//------------------------------// // Mane Six! Assemble! // Story: The Cavern Down in Everfree // by SlushieMountain //------------------------------// “Rainbow! Rainbow get down here!” Applejack stood on her hind legs, wobbling slightly, under Rainbow Dash’s cloud house. The cyan pegasus peeped her head out, “What’s with all the racket?” She called as she leapt from the cloud and fluttered her wings so she landed lightly in front of her orange friend. “It’s Scootaloo. She and Sweetie Belle might be in huge trouble.” The earth pony spoke gravely, “They went down to the Everfree Forest and went into a cavern and no one has seen them since.” She leaned forward so Apple Bloom couldn’t hear her, “And Apple Bloom saw what sounds like a changeling’s eyes in the forest.” “Ew. Just its eyes?” Rainbow looked disgusted, then intrigued, “Did she touch them?” Applejack hit her friend on the head, “They were glowing from the darkness she said.” “I thought we got all the changelings out of Equestria. And Twilight said we got them all, how did this one sneak by?” The pegasus pretended that she wasn’t concerned, but her brain was working double time, she wasn’t sure if it was from being hit or from the news. “I dunno. But that’s what we need to find out.” The farmpony said solemnly, “And we need to get Rarity. This involves her as much as it does us.” “It involves all of us! There’s a possible changeling outbreak way too close to home, and we need to stop it.” Rainbow slammed her hoof onto the other one, making a harsh clacking noise. “The hole’s not big enough to fit any full grown pony!” Apple Bloom interrupted, “So how are you going to kick their butts?” “Great. So we need an army of fillies?” Rainbow groaned. “How is that gonna work?” “Maybe Twilight has an idea. But the more time we waste, the more time ticks away for those little fillies.” Applejack turned and began to trot towards the library. Rainbow zoomed passed her and reached the library first. “Twilight!” The pegasus slammed into the door a moment before it was opened by a small purple and green dragon. “Hi Dash.” The dragon snorted with laughter as he was pushed away by a lavender unicorn. “Rainbow? What in the world is wrong with you?” The unicorn blinked her dark purple eyes expectantly. “Twi! There’s a changeling in the forest and Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo are missing!” Rainbow Dash stood up shakily and shook out her wings. “Apple Bloom says she knows where the other fillies are and she’s going to lead us there.” “Us? You and I?” Twilight hesitated, peering over at Spike, who hadn’t heard what the pegasus said and was curled up and sleeping in his basket, a small cloud of smoke hovered above his nose. “No, Applejack is coming too and we thought we should probably tell Rarity since it involves Sweetie Belle, and since it also involves changelings, we thought we should bring Pinkie and Fluttershy.” Rainbow was evaluating her conversation with the Apple sisters, “Apple Bloom said that the hole was only big enough to fit a filly or colt.” “Well go get Rarity, Pinkie, and Fluttershy, then come straight back here. I think I have a spell we could use for this situation.” The unicorn gave a final nod and closed the door. Hoofsteps were heard going upstairs as she went to find the book it was in. Applejack appeared, “Did ya tell her already?” She turned to watch as Apple Bloom trotted up behind her and collapsed near her front right hoof. “Yeah. She said to get the others then come back here.” Her eyes sized up the Apples, “You guys seem tired, you should stay here.” “No way, Rainbow. I’m fit as a fiddle!” The orange earth pony looked down at her sister, “But maybe Apple Bloom should rest here. She knocked on the door and waited for a while before a sleepy Spike opened it, yawning. “Hello?” He blinked sleepily, “Weren’t you just here, Dash?” “She was.” Applejack pushed Apple Bloom forward, “But while we go get the others, we thought Apple Bloom could stay here.” “Sure, yeah.” The dragon ushered Apple Bloom in before shutting the door lightly. “It’d probably go faster if we split up to get them.” Rainbow turned to the farmpony, “How about I get Pinkie and Rarity, since they’re in town, and you go get Fluttershy.” “Alright. Sounds fair enough.” With a tip of her hat, Applejack was off, galloping towards Fluttershy’s cottage. Rainbow flew lightly over the ground, reaching Sugarcube Corner sooner than she thought. She landed and pushed open the door. Immediately she was greeted by her pink friend. “Dashie!” The giddy earth pony appeared out of seemingly nowhere, “What’s up? Do you want to buy something? Maybe a cupcake? I just took in a fresh batch! They’re ch-“ “Pinkie!” The pegasus cut off her friend, “There’s a changeling near town and Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo are in trouble, I do not want a cupcake!” “Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo are in trouble? Let’s go save them!” Pinkie Pie rocketed to the door, and had just opened it when Rainbow Dash flew in front of her. “No, you need to go to Twilight’s house, we’re grouping there.” She gently turned Pinkie in the right direction and the pink pony bounced away into the distance. “Whew.” Rainbow swiped a hoof across her head; that had been a close one. She made her way to the Carousel Boutique. As this went on, Applejack had just reached Fluttershy’s cottage. She knocked lightly on the door, which was almost immediately answered by the shy yellow pegasus. “Hello? Oh, Applejack! What brings you here?” She smiled, her aqua eyes shining. “I’m afraid it’s not something good. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo are in trouble and Apple Bloom spotted a changeling in Everfree Forest.” Applejack explained hastily, “We’re all going to meet at Twilight’s and head out.” “Oh, that’s terrible!” Fluttershy put her hoof to her mouth, “I’ll be right out!” She turned and closed the door gently. Nothing was heard from inside until the door opened again. Fluttershy appeared, looking exactly the same, and stepped out, closing the door behind her. “Alright, let’s go.” As Applejack and Fluttershy made their way back to Twilight’s library, Rainbow Dash had arrived at the Carousel Boutique and was being led in by Rarity. “So, darling, what brought you in today?” The white unicorn turned her stunning blue gaze on her athletic friend. “Well, Sweetie Belle is in trouble.” Rainbow blinked, awaiting a reaction, when none came she continued, “There’s a changeling in the forest where she was last seen and we’re all going to meet up at Twilight’s place.” “Well let’s get on with it, then.” Rarity moved past her friend and left the boutique. The duo walked more calmly than Rainbow expected to Twilight’s library. They arrived shortly after they set out and walked right in. “Oh, Rarity, you made it! Good, now we can start.” Twilight smiled softly and arranged Fluttershy, Pinkie, Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow into a circle with herself. “Apple Bloom, Spike, stand back.” She had a book open before her, and once she saw that the filly and dragon were a suitable distance away, she stared down at it. Concentrating hard, her horn began to glow in a pinkish light. The light became brighter almost blinding and a sound like a small explosion occurred. When the light faded, Apple Bloom and Spike stood with their mouths agape, “Twilight…you’re a filly!”