//------------------------------// // Chapter 1~Into the Sunlight // Story: Light In a Crystal // by MonganuWrites //------------------------------// You can never tell what a day may bring. It could be a day full of failure test, and faulty experiments. Or something else could happen that could change my stupid life around. I had been pacing back and forth under the one window in my huge lab. The thing I was trying to create was simply not possible. A supplement sounds easy, right. Wrong. A thousand words wrong. You had to research the gene it was on for years. YEARS! Imagine being a 21 year old pony. I had no friends because of it. In fact I’ve never even been on what you call those things, dates? I simply did not have the time. In the middle of myself rant of being basically a caged animal to these people, somepony had walked into the lab. “Madam Spectrum,” called a silver unicorn from the door across the room “Yes, Atom, has there been any breakthrough in the other labs?” I had to know. I had heard nothing from the others in 2 months and well it was driving me a little crazy. That much solitude just, scares me. I hated it there. I mean I love science but was this all worth it, the insanity, the torture of failure, and basically no pony interactions. “No, none. But how would you like to take a break?” I turned straight around and flew fast towards him. “Atom! That would be amazing! Oh, but where would I stay. I mean I don’t believe there are any villages around the lab.” Atom laughed and I looked away. Did I say something wrong? I mean coming straight from the Crystal Empire to the lab, meant no sightseeing. “Oh Spectrum you are a silly filly! Ponyville is right down the street.” I looked at him funny. He was really my only friend and him calling me a silly filly was sort of weird. “Ponyville, okay I’ll get heading out right no….” I was cut off by Atom. “But Spectrum, there’s a catch, you have to do something.” A catch! What the buck! I mean I’m his best friend and he gives me a catch for being on break! “Atom you have to be kidding me! All I need is a little time away not another experiment or research plan!” Atom looked embarrassed at this. “No, Spectrum, it isn’t research or experiments. You need to fall in love with somepony.” I could feel the lab turn as inferno hot. “But Atom I already li….” Atom cut me off again. I swear he never listens. Every time I try and explain something all I get is his words in my mouth. I wouldn’t mind my mouth on his, I mean ever since I joined his crew of scientist I’ve always thought he was cute. But now he wanted me to find someone else what the buck dude! “Spectrum I know. But the pony you need to be with is already picked out for you. His name is LightningLight, a crystal pony. You see you’re a hybrid, Dominant trait being well normal fur and recessive being Crystal. Crystal as you know is a rare trait and not many have it. LightningLight has accepted to help with our research. He is heading over to Ponyville right now.” Atom took a breath and I felt like I was about to blow a fuse. I should be able to choose who I wanted to……. Wait. The idea had just dawned on me. “ATOM, I HAVE TO HAVE……. For Celstia’s sake Atom, I can’t believe your making do this!” Atom smiled picked me up with his magic and carried me outside. “I knew you would agree, see you in 3 weeks!” “ATOM, when I get my hooves on you I’m going to make you regret all of this!” I didn’t want to go. This was one of Atom’s tricks to play Match maker again. Any chance he had he played it. Last year he sent me on a date for “research” and I ended up kicking the dude in the face. But for Atom I guess I would go. But I did not know I would end up in a huge mess because of Atom’s set up. If only I knew that someone else would come into the equation. I slowly walked to Ponyville which in fact wasn’t too far away. I hadn’t been paying attention because I was off in day dream land when I was knocked over by a speeding dark blue object. “What the hay!” I yelled. I looked up and saw a handsome dark blue nearly navy Pegasus on top of me. “Oh my gosh ma’am you okay. I’m so sorry it’s just that…” He didn’t get to finish his sentence before he noticed where he was and blushed like crazy. “It’s okay, I’m Spectrum.” I guess when you have only men around you most of the time you get used to well awkward situations. “I’m Dark Rainbow and Dash is so going to kill me if she sees me with you so bye!” He then flew off towards Ponyville. I had noticed something weird about him. His wings. They were metal where the feathers would be. “What a weird pony,” I whispered and headed on my way with only my thoughts and well more thoughts. I had reached Ponyville after a short walk. Ponyville seemed like a cute little village where nothing could possibly go…… “Move out of the way!” screamed a light blue Pegasus. What the… I then looked up to see a stampede of cows hurtling towards me. I opened my wings and flew off. They were soar from the little use they had gotten at the lab. “Apple Jack hurry up we don’t got all day!” An orange pony ran up against the cows. She was wearing a brown hat and had a little dog run alongside with her. Weird, I thought. “I’m sorry Dash, The rope got stuck on a tree,” she yelled which I guessed she was Apple Jack. Dash, that name rang a bell. Oh yeah she’s the Pegasus that was worrying that other pony I believe Dark Rainbow. “Excuse me, I’m Spectrum….” I started to say before being rudely cut off by the Dash. “Huh, Okay Spectrum, get your tinny flank out of here before you become a pancake.” She then snorted and flew to help Apple Jack. She smirked as she flew up. "What are you just sitting there get to work, pony. You see and don;t try and say I'm not right because Rainbow Dash is Always right." She then turned around and flew off before I could say anything to her. I snorted and turned away while Apple Jack just rolled her