//------------------------------// // 1: Aftermath // Story: Crossed Gears // by TheFoxern //------------------------------// Broken glass littered the floor of the main hall. It had been of little consequence so far, but as far as the gray blue pony was concerned, it was a loss. A feeling of loss for him that he did not even know he could feel. It was not important and yet he felt sad that it was gone. He never wanted to be remembered for the things he had done...and yet...and yet they had made something which he was happy to leave behind. But now it was gone and the only thing left of him would be that damned statue. Honestly he would have to have words with somepony to have it destroyed. No one deserved that monstrosity. He looked down at the colored glass that had once been a beautiful stained-glass window; he could just catch his reflection, his copper mane was getting a tad long and it reminded him that he needed it trimmed. That was normal. That was a normal thing, that normal everyday ponies did. He took a deep breath and brushed the glass away, not wanting to look at the pieces, let alone himself. He walked slowly to the edge, where the massive chunk had been blown out of the wall. It wasn't raining; it hadn't rained since that night the previous week. The crunch of glass behind him made him tense, but when he looked back he saw familiar gray eyes, the inky black blue of his coat and the white of this pony’s mane. “Are you all right, Copper?” Corser said, though there didn't sound to be too much actual concern in his voice, merely an attempt at being polite. Copper knew he was under a lot of stress, having to run both the Night Guard and the Day Guard. “I will be fine...” He turned back to the hole, and had to admit to himself that that was the truth. He would be fine. He was always fine. Never great. Never good. Just...fine. “How are things with her?” There was a slight hesitation. “She is...adjusting?” He looked at Copper, seeming to search for something. “I don't know what the proper word would be...but she's stopped talking about murder.” He chuckled, shaking his head. “I am sure that this was not quite what she had expected...and how is...the other one?” Copper looked at the pony, who sighed and shook his head. “Still unconscious... We aren't sure what exactly happened, or is happening to be honest. The doctor who's seeing to her says it's an odd coma...” “Speaking of...Doctors...has there-” the other pony shook his head and Copper sighed. “I know he's not dead...we would have found a body...I think...” His gaze wandered to the shattered window. “I guess the Doctor just decided it was time to leave us.” “When we needed him,” Corser said as he looked at the broken glass on the floor. “Now Corser...we have to trust in what he thinks is best...” Corser looked at him, raising an eyebrow. “And besides...” he said with a smile. “Means I don't have to deal with him for a while.” Corser smiled as well. “Yes...well, things would probably be easier with him gone. I'm just glad the other one isn't here...” “Oh Pots wasn't so bad...and I honestly knew he'd split when he got the chance... He just couldn't pass up the opportunity to take a shot at Celestia.” The two of them walked across the room slowly, glass crunching under their hooves. “And has the...device been dealt with?” Corser stared blankly at the scorch mark on the floor and matching mark on the ceiling. “Destroyed. And the plans burned... Some things were not to be in the hooves of ponies,” he said, sounding slightly wistful. “Something that can't be stopped by magic is just...too dangerous, Copper. It had to be destroyed. Who knows what somepony could do with that... I mean...the Doctor just...and Celestia just went down like nothing...” Copper nodded slowly and sighed. “Yes...that was the point... To make something that she couldn't stop.” Corser stared at him. “Well, you succeeded. And it scares me that you thought that up and built it all in a few weeks...” He smiled a bit. “Imagine what I could do with a year.” “I'd rather not. I like sleeping when I have the chance,” he said as he watched Copper stare at the empty room. “When are you going to let them start rebuilding?” “I don't know...it...frustrates me that once everything has been fixed, it'll be like it never happened...” He turned, looking down a side hall. Did he hear somepony running? “I thought you didn't want to be remembered,” Corser said, looking the same direction. He frowned at him. “This is completely different. This is something that...” He shook his head, closing his eyes. Now he was getting a headache. “I don't know...maybe it should all be forgotten. Maybe it would be better if nopony knew what we did...” He was listening so hard that it was giving him a headache, but now he was sure that he heard somepony running. “Maybe...but I'm more concerned with how history will look at it... If they'll see it as good, or bad. We overthrew