The Nightmare Reborn

by vintage brony

Chapter Six - Crucial bonds are born

“Your majesty how did the meeting go?” Asked Kebert Xela eager to know.

“Well the royal guard will start to fortify the city soon. Shining Armor will begin his protection spell momentarily...” Luna said her voice trailing off as she began to think.

“Your majesty? Are you ok?” Kebert asked, concern growing in him.

Luna looked at the student before her and let a smile grow on her lips. “Yes Kebert, I am quite alright. Thank you for your concern.”

“Well your quite welcome princess. But if we are to make it before your sister heads off, we should leave soon.” He said with a smile of his own.

“Your right, although I don't see why she feels the need to leave with the royal guards to each city. Especially without my accompanying her.”

“She said she needs someone here in case the city comes under attack. And she intrusted you with its protection.” Kebert said as he began the trek through the castle to say his farewell to the princess, Luna following behind him.

Luna began to think back to when she had just been freed from this monster. Back when she had the Elements of Harmony used on her. The first week of being back had been... strange... to say the least. Learning what had changed and what was normal was tedious, but she learned it at a good pace. And when Celestia told her that the pony that had cured her was her private student. It was shocking... but only for a second, but if she was taught by her sister then it made sense that she won.

After awhile of being back Celestia noticed that some of the other ponies in the castle were still a little uncomfortable around Luna. And vice versa, so she thought on what could be done to rectify the situation. Then she remembered her trip to the towns observatory a few days after Luna's return. She had notice that one of the ponies there was very happy that Luna was back by her side. In fact he seemed more intent on that subject then his life's work. And since his study was on Luna's night sky it seemed natural enough.

So her solution was simple, to give Luna her own student to teach. Just like Celestia had Twilight, Luna would now have Kebert. It was a tad awkward as Luna grew used to the student-teacher relationship, but once she had it it always became the highlight of her day to spend some time with him. It was almost like he was her brother, he cared for her and she cared for him.

“Your highness watch out!” Kebert yelled as he rushed to open a door in time. He got there just before Luna walked into the door. She stirred from her thoughts and realized what she almost did.

She blushed slightly feeling silly and responded shyly. “Why thank you Kebert, I wasn't watching where I was going.”

“Why no thanks are necessary princess, just happy to be of assistance.” He responded cheerfully. “Although Celestia isn't here yet, she must have been held up by something. Shall we wait for her here by the carriage?”

“Of course.” Luna said joining Kebert in sitting by the carriage. She glanced over at the pegasus beside her and remembered when she had first meet him. Of course she feared making a bad impression on other ponies. So she tried not to talk much. But Kebert had been fairly effective in befriending her. It seemed like he would stop at nothing for his princess.

When she first walked into the royal throne room that night he was before the throne, conversing with Celestia. “Ah there you are sister. I have a surprise for you.” Celestia said trying to hide her excitement.

“Surprise? What dost thou mean by 'surprise'?” Luna replied. She was still learning more modern language.

“Well his name is Kebert Xela and he will be your private student from now on.” She replied happily beaming at Luna.

At this Kebert's ears perked and he turned at Luna. “I'm to be her new student?” He asked rather out of breath. She returned the look as she took in his appearance.

He had a pure white coat, and his mane, tail, and hooves were as black as her night sky. He was also a pegasus with brown eyes. His mane hide his left eye and his tail was short. For his mark he had what appeared to be an odd shaped triangle with eyes...

The only thing running through her mind was I don't think I'm ready for the responsibility this shall bring...

“So sister what do you think? Do you want to do this?”

“I am unsure if I'm ready for this task as of yet, I'm still adjusting to everything.” Luna said honestly.

“Well I am Luna, trust me your more than ready for this. You'll do just fine.” Celestia said convincing her sister to take on the job with her soothing voice.

“Ok Tia, if thou believe I should then I shall teach Kebert.”

Her words brought a wide grin to his face as his eyes grew as wide as his grin. “I-I get to study under Luna!? This is... I just...” He never go to finish the thought because his eyes rolled back and he fainted. Hearing the thud the two princesses galloped to the pegasus and tried to wake him.

“Oh my are thou alright!? Was it something I said!?” Luna asked frantically worried she did something wrong. “I shall go get the royal doctor!”

“Oh I think that's alright Luna, he just fainted. He'll be ok, lets just put him to bed for now. He'll be staying in the castle to save time traveling here. I gave him a guest room not far from our own bedrooms.” Celestia explained as she picked up Kebert with her magic and gently placed him on her back.

Luna followed her sister and watched the slumbering pegasus. So this is my new student, I do hope this doesn't become a habit... But I wonder what he will think of me? Will he see me as some of the other ponies around the kingdom see me? With terror and worry? She cringed at the thought of him cowering before her. She shrugged the thought from her mind. He fainted from excitement not from fear, didn't he?

When they arrived at the room they entered and placed Kebert down upon the bed, Celestia pulled the covers over him with her magic before turning to leave. She noticed that Luna was simply starring at him sleeping and nudged her with a soft nuzzle. She jumped slightly then realized what happened.

“Yes sister?” She asked.

“Well go on.” Celestia said a sly smirk on her face.

“With what Tia?” Luna asked, confused as to what her sister was getting at.

“You can't hide it from me. Well enter his dream, spend some time to know him.”

“Oh... I never could hide my feelings from thou sister. Are thou sure I'm ready for the responsibility? I know I ask for more to do around the castle but I don't know if this is within my abilities to do.” Luna asked as she gazed at the floor questioning her abilities.

“Don't be silly Luna, of course your ready for this. Why wouldn't you be? I think this will be good for you. It'll show you that you can handle anything, and he adores you. He couldn't stop asking about you when I visited the observatory.” Celestia said as she sat with Luna and nuzzled her neck.

