The Nightmare Reborn

by vintage brony

Chapter Nine - First day in town

“So where are we heading to first? We don't really now anything around here yet.” Kristoph said calmly to Kidd and Evan who were leading him and Lunar around town.

“Oh can we go to Sugarcube Corner!? We could get cupcakes!” Lunar said excitedly as he hopped along beside Kristoph.

“That's in Ponyville Lunar, we're in Mareland remember?” Kristoph reminded glancing over at his hyperactive friend.

“Oh yeah... So then what do you ponies do for your cupcake fix!?”

“Well there is one baker in town, Sweet Stratus. She's great with all of that stuff but her real talent is cotton candy.” Kidd said with a smile at the thought of the sugary treat.

“Then why don't we go ahead and make our way over there?” Evan asked hoping to get some candy himself.

“Then what are you ponies waiting for!?” Lunar exclaimed before he galloped at a full sprint away from them.

“Does he know where he's going?” Kidd asked with a raised eyebrow watching him go.

“Uh, that would be a no...” Kristoph answered in the same calm tone.

“Shouldn't we catch him then?” Evan asked with out moving.

“Yeah...” Kidd and Kristoph said in unison also unmoving.

A moment passed with the group watching Lunar run across town without any idea where to go. Once they had their moment they all left to go find Lunar and resume their trip to the candy store. They rounded a corner to see Lunar actually standing in front of the store in question. The window had the name The Confectionery's Cumulus embossed on it in big letters that took up most of the main window.

“Aww come on! Its my first day here! You can't be closed now I wanted some cotton candy!” Lunar grumbled as he knocked on the door with a hoof in desperation.

“Oh that sucks, guess that'll have to wait till another time. Anypony else have a suggestion?” Kidd asked as the group caught up to Lunar.

“We could show them the arcade? Oh lets do that! We could go see Hocus and Nuudo again!” Evan said excitedly as he hopped in place.

Yay! We get to hang out with the pony-napper and the mean gamer... Hurray! Kidd thought to himself in a sarcastic voice but he actually said. “Yay! We get to hang out with the pony-napper and the mean gamer... Hurray!” That was supposed to stay inside... oh well. As long as it doesn't become a habit.

“Oh come on they aren't that bad! And besides they're our friends! And Kristoph and Lunar should meet them!” Evan said with and excited smile as he reveled in the thought of all his friends becoming friends with each other.

“Sure I could go for a game or two, you coming Lunar?” Kristoph asked.

“Sure!” Lunar said happily as he completely forgot being sad a moment ago.

“Uh... fine. Lets go then.” Kidd said sounding defeated but trudged along behind Evan as he lead the way to the Broken Joystick.

“We've arrived in the first town sir.” The royal guard said firmly as the carriage landed softly on the edge of town. Kebert looked at the royal guard that brought him here and could only wonder how it was possible. He had a grey coat light purple and dark blue colored armor and amber eyes with slits for pupils. The most noticeable feature that made them stand out was that they were pegasus but their wings were bat wings! Luna's royal guard division... Kebert thought to himself but decided to focus on the matter at hoof.

Kebert read the sign by the main road into the city. “Mareland - He checked the list of towns Luna gave him Mareland being among them. - yes this appears right. Thank you gentlecolts, I shall send word when my work here is done.”Kebert said as he got down from the carriage to begin the task ahead of him.

“Of course sir, Luna speed.” The guard said before taking of heading back to Canterlot.

I must getting around to finding more out about those guards from Luna when I get back. Kebert thought as he headed into town. All the more reason to hurry this along.

“Now where should I start with my search?” Kebert wondered aloud as he cast his glance around in random directions hoping for a solution. His gaze rested on a confectionery named The Confectionery's Cumulus and heard his stomach rumble. Putting a hoof to it he decided there would be a good place to start. Yet once he got there it appeared to be closed so he would have to look else where to satisfy his hunger.

He sighed before walking around in hopes of finding a solution soon so he could move on to finish his original task.