eyes. "Really Rainbow. Yep I can handle this on my own," she then ran off with the cows. I decided it be a good time to go check everything out while Rainbow Dash was not around. Wow I hadn't even been here for a couple minutes and somebody already had gotten on my nerves. I landed gently and before I can even take a step I was attacked by a flying pink thing. "HiI'mPinkiePieWhatsYourName!I'veNeverSeenYouAroundAndJustAreYouNewHereBecauseThatWouldExplainBecauseIKnowEveryoneHere!" She then took a giant breath and before she could say anything I jumped in. "I'm Spectrum, and you are." I said politely I could tell she was different than that Dash pony. She had a huge grin and I hadn't even noticed she had hit me to the ground. "I just said who I was silly!" She laughed and bounced away. I got up and shook my head. This town is full of weird ponies I thought and before I could finish I was hit in the head by a gem. "Ow who the heck through that!" I yelled and looked at everypony starring at me. A purple dragon ran past me and I rubbed my eyes. "Okay I hope that isn't because of that drink Atom gave me." He looked at me. He had sort of a scowl on his face. "Sorry mister pouty pants, I guess you are real," I said and put my hoof on his head. He still didn't smile but I can tell I was "Spike, Dear Celestia please be okay," said a purple unicorn, who I can tell was having a panic attack. Wow, I thought I guess this most be one FUN of a place to live. "I think your dragon went this way Ms..." I started to say but then I remembered I didn't know her name. She looked familar. Actually they all did. Maybe because off, naw they couldn't have saved the Crystal Empire. I mean Rainbow dash seemed awfully mean and stuck up to help the Crystal Ponies. I could see Apple Jack and possibly Blabber pony being part of it too. But my thought again was cut off. I guess now I was getting cut off so much I missed solitude. "Ms.Sparkle but you may call me Twilight, and thank you for your help," she said and ran off. I sighed. How many crazy are there in this town, I thought. She then turned around and smiled. "If you ever need help my friends can help," she said and then galloped off. I shrugged I really never needed help. I guess problems were scared of smart people. Or something like that. I decided to take a flying look at Ponyville. I mean the town couldn't be that big if I have never heard of it could it? Well a view form the sky it seemed decent sized. There was a library, a sweet shop and a farm. But then on hoof everything seemed huge. In the midst of my thoughts I had crashed into something. Luckily there was a cloud right under me or I would I have plumeted. I looked up to see Dark Rainbow again on top,again, blachsing, AGAIN! I mean the scene should shake up and oh wait it had. I hadn't even realized that he was kissing me. On accident, yes, but still kissing me. I guess being on bottom in these siguations wasn't that bad. "I'm so sorry," he said taking his mouth off mine. I kind of panted, but something clicked in my mind. He was rather adorable. Not the adorable that Atom had, no the adorable that made me feel well, a little like I wanted to see what he'd be like in bed. "No problem, it was rather nice. Your a good kisser even if it is on accident," I said smiling. He turned his head but I could see a faint blush on him. "Well," I said "I have to go find someone I'm supposed to go out with... bye" I then took off. Whats with me and ponies flying and jumping into me I thought, before seeing a light green unicorn pass by me. His coat shimmered in the light and I knew that was him. I flew down and landed right next to him. "Are you LightningLight," I asked knowing the answer. He isn't cute. Rather ugly though, but for science I'll do anything. "Yes I am and I'm ready to bang," he said and smiled starting to head over to a cottage. My eyes opened. What the buck! Atom never said anything about it right away! "Dude, I aint gonna have sex with you, I just met you and I have never done such a thing before," I said and everyone was starring at me. Shit, I hate making scenes. He put his hoof around me. "Awww, babe no reason to worry, you'll enjoy it it's fun," he said and felt a fuse breaking. In 3, 2, 1 "What the buck is wrong with you! I aint no prostitute, I don't have sex or as you call in "banging" with random people that I don't even know! And forget about it, god why did I listen to Atom! This whole entire day has been full of weird people and nearly having sex with you!" I screamed and opened my wings. I had to get away from this town, just for a few minutes. IT didn't take long till I was crying though. "Having a hard time I see," said a familiar voice. I wanted to turn around but tears were streaming down my face.I guess you get embarassed when your eyes are puffy and water is pouring down your face. But I needed some help so I decided to let myself be talked to. So I turned around and fell into Rainbow Dash's hooves. It felt nice to have someone for me, even though I did at first think she was a rude pony. "I...can't..believe I went on a date with....such...a...jerk," I said in between gasps and sniffles. She stroked my hair and all I could think about was kissing her boyfriend. Shit, why must this happen. The tears came heavier with every moment I thought so I stopped thinking. "It's okay Spectrum, trust me. Just turn him down, I've been set onto many of terrible dates. Like once someone tried to set me up with my buddy Fluttershy, and that is what I call a terrible date," she said and laughed. I could tell why Dark had been so absessed about her. She was nice, had a little fire, was confident, funny and I had to admit good looking. "Thanks, Rainbow Dash," I said with a smile. I guess this town wasn't so bad you just needed to get used to the craziness. And to believe that I thought this place was weird, I guess I was the weird one