//------------------------------// // Things sometimes just happen // Story: Not everypony will be happy // by Lenora Goff //------------------------------// ~Rarity~ Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. This was not going to be good at all. I was being put on the spot, a pet name for Fluttershy. That was the type of thing I normally would have been able to do within a second, but that was before I had heard hers. I simply did not want to tell her that it was bad, especially since it seemed like she had come up with it right then and there. Fluttershy had such an adorable face when she tried to think about something. Rari-bear was, without a doubt, one of the worst pet names I had ever heard. I remembered a few books that had given things that bad, but they were meant to be... a little cheesy. The type of things that happened in those stories just simply did not happen in real life. At least, they I thought that they did not. Then again, recent events normally would have been considered abnormal to me. Maybe I needed to re-think things. All of these thoughts could not stop one big one from being certain, and that was that I was expected to say something. Fluttershy expected that I would say something any second now, and a chuckle was not going to be enough. I still did not have a good name, but there was one thing that appeared in my mind. “I am afraid that I cannot give you a pet name, Fluttershy.” That look, that crushed look, was enough. I had to continue, an excuse had to be made. “I would rather give you a name that come with time, with thought, with love. Something befitting of somepony with your charm, grace, something that truly shows how much I love you.” If I said it enough, it would become true. I already loved her, though not in the way I knew was needed, but the rest would make it that way. There had to be a way where she could go from best friend to lover in my eyes, I just had to wait to find it. ~Fluttershy~ Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. I had pushed it on her too quickly, she hadn’t been ready. I probably looked like some crazy mare to her. At the same time, though, I knew that it was something that I had needed to say. There was no way that I would have gotten such an eloquent answer if I hadn’t said the right words. I knew that she loved me, even if she sometimes stumbled over that word, but this was something that had clenched it. She wanted to hold off on the name because she wanted it to be special. Yet I had just wasted it on something as simple as Rari-bear. It had seemed like a good one at the time, but those words disarmed it completely. “Can we pretend that I never said mine, then? I think you’re right, it’d be so much better if this was something that came later.” It felt good to say what I was thinking, and every second I was with Rarity was slowly bringing that to the front. When I was with her, I was confident. “Of course, darling. There’s no rush to a name. It isn’t like our relationship is that weak.” Her voice sounded less confident than her expression. Wait, no, I was probably just mistaken. Or maybe it was because she always looked so confident, and nothing could possibly match it. That thought had to be removed either way, forgotten. I wasn’t going to let anything happen, no doubt was going to plague me. I had doubted myself before, and it had led to so many horrible things. Never again would I let my doubts mean anything. I had Rarity here to help me, and I knew I always would. I had to come up with something to talk about, though. I could always have asked her about her business, but that didn’t seem like something that you spoke about on a date. It just didn’t feel right. The same could be said about how Sweetie Belle was doing. Actually, maybe there was one thing that I needed to say that would help out. “To be honest, I really don’t know how these sorts of things are supposed to work. I mean … I’ve never really even had a crush before.” I looked up, it felt good to get this out in the open. “Somepony’s used to think that I liked Rainbow Dash. And she’s great and all, but that sort of thing just... well, it wouldn’t have even happened even if she did like mares that way.” I looked down at the table for a moment. “That didn’t stop ponies from making so many rude jokes. It’s part of the reason why I’m really glad that I’m down here instead of up there.” I couldn’t say I was the only one who ever got bullied, nor could I say that it had been done worse to me. I knew that I just wasn’t strong enough to deal with them, I didn’t have anypony there to lean on the way that I did now. I held my hoof out, and Rarity soon grabbed it. “I had no idea darling. I wished you had told me before.” “I looked into her eyes, a smile on my face. “I didn’t want to bother you, Rarity. Besides, it happened so long ago. I tried to put it behind me, but sometimes things just don’t stay where they should...” My eyes moved from Rarity for a moment, they caught sight of a dragon that I knew. To say that Spike was still a baby dragon would be a lie, yet I wasn’t afraid of him. I knew him well enough, and it helped that he was changing off in the opposite direction. He was heading toward the outskirts of town, where Sweet Apple Acres was. ~Earlier that morning, Spike~ Words couldn’t describe how amazing it was to wake up with mom