, the magic dragon lived by the sea
And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honah Lee.

Pearl was a bit sad near the ending but she didn't cry. I suddenly regretted playing the song, since it could bring up bad memories of what I had done to her. But instead of my expected reaction from her she just smiled at me. “Thank you.” she said before curling up and falling asleep. When I looked around, she was the last one to do so.

I stepped out into the corridor, gently closing the door behind me. I felt sick to my stomach. Everything I had done was willful even if Erebus pulled strings to make me do it. I wish I could have gone back and stopped myself from even accepting that damn offer. How many people would still be alive? Then again, what would have happened to those that I had saved?

My mind went around in circles and the mental breakdown earlier wasn't helping. So many questions, but never enough answers and all the time in the world to find them. I hoped I found them soon.


Storm Cloud’s POV

“Move it, you wimps! I’m not getting a workout here!” I shouted at the ponies and dogs behind me. Groans rose up as they pushed even harder to run the laps around the training room. For the past two weeks, I have been leading my platoon's physical training sessions. I just thought it was funny that I got the same position as I did when I left the Stalliongrad Police Department.

I could hear the exhausted pants behind me while I was just now breaking a small sweat as we made it past the mile and a half point. ‘I must be really out of shape if this is getting to me now.’ I thought, ‘Dad was right. Leaving the force made me soft. Why did I ever leave?’ Before I could pursue that thought, I heard some muttering behind me.

“This is bucking ridiculous. Why do we have to do this, dude?” I could tell from the voice that is was Crunchy Almond. Good stallion, if a bit lazy, but I’ve never known a musician that wasn’t. At least he’s not as hot headed as his sister. Sometimes I wonder if those two were born the wrong gender.

“Because it’s part of the training, dumbass. If you don’t want to do it, then why did you stay? Just go home.” the other voice was Camouflage. I pity any mare that has ever fallen for his so called “charm”. If it wasn’t for Inject, I might be the one giving him a beating.

“It’s…complicated.” Crunchy said hesitantly, “Besides, my sis and I figured we could go on an unofficial tour and make more money with our music just hitching a ride on this boat. The only reason I’m putting up with this is to make sure she stays out of trouble.”

Camo just chuckled, “Well, do what you want. I’ll just enjoy the view from back here.” I disregarded his words, but then I remembered that I was practically right in front of him.

‘…That bastard.’ I slowed down enough to come up next to Camo. I barely registered that everyone else scooted away from us, fearful of what’s to come. The asshole himself had that stupid smirk on his face like always. “Enjoying the view, huh?” I asked coldly.

“What can I say? Your flanks look good in a workout.” he said smugly. I almost bucked him into the wall. Almost.

“Since you enjoy the view when you run, you can do three more miles by yourself!” I shouted at him. Then, in a flash of movement, I slid behind him and pointed my horn at his tail. Soon, I was arcing electricity right to his flanks. He yelped and moved forward, but I was faster and came up with another lightning arc.

“Not so much fun when it's your flank is it?” I taunted.

I barely caught his last words before he yelped and ran away again, “Worth it.”


Gunhaver’s POV

I twitched a finger, gently removing another blue strand of memory. In my hands was a large ball of them, all of it belonging and still connected to Number One who currently was laid out like a patient awaiting surgery. Ever since I had captured him, I pulled out his memories and sifted through it, trying to figure out what he knows and test some things with memory strands. As it turned out, it’s a rather harmless process (from the lack of screaming on the test subject’s end) and whenever his memory returned to him, he was disorientated as if he had a hangover. I assumed that was from his mind reorganizing itself. However, I had more important questions that his memory may answer.

Unfortunately, the only useful info I discovered about Mr. One here was that he was a computer programmer, a hacker in fact. He was attempting to send out a virus to shut down several large businesses before he was brought into the game. I had never done much for computer software aside from replacing computer parts and installing games, but with this memory, it was never too late to learn. The only problem is where I could apply it. Eh, I’ll figure it out eventually.

However, there was one thing that bugged me. When I took a peek at the memory when he was brought into the game, I couldn’t find out the name of his Host nor a face, but I did see that the guy was brought in right after a SWAT team raided his apartment. Shots were fired, the vision went black and he suddenly appeared in this world. This only brought me more questions than answers about this world. I’d have to find someone else, hopefully someone nicer, to explain everything.

'Ugh, this so much to think about.' I thought, 'I need to calm down.' I put the memories back into their owner and then grabbed the old violin propped up against the wall. After a bit of tuning, I played some notes. Nothing fancy, just something to get my mind off of things and sort it all out.

'I wonder...'