//------------------------------// // Losing Yourself // Story: Dangerous Elements // by Poison_Joke //------------------------------// Chapter 6 - Losing Yourself The roar of the voices increased as Spike was marched towards the double doors at the end of the cave’s hall, flanked on either side by two burly earth ponies garbed in their padded black clothes. The faces of other fillies and colts watched him walk by with his claws in iron manacles. Some were terrified of the guards, some were worried for Spike. Others were downright relieved that this dragon that they didn’t know was being thrust through those doors and they were not. The cheering of ponies on the far side grew loader. The muted, but still annoyingly audible voice of Roulette boomed above the crowd, exciting and no doubt coaxing the rowdy spectators into betting just a little bit more on the main event; an event Spike was about to partake in. The torches either side of the huge wooden doors shook in time with the thumping of hooves from beyond. A wave of sound blasted Spike’s spines backwards as the doors swung open and he was led into the blindingly bright room beyond. Before even his reptilian eyes could adjust to the sudden change in light intensity from the dreary cave, Spike was dragged off to the side and down some carved cave stone steps into a dark hallway. This one was lit by a single torch flickering away and barely casting its glow along the bare walls. Two heavily set iron gates created a small cage at the end. One to lock him in, the other to let him loose into the arena. His entourage of earth ponies pushed him toward the first of the gates, one of them unshackling a chain from it and leading Spike inside before unlocking his manacles. Spike painfully rubbed his wrists and neglected to stare at anywhere other than the floor. “Good luck kid” said one of the earth ponies, snickering under his breath. “You’ll need it.” The iron gate slid closed behind him and the chain was locked around the gate and the bar next to it, once again condemning him to a metal prison. This time however, there was one chance for escape to somewhere a little less... Cagey. The end of the hall smelled a little of stale urine. It was unsettling to think that younger colts and fillies had stood in this same spot and were unable to hold in their own terror at what lay before them. Spike couldn’t really blame them either. His own heart was ready to beat out of his chest. Now he was next to the arena proper, the thudding and banging of hooves above made the iron bars shake vigorously. The shouts and cries of entertainment deprived ponies from above was oppressing, almost physically driving Spike to curl up on the floor. Spike wasn’t really sure that agreeing to this was such a good idea after all. Sure, he could probably just tear open the bars and try and sneak out, but a cruel voice in his mind reminded him of what the consequences could be should he not play by the rules. Come on Spike, you’ve got this! Think about what Rainbow Dash would do! Rarity would be so impressed! Maybe next time I could actually save her from diamond dogs when she gets in trouble! I have to go through with this; I have to at least try! I mean, Twilight would tell me to be strong and not give in and she... She’s coming to get me, I know it. I need to be strong until then. Spike lifted his head up to stare at the ceiling of his new cage, hoping that somewhere out there, she was searching for him. I need to be strong for her. Spike closed his eyes and smiled a little, remembering his friends back in Ponyville. Another thought struck him as stood. He stared out of the gate to the grimy arena floor just meters away. A beautiful white pegasus, depending on him to come back, to look after her flooded the forefront of his mind. I need to be strong for Snowy. That was all the encouragement he needed right now. Spike clutched his claws together tightly and brought them to his chest, breathing in deeply. He had been talking himself into this moment for the last two days and now it was finally here. He’d spent the time pacing his cell, wearing a small groove into the stone floor whilst a worried Snow Drop looked on from the bed, trying desperately to comfort him but to no avail. He knew he was tough; dragon scales were one of the hardest substances in Equestria, even on a baby dragon. He could take a lot of punishment and still be okay afterwards. Hell, he can swim in lava. However, as he started to pace in the small cage, just moments away from being thrown snout-first into this foreign arena, the thought of him getting hurt wasn’t his main concern. It was for whoever he would be facing. Spike had only ever hurt anything to defend himself or his friends. Would he even have to defend himself