somepony, who most thought was doing a good job. Perhaps doing it in not the best of ways...but it looked like she was striving for the better...” Copper did his best not to snap at Corser. “It doesn't matter,” was all he could manage. He had had this internal struggle already, he didn't need to have it rekindled. “Doesn't matter? Copper. You lead a coup against Celestia. One that succeeded. If things end up going bad when ponies find out, you-” “Shut up,” he said and walked towards the running hooves. “I am not going to take this. Least of all from someone of your heritage.” There was a silence and Copper sighed. “I'm sorry... I'm just...I'm angry. At everything...especially myself...” He sighed and looked back at Corser, who was looking at the hole. Though he did not look angry. “What are we going to do, Copper? I'm...for the first time since I can remember...I'm actually scared of what might happen. I-” “Copper! Corser!” A completely white pony wearing tiny spectacles and a white coat was running towards them. “Dr. Hive? What's wrong?” Copper said, shortening the gap the other pony had to run by running towards him. Dr. Hive shook his head. “Nothing's... Wrong. She is awake and-” Copper blew past him, running at full sprint. Everything felt too slow, suddenly every part of his body ached. When was the last time he actually took the time to rest? Everything had been rushing so much that he wasn't sure he had even slept. He would rather die than stop. The hallways seemed to stretch on forever. Finally he rounded a corner and saw the room ahead. He almost fell over trying to stop, slamming into the door frame and gasping for breath. “My dear Copper...” There, in the center of the bright room, she lay. “Princess Celestia...” he managed to get out. He felt his eyes sting, but fought back the tears. What would they accomplish? But she was crying. Crying and smiling. “Oh Copper...I knew that you would work things out...” Copper moved towards her; he felt in a daze as he slumped against the side of the bed. He couldn't fight the tears anymore, but it didn't matter. “I knew...that you would be able to do it...” Her voice was soft and weak. But Copper didn't care, he just wanted to hear more of it. When did his mental opinion of Celestia change so drastically? “Princess... I-” She held up a hoof. “No. There is no need...” She smiled at him. And suddenly he was a foal, battered and bruised. He was crying harder than he had in his entire life, which to be honest had not been very long. Doctors had been talking about how he was lucky to be alive when they thought he had been asleep. Something so drastic as the loss of a wing could cause a pony to bleed out quickly and especially somepony so young. It was a miracle, they said. He should have just died. What was the point of being a pegasus that couldn't fly? What pony would ever look at him as anything more than just a cripple? A grounded pegasus. Somepony who had nothing but a useless wing. Then the conversation outside had stopped and he had looked up. “There now...no more tears...” She walked with such grace, the likes that Copper had never even imagined. His mouth gaped as he stared, trying to comprehend what was happening. Her mane shone in so many colors and he wiped the tears from his face with the bandage around his leg. But he couldn't stop. The glow from her warmed his face and he had not even realized he was cold. She knelt beside his bed and reached out, gently wiping the tears away. “No more sorrow...” Then she had smiled and Copper felt nopony would be able to fly as high as he could. Again she reached out, wiping the tears away. But he wasn't a foal anymore, nor did she look as splendid. “I am so sorry...” he choked, trying to stop the tears. “You have nothing to be sorry for,” she said, still smiling. “The mere fact that I am still alive says that even I underestimated you...” She gently ran her hoof over his head and then ruffled his mane. “You have done a better job than anypony I could imagine. I could not have picked a better to end me.” He looked at her and she nodded. “I...I couldn't do it...even when we thought it was you doing all of it...I just...I couldn't.” He wanted to say so much to her, but nothing wanted to form into a sentence. It all just tried to get out at once and he fell silent. “And that is why you have nothing to be sorry for Copper. I expected to die. I was prepared for it. But instead of striking me down, which I knew you were capable of...you saved me.” Her smile widened and she laid back in the bed. “There is nothing I could do or say to show you how much that means to me. I tried so hard over the years to send some kind of message, but he wouldn't let me.” She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “Despite what he would have said, he did not have complete control. I made decisions as well, but...but he always won when he thought it mattered...” Copper stared at her. “So