“Hey Hocus! Nuudo! Is anypony home!” Evan exclaimed as he and his friends in tow entered the arcade.

“Come on no fair!” Nuudo yelled from an area near the back grabbing the group's attention.

“Its not my fault you cant play.” Hocus replied in return.

The group made their way through the maze of arcade machines to find the two playing Ponyopoly. “So are you gonna give me that railroad or do you go bankrupt?” Hocus asked with a taunting smirk as he leaned across the board to Nuudo.

“Uhh...” Nuudo sighed. “Fine but once I get the last green your flank is mine.” He finished in a competitive tone as he hoofed over a bunch of fake bits to Hocus.

“Yeah we'll see about that won't we?” Hocus said with a smirk as he added the bits to a pile beside his side of the game board.

“Oh Ponyopoly! Can I play!?” Lunar asked as he brought his head up from under the board pulling it up with him. He then dropped back down and the board settled back to its previous position with the pieces on it shaking slightly. Nuudo lifted up the board to see the board was on solid wood table and no sign of Lunar.

He looked at the spot and blinked a few times out of confusion. “Uhhh... what? Who was that and where did they go?”

Hocus giving the same confused expression slapped himself with a foreleg. “Ow! Ok so im awake... unless this is your dream!” He said quickly as he reached forward across the board.

“Wait what!?” Nuudo asked panicked seeing where this was going. But he didn't react in time as Hocus brought his hoof across Nuudo's face. “Ow! That doesn't even make sense and you know it!” He said angrily while rubbing the now sore spot with a hoof.

“Yeah but I thought it would be funny.” Hocus said with a smirk.

“Uh sorry to interrupt or anything but we wanted you guys to meet some of our friends who are knew in town.” Evan said as he stepped forward as he gestured back to the group behind him. “This is Kristoph - he motioned to the musician who nodded in greeting - and this as you've seen is Lunar Midknight - he motioned again but towards the smiling singer who waved excitedly - we thought we could show them around town.” Evan explained.

“Hey I'm Hocus Winfrey, and this here is Nuudo.” Hocus said while waving his hoof in Nuudo's direction.

“Well now that were all buddy buddy, how about we go get something to eat?” Kidd asked.

“Sure I'm getting hungry myself. Do you guys wanna join?” Evan asked looking at the two still seated at the board game.

They looked at each other and shrugged before nodding in unison and getting up to follow.

Kebert made his way through the town and heard his stomach growl, again. Putting a hoof to it in a vain hope of settling it he looked around for a place to eat before continue with the task at hoof. He saw a group of ponies talking while making there way through the town and decided to ask for directions to a restaurant.

“Um excuse me?” Kebert asked politely and quietly as he approached the group from behind. One in particular with a black coat and huge light blue eyes turned seemed to get very excited. Excited enough to rush up to Kebert and grab hos left foreleg and shake it furiously in greeting.

“Hi! Are you a new friend too!? I've already made so many friends from this town but there is always room for more!” The pony said with a huge grin on his face as he continued to shake Kebert's hoof.

“Um... hi? I'm not really from here.” Kebert said feeling weird that the pony was so excited to meet a complete stranger. That's when another one from the group came over and pulled the excited pony back with a bored expression.

“Come on Lunar. Your bothering him.” He said. Once he moved 'Lunar' back enough to give Kebert some space he made his way over to say his own greetings. “Hi I'm Kristoph and that's Lunar Midknight. We're knew here too.” The pony named Kristoph said calmly and in complete contrast to the previous pony. He also turned his head and motioned to the others behind him.

“That's Kidd - He motioned to the pegasus with a brown coat and long black mane and tail - This is Event Horizon - He pointed a hoof to the slightly dark blue unicorn that had a blue and grey mane and tail - and these two are Hocus Winfrey and Nuudo.” He finished by motioning towards the red pegasus who stood next to an actual zebra! He had a red coat not unlike the pegasus and black stripes over his body.

After their introductions they each gave him a short greeting and either shook his hoof or waved. “So if your not from here then where are you staying?” Evan asked. Kebert's eyelids shot open. Oh crap... I knew I forgot to ask the princess for something... Where am I going to stay?