here? What if Roulette was so cruel and put some lowly, terrified filly or colt who was in the same position he was in? Some of the captured ponies barely had their cutie marks. There were rumours amongst the captured that there were ponies who had been fighting here for years. Rumours that they learned how to survive the trials of countless arena opponents and that they live a slightly more luxurious life than the rest of the arenas so-called possible gladiators because of it. Roulette obviously takes good care of his most profitable assets. He had even apparently taken some of them under his wing to join his merry band of foal snatchers as a few colt and fillies were seen strutting around in the same black armour of the guards. This worried Spike more than anything. More than the likelihood of his rescue or than Snow Drop. He could help protect her by doing what Roulette wants and fighting in this arena for booze-driven entertainment, but he couldn’t protect his opponent from what might happen if Spike had to defend himself. He couldn’t just submit. Roulette had warned Spike that he had to give the audience a ‘good show’ and not just stand there and be a pint-sized dragon bucking bag for whoever he came up against. Of course, if the rumours were true, then the older colt or filly he went up against might actually have a chance to beat him, fair and square by bucking the living daylights out of him. That was a small comfort, and one Spike clung too desperately as the iron gate in front of him slid down into the cave floor below and granted him entrance to the dusty arena. ooooOOOOooooOOOOoooo The bleak brown walls of the arena shook momentarily again. “Ooooft!” Spike groaned in pain again as he slid down the wall of the arena for the third time in the short time since the gate slid open and he stepped into the arena. When his eyes had adjusted to the beaming lights and he stopped gawking upward at the riotous crowd above, his opponent revealed themselves to deafening applause. A colt, probably a few years older than the Cutie Mark Crusaders and garbed in the same padded black armour that the guards were rigged out in trotted into the crumbling arena floor. His coat was a teal green, with the back of the armour hiding his cutie mark from sight. His face was visible and his charcoal mane was slicked back stylishly. A small scar reached down from his bright green eyes to his left cheek. He surveyed the arena for a moment, drinking in the crowd before settling on Spike. The colt chuckled. Spike definitely didn’t have to worry about hurting this colt. The young dragon’s hide had been bucked into the wall or stomped into the floor so many times in the few minutes, he actually thought this colt was trying to decorate the dull brown hole in the floor with a lovely crimson red. It was seemingly to lighten the place up a bit because he chuckled and giggled to himself every time Spike was sent hurtling towards the wall. At least he’s having fun. The rules were simple really. The fight continues until one of the contenders submits or is unable to carry on, then the winner is given a bit of a bonus and the loser is wheeled off through the double doors to see the resident doctor. The colt was obviously a crowd favourite. The booming cheers for him and insults for Spike were muted as Spike’s head rang with the aftermath of his latest impact. His shook his head violently, giving his vision some much needed clarity with a headache to boot. Above all the jeers at his expense, Spike was sure he heard a “come on dragon! Show him what you’re made of!” He wasn’t really sure if it was support, or if the few who weren’t being offensive were bored of him getting his scales kicked around so much. Fine. They want me to fight back? I’ll give them a fight! Spike staggered back to his feet and flexed his claws menacingly. A few sarcastic “oooo”’s broke the cheering, followed quickly by bellowing laughter. Spike snorted, ignoring the crowd and blowing a few green flames from his nose. Now he was focused on his opponent. The colt had taken to flaunting about a bit, rearing up on his hind legs and cheering along with the crowd. He’d apparently done this before. Show off. He wasn’t fast, but he hit very hard and so far, Spike had been pulling his punches. Well, not anymore. He wanted this to end now, so he could get out of this pit and get back to Snow Drop. Spike charged towards the colt, using his front and back claws to give speed and momentum. This caught the colt off guard as Spike smashed into the side of him, sending him crashing against the side of the arena. Even with the padded armour on, the sudden impact dazed the colt who was surprised his opponent had decided to fight back and that he had hit him with the power of a freight train. The