watching over me. I had thought that she would have left, that she would have gone back to Canterlot. She had even said that she needed to head back, if only to raise the sun. I had expected that she would have watched to make sure that I went to sleep, and then she would have left. “Good morning, my handsome son. I didn’t know you liked to sleep in...” “Yeah, I normally have to wake up early to make sure that I get everything ready for Twi...” My heart sank when I remembered why I had been able to sleep in. This was no time to be sad, though, this was a time to cherish. It wasn’t likely that I was going to get to see my mom again soon, she always seemed to be so busy. “Not that I’m complaining, but didn’t you say something about needing to leave?” “Oh, I still probably do need to leave soon.” I tried to make sure my disappointment didn’t show. “Those nobles need direction, they need somepony to complain to. Besides, my other subjects need a Princess that’s awake during the day I just figured I could raise the sun from here... or anywhere, really.” She took a couple steps closer to me, and nuzzled my cheek. “I really don’t see you enough, Spike.” She took a step back, and I looked her in the eyes. “It might be good if there wasn’t some sort of disaster next time we meet. Maybe I could see you and your sister at the same time next time. Without a disaster, without a crisis, just the two of you.” That sounded good, but I was starting to doubt if something like that was actually going to happen. Maybe it would happen after I talked with Twilight. Everything would happen after I talked with Twilight, it seemed. Everything hinged on how well my talk with Twilight went, if she saw what she did was wrong. I hoped she would, but part of me still doubted. I knew there was the chance that she would see herself as completely justified. That was something that could only lead to my permanent residence anywhere else. There was no time for such thoughts, though, they would only hold me back when the time finally came to talk to Twilight. Sooner was better than later. “I love you, mom. I have to go talk to Twilight right now, though. This has to get settled.” “Indeed it does. I really hope you two can work things out. If things don’t get worked out on their own, though, I’m going to step in.” That was something that no foal ever wanted, and I was no exception. I didn’t want this to be another thing that I couldn’t fix on my own. To me, this was even worse than if it was somepony else. The idea that my mom had to swoop in and save the day was something that I didn’t want to have to go through if I could do anything about it. In fact, I actually watched her leave through the window before I moved out of Sugarcube Corner. Then again, there was always the chance that she was watching. There was no time to focus on that though, I had to head straight back to the tree house. It was really more of a tree library if I wanted to be specific, but I had lived there for the past couple years now. Whatever the name, all I had to do was walk about fifteen minutes to get there. I turned the corner, it was actually about five blocks away. There was something in the corner of my eye, though, that made me turn. More accurately, there was somepony who was in my eye that made me turn. This wasn’t fair in the slightest. I probably should have found a different route, went around. I should have somehow known that this sort of things was going to happen. Of course, that didn’t make any sense. I couldn’t have known that Fluttershy was going to be there. More importantly, I couldn’t have known that Rarity was going to be there. The two of them were obviously on a date, that’s what I knew couples did on occasion. This was a pain that I couldn’t describe, worse than almost anything I remembered. It wasn’t a physical pain, that would have made this easy. I was a dragon, that meant that physical pain meant nothing. I could have dealt with arrows, swords, maybe magic, but this was something that my thick scales couldn’t offer any protection from. This was something that bypassed any defenses that anypony had, and it went straight to the heart. When that happened, logic was gone. If I had been ruled by logic, I would have just walked past and continued on. I might have ran, if it was really bad, but that wasn’t how it went. I didn’t run past, walk past, but ran away. My first instinct was to get away from Rarity as quickly as I could. I knew I couldn’t be around her, not right now. Fluttershy was my friend, Rarity was... I didn’t know what Rarity was to me. Maybe it didn’t matter, maybe I needed to just head back and see what would have happened if I tried to get Rarity for my own. Maybe Rainbow would have understood. Really, that was who it came down to. If it wasn’t for Rainbow, I probably would have turned back instead of the continued to run. I didn’t even know where I was heading at this point, all I knew was that I didn’t want to stop running until I had to. All I knew was that I had to try to be happy for Fluttershy, even if it really wasn’t happening for me at that point. I had to go see Rainbow, I knew everything would be better after that. I didn’t know where Rainbow was, really. She could have just went to Sugarcube Corner for all I knew. That didn’t seem likely to me, but it was possible. There was also a chance