The Twilight of Change

by teganaxis

Twilight Makes a New Friend

For any other pony, seeing a giant alien thing crashed into the middle of Canterlot Castle's throne room would be pretty exciting. Twilight, however, ranked it somewhere between the 4th and 5th weirdest thing she's done all day.

"Ah, yes. Round and inanimate, just as they described. Fascinating." Luna yawned, laying eyes on the object for the first time. The silver metal orb, bigger than three ponies stacked on top of each other and completely seamless, loomed ominously in the middle of the room. The Moon Princess looked longingly at the great doors that eventually lead to her bedroom, reminded of her lack of sleep. Celestia noticed and smiled warmly.

"Sister, you can go back to bed if you wish. Cadence and I will handle this from here." The alabaster alicorn offered. Luna drowsily shook her head.

"And miss all the fun?" Luna laughed, waving her hoof with a dismissive gesture. Luna returned Celestia's smile with one of her own.

"M'ladies, I'll take my leave." Spear interjected, bowing low. He turned to leave, taking the night guards with him. They wouldn't remember any of this. Twilight saw the male guard wave at her, a big smile on his face. Maybe she didn't traumatize them after all?

A scientist, struggling to hold up his load of scientific tomes, shuffled into the hallway. He collided headfirst with the night guard mare before Twilight could shout a warning. With a loud crash, the stack fell directly on the night guard's head.

"EEEEEEK!!" The mare shrieked, promptly curling up into a fetal position. She started rocking back and forth, whispering "the books, the books", even as the poor scientist tried to apologize.

Well, wishful thinking.

The great doors were surrounded with an aura of white magic. They closed shortly after, cutting Twilight and the three princesses off from the Nightwatch mare's little breakdown. Twilight grimaced.

"Oops." She said. Cadence gave a weak smile.

"She'll be fine. Don't worry." The Love Princess said. She looked distracted; probably still worried about her husband.

"...Will you be?" Twilight asked, concerned for her sister-in-law. The pink alicorn looked surprised.

"It's just a little cold. Nothing a little bed rest can't cure," She assured, more for herself than for Twilight, "He'll be healthy before we know it."

Twilight nodded, meeting her former baby-sitter's eyes. "Yeah, I'm sure-"

"Ahem, uh, sorry to interrupt, but are you Twilight Sparkle?"

"...Yes." Twilight replied, aggravated at being cut off. The whole room had gone silent. The white unicorn pony (presumably the same one who closed the doors) bowed his head, sending his glasses askew. He pointed a hoof towards the object.


"" A tinny, barely audible voice floated across the room. Twilight looked at Celestia and Luna. The former nodded assuredly, gesturing towards the orb.

"Just in case," Luna whispered, "Remember: flowers and puppies."

Gulping nervously, the purple mare made her way to the center of the room. The object began to glow slightly, casting dull shadows across the floor.

"Twil...ght... Spa...kle..." The voice repeated, increasing in volume. Twilight's mind raced.

'What is this thing? What does it want with me? Does it have something to do with my new powers? What if it's-' The mare flinched, just barely stopping herself from traveling down a mental path that quite possibly would have led to disaster.

'No, it definitely would have led to disaster.' Twilight reflected. 'The brain-eating aliens from Rainbow Dash's movies aren't exactly known for their friendliness-'

"Gwar!" A green, pulsating creature appeared directly in Twilight's path, it's pony-like body oozing some kind of greenish-blue slime. It's mouth opened to reveal rows of razor sharp, Twilight-eating teeth.

'I guess I deserve this one, huh?' Twilight thought, exhausted by the increasing stupidity of the things her brain decided to spit out.

The unicorn was surprisingly calm as she stared down the monster. It looked just as cheesy in real life as it did on the big screen. It charged, chomping its jaws and licking its lips.

"Woof!" The little puppy barked, skidding to a halt before a triumphant Twilight. Grinning proudly, she looked up to see the whole room with their jaws on the floor, minus Celestia and Luna; the former of whom had face-hoofed, while the latter had grinned back and waved. Cadence simply shook her head in disbelief, not as used to Twilight breaking reality as her fellow princesses.

Celestia sighed. "It's going to take ages to erase all of their memories..."

"Heh heh..." Twilight laughed awkwardly, her grin fading. "...Sorr-"

"No, don't say it." Celestia pinched her forehead. "We know you're sorry. Continue."


