The Birth of Death

by Vinyl Elusive

Last Reunion

It had been an average day in Ponyville with all the mares and colts all doing their daily duties. All the fillies had gone to school to "learn" but as always cheered happily and fooled around until the day was over. Meanwhile the Cutie Mark Crusaders had been thinking up new ways on how to be getting their cutie marks as always.
"How 'bout we try swimmin'?" asked Apple Bloom.
"We can't!" exclaimed Sweety Belle, "Scootaloo doesn't know how to swim, remember?".
"Shut up!" yelled Scootaloo, "Neither do you!".
"Girls both of you shut up!" yelled Apple Bloom, "We're never gonna get our cutie marks if we just keep arguing like this!".
"What if we got our cutie marks in arguing?" asked Sweety Belle.
"What would that even look like" asked Scootaloo. They both went on and on about the subject but Apple Bloom was to deep in thought to care.
She was thinking about her poor sister AppleJack. The previous night AppleJack had heard about some mystical apple trees in the Everfree. She was told not go but the curiosity got the best of her. We don't have much detail about what happened after that except that some hunters found her in really bad shape and not ever hearing about "mystical" apple trees or apple trees in general in the Everfree. But they were lucky enough to get her to the hospital at the right time. She had lost a great amount of blood and was currently in a coma, but luckily, still alive.
But what she didn't understand was where she had heard about the mystical trees. It sounded like a prank but the more she thought about it, the more it sounded real. she had remembered the day she had gone to Zecora's and took the cutie mark potion. She had remembered Zecora bringing up not to touch her minerals especially a shiny looking apple thing. She also remembered seeing a tree with glowing looking leaves on the way to show her friends her cutie mark. But she had forgotten all about it and might have remembered where it was.
"Maybe it could help me get ma cutie mark mark." whispered Apple Bloom softly.
"What was that?" asked Scootaloo.
"Oh it was nothin'." said Apple Bloom still embarrassed about speaking without knowing. It made her wonder how much more she had said.
"Alrighty then, whatever you say." said Scootaloo, "Anyyyyway, me and Sweety are gonna go to the clubhouse to brainstorm on more ways to get our cutie marks, you in?".
"Nah you guys go on, I need to some umm chores for Granny Smith!" said Apple Bloom.
"Really Apple Bloom? Chores?" asked Scootaloo, "You're gonna miss out on you cutie mark for chores!". This statement worried Scootaloo, but then she remembered.
"But there's no guarantee that we'll get them!" exclaimed Apple Bloom.
"But there's a chance." said Scootaloo.
"I'll take ma chances" said Apple Bloom.
"Whatever, see ya later!" yelled Scootaloo as she ran off away from school towards their clubhouse.
"Seeee ya!" yelled Apple Boom.
"Bye!" yelled Sweety Belle as she ran after Scootaloo.
"Bye!" Apple Bloom yelled back. She had always hated having to say goodbye to her friends after a day of fun. Luckily it would be the last time she would have to...