that she was sleeping in a tree somewhere, or that she had gone home. For the life of me, though, I just kept walking toward my impromptu destination. I had asked Pinkie Pie to help me with one thing, and I hadn’t seen her in a while anyway, so she was out. Fluttershy was out. Twilight was definitely out. I didn’t know where Rainbow was. That left Applejack, whose residence I hadn’t even figured out until a couple minutes ago I was heading for. Luck, I had it. I knew that I shouldn’t have had to do that. I was in a relationship with Rainbow Dash, and I was happy. There wasn’t anything for me in Rarity’s life, aside from a previously eager worker. There had to be something that I could have done other than run, yet that’s what I had done. I was so pathetic. The only upside to my introspective thoughts, or more accurate the fact that I was being a bit self-depreciation, had given me something to think about while I was walking for Sweet Apple Acres. This was where I needed to go, right? Pinkie Pie was looking for Rainbow, so after I got the advice she would be back at Sugarcube Corner. Applejack wasn’t the type that would judge me, I knew she’d hear everything out before she said anything. ~Roughly 2 AM, Rainbow Dash~ I hadn’t known that coffee was so good before today. Applejack hadn’t actually believed me when I had said that I hadn’t had any coffee before in my entire life, but it was true. I preferred to deal with being tired by via the time-tested method of napping. It always worked for me. Right now, though, I had given up one of the worst secrets that I could have given up. I had mentioned what Twilight had done to me, and now Applejack wasn’t letting me go back to sleep. If it wasn’t for the coffee? Everything was bad enough with it, I didn’t want to think about how bad it would have been if she hadn’t mentioned the drink. I probably would have been asleep right now, which still didn’t seem like such a bad idea. “So, tell me again about this whole situation with Twilight? None of it makes any sense ta me? Ah know that she can be a bit... err... wound up when it comes to Spike.” I shot her a look after she said that, a smirk on my face. We both knew that she was way more worried about him than almost any other pony. “Alright, a mite wound up. But she doesn’t seem like the type that would just...” I saw her motion from her head, outward. I hoped that she meant something about magic. It was either that, or she didn’t think that Twilight shot hoops out of her forehead. Actually, that one was true to my knowledge. It would look pretty cool for... actually, no, it wouldn’t. Maybe this coffee wasn’t keeping me as awake as I needed it to. “I don’t know, AJ. I think she just... freaked out. I mean, she still treats him like a baby. She probably didn’t like the idea of Spike kissing anypony, I just happened to be the one who did it.” I saw her hoof rub her temple, and then Applejack took a drink of her coffee. “Yeah, ah reckon that didn’t make ya her favorite pony to see right then. Not that it should matter none, as long as Spike’s bein taken care of.” Suddenly, she looked at me. There was a look of concentration on her face, one that I couldn’t remember seeing a previous time. “Actually, ya never explained to me why ya even put yerself in this situation to begin with. I mean, Spike is bigger an’ all, but... ah didn’t see ya as the romantic type.” There it was, one of the things that I hadn’t thought she would ask. I knew it was possible, it was something that only made sense to be asked by so many ponies. Something about Applejack asking it seemed weird, though. Maybe I was just overthinking. Either way, I lightly slapped my own cheek to make sure that I was awake. “Well, there are just... I don’t know how to explain it … but there’s something about spending time with him that draws me in.” “Sugarcube, yer soundin like ya just want a good friend. What makes him a special somepony?” I hadn’t anticipated that she would be like this, so questioning, but I needed to answer it. The words weren’t coming to my mouth, so I held out my hoof. “It’s not easy to explain, Applejack. It’s just... he’s smart, he’s kind, he’s really.. dashing.” I mentally facehoofed at that word, it was just so horrible. “Not only that, but I just can’t stop wanting to be by his side. I mean... just wait until he gets his wings. Then he can stay up at my cloud house whenever he wants, it’ll be the most awesome thing.” I looked out of the nearest window, and I couldn’t help but smile. It was totally a cool smile, obviously. I imagined what it would be like if he were able to see me whenever he wanted. With any luck, that was something that would be in my near future. Tomorrow seemed like a good time for me to find a way to get to him, and then we could both head to Zecora’s to find some way where his wings would have grown quicker than they would on their own. I didn’t even know if Spike would grow wings on his own. “Ah think ah’ve heard enough.” Applejack wasn’t the type to judge, but maybe I should have kept my mouth shut. She was a good friend to all of us, I didn’t like something that would put her in the middle of something. “Ah don’t know what she was thinkin’ Ah’m gonna head on over to her house tomorrow. Me ‘n Twi are gonna have a heart to heart an’- I put up a hoof. “Please, please don’t. I don’t want