End of the Crusades

by TimeBomb0

Chapter 6, Part 1: CMC Party-Goers

“Oh no, I can’t believe I forgot all about that!”

“Forget what? More things?”

“No, the really important thing we never should have forgotten and we did!”

“Spit it out already! What did we forget!?”

“We forgot to grab the blue polka-dotted party caps for all the colts!”

Pinkie Pie’s eyes shrank in sheer horror, her hooves pressed firmly into her cheeks. She frantically looked back and forth in the front room. Streamers, balloons, tables of snacks and foods, and a long banner reading “Happy Cuteceñera, Sweetie!” with a drawing of her cutie mark at the end decorated the normally quaint front room of Sweetie’s house.

“Um, Pinkie Pie,” said Sweetie Belle’s mother, who stood next to her husband, “I don’t think the colts will mind too much if they have to wear pink caps.”

“But what if they do?” Pinkie immediately replied, getting right up to the white mare’s face. “You know how kids can overreact to the littlest things. What happens if one of the boys doesn’t like having to wear pink, but he throws a big fit because we don’t have blue caps for him? There’s no telling what could happen! Sweetie’s super-special Cuteceñera could be ruined!”

Pearl and Magnum glanced away with an unsure look. “Well, I don’t know if-”

“Mister and Missus Belle, we owe it to Sweetie to ensure that her super-duper special Cuteceñera is the best party she’s ever had in her young life,” interrupted Pinkie, giving them a deadly serious look. “You want Sweetie to have the best party ever, right?”

Pearl blinked. “Well, yes, but-”

“Of course you do! What mother wouldn’t? Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve gotta make a fast trip to Sugarcube Corner and save this party!”

A puff of Pinkie-shaped smoke replaced the real pony a split second later, with a trail of dust leading all the way out the front door. The trail passed by Sweetie Belle, who felt a strong wind blow her mane to the side a moment afterwards. She glanced around the front porch, knowing all too well of the problems a sprinting Pinkie Pie could lead to.

Once she determined that there were no immediate problems on the outside, Sweetie turned her attention to the other most important thing in the area: her dress.

Rarity never kidded around when she said she had a dress to make. She definitely didn’t kid around when that dress was meant to be worn by her sister at an important milestone of her life. The calm blue colors that mostly made up the gown matched perfectly with her white coat. The dress opened up at the back, allowing Sweetie’s like-new cutie mark to still be visible. The yellow trimmings served only to bring out the beauty of the mark.

A couple once-overs later, and Sweetie decided that the dress was fine. Rarity wouldn’t be killing her just yet. Now she could safely go back to watching out for her party guests.

Pinkie had told her that since it was her special party, she should be the one to greet everypony at the door. That way, nobody would forget whose party it was for. She had wondered how anyone could forget that when Pinkie had put her name in bright, big letters on the invitations. That, and the giant banner above the doorway that read “Sweetie Belle’s Cuteceñera!” Maybe Pinkie’s just thrown a bit too many parties this week, she thought.

“Hey, Sweetie!”

“Huh?” Sweetie looked over to the other side of the road outside her house. She found three of her schoolmates happily trotting up to her: Dinky, Truffle, and Rumble. Balanced on their backs were plastic containers and a few colorful boxes. Truffle had three containers stacked high on his back.

“Hope we’re not late!” said Dinky as she reached the front door.

“Don't worry, you’re right on time. Thanks for coming.” Sweetie smiled.

“Don’t mention it,” said Rumble. “I don’t think any of us could ever turn down a good party.”

“I know I can’t,” said Truffle with a dreamy look in his eye. “I could never pass up a party with Pinkie’s desserts… ow!”

An unseen jab to Truffle’s rear leg snapped him out of his trance. “Oh, and to make a fellow choir member feel welcome, too! And that’s a nice dress!” he quickly replied, nodding his head.

“You… like my dress?” A touch of pink broke through Sweetie’s cheeks.

Dinky nodded and replied with, “It looks really good on you. It must be nice to have a dressmaker for a sister.”