you let me retire...” She nodded. “In hopes that you would have time to notice the things that I-” “He. Not you...” The persistence in Copper's voice made her laugh, though it was soft. “Yes... Notice things that he did. And that I did. Choosing to make Twilight a student was my decision...but he was planning to use her as well.” Copper placed his head down on the bed, he was so glad. “You saved her, too. He was going to kill me and take her...” He looked up at her, noticing now how sunken her face was. She looked malnourished, starved almost to the point of death. There had probably been magic to make her look normal, so that nopony would see anything was wrong. She heaved a heavy sigh and looked at him. “If anypony is to be sorry...it is me. He did many things through me that I must find a way to fix.” “I have been trying to think of things...but I do not know his plans, so it is difficult to pinpoint an actual fix...” Copper said, looking past her. He had managed to regain his composure and planned to keep it. “Not even I know them... He was very good at keeping himself away from me, while still influencing things.” She took a deep breath, which started a short coughing fit. “But...things will get better...” He nodded slowly, looking back at her. “I have questions, if you are up to giving answers,” Copper said, after a slight pause. “Yes,” she said, nodding slowly. “I may not look it, but this is the best I have felt in...a long time...” “That kind of brings me to my first question... When did he take control?” It had been hard not to explode with questions, but he had to take it slow. She sighed heavily, seeming to almost melt into the bed. “I am not sure... He was dormant for quite a long time, but I believe it was after Luna and I defeated him and the Crystal Empire vanished. When it reappeared, I thought I was free of him as he tried to take it back... I am unsure if that continues to be part of his plan...” “Probably...” he said, sighing heavily as well. He had never been there and had frankly never wanted to. Though he had heard it was beautiful, he would prefer not to have to deal with Cadence, or Shining Armor. “I know that he wants it...that was the only real thing that ever seemed to hold his interest.” She looked over out the window. “Wants?” Celestia nodded slowly, staring out the window again. “Yes. Though weakened...I doubt that he is beaten.” “Then we have to figure out how to beat him for good...” He stared out the window as well, letting his mind wander. There were several minutes of silence before Celestia spoke again, “Copper... I am sorry...for everything that I have put you through. All the things that he put you through...” Copper shook his head. “I do not know what else I would be doing if not... When I was a foal and I lost my wing...I am unsure what someone so young would do...” He paused, staring blankly out the window. “You gave me confidence that I could do things.” She smiled at him. “Quite touching,” Celestia said as she entered in all her splendor. It looked as if she had more to say, but decided to say something else. “Glad to see you are awake, Princess.” Celestia stared at herself and then seemed to suddenly understand. “Oh how clever.” She looked down at him and smiled. “I was unsure why Chrysalis had been there, but it now makes sense.” “We had to replace you with somepony. We can't have the great Princess Celestia just...disappear,” the Celestia in the doorway said, looking at the two of them. “Yes...and...I...I have a lot of things to apologize to you for, Queen Chrysalis.” Celestia said, as her expression once again fell into depression. The Celestia who was Chrysalis raised an eyebrow at her. “You have the most reason to hate me. There are no words that could express the sorrow I feel for what I did.” “Yet I have managed to refrain from murdering you in your sleep,” Chrysalis said. “I would think that is the best you are going to get as an acceptance to your apology.” She sighed before continuing, “But I do understand the circumstances. I have decided to shape my hate towards King Sombra.” Copper had not moved throughout her little speech, but he relaxed. “I feel responsible for the things that happened to you...and I will do everything that I can to help fix it.” Her expression softened slightly. “That makes me feel a bit better about it.” Chrysalis turned to Copper. “I see you have already reconciled with things.” He frowned slightly, looking at her. “And how are you adjusting?” Copper had an idea about how things were going, but he wanted to hear what she would say with Celestia in the room. “It is awful.” That wasn't what he was expecting. “These ponies are just so damned needy. Every few minutes, somepony is coming and asking me for something or other. I can't get a moment to myself.” Copper laughed. He couldn't help it, after such an intense moment to receive such an answer just caused him to crack. “That sounds odd