you guys to fight because of me. That’d be horrible, terrible. As Rarity might say, it would be the worst possible thing.” I fake swooned, it seemed like a good idea at the time. Maybe it was a combination of being tired and coffee, but I heard a chuckle coming from my orange friend. “Besides, I have to fix this. It’s my problem.” “Now now now, Rainbow. We’re friends, an’ friends look for fer each other.” I shot her a look, almost pleading that she didn’t do anything. “Ah’m gonna let ya try this on yer own, but this ain’t the end of it. If somethin’ doesn’t come out of it tomorra, ah’m gonna make sure that ah fix this. Ah wouldn’t dare let mah two friends fight.” “Thanks, AJ, you’re the best.” “Shucks, Rainbow, does that mean ya think ah’m more awesome than you are?” I grinned, right after I let out a yawn. “Puh-lease, we all know I’m wa-” With that, my eyes closed and I felt my head hit the table. Maybe the coffee hadn’t been able to keep me up as much as I had hoped that it would. Since we were at the kitchen table, I was sure that I would be woken up within a few hours. And then I could go find Spike, or maybe a tree to take a nap in. Either of the two were possible when it really came down to it. ~Spike, current time~ There was something about this farm that had a calming effect on me. Maybe it was the plantlife, maybe it was the fact that disasters happened everywhere else more than her, but there was something about this place that helped me focus. I needed to get that advice from Applejack, get back to Sugarcube Corner, and then tomorrow I needed to try again to get to Twilight’s. Everything made sense when I thought about it like that. This farm was amazing for thinking. Soon enough, though, I was knocking on the door. I didn’t know her schedule perfectly, but I knew that today was one of those days that Big Mac was the one who sold the apples. It seemed like these days were says when a lot of mares bought apples. There wasn’t any time to figure out why, though, I was here for some advice about what to do with... this whole situation in front of me. I knocked a few more times, it didn’t seem like anypony was going to answer. “Hold yer horses. Ah’m a comin’.” That was obviously Applejack. There weren’t a lot of Apples to begin with, and I could have picked her voice out of a crowd if needed. Good thing it wasn’t, though, and she might have been the only pony awake in there. I knew that Granny Smith was getting up there in the years, she probably napped almost as much as Rainbow did. I knew never to make that joke around Rainbow. The door soon opened, and Applejack looked at me shocked. “Oh, hey Spike. Whatcha doin here?” Out of all of my friends, Applejack was the easiest to read. She looked incredibly nervous, it didn’t take a genius to see that. And it was good that it didn’t, otherwise I probably would have missed it. I wished that I knew what she was nervous about, it might have been something that I could have helped with after I got my own advice. “I was actually hoping to get some advice.” This didn’t make her seem any less nervous. “I mean, you’re pretty honest... and that’s what I guess I need right now. Honest advice.” I heard a gulp, but she motioned for me to come in. “Whatever ah can do ta help ya, just let me know.” I had a lot of problems that I needed to deal with, but they fell into three basic categories. One of them was that I hadn’t seen Rainbow lately, but that was something that was being dealt with. Pinkie Pie was obviously back at Sugarcube Corner with her. My second problem with Twilight, I knew I would have to tread carefully with that one. The third of the problem was Rarity, or more accurately the fact that I had a hard time being around her. Which first? “Well, the first thing to say is that I’m going out with Rainbow.” I noted that she didn’t look surprised, or at least not as surprised as I had thought she would have been. It looked more like a faked one, but maybe I shouldn’t press that one further. If Twilight told her anything, she might have already known before I even came down here. I still knew that she would do her best to give good advice, regardless of what she was told. Applejack was dependable. “Ah heard about that. Why have ya given up on Rarity?” It seemed as though everypony had known about my crush that wasn’t Rarity. That was a question that brought a frown to my face. This was something that I had to deal with, right now. “Actually, that’s part of the reason why I’m here.” That seemed to catch her attention, she looked curious. “I mean, it all started when I saw Fluttershy and Rarity smooching it up. I mean, that kind of thing is enough to tell anypony that there isn’t really a chance.” It might have been the farm, but it didn’t hurt as much to remember as it had before. It still hurt, fiercely, but it felt somehow good to get this out in the open. A few tears also fell, maybe that was it. “It doesn’t end there, though.” This next part, that was going to be hard to say. “I know I should be happy for them. I mean … I’m happy because I’m with Rainbow. But I saw them, Fluttershy and Rarity, and I just couldn’t pass them. I ran in the opposite direction.” I wiped a couple of tears away. “I’m a horrible friend, I’m not happy for two of my best friends. They’re happy with each other, I’m happy with Rainbow, but I’m not happy for