“Uh... are there any hotels near here?” Kebert asked hopefully.

“Not really, its a pretty small town and there aren't many things out here to attract tourists. So there was never enough business for one. How long did you plan on staying?” Evan asked.

“I'm not really sure, I'm here on official business and I have to finish something before I leave.”

“Well your welcome to stay with me if you need to.” Evan said behind a smile.

“Well seeing how there isn't really an option I guess so, thank you.” Kebert agreed getting a smile as well. These seem like nice ponies, maybe I'll tell Luna about them?

“Great! And we were just about to go get some food, would you like to come? We could show you around town as well.” Evan asked eagerly.

Hearing his stomach rumble in agreement Kebert answered. “Sure that sounds nice.” So the now larger group made their way to a restaurant in town. They all took a seat at a table large enough for them all to sit. Every pulled up a stool or a small square haystack besides the pegasi who each grabbed a piece of cloud to sit on.

Kebert himself got a portion of cloud from above big enough for him and took his place and looked around at them all. To his left was Evan who was levitating menus over for everyone. Next to him was Kidd who was admiring the scene of a mother bird with her chicks in a tree not far from their table. Beyond him was Kristoph who was now looking over the menu with a blank expression as Lunar bounced in his chair next to him. To his right were Nuudo who was smirking as he used his tail to tap his neighbor Hocus on the side opposite him and giggled when he turned to see who it was. In all their little group was seven ponies strong.

I'm glad to have meet these ponies and all but I just wanted to grab something and go. Not that this restaurant isn't nice but I must get this done for Luna... Soon enough a waiter came over and took everyone's orders and made his over to the chief to pass them along. As Kebert thought of what his next move would be in gathering ponies to stand against Nightmare Moon he looked out in space, unaware of everything around him.

“Uh... Kebert? Aren't you gonna eat?” Evan asked awkwardly as he tapped Kebert on the shoulder, awaking him from his own thoughts. And indeed once he looked down Kebert saw a hot bowl of oats before him on the table. He chuckled awkwardly before replying. “R-right...”

“So, what are you two going to do then?” The mint green mare Nightmare Moon was passing as said.

“First we get this town eating out of our hooves...” Flim said with a dazed look as his eyes were glowing a deep midnight blue.

“Then we convince them to join us under the glorious rule of Nightmare Moon...” Flam continued with the same look and eyes as his brother.

“Good, you two learn fast. Maybe once I gain my throne that I deserve I wont throw you in the dungeon.” Nightmare moon said with a delighted smile.

“Yes my queen.” The two brothers droned in unison as they slowly knelt before her before leaving.

“So do you really think these two can pull this off that easily? Seems a little far fetched that they could accomplish so much so quick.” Sombra concluded from his seat at a table with a map on it of the surrounding area.

“Of course not, I am not foolish enough to think they could do so. But the Seeds of Nightmare I planted in them will spread easily to others. With the state I'm in at the moment, they can only affect and attach themselves to ponies who already hold some jealousy or resentment in their hearts. Thus bring in more puppets for us to play with while we wait for things to be set in motion.” She said taking a seat opposite Sombra.

Sombra grew an evil smirk. “You love toying with ponies and their lives don't you?”

“Now don't tell me the enslaver of the crystal empire and all of the crystal ponies is getting cold hooves now is he?” She said mockingly.

“Hmpf” Was his only reply as he glared at the doorway so he wouldn't have to look at her anymore. This reaction only made her smile all the more wider.

Its quite easy to get him riled up. And that is how I'll get rid of him once I no longer require his help in this matter. She thought as she made her way to the upper story of the building to oversee the progress that the two brothers were hopefully making.

Sombra watched as she ascended the stairs away from him and thought to himself as well. Once I get the kingdom back that was stolen from me I wont have to rely on her anymore. And that is when I will have the power and finally shut her up for good. He smiled at this thought and decided to follower her to observe their plan in action.