coming from you of all ponies...” “It's haaaard.” She stomped her hooves a bit on the floor as if throwing a little tantrum. “I mean my subjects aren't needy at all. They take care of themselves. But these ponies, they’re just all over the place. When Corser ran up to me and told me she was awake, I had to make up like five excuses on the way here. I kept getting stopped every few halls, I swear.” “Corser is another I must apologize to...” Celestia said, looking past Chrysalis. Chrysalis laughed scornfully. “He is not coming. He told me that he does not wish to speak with you and went to get Luna.” “That is unfortunate...but...to be expected.” She sighed and closed her eyes. “He may have suffered the most at my, or his hand. To live the lives of thousands every night...I suppose whether I survive or not does not matter to him...” “He will come around eventually,” Copper said as he stood up, taking a deep breath. His mind was working once again. “Eventually he will come and speak to you, but they will be on his terms and I am sure he will have a lot to say to you.” Celestia nodded, looking at him. “Yes… Are you leaving already?” Copper nodded as he turned away. “Yes. We only have one lead...and that's the Crystal Empire. So that's where I have to go.” Chrysalis raised an eyebrow at him. “Right now? This very minute?” “The sooner the better. I have lots to do for arrangements, so I'm off to see Corser and work something out.” He walked slowly towards the door, part of him hesitating. “Copper...” Celestia sounded weak. “You do not have to do this...” He hesitated at the door, looking down at his hooves. After a short pause, his head slowly rose and he looked back. “I can't think of anypony who could do it.” He shot Chrysalis a look as she opened her mouth to speak. “Who is actually here, or could actually be contacted, or...I don't know...actually stuck around long enough to make sure we all made it through all right.” “Like Pots,” she said with a sneer. “I expected him to leave. But...” He turned away. “I expected the Doctor to stay.” ~ “Alright...so it's a direct line to the Crystal Empire,” Corser said, looking up at Copper, who was standing on the back of the train, leaning against the door. “No passengers. No cargo. That's what the manifold says. It's going to just be the conductor, who is under the impression that he has someone very important to pick up.” “That's an interesting cover story...and I mean, I understand the need for secrecy, but I would feel more comfortable in a train full of ponies...” Copper stared through the small window in the back of the train. “We don't know how many allies King Sombra has that he could actually still be in contact with. Or who have defected.” he said as he looked up and down the train yard. “If the letter we intercepted has any truth to it, both are very likely… And you are a high priority target. They want you dead so you can't assist Celestia. Or go against her. Or...whatever they think.” The letter had been hastily written and everypony had had a hard time discerning what it actually said. “Right...” A whistle blew at the front of the train and it began to move. Corser trotted with it, as it was not moving very fast. “Go straight to Shining Armor. He's going to be the only pony, besides Spyglass, who knows you're heading there.” “You sent Spyglass?” Copper said, glaring down at him. Spyglass was a good friend and a mailpony, who had been quite helpful to him. Good company, too. “We didn't have anyone else who could do it that we thought you would trust!” Corser said as the train pulled away from him. Copper watched as he faded off into the distance before heading inside. It was a good idea to send Spyglass. Mostly he was just annoyed that he was not informed and couldn't tell Spyglass what to say to Shining Armor. He also hadn't seen Spyglass since the day before they took Canterlot and he could not help but miss him. No way of knowing how he was, or what he was up to. His mind wandered back to Ponyville and to his house that stood vacant. At least he knew, deep down, he always knew that somewhere he had an actual home. A house that stood and was filled with things that belonged to him. From the letters Twilight had sent to him, Fluttershy had taken it upon herself to make sure that the place stayed tidy. He wondered if he'd ever get to go back there on his terms. Would Celestia make him go? If there was some other pony who could, and would, go in his place...could he just sit there? Words spilled into his head as he took a seat. He could not recall who said them, but they rang in his head. “When did you last sleep?” ~ Something had woken him. His eyes cracked open slightly as he peered around the empty car. It was empty just as he had expected, but that wasn't what had woken him anyways. He slowly got up, stretching slightly. Then it hit him again. A bad feeling. He rushed to the window, looking out. Night had fallen and