//------------------------------// // 2: Return // Story: Up All Night // by TheFoxern //------------------------------// “Please, sir. I am not asking for surrender, but retreat.” The pony in front of him, was dark in the lack of light, and he could not see him clearly. But he knew who he was. “Commander. Please. We have lost half of our forces. Her Majesty is nowhere to be found, and Celestia is on her way. We must retreat.” There was no answer. No movement. Nothing. He opened his mouth to speak again, but the door behind him flew open. “Sir!” He turned to see a pony, who's helmet had been knocked off, and had a bandage around his head, covering one eye. “Our final rank has dispersed. Most are dead, the rest have surrendered... And Celestia is in the city. She is demanding to speak with somepony in charge.” He hesitated a moment, and looked back at the commander, who did not move a muscle. “I will see her.” He said, and moved past the soldier, into the blazing sun. It hurt. It actually hurt to be in the sun. He blamed their loss on it. The moon could not be used as a weapon. But the sun could. And there ahead of him, was her. Sitting on some sort of carriage, her face a mask of concern, but he could see the smugness on her face. That wretched look, of someone who knew that they had won. That their enemies- ~ His eyes opened, and he stared blankly at the wall. Something had just woken him up. What had it been? He moved slowly to get off of the bed, his mind reeling. The commander had been dead. Killed himself when he read the report that Luna had been imprisoned. He would rather have died than suffer through what Celestia would surely put him through. But he was just a sergeant. No, wait. No he wasn't. He shook his head, and moved towards the door, mostly instinctively. Apparently it had been a knock that woke him up. That guess was proven correct when he head another knock, though this one sounded a tad more hesitant. He opened the door slightly, and the light that spilled in blinded him immediately. “What?” He managed, his eyes squeezed tight. “Uhm... Hello. I'm Twilight Sparkle. Celestia tasked me to-” “Oversee the events in Ponyville for the longest day ceremony thing. Yes, I am aware.” He had gotten a letter about it, he couldn't remember when, but he knew he had gotten one. “Uhm... Yes... And I'm terribly sorry to wake you, but as the night for Equestria you're one of the ponies that I'm to visit...” “Equestria?” He mumbled, that seemed important. “All of Equestria?” He said, apparently his mouth was quicker than his thoughts. He could finally see the violet pony in front of him, who looked quite confused. “Uhm... Yes. I was hoping that perhaps you might be willing to start a bit early?” It seemed to him that there was something that she would much rather be doing. “I know that it's a few hours till sunset...” There was a moments hesitation, when he wondered if it was truly worth going back to sleep at this point. Though it would mean going out in the sun. “Give me a few minutes, and I will be right out.” He closed the door slowly, trying not to slam the door in her face. She seemed a nice enough pony, and went over to the basin of water before plunging his head into it. He held it under, staring at the bottom of the basin a moment, before pulling his head out. The water always felt so refreshing. Comforting. He did not bother drying off, as he opened the door once more, looking at Twilight Sparkle. Now he noticed the purple and green dragon on her back. He was almost surprised at how good the sun felt on his wet fur. He found himself actually sunning himself, and enjoying it. “Alright... The only thing I could really start would be the sealing of the forest... And even then Celestia's assistance is needed.” Her brow wrinkled slightly. “Really? Celestia always said that you took care of everything yourself...” His eyes opened slightly, and he looked at her. His mind was still muddled from sleep, and it's attempt to refocus back to the correct life. Could that be true? How long had he been doing this? “Well I suppose I could give it a try,” he said as he headed towards the Everfree. “What kind of spell do you use?” Twilight said, walking up beside him. He had to pause, and actually think about it a moment. “I'm not sure what the spell is anymore. It's just something I've done so long... But all it does is keep monsters and beasts from getting out of the Everfree. It keeps Ponyville safe.” “And to get the ponies to sleep? I know you wont have to do that one tonight, as everypony is going to stay up to watch the rising of the sun tomorrow.” She seemed apprehensive, though Corser didn't really care enough to ask. “I don't know.” He stopped, and turned to her. “Look. I don't know what spells I use, I just know how to use them. I don't know how I raise the moon either but it takes quite a bit of effort.” He hesitated a moment, he had not meant to sound mean but from the look on her face he might as well have called her something nasty. “I'm sorry...” He turned to the Everfree, which was on the other side of Ponyville. “It's fine... I understand that it's a big responsibility,” she said as she looked back at Spike. “Well I suppose we'll be on our way and let you get to it. We better be going.” “Goodye,” he said as he watched them leave. He realized that he was fairly rude, and he felt a bit sorry, but he had a lot to do now. The biggest conflict he had was whether to seek out Celestia, or avoid her. Perhaps she would show mercy after so long, and he would like to ask if it is true that he has been the only unicorn