them. What’s wrong with me?” This was a question that seemed to take her off guard. Within a second, I felt myself being hugged. “Ah don’t know what ta say. When ya really want somethin, it might take some time for ya to ferget ya wanted it.” Applejack backed up, and I looked at her eyes. She seemed like she was remembering something as well, something that obviously wasn’t a happy memory. “Would ya like ta hear a story?” I wasn’t sure, yet I nodded anyway. “When ah was younger, ah went up to Manehattan. Ah had wanted to be up there with Aunt ‘n Uncle Orange.” This was the start of a story that I had heard. Part of me wanted to say something, to bring up that I knew that this was how she got her cutie mark. “Turns out that mah trip helped me get mah cutie mark, but that ain’t what this here story’s about.” My attention was focused even more now. “Many ponies have no idea just what they want, until it’s too late.” This wasn’t the accent I knew, it was entirely too fancy. It sounded more like the way that Rarity or maybe Fancypants up in Canterlot would speak. Either way, this didn’t sound like Applejack. “Ah learned how to talk with the best of ‘em, dine with the best of ‘em. Spent a couple’a months up there, longer than ah let anypony know.” She winked at me, a smile on her face. “Let’s keep that our little secret.” This was another side, one that I doubt many ponies actually knew. I definitely had to keep ths secret. “Don’t worry, Applejack, your secret’s safe with me.” “Ah haven’t even gotten to tha good part.” She cleared her throat, then took a breath. “Ah don’t let any of them know, but ah met somepony there.” An unexplainable expression showed up on her face, the type a pony gets when they’re remembering something good. “He was everything ah thought ah wanted. He was smart, sophisticated, darn good lookin, and he liked me. Ah met him when we were at a party fer my Uncle’s birthday. Ah didn’t think ah’d ever want to leave, and ah almost didn’t. Ah still don’t know what it woulda been like if ah had stayed behind. Maybe ah would have become more comfortable around there. Maybe it woulda just turned out to be a crush that a filly has, and we’da both been mad.” I still didn’t see the smile go away. “Ah still wonder about that, to this very day. Sometimes ah regret mah decision, but then ah see Applebloom ‘n that regret gets swept on back.” I thought I saw a tear form, but I was probably mistaken. Also, I had no idea how that was supposed to help. “Sometimes, ya can’t focus on what coulda been. If ya don’t keep with whacha got, what keeps ya happy around ya, it ain’t never gonna get easier.” That made perfect sense. “Anything else ah can help ya with, Spike?” I nervously chuckled, then looked into her eyes. “Well, Twilight might have discovered that I was going out with Rainbow on her own... when she walked in on us kissing.” Another situation where shock would have made more sense. This was another time when I probably should have asked why she didn’t seem shocked at all that I was saying what I did. “And she reacted like she did back when I got hurt and had Rainbow take me out for the day... she teleported Rainbow away. And I wouldn’t be surprised if she was paralyzed for ten or so hours afterward. Twilight’s magic isn’t too stable when she’s mad. So, anyway, I need to figure out how I can talk to Twilight... and I need to figure out where Rainbow is. Well, actually, Pinkie said she was going to figure out where Rainbow is... I mostly need to figure out how to talk to Twilight.” I didn’t know how to word this next part. “She can be kind of scary when she’s mad, and she certainly isn’t happy.” Dependable Applejack would probably help come up with a solution that involved being a part of it. I knew I would have to talk her out of it, I needed to do this myself. Yet the answer that I got was something that I hadn’t thought I’d get. “Ah cain’t help ya much with Twi, but ah do know where Rainbow is. Ah found her here yesterday, and ah brought her in. Had to stop Pinkie from wakin her up this mornin, she wanted to carry Rainbow all the way to Sugarcube Corner.” That sounded like Pinkie to me. “Ah told her that once this whole fightin thing was done, she’d have a party ta throw. She sounded like she knew, but ah said the party’d have to be bigger if it was gonna celebrate the fight endin’. That’d been enough to get her to go.” I couldn’t stop myself, I chuckled for a good five minutes before it hit me. Applejack knew where Rainbow Dash was. “I hope you don’t mind talking me to Rainbow... it’d make my day to see her.” Before I had finished, Applejack had already nodded and was already leading me up the stairs. Apparently, Rainbow Dash was already there and was still asleep in Applejack’s bed. “Ah really hope this is worth it.” “It is.” The only thought that came to mind, as I watched Rainbow sleep, was to soon head over to the bed myself. I liked napping, and soon enough I was napping with my marefriend. She even seemed to enjoy it, the two of us were soon cuddling. I really hoped that Applejack didn’t mind, I hadn’t exactly asked her if I was allowed to lay down. Yet she hadn’t said anything, so it was obviously okay. I could ignore my problems for now, as long as Rainbow Dash was with me. Tomorrow I could head over to see Twilight. I had thought about doing it today, but some things