//------------------------------// // Twilight and the Dragon (Tragedy, Dark) // Story: Subsolar's Super Short Stories // by Subsolar Drift //------------------------------// The air was thick, hot, and hard to breathe. Darkness blurred the edges of my vision as I struggled to stand. The smell of blood, sweat, and fire filled the cavern. I focused all of my attention on standing. Not on the blood spattered walls, the bones lining the floor, or the rubble from the cave in. I ignored everything my mind told me, relying only on my senses. If I let my emotions get the better of me I would never get out. I shoved all my thoughts away into the back of my mind. The sound of scales scraping on rock forced me to look up. Sure enough, there was the dragon, smiling cruelly as he observed his work. His eyes came to rest on the rocks behind me, and then to me. He let out a snort and my vision darkened as the air only gained heat. I tried to ignore the screaming pain from my chest. I guessed I had several broken ribs. Every breath was a fight to not collapse and a knife in my chest. The ground beneath me shook as the dragon came closer, my legs shook and came out from under me. I cried out as I hit the ground. My coat was damp and matted with blood, only some of it my own. I could feel as every inch of my body shouted at me to give up, to just slip into unconsciousness and let the dragon win. I ignored my body and kept my eyes trained on the dragon approaching me. It's eyes looked me over with disdain. It stopped in front of me and moved so that I was trapped between it and the wall. There was no avenue of escape. That was fine with me. I didn't want to escape. The dragon was in front of me trying to see if I was a threat. All he saw in me was an injured pony whom he could toy with before he killed. He made no move to defend himself, assuming all the fight had left me. That would be his last mistake. I let my emotions loose. Waves of fear, pain, and anguish overcame me. Parts of me wanted to break down in tears, faint, or just die. Those parts were dwarfed by one thing. Anger. I allowed myself to see what was left of my friends from the corner of my eyes. Blood pooling on the floor. A wing sticking from a pile of rubble. A leg the only part of a body not trapped under rock.   A let out a scream of rage and sadness. It echoed off the walls of the cavern. I focused everything I had through my horn. I thought of my friends and how the dragon had killed them. A cave in that didn't have the mercy to kill me as well. I thought about how their families and loved ones would never see them again. I thought about how they would never achieve their dreams or see their futures. The cave was basked in the glow of my horn. I looked into the dragon's eyes and saw my reflection, eyes glowing and face of pure rage. I prepared to release my magic. It would destroy the mountain. I had no small amount of power and I was using it all. I would collapse all the caves in. The dragon would suffer the same fate as all of my friends. There would be no way I could escape, but that didn't matter. I didn't want to live without my friends. The dragon began to strike. I released my magic.