match was on. The crowd screamed and cheered again as the battle heated up proper. The colt was wheezing a little, but attempted to turn and buck Spike again into the wall; but he was ready this time. As he shot his legs out, Spike quickly jumped to the side on all fours and again smashed into the colt’s side. He dropped to the floor and rolled away, back onto his hooves. He staggered, clutching his side. Spike worried that he may have broken one or two of the colt’s ribs. The two circled each other, waiting for the other to make the next move. Spike did, diving forward again with all four claws pushing him on. The colt wasn’t stupid, he jumped out of the way and spun, bringing a forehoof smashing into Spike’s head. The collision itself didn’t hurt, but it threw Spike off-balance, making him crash face first into the hard arena floor. The teal colt wasted no time. Spike turned over to face upwards but before he could recover, the colt was stood over him, relentlessly smashing his hooves into the dragon’s scaled stomach. “Submit!” the colt cried at him in between hoof slams. This was hurting now. Every slam reverberated through Spike’s body and up to his head, his vision was getting hazy with a tinge of red. Get off. Spike’s heart was racing as he shielded his face from the colt. His breathing was becoming increasingly erratic. Get off! Spike’s muscles tensed. His temper raged and his claws flexed out. His reptilian eyes narrowed to deadly slits. “Get off of me!” Spike roared, screaming a burst of emerald flame into the colt’s underside. The colt screamed in pain as the heat from the blast melted his padded robe and burned through to his stomach. Spike leapt away turning to face the colt. He wasn’t finished. He jumped to his feet and again dived at the colt, this time with seething anger and claws outstretched. He tore into the colt’s side, ignoring the screams from the colt as his armour was shredded away in a frenzy of slices, followed swiftly by parts of his teal coat. A magical aura quickly lifted Spike away from the heavily bleeding colt. Unicorns around the arena were stationed to prevent any continuation after one of the contenders had been deemed unfit or had given in. Spike hadn’t heard the terrified screams of the colt, the bloodthirsty cheers of the crowd or the gates on either side swinging open and unicorns rush in to apprehend him. He only saw the one who had been hurting him, this young colt who was mercilessly stomping his scales into the floor. This nameless young colt who might have been stolen from those who loved him, just like he was. This nameless young colt who now lay on his side in a filthy hole in the ground in a small pool of his own blood that was seeping from large gashes in his hide. His body relaxed again. His slitted eyes returned to their normal roundness and his heart rate slowed. As a unicorn lifted him away, Spike glimpsed what he’d done; what he’d managed to do to his opponent. It frightened him. He didn’t thrash inside the bubble of telekinesis, he was all too used to being hoisted around by Twilight’s magic back at the library, he just stared with tired eyes at the bloody scene before him as the colt was quickly lifted onto a wheeled table and carted off away from the cesspool of blood sport, drinking and gambling. The roar from the crowd and the dull brown of the arena faded from view. Exhausted from his sudden exertion, Spike slipped into a fitful sleep. Above the arena, seated in a special announcers box with a good view over the floor was Roulette. His jade eyes gleamed with greed as he grinned sadistically. This little guy is gonna make me a lot of money! His jade eyes flashed and changed. For a moment, deep chilling blue irises glared at the crowd in front of him before snapping back. Roulette staggered and held a hoof to head for a moment, shaking his mind clear before trotting back down to his office with a smile. ooooOOOOooooOOOOoooo “Urrgghhh... My head.” Spike came to on the hard mattress of his cell and tried to roll over to his side. He flinched painfully. “Ow. I feel like I didn’t get out of the way of a stampede...” he groaned, clutching his stomach as he sat up gently. His stubby legs dangled limply off the end of the bed before he was hit suddenly by a blurry white flying ball. “Spike! You’re okay! I was so worried when they brought you back!” Snow Drop fluttered away down the bed to give him a little bit of space after seeing him wince at her enthusiasm. She smiled bashfully and dropped her head, letting strands of her pale blue-grey mane drop shyly over her right eye. “It’s okay, Snow. It’s good to see you too.” Spike stood up on the bed and stretched out, popping his aching joints and sighing in content. His eyes came back to the white filly with