The Lunaverse.MOV

by Listie The Scribe Maid


Hello. My name is ELISE B. and, for a couple moments, I would like to take the time to educate you on the history of THE LUNAVERSE.MOV project. It's history is not too complicated, but I feel like I need to go over it anyways, since PRINCESS LUNA FAUST does not adress it that well. Think of this as a brief fanfiction bible, or possible one of those opening text crawls. In any matter...

For those of you unfarmilliar with the series, let me fill you in: TRIXIE LULAMOON replaces TWILIGHT SPARKLE and PRINCESS LUNA FAUST replaces PRINCESS CELESTIA FAUST. It's not any more complicated then that and, in all honesty, could never happen in real canon unless it was horribly twisted around and PRINCESS CELESTIA FAUST went hoirrbly out of character, possibly replaced with one of the million version of her floating around out there.

Moving on, the idea for the mini-series came about after the filming of season 2 wrapped up. It was going to be quite a while before season 3 began (and, even then, seaosn 3 was only scheduled to have 13 episodes), so TRIXIE LULAMOON asked if they could do a little side project, with just her and the other members of the LUNA6 (if you've forgotten, they are as follows: CARROT TOP, DERPY HOOVES, LYRA HEARTSTRINGS, RAINDROPS and CHERILEE). The idea was OK and they were given two weeks to produce something.

Now, it was LYRA HEARTSTRING's idea to take the more adult theme the regular series had been taking and just stretch it out to much darker, but play it for laughs. So they decided to do that and immedeately started writing a script - however, they sort of ran into a problem when they found out that none of them were funny. To solve this problem, they outsourced to a schmuck by the name of THAT GAMER, who has stated in interviews since that he has never really cared about the LUNAVERSE up until that point and, even to this day, hasn't.

Wanting to make a little extra money, THAT GAMER agreed and very quickly pointed out that what they wanted resembled the .MOV series by a certain other fellow I forget the name of. Realizing this (and not wanting to be sued for plagirizing), they quickly modled the script around the series. It still took one week to write.

After the script was finished, with several episodes in all, they started a very rushed production, that you will see eventually. Due to it's poor quality, the mini-series never made it past the very beginning of the editing stage, though LUNA has kept in her collection, which is why we are able to show it to you.

Since the mini-series failure, the 6 were very reluctant to talk about it, though, in one interview, DERPY HOOVES gave away pretty much the entire story and a few details about the production that wasn't known up until that point - for example, the pony formely known as BONBON ghost wrote the part she appears in, alongside COLGATE and TWILIGHT SPARKLE.

It is, in all honesty, an interesting piece to look at, if not to see that the LUNAVERSE could fail in some way, though it is still not accepted as part of the series, mostly because it does not feature SALAMANDERS or an evil PRINCESS CELESTIA FAUST.

So, in conclusion, we hope you enjoy this brief glance into what could have happened, but, ultimately, didn't - for better or for worse, you decide.

[written by ELISE B, fanfiction historian, on MAY 21ST, 2013]

Introductin and epilouge written by ELISE B.
Bonus footage shot by DERPY HOOVES
Special thanks to NYX SPARKLE-STROKE for allowing herself to appear in the production, DINKY DOO for allowing us to use the footage and SWEETY DROPS for supervising.