“Well, it comes in handy sometimes.” Sweetie giggled in an effort to hide her sheepishness. “So is anyone else coming from the choir?”

“Everyone is!” said Dinky.

Now Sweetie couldn’t hide the pink anymore. “Everyone?” she asked.

“Well, we don’t know about Diamond Tiara,” said Rumble, lifting a hoof. “She usually doesn’t like to go to parties about ponies other than herself. I think we all know how she can get, anyway.” Rumble finished with a shudder.

Sweetie didn’t say anything, but found herself agreeing. Diamonds and Sweets didn’t always make for the best combination.

“Oh well, that means more food for us,” said Truffle, licking his lips not at all quietly.

“Speaking of food, I hope the food you brought is as good as Pinkie’s.” Rumble turned to Truffle as he spoke.

“Wait, you brought food?” asked Sweetie.

Truffle perked up and held his chin high. “Of course! My mom makes the best popcorn balls you’ll ever eat. It was the best Cuteceñera present I could think of.”

Dinky giggled and said, “Don’t worry, not all of us brought food. I think everypony brought presents we all think you’ll enjoy.”

If Sweetie’s smile could get any smaller, she didn’t know. “Really? Then I can’t wait to open them later,” she replied while looking at the colorful boxes.

“Why wait? Presents are the best part of any party ever!” said Rumble with a grin almost too big for his face.

“Wait, what about having fun with friends?” asked Dinky.

“Oh, right! That’s a, um, close second?” Rumble’s grin became much smaller when he answered.

“Then that makes the food a close third!” said Truffle, also with a big smile. “I sure hope there’s more than enough for everybody.”

“With all the kids coming and bringing food, there’s no way anyone is leaving here without a doggie bag,” said Rumble with a couple laughs.

Were anyone looking closely enough at Truffle, one could distinctly make out a twinkle in his eyes among his wide stare and lethargic grin. However, no one in the vicinity saw this. Rumble and Dinky were looking at Sweetie, and Sweetie was looking back at them.

Sweetie had been thinking of Rumble’s claim. He was certainly right; the entire choir, sans Diamond, was sure to be on its way. Rarity would be there sometime, she just had to finish up another dress for an “urgent client, as it were.” Miss Cheerilee would probably turn up as well, since she didn’t have to worry about getting papers graded for school tomorrow. All that would leave is…

Sweetie’s little smile faded away. She could already feel the beginning of the deep and uncomfortable sensation hitting her belly again. It wasn’t as strong as the last few times it had hit her, but she still never enjoyed it when it arose. Every time it had struck, it still made her feel empty inside, and all just because she thought of those two.

“Um, are you okay?” asked Dinky.

“Oh, I’m fine!” Sweetie quickly put her smile back on. The feeling still persisted, but she couldn’t let her friends down. They had a right to have as much fun at her party as she did.

Still, she couldn’t help but wonder about the other two. They hadn’t spoken to each other in a week, sure, but there’s no way they could forget something like this. They were her best friends, after all. In fact, they had to be on their way right now.

At least, she hoped they were.


“Alright, ready?”

Apple Bloom gulped. “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

“Good enough for me! Let’s do this!”

As one, the two fillies pushed the contraption forward. Its wheels lurched and squeaked, despite being on soft dirt. The cool twilight air breezed by them as the device picked up speed. The girls pushed harder, putting all the strength their little bodies could muster into the contraption. In no time at all, the steep drop-off of the hill was fast approaching them. As they reached the height of their strength, the ground finally dropped out from underneath them…

Only for them to immediately smack into it a second later, still attached to the device.

A duet of groans rang through the empty outskirts of town. If anyone had been in the area, the twilight sky would have given them a sight to behold. What the crusaders called a hang-glider was little more than a few pieces of metal, string, and construction paper for wings. It lied in a crumpled mess on and around the girls.

“Ugh, I thought for sure we would have flown that time,” said Scootaloo in a sore voice. She stood up, wincing a little at her pain. Nicks and scratches dotted her body. Her mane stuck to her head under her helmet.