all he could see was snow. The feeling was intense. Did he just see movement out in the distance, or were his eyes playing tricks on him? He had learned to trust feelings like this. He made his way quickly to the front of the train. It was all enclosed, because of the harsh weather that it sometimes had to travel through. He hesitated at the door to the first car, quickly moving to the side. Paranoia was something that he could just not get rid of. Nor would he if given the opportunity. Leaning forward slightly, he looked through the little window. Inside was a pony wearing a conductor’s hat. The door opened surprisingly quietly and Copper checked both corners before he moved into the room. He cleared his throat. The conductor spun around and nearly fell over, “Who-?!” He froze and blinked, staring at Copper. “Well I don't believe it. Copper Feather.” Copper couldn't help but notice how the pony looked past him into the other car, like he was looking for something. “This sure is a surprise. Anypony else I should be aware of?” “Yes, sorry to disturb you but I was beginning to feel uneasy,” Copper said as he moved to the side of the car, looking out one of the windows. “Anything out of the ordinary?” “Nope. All quiet,” the conductor said as he moved back to watching the controls. Copper knew how to drive a train. He hadn't done it many times but he had enjoyed it. “I have to say, you gave me quite the fright just now. It's always uneasy havin' an empty train. Not the first time I've had to do it; morning trains gotta be there and evening trains gotta be in Canterlot. Be better ways to do it, but that's the way they do it.” Copper was scanning the fields of snow, barely listening to what he was saying. “I bet you don't remember me...” Copper hesitated and looked at the pony. “I'm...afraid not?” The pony chuckled. “You knocked me out.” Copper blinked and raised an eyebrow. “I never found out exactly why but apparently you were on some important mission. I was so stubborn, I wouldn't listen to a word you had to say...so you hit me with a shovel.” “Sorry,” Copper said lamely, looking the pony up and down. He remembered that moment, though he had not paid attention to what the conductor looked like. “Eh, it was a long time ago... But they ended up putting me on this route here as a punishment, I suppose.” He chuckled softly, shaking his head. “Honestly, how was I supposed to know you were telling the truth? You weren't well known back then.” He nodded slowly and then stopped. Something was moving off in the distance. “How far are we to the Crystal Empire?” The pony pulled out a watch and looked at it. “Mmmm I'd say almost there. About two hours more travel.” “Is there anything out here?” It was hard to pinpoint where whatever he saw was, especially with the speed of the train. He shook his head. “Not till the Crystal Empire. Why do you ask?” “Cus there's something out there,” he said as he peered out. The feeling was stronger now. Time to stop figuring out what it was and go with it. He grabbed the conductor and shoved him out the door. “Go! Go!” He had to keep shoving him. “I can't leave the controls!” he shouted at him. Despite his arguing, they were both now running back through the train. Copper glanced back, in time to see a bright light. ~ His eyes cracked open slightly and all he could see was wood. Had he fallen asleep at his workbench again? There was an odd noise coming from outside, that sounded vaguely train like, but different. Oh that's right, he was on a train, wasn't he? But they weren't moving. His whole body felt numb yet stung slightly. He decided it better not to move just yet. Assess the damage first. But as far as he could tell, he wasn't hurt at all. There was a jingling of keys and a door opened. Somepony came in and closed the door behind them. He heard them walk off to the left and he decided to lift his head. His body felt weird, but he couldn't figure out what it was. He sat up and felt his arms slide off the table. What was in his hand? He looked down at it, his mind taking a moment to realize that he did indeed have a hand. In it was a bottle. How much had he had to drink? He set it down on the table and looked up at the pony who was going through drawers at the the other end of the room. “Scootaloo?” He had seen the filly several times, with other fillies, all running around constantly Ponyville trying to get their cutie marks. She stood bolt upright when he spoke and slowly turned around. She looked worried. “Ah...you're awake?” He looked down at his hand again. “I think so? I'm not sure...” He looked at her. It had to be Scootaloo, he didn't know anypony who was orange with pink hair. But of course she looked completely different. She stood upright, wearing a long gray dress. Those purple eyes stared at him. “How drunk are you?” she asked cautiously. Copper looked at the bottle a moment and then pushed it far enough so that it fell off the