Luna's Exile.

by Discordisbestnonpony

Morning Alone

Luna went out on the balcony to lower the moon, Celestia walks out beside her. "Good morning my sister." Celestia said in her calming voice.
"Good morning." Luna sighed lowering the moon and the stars. "Are you looking forward to your trip, sister? You're going to the new town of Manehatten, correct?"
"Yes, Discord suggested it actually, he thought it would be nice for me to come so maybe it would attract new ponies."
" D-d-d-discord suggested it?!?!" Luna screamed to herself in her head.
"Sister, are you alright?" Celestia says cocking her head slightly worried about her sister who had suddenly turned pale "Sister do I need to get you to a doctor?" Celestia says even more worried as she places a hoof on her sister's forehead not feeling a temperature.
"I-Im fine sister.." Luna says a little anxious. Celestia sighs as the brings the sun up.
"Princess Celestia, your husband said I could find you in here. You chariot is awaiting with your bags to take you to the new town of Manehatten! We must get there soon, Princess." The gruff voice of a guard calls out to her. Celestia wraps a wing around here sister.
"I must go. I have planned a lunch for you and Discord this afternoon. Tomato soup and sandwiches." Celestia says looking down at her young sister.
"I will be looking forward to it." Luna says looking up back at her sister, Celestia smirks a little.
"Keep him in line Luna." Celestia whispers before she walks out of the room, leaving her sister alone for the week with Discord, Luna sighs and sits on her bed burying her head in her hooves.
"I hope this isn't a trick...." She sighs levitating her journal and quill over to her as she begins to write.

"Left alone for the week with my sister's husband, Discord he suggested she visit the new town of Manehatten for a week that maybe it will make more ponies become interested in the town...
I had a horrible dream, so this week alone scares me even more..
What happened was I was alone with him, and it was night, we appeared in a room and he told me he loved me, not my sister, he then forced me onto the bed... And starting raping me...
I hope this doesn't happen. I pray that it doesn't, for the sake of myself and my sister...
I know she loves him, oh so very much... She said she would never love anypony after her old husband of whom was a mortal earth pony passed away about a hundred years ago, before I started writing in this journal.
I just pray that Discord doesn't mess up the lunch I'm having with him because my sister set it up..
Maybe it will be nice, one can only pray..
Maybe ill have some hard cider tonight considering my sister wont be worrying about me drinking.
Maybe this will indeed be fun. But I cant ignore that ever nagging worry in the back of my mind telling me some thing isn't quite right.
Lets just pray its me being a worry pony...
I mean... I can have the guards be around me all times... But if I'm wrong, it will be like I'm acting like a complete bag of dirt...
Maybe it will work out, ill see after lunch this afternoon.
~ Signed the Lunar Princess, Luna.."

Luna sighs as she signs off in her journal and writes the date like she has been doing at least once a day every day for the past fifty years, she picks up her colored ink and a blank sheet of paper with her magic and walks out on the balcony, looking up at the beautiful sun that her sister has made today, she sits down her paper and ink and pulls up a chair to sit in, she begins to draw the beautiful sun as a present for when her sister returns from her trip she smiles as she does.
"Haha! It looks real! I hope she enjoys it." She says to herself as she finishes the drawing and signs it, she trots back into her room with the drawing and lets Moon Light out who was awake for some reason.
"Afternoon Moon Light." She says with a smile as she closes the balcony door and the small owl hops on her shoulder and hops over to the balcony to look out, the moon princess smiles and relaxes on her bed pouring herself a cup of tea as she gets a book and begins to read until she has to go to lunch with Discord.