Apple Bloom found herself groaning as she got up, but not just from her sore spots. “Well it didn’t work the first five or six times. To be honest, I wasn’t expectin’ it to work that time, either,” she said with a deflated tone.

“I don’t know how it doesn’t work. We spent all afternoon building it. It almost looks just like the picture in the comic book.” Scootaloo prodded the glider. “Although now that I think of it, I don’t get why a pegasus action hero needs a hang-glider anyway.”

“I guess hang-glidin’ ain’t our special talent, neither,” said Apple Bloom flatly. Somehow, she just couldn’t work up the strength needed to feign disappointment. “Can we go home now?”

Scootaloo shook her head. “We can’t just give up here. There’s gotta be a quick crusade we can do so today’s not another total bust.”

“Scoot, it’s almost dark now.” Apple Bloom pointed to the setting sun. “We’ve been crusadin’ all day. I’m tired, sore all over, and I’m just ready to go home an’ sleep all this off.”

Scootaloo looked from Apple Bloom’s hoof to the sun. Her frown deepened. “Ugh, fine. Let’s just get this hang-glider packed up and go. We’re gonna need all the energy we can get for tomorrow’s crusading, anyway.”

So much for an easy day off school, thought Apple Bloom. Still, she supposed getting Scootaloo to let up on crusading so early in the evening was as good a break she was going to get. If she wasn’t so exhausted, she would have considered having a small party when she got home.


Something about that word made Apple Bloom stop to think. It was like there was something nagging her in the back of the head, like a distant memory trying to make itself known again.

Party... thought Apple Bloom. Party, party, party. Like a house party? Birthday party? Retirement? Hearts and Hooves Day party? Maybe a Cu-

Apple Bloom gasped. Her face contorted in sheer horror. The answer had hit her harder than Rainbow Dash plowing into her with a sonic rainboom.

“Sweetie Belle’s Cuteceñera!” she shouted.

Caught offguard from the shout, Scootaloo snapped her attention to her friend. “Wait, what about it?”

“It was tonight! We were supposed to go to it and show Sweetie how proud we were of her getting her cutie mark, but we totally forgot and it’s going on right now but we’re not there which means we’re missing it!” Apple Bloom bounced in place on her hooves in panic while her mouth ran like a motor.

“Wait, what? How could we have missed it?” Scootaloo stared in incredulity. “Didn’t you have it written down on one of our blueprints?”

Apple Bloom gasped. Of course she had written it down. It should even be exactly where she had left it.

Apple Bloom immediately bolted over to her saddlebags, which were left close to the bottom of hill where she would remember. She turned the bag over, letting all its blueprints spill onto the ground.

“Come on, where is it?” said Apple Bloom as she dug through the plans. “I know I had it in here somewhere.”

Tried as she might, the blueprint that had the information to Sweetie’s party was nowhere to be found. Apple Bloom’s stress only grew with each turn of a plan she had looked at twice over.

“Why are we even looking for that blueprint anyway? Shouldn’t we be running to make Sweetie’s party?” asked Scootaloo from the hang-glider.

The frantic searching stopped in its tracks. Apple Bloom stared into space, unsure if she could even admit the truth to herself.

“I… I can’t remember anythin’ about the party.”

Scootaloo walked up with a look of disbelief and asked, “Wait do you mean you can’t remember?”

“I don’t know where it is or what we’re supposed to bring or anything!” Apple Bloom suddenly turned around. “My mind’s been so full of crusadin’, I can’t even remember what we talked about in school this week.”

“Neither do I, but that's not something special for me.” Scootaloo shrugged.

“I haven’t even had a chance t’ get a present for Sweetie! I don’t even know what to get her,” said Apple Bloom as she scrambled to get all her plans back in the bags.

Scootaloo glanced at the sun, which couldn’t even be seen above the trees anymore. “I don’t know if any shops are open now. Ponyville hates keeping stuff open on Sunday nights for some reason.”

“Then we gotta get movin’ right now!” Apple Bloom slung the saddlebags over her back. She turned and gave Scootaloo a look far more determined than she had given all week.

Scootaloo nodded and said, “Alright, lead the way.”