were just more important than that. ~Rarity~ I could not believe how happy I was when Angel-bunny had come up to tell Fluttershy something. I should not have been so happy, especially when the reason for his arrival became apparent. From what I had been able to discern, it was something about a sick animal. Fluttershy was always so kind. The biggest problem, the one that caused this happiness, was the cloud that had seemed to hang over us since she had asked that question. I was silent, I did not have a clue what to say. She seemed to be the same way, sadly. There had even been a moment when she had spaced out, and she seemed to have been looking off at something. When I had looked, she had said it was nothing. When I looked, I actually did not see anything either. It was alright, though, because she had needed to leave to help take care of some sort of animal. This gave me some time that I hadn’t anticipated, which meant I had to go to the thing I rarely did. I had to go figure out what this whole pet name thing was all about. I knew better than to think that this was just another thing that I had to listen to those novels about. Life needed something a little better than that, and I was going to provide. Of course, without a point of reference I could only go to the place that had information about everything. I had to go to the library. The good thing was that I actually was fairly close. In fact, it took me little time before I was standing in front of the door. The good thing about a library was that there was no need to knock when it was open. The only bad thing was that I saw a ‘closed’ sign. Oh, this simply would not do. I knew I had to get in there to get some sort of book. Not only that, but I simply could not think of a single reason why the library would have been closed in the middle of the day. It made absolutely no sense to me. Something was wrong, and I had to do something about it. Part of me said that I should have knocked, but that part was smaller. I could not remember the last time it was closed during the day, even her departure from the library happened without it being closed. The doorknob turned, and I peeked inside to see that there was a lavender unicorn that looked as though she hadn’t moved from her spot in a while. There was just a look, a defeated look, as she was sprawled out on the floor around five feet from the door. She was also pointed at the door. As the door was opened, I saw movement. Her eyes opened, and I saw something that hurt me. Her eyes were red, bloodshot. If it hadn’t been for a few other signs, I would have merely thought that she had studied for too long. Something about her face made me think that this was something worse than my own problem, something that I needed to help her with as a good friend. Even though I needed to fix my own problems, this was something that came first. I had to be a good friend to somepony today. When she looked at me, there was a few moments of a smile. It seemed as though I wasn’t the pony she had wanted to see, however, as the expression quickly changed to what it had once been. I knew this was something that was not meant to be personal, yet it did hurt a little to think that I was not able to ensure that my friend actually smiled for more than a couple of seconds. Next came a mumble, something that I simply had no idea what it was. “My apologies, dear, could you repeat that?” “Go away.” That was straightforward enough, that much was certain. Whoever she had expected was somewhere else, and I was there. I took a couple of steps forward, and I did my best to show that I was determined to help out however I could. “I am afraid I simply cannot do that. What type of friend would I be if I left you here like this? If there is anything that I can do, please tell me.” I knew there had to be something that could be done, there just had to be. Aside from being a good friend, I knew this was the only way I could ever get any advice from her in the future. That was greedy, I knew, but it was honest. “No, go away.” I saw her put her head back down, face first, onto the floor. This simply was not the way that I expected her to act. Twilight had a lot of problems, most of them had to do with her near-obsession with studying, but this simply could not have been caused by that. I had to get to the center of whatever it was that caused this problem. “Pleeeeeeaaaaase.” I knew the best way to get what I wanted, and that was to annoy. It might not have seemed like the ladylike thing to do, but it most certainly worked. “Please, please, please, please.” I knew that she would eventually have caved in if I continued for long enough. I was determined to do just that, it was a skill that I had. “FINE!” When I saw her look up at me, she looked incredibly angry. No, anger probably was the wrong way to put it. She looked as though she had been hurt by something, or maybe somepony. If it was somepony, they would be destroyed. “I ruined my... I ruined my life....” In a split second, tears started to roll from her eyes. I had no idea what to say, especially considering the fact that I had no idea how she could have possibly ruined her entire life. Part of me wondered if she had failed a test, that most certainly would have been enough to freak her out. This seemed worse than anything I had seen previously, though. “Whatever it