serious concern. “Are you okay? They didn’t hurt you while I was out, did they?” Snow Drop lifted her gaze gently to look at him with her icy blue orbs. “No, they just dumped you in here and told me you’d be fine, just a bit sore when you woke up. I didn’t really believe them. You were tossing and turning a bit when you were unconscious. I was really worried about you.” She let her tone drop slightly and moved closer to Spike. “So, what happened?” She knew immediately it was a painful question. Spike tensed up suddenly as images of the teal green colt jumped around in his head; the kicks, the stomping and Spike’s sudden rage. The blood. Spike slumped back down to the bed, sitting on the edge again, shaking. “I-I didn’t mean to, I mean, he was hurting me and-” Snow Drop cut him off. The angelic pegasus had thrown her forelegs around the dragon, then tried to wrap her tiny wings around them as well. Spike was still shaking, but he enjoyed the embrace and relaxed slightly. “Spike, tell me. What happened?” the innocent filly cooed in her little voice, not letting go. The young dragon sighed deeply. “I don’t really know Snow. I remember the colt was winning. The crowd were shouting at me to fight back, so I tried but it didn’t work. The colt pinned me to the floor.” Snow Drop could feel Spike’s heart start to beat faster through his chest and she held him tighter, stretching her wings as far they would go to wrap him up on the end of the hard bed in the monotonous grey of their cell. Spike continued, again relaxing slighty at Snowy’s efforts. “He was slamming his hooves into me over and over, screaming at me to give in.” Spike’s expression abruptly changed to one of confusion. “Then I just kinda saw red. I mean, I don’t really know what happened.” He turned to face Snowy, letting the embrace soften a little but still stayed close to her. “I remember feeling full of energy, b-but I was angry too. Angrier than i’d ever felt. Even more than when Discord turned all my friends against each other.” A tear carved it’s way down Spike’s scaled face, dripping from his chin onto Snow Drop’s foreleg. “T-There was a lot of blood Snow. He was just lying there, I-I didn’t know what to do! I couldn’t do anything, the unicorn... They dragged me away so I wouldn’t hurt him anymore and I just didn’t feel like me anymore. I was so angry Snow. So, so angry...” Spike started to shake again, burying his head in the comforting embrace of Snow Drop’s wings and legs. She brought a hoof to his chin and lifted his head up to face her. “Now you just stop it” she said flatly, looking into Spike’s forest green eyes. Snow Drop loosened her embrace and lay with him on the side of the bed with her forelegs handing off of the edge. She looked down dejectedly, thinking of how best to put her thoughts into words. “Ever since I was taken from my - ever since we were taken, you’ve been the only one who’s looked out for me. All the colts and fillies in here are scared, Spike. We’re all terrified, but you gave us hope.” Spike looked down on the filly as she stared at the floor, her young face twisted into thought. “You stood up to Roulette on the first day, for me, in front of everypony in that big stupid hall. When he hurt me and you saved me, you helped to save a little bit of everypony who’d been taken.” Her face looked sullen now as she continued to think. “Every single one of us is clinging to the hope that somepony is going to come rescue us or somepony -or dragon- is going to lead us out of here so we can see our families again. When you stood up to Roulette, that little bit of hope inside all of us grew.” Snowy turned to face Spike, tears of her own now strewn down her soft white cheeks. Spike brought a claw to her and rubbed them away. She didn’t stop. She had to say this to him. “We need you, Spike. We all need you to be strong for us, because we’re not. We need you to keep being the green light that we can all follow out of this dark place because we’re not strong enough to do it.” Spike wrapped her up into a tight hug, gently brushing the top of her mane with his right claw. Snow Drop buried her face into his warm scales, rubbing her nose into his chest. “I’ll try Snow. I really will. I just want you to be safe.” Snow Drop wriggled out of his embrace and stood on the bed, eye level with Spike as he kneeled next to her. “We need you to stay strong for us Spike. Thank you.” She leant down and kissed him on the cheek before fluttering away to the other end of the bed nearest to the fire, still burning away in the corner and curled up into a ball. Spike’s cheeks flushed red as he watched her fly over. He stared down into the fire, his green eyes reflecting the glowing and flickering emerald flame. He whispered to the kindling fire. “Thank you, Snowy.”