table into a rubbish bin that he somehow knew was there. “I'm not drunk, Scootaloo. Just confused...a moment ago I was...” He looked down at the table. “I was on a train and I'm pretty sure it was crashing.” She walked hesitantly over towards him, keeping her distance. “Sounds like a hell of a dream...” He shook his head. “No...it wasn't a dream...I...” He looked at her and noticed her flinch. “Scootaloo...where am I?” “Oh god, what kind of game are you playing at?” she said as she placed her hands on her hips, glaring at him. He shook his head again. “No game. Please just answer.” She raised an eyebrow at him. “All right...fine... You're in your office. In New York,” she said as her hands went from her hips, to crossed across her chest. “Do you need your name, too, Copper Feather?” “Interesting...” he said as he looked around the room slowly. Her eyes narrowed at him. “What's this all about?” “I'm not sure...but I'm trying to figure it out.” He leaned back in the chair a bit and was a bit caught off guard by the fact it leaned back. “Well...uhm...” Her expression softened quite a lot and she didn't look at Copper anymore. “Anything else I can do to help?” He reached up and rubbed his face. “I...” He hesitated, as an idea struck him. “Do you know how to get in touch with the Doctor?” Suddenly she looked worried. “Doctor? Are you hurt?” “No no,” he said, shaking his head. “Not a doctor. The Doctor. Doctor Whooves.” Her brow wrinkled slightly as she thought. It was beginning to dawn on Copper that she was keen to help him, but hesitant to get close to him. After a moment she shook her head. “Nope...can't recall any Doctor Whooves...” She finally looked at him again. “So...what's going on?” Copper found that his chair also swiveled and was on wheels. He turned around to look out a window and saw that there were cars on the street three stories below. He had seen designs of them in Horsh's lab. They moved quite quickly down the streets below. Scanning the cityscape allowed him to see smoke rising towards the sky and in the distance...an airship. “I'm not sure...” He could not help but stare at the airship. She moved closer to him. “Copper...please, what's going on?” “I...don't think...that I'm the Copper you think I am,” he said, looking at her. She raised an eyebrow at him and he felt the need to explain further. “Judging from my point of view...I think that I...switched places with the Copper of this world, would be my guess.” “That sounds a lot like this movie I watched last week,” she said, suddenly brightening up quite a bit as she went into an explanation that seemed a tad too much exactly what Copper thought happened. About a man who was in an accident and woke up in an alternate universe, where things were completely different and he was a different person in that universe. “Overall it wasn't very good...not believable at all.” Copper sighed, staring down at the street, watching the cars. “Well I'm fairly certain that's pretty much what's happening...” She frowned at him. “So you're saying that your from some alternate universe or something?” He looked at her and frowned slightly at the look she was giving him. “Please. Just...go with it, all right? It's all I got right now till I figure it out... The alternate is that this is a dream. Or my other life was a dream.” “Or you've gone crazy,” she suggested with a slight smile. He chuckled softly, nodding. “Oh yes. That's always an option...” He fell silent and heaved a sigh. There was several seconds of silence, before Scootaloo suddenly stood bolt upright. “Oh! Oh dear I almost forgot!” She quickly rushed back to the drawers and began going through them once more. “Oh jeez...this won’t be good...” Copper watched as she pulled papers out and rushed back to the table, putting papers on the table. “All right so...uhm...a friend of mine's sister needs help.” “A friend?” he said, raising an eyebrow. She glared at him. “Yes. I have friends. I don't spend all my time hanging out with you, despite what ponies say.” He chuckled softly, shaking his head. “Sorry that's not what I meant by that.” “Doesn't matter.” She pushed a piece of paper in front of him. “She'll be here soon and I...well I was hoping you wouldn't be drunk...” “I'm not drunk,” Copper insisted, smiling at her. That didn't seem to convince her. “Yes...well...look. She's going to offer a case and we need the money. Your savings are empty and if you don't take the case I don't think we'll be able to eat... I was going to do everything without you, but since you're not drunk, you can do it yourself.” He nodded slowly, looking at the paper in front of him. It was a contract as far as he could tell. “Scootaloo...” he said slowly, looking back up at her. “Hm?” She stopped, she had been heading back over to the drawers. “What?” “How old are you?” Her eyes narrowed at him. “It's rude to ask a lady her age. And honestly, you should know. I turned 16 two months ago. You