through the night. He found himself walking through Ponyville during the day. That was weird. He was used to the occasional pony wandering at night, and Nightmare Night, which was easily his favorite holiday. But walking around Ponyville in the light made everything look so off. Nopony seemed to pay him any mind, which suited him just fine. The farther he walked, the less ponies there were, until there where simply no ponies at all, at the edge of the Everfree Forest. He stared at it a moment, before he began his walk. And apparently Celestia was aware of his time change, as he felt her magic once again. It made him shudder. Then, he sat down, to wait for sunset. He spent the time watching the ponies go about there day. Pinkie Pie would throw some kind of party as was something that happened often. Of course he never got invited to any parties. Nopony wanted anything to do with Corser. Who could blame them? He wasn't good at talking to other ponies. He thought of himself as an outcast, and that suited him fine. Eventually the sun began to set, and he stood up. He hesitated a moment. Would the moon not rise without him? He closed his eyes and reached out with his magic, and lifting the moon. But half way up, he stopped. And the moon stopped. He watched it for a second, before he continued it's rise. “It is just me...” He mumbled, taking a deep breath as he sent the moon on it's arc. Then he made his way back towards Ponyville. It was like Nightmare Night without the costumes. Everypony was awake, and doing things. There seemed to be a rather exciting party going on at the library, and despite himself he decided to go. He had never gone to a party before, and was relieved when he entered and nothing changed. Nopony seemed to even notice him come in. He wondered how many of them actually knew who he was. Overall it was very nice. It was a party, that's for sure. Though Corser was content to drink punch, and eat cupcakes and other baked goods that had been provided. He had planned to stay the whole time, until he heard somepony mention that they where excited to see Celestia, and the thought occurred to him. Would she be willing to grant him an audience now? It was worth a shot, and he would not have a better chance. It was less then an hour till sunrise, and as he headed towards the main hall, he could hear ponies making their way out as well. He found himself annoyed that they where not asleep. But many ponies got up early in Ponyville, and he knew in other places there where ponies on the same type of schedule as him. But that was of no concern. He made his way inside, and into the back, walking the halls. He came to a rather large room, leading to the balcony. Outside he could hear the Mayor saying something to the crowd. Then there was a slight chattering and the Mayor sounding worried, telling everypony to stay calm. Rarity came in from the balcony. She stared at him a moment. “Where's Princess Celestia?” She said, in a slightly more accusational tone than Corser would have liked. “I don't know. I've been looking through the whole building-” but she ran off before he could say anymore. He heard her say “She's gone!” The room gasped. And then he heard it. It was a voice more familiar to him than any. A voice he had heard throughout his dreams. “Oh, my beloved subjects. It's been so long since I've seen your precious, little sun-loving faces.” Corser could heard other voices, but his mind blanked out the words. There was nothing but the voice of Nightmare Moon. She chuckled, he could almost make her out through the curtains of the balcony. “Why, am I not royal enough for you? Don't you know who I am?” He could hear Pinkie Pie saying something, it was hard to not hear her through the muffling in his own head, “Ooh, ooh, more guessing games! Um, Hokey Smokes! How about... Queen Meanie! No! Black Snooty, Black Snooty-” her voice cut out. To be replaced again by Nightmare Moon's, “Does my crown no longer count now that I have been imprisoned for a thousand years? Did you not recall the legend? Did you not see the signs?” He stumbled backwards, leaning heavily against the wall. It felt like her voice was coming from his own head. That new pony just said something, but he couldn't make it out. “Well well well, somepony who remembers me. Then you also know why I'm here.” “What is going on...” He slumped down, closing his eyes. His head felt like it was splitting open. Nightmare Moon chuckled again. “Remember this day, little ponies, for it was your last. From this moment forth, the night will last forever!” He heard the Mayor yell, “seize her! Only she knows where the Princess is!” “Stand back, you foals!” Her laughter split his head, and he had to close his eyes. ~ Then it was abruptly over, and the pain was gone, and he found himself laying on the ground. It was cold stone, but felt oddly comforting. He slowly got to his hooves. “What...” His voice sounded so far away, and so soft that he could hardly hear it himself. “Ah, the decedents my loyal subjects...” His eyes opened, and looked up at Nightmare Moon, who was looking out some sort of window that seemed to exist in the air itself. Around it was nothing but star speckled darkness. There was no floor that Corser was standing on, yet he could feel it. “It has been a thousand years, but I am sure that the descendents of my subjects will-” she stopped as she looked back. Corser felt her stare at him, and he couldn't help but look around. He was alone. “Descendent,” he corrected. It was something that he had suspected for a long time, but this was it. This was the