is, I doubt it can be that bad.” I knew that probably was the wrong thing to say, so I had to continue. “Why don’t you tell me about it? If I know what went wrong, I can do something.” “Spike left me... he left me. And it’s all my fault.” I thought about it, and I had not seen much of Spike in the past couple days. I generally assumed that he could have been found here, but that turned out to be an incorrect assumption. Something had happened between the two of them, and now she was alone. “I’m sorry … did you say left you? Oh, that simply doesn’t make any sense. Why would Spike just leave you? You’re family.” I probably was not helping at all, but I had a point to make. “Are you sure you aren’t just overreacting? He might have just gone out for a few days to go … do things.” I had no idea what it could be, but it made absolutely no sense to me that he would simply leave her like this. “He … he told me that he didn’t feel safe around here, and it’s all my fauuuuult.” The crying only intensified, her words were barely decipherable at this point. If this were anypony else, I would have simply tried to find a way to leave without them knowing it. I tried to be generous, but sometimes ponies needed a little time to themselves when they were dealing with problems. Not only that, but these were not the types of situations that I normally found myself dealing with. There was no way that I could leave now, though, Twilight needed me. “Oh, he was probably overreacting then.” I put on a smile, fake as I had no idea whether or not he had actually overreacted much, and took a couple of steps forward. “Why don’t you tell your Aunt Rarity all about what caused it? This could all just be a teenager thing, after all.” I had hoped that my words would have done something, yet the effects were minimal. Her crying diminished, but not enough to have actually been considered really progress. That turned out to be wrong. Over the course of the next few hours, I was told everything. I was told about how Rainbow’s stunt had caused Spike to get injured, and then how she had taken the poor dragon from his bed. It was possible that she might have overreacted with all of the medical equipment, but that was what family did when they were worried about each other. The part that worried me, though, was Twilight’s reaction to when Rainbow finally returned the young dragon. It was easy to forget how strong she was, especially when she was broken down as she was in front of me. That wasn’t even the end of the story. Apparently, Rainbow was the center of this little drama. While I had been courted by Fluttershy, or at least she had attempted, it seemed as though the same had happened between Spike and Rainbow Dash. That was a pairing that I had not considered possible, but I was not the end-all-be-all decision maker when it came to the relationships of other ponies. That made the timing of the move by Fluttershy make more sense. I should have been mad at Rainbow for all of this. There was something about it, the two of them seemed happy together. As much as I wanted to be mad, and I probably would have been justified, I simply could not bring myself to be angry at either of them. If I had known, I likely would have made a dress for her and a tuxedo for him. The fact that she had worn the dress that I had made for Gala was something that wasn’t intended at all. No time for that, I had to remain focused. The story came to a close when Twilight caught the couple kissing. It was something that did not end well, with Twilight teleporting the pegasus away with a paralyzation spell. This ended the same as their previous encounter, of which I had known little about before today. Now I knew everything about it, up until the point that he had left. Now I was even more confused than ever. There was the fact that Twilight had overreacted when she had seen the two kissing. That was something that could have been explained by the need to protect. I still did not know if even that was enough to warrant something like that. For all Twilight knew, she could have sent her somewhere that was dangerous. I knew better than anypony that casting while you are emotional is something that simply should never be done. It never ends well. Part of me wanted to say that Spike overreacted, which he did a little. I assumed that Spike knew that his protection was her number one concern. When I heard that he had told her that he felt unsafe there, that felt like it had gone too far. Of course, I probably had no room to judge him because I had no idea what it was like to be in love enough to have pushed aside somepony who was your family for it. I might have pushed aside Sweetie Belle earlier this morning, but that would have happened even if I had needed to make something up. She was tiring sometimes, even if I loved her. All of that aside, I had no idea what needed to be said. If I did not take her concerns into consideration enough, that simply would not help. Twilight seemed determined to blame herself, but there was a need to ensure that she knew it was not all her fault. I really did have to word this perfect, or the entire thing would crumble. It really was incredibly difficult to be me, that was certain right now. It was strange. I had come here for advice, yet it seemed more likely that I was going to end up the one that gave the advice.