got me this,” she said holding up her arm. It took a second for Copper to notice the bracelet. “And...” He paused, he heard a car stop outside. “How old am I?” She rolled her eyes and moved to the drawers. “You're 36.” That was interesting. He was a lot older here and so was she. But he couldn't tell how much of an age difference there was, as he didn't know what Scootaloo's age was back in Ponyville. “And...what are you to me?” She paused and looked back at him. “You're serious about all this? Don't think you're taking it a tad too far?” “Scootaloo, please,” Copper said softly. He didn't want to have to beg her, but he would if he needed to. There was something he was missing and it was important. She stood up, her back to him. “I'm...” There was a moment’s hesitation and then she turned around. “I'm your daughter.” Copper froze in his seat. That was a big thing to not know. But...there was something off about her body language. She did not seem upset that he did not remember. “My...daughter?” Again she hesitated. “Ok, adopted daughter?” He stared at her and he could practically see her sweat under his gaze. “All right fine. I'm not your daughter.” She turned from him back to the drawers. “Can't blame a girl for trying to take advantage of a situation...as it stands...you're-” there was a knock at the door. Scootaloo moved quickly to the door, seeming to be thankful for the interruption. When she opened the door, it was impossible for Copper to not know who it was. “Miss Rarity,” he said, standing up. Rarity raised an eyebrow at him and looked down at Scootaloo. “Ah, you're Sweetie Belle's friend...I see you've already explained things to Detective Feather?” Detective Feather? He kind of liked the sound of that. But Scootaloo was staring a tad slack jawed at Copper. “No I hadn't-” “I'm afraid all she managed was your name,” Copper said swiftly. Apparently he didn't know Rarity. “Please, come in. Have a seat,” he said as he gestured to the seat on the other side of the desk. Rarity sauntered inside. There was no other word to describe the way she walked. She was dressed beautifully, so Copper assumed that her personality would be similar if not the same. “What can I help you with?” She sat down, looking almost on the brink of tears. “It's these dreadful men who keep harassing me. I can't stand it. They just will not leave me alone. They treat me like I'm...I'm some kind of hooker.” Copper made sure to keep his expression blank as strange images of Rarity with a rather large hook came to mind. He was unfamiliar with that word, but it did not sound good. “When I was talking with her about it, Sweetie Belle mentioned that her friend knew a Detective and I was hoping that you could get them to leave me alone. A Detective is sure to scare off those brutes.” Copper nodded in agreement. “Yes...of course. Scootaloo?” Scootaloo finally snapped out of whatever shock she was under and blinked. “Huh? What?” “For a case like this...how much would you think it would cost Miss Rarity?” There was a lot of things he needed to learn. The currency was one of them. He needed to find some kind of reference price later so that he knew what to base prices off of. “Uhm...” She moved over quickly to the side of the desk and began rummaging through papers. “Well...let's see...standard fee would be fifty dollars.” Dollars. That was an interesting word for money. How many dollars were there to a bit? Or were bits less valuable? He returned his focus back to Rarity. “I do hope that is not out of your price range.” Rarity shook her head and began going through her purse. “Not at all. I'd gladly pay double to be rid of those mongrels.” Scootaloo stared hopefully at Copper, almost pleading with her eyes. “No need,” Copper said giving Scootaloo a smile. “Fifty will be enough.” She suddenly looked deflated. “I'm afraid I only have twenty on me right now...but if you come by the club tonight and scare off those ruffians, I can give you the other thirty.” “That will work just fine, Miss Rarity,” he said and patted Scootaloo softly on the head. She gave him a confused and flustered look as she batted his hand away. He laughed softly as he wrote down the information on the contract. He was glad that they were labeled what was supposed to be there, otherwise he would not have been able to figure it out. “If you'll just sign here at the bottom, I will be at...the club, tonight.” “It's called the Pink Wave, on 44th street. They hang out in the alley every night, waiting for me to leave...” She shuddered. “I'm always afraid they're going to try something...” “It'll be all right Miss Rarity,” he said as he watcher her sign and pass the paper back. “We'll have it all sorted out tonight.” He gave her a smile, which she returned halfheartedly. “Thank you Detective Feather... I'll...see you tonight.” She stood up and hastened out, closing the door behind her. “I cannot believe you just turned down a hundred