Twilight shooed the dog away and walked closer to the orb, which was now shining brightly. "Twilight Sparkle." The voice returned, this time completely clear. There were no lights on the object's surface; how it glowed was a mystery.

Nothing happened. Twilight was within touching distance of the orb, but it did nothing but glow and sit there. Nervously, the librarian turned back to her mentor.

"W-what now?" The unicorn asked. Celestia thought about it for a minute.

"Try touching it. It might react to contact."

Twilight gulped again and nodded, equal parts scared and curious. If it really was an alien craft, think of the things ponies could learn from them! The possibilities were endless.

Including the bad possibilities. 'No, Twilight,' she scolded herself, 'Flowers and puppies.'

Ignoring the daisy that had sprouted from the floor tiles, the purple mare gingerly lifted her hoof and started moving it towards the metal object. The air around her seemed to hum with energy. Closer...


There was a sudden burst of wind, sending dust particles and daisy petals into the air. The object's seamless exterior began to ripple like ocean waves, and the strange silver metal shined even brighter than before. A long, drawn out hissing sound, like the sound of air escaping from a balloon, echoed through the breathless room. Then, silence.

For nearly a minute, everypony just stood there, rigid in anticipation. Twilight saw Luna lower herself into a combat stance out of the corner of her eye. The librarian backed away slowly as she tried to brace herself for whatever came next, without putting too much thought into what it might be. Pretty much every flower Twilight could think of sprouted up around the room as she tried to focus on something that couldn't maim, kill, or otherwise hurt ponies. The white unicorn fainted when one grew out of his head.

Then, a second silver orb, about the size of Twilight's head, floated lazily out of the sphere. It drifted slowly towards Twilight, before stopping maybe a foot away from the librarian's face.

"Amazing..." Cadence breathed, awe-struck by the metal's water-like appearance and its silky movements. The room seemed mesmerized by the orbs, and nopony uttered a sound.

As the second orb hung in the air, its bigger brother stopped glowing and ceased moving. For what seemed like an eternity, nothing happened.

Twilight's heart quickened. The object called for her and it reacted to her touch- maybe she should try to communicate with it? The mare looked back to the princesses, the question plain on her face. They both nodded their consent, faces grave. Celestia gestured towards her guards, who took up defensive positions around the room.

Steeling herself, the protege cleared her throat.

"Hello...?" Twilight tested, taking a small step towards the orb. Nothing happened.

She tried again. "Hello? Can you hea-"

"Hi!" A cheerful, metallic voice interrupted. The room practically jumped out of their skins.

"Ah!" Twilight yelped, jumping backwards. The small orb began to hum loudly; the sound reminded Twilight of a computer booting up. The princesses didn't move, tense and ready for a fight should the need arise.

A hologram of... something... appeared suddenly from the orb. The creature appeared to stand on two legs and, other than its mane, had no coat to speak of. Its face (or what Twilight assumed was its face) was flat with the most pathetic excuse for a muzzle that the mare had ever seen. It's skin was pale, and its hooves looked like they were mutilated by a meat cleaver. A few things were familiar about the alien, however; including its shirt and jeans, and the pair of glasses it adjusted with its gross hoof-things.

"Amazing!" Twilight squee'd, elated to be making first contact with an alien race. She frantically moved around the hologram, soaking in every detail of the creature's body. She needed a notebook and a pen. She needed a camera. She needed something to record this!

As per usual, the items in question popped into existence, falling onto the floor.

Quickly retrieving the notebook and pen, the purple pony went to work. Questions poured out of Twilight's mouth. "What are you? Where are you from? Are you a race of hologram people or are you actually somewhere else? Where's your fur? What happened to your hooves?"

The hologram looked happy to answer the mare's questions. "I'm an A.I.! I'm from space! I'm actually an intelligent program residing inside this orb! I don't have any! I don't have hooves!" It cheerfully replied.

Twilight didn't write anything down; she was too busy staring at the A.I. with a creepy smile plastered on her face. Celestia coughed loudly, approaching the A.I. with a hoof raised in peace.

"Greetings, A.I., My name is Princess Celestia. I welcome you to our planet." The alicorn put on her best smile. "What might your name be?"

The hologram smiled back. "My name is Pan!"

The princess bowed her head. "Well met, Pan. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?"

The hologram- Pan- nodded eagerly, its dark pink, fluffy hair bobbing up and down. "Okie Dokie Lokie!"

Twilight raised an eyebrow. The hologram's voice was disturbingly similar to Pinkie Pie's. Celestia continued.

