//------------------------------// // Something Wrong // Story: The Innocent Pony // by thesilentpony //------------------------------// some thing wrong I stopped flying looking around and paused seeing three stallions chasing after a single mare down an alley not far from me. It was odd for something like this to happen, even if ponies were still partying. “HELP!” She screamed getting to a dead end. I looked at two guards on the street looking around. I flew down quickly landing in front of the stallions making them slide. “Stop!” I commanded and they stopped. I looked at their mask covered faces, they were unicorns, this just got dangerous. Thanks to Hammer’s design I always had my wing armor on, rather rain or snow I always forgot about it. “Move aside!” One of them ordered. “I am Night Jasper, Night Caption of the Royal guard! You do not give me orders!” They stepped back a little and then their horns glowed brown. “Then we shall make you!” They said in unison firing a blast of magic at me. I swung my wing like a blade cutting perfectly at an angle and deflecting it back, blasting them with their own magic. “You-you killed them?” I looked at the blue mare still scared, I looked at them and froze in my spot. The magic had ripped them apart, limbs twisted, things in places they simply weren’t meant to be making me swallow. I was lucky I hadn’t eaten anything in a while, it had been a long time. I paused looking pass her realizing a small crowd was watching on the street with horrified expressions. “Caption, what have you done?” I looked at the two guards standing off to the side, I paused realizing I was on a stage, the dead end was a wall in a play! I looked back at the three stallions realizing as blood dripped from my wing tips. It wasn’t magic that had killed them, they were sliced to bits. “I, what, no they were chasing after her.” “It’s a play caption.” One of the guards said. “But, they used magic.” “Their earth ponies! They don’t have magic!” The mare cried. “I, I didn’t mean.” I shook my head backing up. I took flight as the guards reached for me. I flew high into the air and landed on a cloud looking down at the ground, my heart going beating in my throat. “Whoa.” I looked at a white pony. “What happen to you?” “I don’t know.” He started backing up. “You killed them, in cold blood, how could you?” “I didn’t mean.” He turned around and flew off as three air guard flew up surrounding me. “Caption, you need to come with us.” One of them said. “I didn’t do anything, they attacked me!” “They were actors!” One of them shouted. “No, I didn’t.” “Caption you’re not right, you slaughtered them, you need to come with us before you hurt any pony else!” “I’m not going anywhere.” I growled and my wings spread out pushing them back from the gust of wind making them look at me shocked. “You can’t make me!” I moved faster than I thought punching two of them in the gut and letting them fall. I turned to the last one and his eyes went wide with fear. “You better catch them.” He flew after them catching them and I took off flying. I flew through Hammer’s room and she looked at me surprised, but it turned to fear. “Night Jasper, why did you do it?” “I didn’t mean to, you have to believe me! I didn’t mean to kill them, they, they were attacking a mare and, and I protected her.” “You killed them, how could you?!” “Not you to!” “You need to turn yourself in.” “I don’t need to do anything, I asked you if you love me earlier, you said yes, you must come away with me.” “What?” I went up to her. “Forget everything, all we need is each other.” “Shadow your scaring me.” She backed up away from me. “We can’t leave, you’re a murderer, I don’t want anything to do with a murder.” I backed away from her as a headache started making me shake my head trembling. “You, don’t love me, I, I understand.” I grabbed my armor flying into the sky getting dressed mid air. I stopped after a minute as dozens of guards flew into the air. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna flew to the head of the group. “Night Jasper!” Princess Celestia said in a commanding voice. “You have some explaining to do.” “I didn’t mean to kill them, they attacked me.” “What?” “I, those guards, I didn’t, they were trying to arrest me, I didn’t do anything wrong, I helped her.” “Night Jasper you need to come in now, you murdered people! You’re a monster and you must be locked away!” I stared at Princess Celestia. “I did nothing wrong! I’m not going to jail for this, it wasn’t my fault I was doing my duty.” “Night Jasper what are you talking about?” I looked at Princess Luna and every pony flying around me looked confused. “I'll not let you take me, even if I have to kill you all to get away.” “Back away.” Princess Celestia said floating forward. “I will not let you hurt any pony, you need to come with me now, you’re sick, you need to die.” “I will not let you kill me!” My bones cracked and I turned breaking the magic barrier and causing a sonic rain boom inches from ten ponies behind me. I flew twisting my body becoming something like an arrow shooting through the air reaching San Palomino Desert landing on top of the mountain breathing hard and falling to the ground coughing blood. “Are you alright?” I looked at the white alicorn I had met on the mountain. He helped me up and helped me over to a small pool of water. “I-I they want to kill me, I can’t, they how could they?” “No pony wants to kill you here.” I looked at him. “Are you done?” I got up shaky, but good. “Yes.” I couldn’t understand it, but he calmed me down. “Then come with me.” We walked for a ways and stopped at a cave. “I found this cave a while ago.” We walked inside and light stones lit up the cave nicely as we walked to a large area with a bed and other things around the place. “I made it home. “It’s nice, but I can’t stay here.” “It’s fine, this cave has special properties, no one can find us here.” I looked at him, for some reason I couldn’t doubt his words, he seemed to only speak truth. “He is a monster! Do not fear him!” I turned around hearing Princess Celestia’s voice but not seeing her. “He must die on sight.” I turned again hearing Princess Luna’s voice. “Do you hear them?” “Yeah, where did those voices come from?” “Princess Celestia and Luna, they want me dead, they, they must be able to reach out and find me.” “I told you.” I looked at him. “Nothing can get you here. No magic can enter this cave, believe me I’ve tried.” “I-I.” “Now why don’t you lay down and rest?” He sat me on the bed and I looked down calming down a little. I felt my hoof guard and paused searching it for the ring. It was gone, I got up and he pushed me down having a bowl of water in his magic. “Sit.” “My ring, it’s gone.” “You need to rest for a while.” “Find him before he hurts some pony else!” Princess Celestia’s voice ordered. My ear twitched at her order. “Don’t pay attention to that, drink, you need to drink.” I took the bowl and drank some of the water looking at the bowl, it was somehow, something, but I just wasn’t sure what it was, it was, just confusing. “I, killed three innocent ponies, and I, I hurt guard, I did that sonic rain boom so close to them, I could have killed them.” “What does it matter how many ponies you’ve killed? Though a sonic rain boom would kill anything near it, they pack some serious punch.” “What have I done?” He started to brush me. “Just drink and rest, that’s all you need to do. Drink and rest, forget everything, you don’t need to remember that now.” I started to become drowsy. “Just forget everything, you don’t need to remember anything.” I fell asleep.