dollars. A hundred dollars Copper! That would've set us up for weeks.” Scootaloo slumped down onto the table. “Don't worry Scootaloo. There'll be plenty more cases.” He stood up and let the instincts of this body guide his actions. He grabbed several things, including a watch, keys, a pen and pad of paper. Then he stopped as he was buckling something on. He looked at it and then slowly reached into the back of the drawer, pulling out a revolver. He stared at it a moment, instantly knowing what it was somehow. He looked at Scootaloo, who had gone back to filing papers. “What's a Detective in this world?” he said as he holstered the gun and went across the room for his coat. It was long and a dark brown. Part of him wished it was copper colored. “Well technically you're a private Detective,” she said, apparently giving up on arguing with his strange behavior. “You were a police Detective up until eight months ago, when you quit to become a private Detective.” “I see...” he mumbled. Police. That registered the same as guard to him. Someone who upholds the laws. “Why did I quit?” She hesitated and then looked at him. Her mouth opened to say something, but then she closed it again. “C'mon,” she said. “We have to get going. We'll eat on the way there at a sandwich shop I know. Pretty good and cheap.” He looked at her, but decided not to press the question. “All right, sounds like a plan.” He pulled his coat on, buttoning just two of them. Enough to hide the belt of his holster. ~ “That's the Pink Wave?” Copper said looking at the...interesting building ahead of them. Steam was rising from vents at the side of the streets. Technology was far more advanced here and it seemed that ponies relied less on magic. It was the fringe of what Copper could push his imagination to see. He had seen things that had been nothing but rough sketches. Things that were impossible dreams were common place here. “Yes,” Scootaloo said, looking around. “That looks like the alley Rarity was talking about.” Copper followed where she was pointing and saw a fairly well lit alley. He started off towards it and she trailed behind. “Do you have a plan?” “Yep.” She raised an eyebrow at him. “What sort of plan?” “A good one. Just watch.” They came around the corner. Ahead the alley continued on a ways, opening to another street and there beside a heavy metal door, were three ponies. They were leaning against the walls of either side, one beside the door and the other two across it. The two across were brown with different manes; the far one with a darker brown mane and the other with a lighter brown. The one beside the door, however, was a red color with a blue mane. They were talking to each other, but stopped abruptly when Copper rounded the corner. “Evening,” he said, as he came into the alley. “Who are you?” the lighter mane said, all of them standing up a bit straighter. They were dressed in long dark coats. "I'm Detective Feather and I was wondering if you gentlemen would be willing to help in an ongoing case.” They chuckled a bit, the dark mane nudging the lighter one. “Of course, Detective,” the blue mane one said, giving him a smile. “Always happy to help an officer of the law.” “Wonderful.” Copper stopped a few hooves away from them. “Well here's the thing boys. Ya see there's a pony in there,” he gestured vaguely to the door, “who's being harassed by a couple of ponies.” Their smiles faded. “She asked me to come around and see if I could get them to leave her alone. Have you by any chance seen these ponies?” There was a few seconds of silence as they sized Copper up. He knew that's what they were doing as he had done it just moments before as he walked down the alley. Suddenly the blue mane shot a hand into his coat, but the barrel of Copper's revolver was already pressing into the colt's forehead. “I...uh...” “Now...what could you be reaching for I wonder?” Copper reached into the pony's jacket and grabbed hold of his wrist before slowly pulling it out making sure that the revolver that the pony had gone for was pointed at the wall. “Oh dear...you know you could hurt somepony with this... Drop it.” It clattered to the ground and Copper kicked it backwards, before taking a step back. “Now then. Miss Rarity would like to be left alone. And I'm not the kind of pony to ask twice. So be good boys...and go on home before things get any worse.” “A-all this f-for some burlesque dancer?” the blue mane stammered. Copper hesitated and leaned backwards slightly, tilting his head towards Scootaloo, who had picked up the gun. “What's burlesque?” Her face went beat red and the colts started laughing, but the click of Copper pulling back the hammer silenced them immediately. He straightened up. “Never mind. Doesn't matter.” He sniffed, looking at the blue maned pony. “You have three seconds.” They ran. Copper was almost surprised at how fast they could run. Scootaloo beamed up at him. “That...was...awesome.”