Apple Bloom didn’t say anything. She turned her head to the front and bolted up the hill as fast as she could. The soreness in her limbs burned, but her drive to be at her friend’s side came above all else.

Scootaloo started to run after her. Halfway up the hill, she stopped and looked behind her. The hang-glider still lay broken on the ground, yet another in a long line of reminders of failed crusades. Maybe if she had just-

“Come on, get yer rear in gear!”

Apple Bloom’s voice kept Scootaloo from finishing that thought. With a sigh, she returned to running behind her friend in the hopes that there was still a party to go to.


“Apple Bloom… slow down!” heaved Scootaloo between breaths.

“I can’t… we’re almost there!” came the equally winded response up front.

The two fillies had almost run nonstop since their shocking realization outside town. Their lungs burned, their bodies were slick with sweat, and their legs cried in pain, but they pressed on nonetheless.

Apple Bloom still led the duo in their sprint all over town. Despite how tired she was, she carried a look that was just as determined – and desperate – as ever. Meanwhile, Scootaloo’s face showed nothing but exhaustion and frustration.

“Are you sure… this is the… right place!?” said Scootaloo.

“It has to be! It’s the only one left!” yelled Apple Bloom.

The duo rounded a corner, the cobblestone under their hooves giving way to dirt. The orange and purple of the setting sun was now behind their backs, leaving the deep blue of night in front of them.

Their destination grew closer with each step. A shortcut that Apple Bloom had decided to take was proving to be very beneficial to them.


Right up until the steep drop-off of a small vista caught them off-guard.

For a couple minutes, neither pony moved from where they had fallen on the ground. Both girls moaned as their exhaustion caught up to them, but all they could hear were their hearts pounding in their ears. The last few minutes had not been fun for either of them.

Finally, Apple Bloom stood up on weary legs. She dragged herself forward despite her body telling her to lie back down for another hour or so. “Not my best decision ever,” she mumbled to herself.

Behind her, she could hear Scootaloo getting up and walking behind her. “Please tell me Sweetie’s house is a couple feet away now.”

“Gotta be,” replied Apple Bloom. “I know this building next to us. If this shortcut led us right, then Sweetie’s house should be…”

As Apple Bloom rounded the corner, her face defied the odds and found the energy to smile.

“Right there!”

The promised land was in sight. Sweetie’s house was lit up in contrast to the dark buildings around it. The faint sound of music and chatter could be heard even from where the duo stood. A banner reading “Sweetie Belle’s Cuteceñera!” hung above the open front door, where light came out like a welcoming beacon from the cold night.

There was silence between the crusaders. It was the kind of silence that one had when looking at something beautiful, like a newborn baby or an old expertly-crafted building. The only way the sight before them could have looked more inviting is if there were a bright neon sign outside that read “Happiness and fun forever in here!”

Best of all, there were still ponies standing outside.

Kids and grown-ups alike stood on the front lawn facing the house, some carrying containers on their backs. Right in the doorway was the unmistakable white of Sweetie’s coat, obscured only by a calm blue dress. She was talking to the group outside, though Apple Bloom and Scootaloo could not make out what she was saying.

Elation and relief gripped both fillies. The pain in their limbs melted away in the warming light. Victory was theirs. They may not have had a present, but they certainly had themselves.

After a moment of watching and recuperating, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo raised their hooves to take another step forward and show their friend just how much they really cared.

“Alrighty, fillies and gentlecolts, thank you all for coming to Sweetie Belle’s super-duper special party!”

The weary crusaders didn’t take a single step before a tall pink pony appeared from behind Sweetie. They halted in their tracks and listened in on what Pinkie had to say.

“Yup, Sweetie Belle here may have had a whole week to grow into her cutie mark,” said Pinkie as she patted Sweetie, “but that doesn’t mean she still couldn’t have a big fun party to go along with it, and what better way to have a party than with all her best friends!”

Pinkie’s words lifted Apple Bloom and Scootaloo’s smiles higher, and their hooves as they prepared to take another step forward.

“And thanks to all of you, we made sure that Sweetie had the best Cuteceñera ever!”

The step forward never came to be.