“He works at the observatory?” Luna asked as she perked up a bit.

Celestia smiled before replying. “There's the Luna I know. I knew that would interest you, hes been studying your night sky since he was a young colt. And ever since your return he has only grown more eager to learn about it.”

Luna's eyes widened as she replied, “He studies my night sky?”

“Why yes Luna, is that so strange to you? I mean now that you have met one of your loyal subjects.” Celestia said with a grin as she nuzzled Luna's neck.

“Loyal subjects? How is he different from other citizens of Equestria?” She thought aloud.

“Well for one he never feared you, when he heard you were back he was excited beyond imagination.”

“H-He... never fear me?” Luna said shyly remembering the day she came back. She remembered the scared faces of all the ponies around her. Even as Celestia told them she was harmless they still seemed incredibly uncomfortable.

To hear that somepony out there could ever accept her back so willingly was... refreshing... And to have that pony around her was comforting. She was going to return the kindness to him, she would not let him down. Luna adopted a determined face and stood up tall and puffed up her chest.

“I shall take him on as my student, and I will ensure he has everything he could ever need!” Luna bellowed. Celestia could only smile and try to keep from chuckling at the scene of her sister so excited. “I knew you would be up for the task my dear Luna. Well if its alright with you I think I will be retiring to my room for the night.” Celestia said as she got up to her hooves.

“Why of course sister, I will stay here until he awakens.” Luna said as she glanced to the pegasus.

“Your rather protective already Luna.” Celestia cooed as she teased Luna. Seeing her blush at the comment was all she needed. Luna huffed as she turned away, “I am simply going to remain so I can show him around the castle when he awakens.” Luna said trying to hide her face from her sister with her mane.

“I see, well don't let me stop you. Good night Luna.” Celestia said smirking at the annoyed face Luna wore as she still had the faintest hint of blush. Once satisfied with this reaction she walked to the door and departed.

“Ugh, where in Luna's name am I?” Kebert groaned as he opened his eyes slowly. What he saw before him was both amazing and terrifying. He appeared to be in space! He looked at his body and saw no space equipment on him. Troubling but seeing as I'm unharmed at present I think I'll just enjoy the view. He finally agreed to himself.

As he silently floated through what appeared to be the unfathomable void of space, he could not keep his mouth closed! As soon as he would pick up his jaw it would unceremoniously drop at the next spectacle before him. Whether it was a close-up of a planet or a comet flying past, he couldn't contain his excitement.

He saw a grouping of stars directly in front of him and as he watched they shifted and appeared to be forming something... Once the stars stopped moving he realized what the something was. It was the face of Luna! For the uptenth time since this began, his jaw dropped.

“Hello Kebert, I hope thou are having a peaceful dream?” The formation began.

Still taken aback by this he was a little slow to answer. “Uh y-yes! I-I uh this is a dream? I didn't realize, and if you don't mind me asking princess. “Why are you here?” He questioned gazing up at the twinkling lights that now made up Luna's face.

“Well its my job to patrol the dreams of others. So that I may protect them while they sleep. Yet if I have stepped over some kind of boundary...” She said quietly as the formation shifted so she was looking away from Kebert

“Oh of course not princess! I was unaware of this ability so I was curious.” He replied as he shyly rubbed his left foreleg with a hoof.

Luna looked back at him and smiled, “Well when thou wake up tomorrow you can ask me as many questions as you wish.” She said trying to emulate the soothing voice her sister adopted to speak to other ponies.

Kebert noticed this and smiled while smothering a chuckle. “Thank you princess. I'll see you tomorrow at dusk.”

“Well I shall leave thou to dream, farewell.” The stars said as they dispersed to their normal positions.

Kebert opened his wings and thought, If this is a dream then who says that there is no air in space? He then flapped his wings and soared around in search of more sights to behold.

Luna picked up her head as her horn ceased to glow. She cast her gaze at the still slumbering pegasus on the bed. He was on his back with a silly grin on his face, his leg twitched for a second. Luna smiled then quietly exited the room turning off the lights and shutting the door.

Hmmm she thought, if I am to be a teacher then I will need teaching equipment right? She pondered for a few moments then remembered a store in town was still open during the night. She wondered at times if Celestia had a hoof in why this was so but put the thought aside.

She unfolded her wings to her sides and took to the air, heading for the store to prepare for the next day.

A few minutes later...

Once she arrived she stood under one of the lamps out side and peered inside through the glass. She saw things she may need like quills and parchment, other things like nick-knacks and trinkets. Of course the castle had these things but she didn't want to be a drain on their supplies.

She entered the store and heard the tinkling of a bell, this was followed by an earth pony popping up from behind the counter. Just like a meerkat. She giggled quietly at her internal joke. He saw who had entered and proclaimed eagerly, “Oh my! W-Well h-hello there uh princess... what brings you to my humble little establishment?” He said putting on a grimace he tried to pass off as a grin.

Seeing his reaction only wiped the smile from her lips. So he fears me still as well? “I was here hoping to acquire some supplies. May I see your inventory?” She spoke calmly hoping that the store keeper would follow her example.

“Why yes your majesty! Right this way.” He said almost jumping over the counter in his hurry.

As she followed him through the store she stopped by a display case that had a mannequin of a pony. Yet the mannequin was not what had grabbed her attention, but what it was wearing. “Hmm I wonder if it would fit him... I think I shall get it for him as a gift.” Luna thought aloud. She then opened the display and pulled the item out with her magic levitating it over to the store keeper. “Excuse me, how much for this?”

“Well I don't think it will fit you your highness, its made for stallions for one.” He said cautiously.

“Well its a gift for somepony else...”

“Ah well then I shall have it gift wrapped!”