proverbial nail in the coffin. He was the last one. “But how... Surely they could no have died in battle. I saw Celestia spare them!” He flinched slightly, and her expression softened. “What has happened to the bloodline of those that served me...” “Dead,” Corser said, he was staring at the ground, or lack there of. “Many of their own choice. Celestia may have spared those that sided with you, but she did not do so without scorn. She cursed all of them and their descendents to relive the battle in their dreams. And not just the ones that survived... All of them. Even those that had fallen mere minutes into the battle.” The rain of rocks had killed many. “Such horror...” She shook her head, and straightened. “I would not have been so cruel.” He could hear her coming towards him. “Death would have been a kinder fate,” he said, as he kneeled down, out of what felt like habit. “Then my first task as ruler of Equestria, is to undo such a wrongful deed.” The feeling of her horn touching his was intense, to say the least. But it was not unpleasant at all. It felt as though a weight of thousands had suddenly been lifted. A weight that he had not even been aware of. “Dreams are where one should find peace. Not torment.” He was at a loss for words, and for the first time since he could remember, he felt like crying. Crying for an actual reason for something that happened to him. But they where not sorrowful, they where full of joy. All he could manage was, “thank you, Princess.” She smiled slightly down at him. “Now. Rise. Tell me, who you are, and what Celestia has had you do.” He slowly got up, and looked up at her. Then and there, she looked the most beautiful thing he could possible imagine. “My name is Corser, and I am the night.” Her brow arched at him. “You are who Celestia replaced me with?” She laughed, and grinned before turning back to the window. “How perfect. The one pony who could possibly stand against me and raise the sun in my sisters place, is loyal to me... Perfect.” Thoughts raced through his mind. Equestria could not survive without the sun, but how could he explain that to her? “Princess...” She raised a hoof, and he fell immediately silent. “It seems... That that pony student of my sister is trying something...” She turned to look at Corser, and smiled. “I will deal with this momentarily... Please, keep an eye on my sister in my stead.” Corser felt a shiver run down his spine as she turned into smoke and rushed out the window. Or in through the window? He wasn't sure. But what he dreaded was the sight behind him, and he refused to turn around. “So you side with Her, Corser?” That actually made him angry. He actually felt angry. “How could I not?” He turned, and saw her. She had not been there a few moments ago, but his anger faltered at the sight of her. She was shackled with dark smoke, her horn encased in it as well. “I was sure no pony would choose to side with her... Not even the descendents of her supporters...” She sagged, staring at the ground. Anger bubbled again. “Do you even know who I am? Do you know who you appointed as the night of Equestria?” He sat down, he felt angry and frustrated. She raised her head to look at him. “What do you mean?” “I am one of those descendents. I am one of those that you cursed. One of those you made suffer a thousand years after you had already won.” She stared at him, remaining silent. “How could I not side with her? Especially after she has taken away your curse.” “I am sorry Corser... But you must look past that... Equestria cannot survive eternal night...” Her voice was weak. Corser shook his head. “I am aware of that. And all I must do is make sure that Nightmare Moon becomes aware of it.” Her head tilted slightly to the side. “You will attempt to reason with her?” “Yes. I will not go against her, for that would be foolish. But I know that when she understands that everypony will die without the sun, she will raise it.” He sat up a bit straighter. “In the end, all that changes will be who rules.” “Do you really hate me so much?” “How can I not?” She was frustrating him more and more now. “You cursed the blood of Luna's supporters. Not just those who supported her, but every single descendent. Thousands and thousands of ponies, who dwindled down to one because of how painful that curse was.” He took a deep breath, calming himself down slightly. “And don't even get me started on the hundreds, if not thousands of attempts I have made to seek council with you, in hopes of receiving mercy...” “Corser... I-” “Your apologies, or excuses mean nothing to me.” He was feeling better and better the more he ranted. “I have died for every day that I have lived. You could not understand that pain. To feel the loss of loved ones a thousand times over. To be beaten to death. Your supporters showed no mercy to the wounded. I could not even describe the brutality... And they did not suffer. Many of Luna's- No, Nightmare Moon's supporters never even harmed another pony, but they where butchered.” He took another deep breath, staring at her. But her head had sagged once more. He felt slightly triumphant. Several minutes past, he wasn't sure how many, and her head finally rose. “What will you do if she fails?” “Then I will surely die for my treason,” he said flatly. “The risk is well worth the reward... Just for the chance that it might work.” Celestia stared at him for a long time, and then smiled. “I am sorry Corser... But she has failed.” The smoke dissipated, and Celestia rose. He watched her as she stood up, and looked down at him. “Damn,” he muttered as he closed his eyes.