"Who created you?" The Sun Princess asked.

The A.I. looked confused. "I don't understand the question!" It replied, frowning slightly. Twilight decided the hologram must be female, given its voice and mannerisms. Though, for all the lavender pony knew, it could be a completely new gender. Or not have any gender at all.

Luna stepped in. "Well, if you're a computer program, something must have written you, right?" The dark blue alicorn inquired. She bowed her head. "Ah, where are my manners. I am Princess Luna. Pleased to make your acquaintance." Cadence kept a respectful distance from the alien, not wanting to crowd it.

Pan smiled brilliantly. "Hi, Luna! My name is Pan!"

Luna inclined her head. Celestia, aware that the A.I. was purposefully ignoring the question, decided to change the subject. "Well, Pan, can you tell us why you've landed on our planet?"

Pan did a little hop, turning to Twilight. "I'm here for Master Twilight!"

The librarian blushed. Nopony had ever called her "Master" before. "M-me?" She asked, rubbing the back of her head abashedly. The A.I. nodded happily.

"Yes! I'm your Changer Trainer!"

The three mares looked at the A.I. in confusion.

"My what?"

"Her what?"

"Her Changer Trainer!" Pan repeated like it was obvious.

"Yeah, we got that part." Luna said, put off by how difficult the A.I. was being. Celestia shot her sister a stern look.

"What's a Changer?" Twilight urged, happy to keep her new friend talking.

"You are, silly billy!" The A.I. giggled. Again, the sound was an almost perfect imitation of Pinkie Pie's laugh. Uncanny. "Haven't you noticed? You can change things with your thoughts, Twilight!"

"Oh, we noticed..." Luna grumbled.

Celestia stepped forward, eager to finally get some answers. "So, are you the reason Twilight has gained these new powers?"

Pan laughed. "Oh, no! Twilight has always been a Changer!"

Twilight doubted that very much.

The A.I. continued. "I'm just here to teach her how to control it. You know, before it's too late!"

Cadence respectfully butted her way into the conversation. "Um, excuse me Pan, but did you say 'before it's too late'?"

The hologram turned towards the pink alicorn. "Hello! My name is Pan!"

Luna rolled her eyes. "She probably means before Twilight crashes a meteor into the planet or something." Twilight glared at the Moon Princess.

Pan giggled again, flashing Luna a winning smile. "Nope! Good guess though! I'm talking about the apocalypse!"

Stunned silence.

"Excuse me?" Twilight asked, aghast. The A.I. continued to smile happily, as if she didn't just announce the end of the world.

"The apocalypse! The end of days! The complete destruction of the world as you know it! The annihilation-"

"Yes! Yes, we understand." Luna interrupted, rubbing her forehead.

Cadence shook her head. "So what you're saying is... the world's going to end if Twilight can't learn to control her new powers?"

"Correct!" The A.I. answered cheerfully.

Twilight grimaced. She had saved Equestria plenty of times before, but the world? Not to mention that when she saved Equestria, she didn't have Ursa Majors popping out of her head like candy out of a pinata.

"W-when do I have to be ready?" The librarian inquired cautiously. The A.I. stroked her chin for a second.

"Approximately 3 weeks, 6 days, 8 hours, 23 minutes, and 58 seconds from now! 57! 56!" Pan announced, counting on her... things. Jaws hit the floor.

Cadence was the first to speak. "That's... that's less than a month!"

Luna sighed in defeat. "We're boned." Celestia was too astonished to correct her sister's foul language.

Twilight just stared at the A.I., shocked beyond words. She eventually found her tongue, shaking her head vigorously. "B-but... that's impossible! I-I can't..."

Pan smiled assuredly. "Oh, no! Nothing is impossible, Twilight! A..." The A.I. looked deep in thought for a second. "...ten percent chance to succeed is still a chance!"

Twilight started to hyperventilate. The dust still in the air tickled the mare's nose.

"Oh, no, I wouldn't sneeze if I were you-" Pan began.

Twilight sneezed anyway.

Luna's eyes widened, and she looked up to the ceiling urgently. Celestia raised an eyebrow. "What is it, sister?" The white alicorn asked. Luna shook her head in disbelief.

"I think... I think Twilight just blew up Jupiter."

"Oh my." Pan said. "Eight percent."

The book mare felt dizzy. She fell back onto her rump as she struggled to take it all in.

The fate of the world depended on Twilight not being a spaz.

In the wise words of Princess Luna: they were boned.