//------------------------------// // Leaving It At That // Story: The Birth of Death // by Vinyl Elusive //------------------------------// Apple Bloom had just arrived to Sweet Apple Acres and greeted by a surprised Granny Smith. "Gee willy Apple Bloom!" yelled Granny Smith, "I thought yer were at yer club do hickey." "Nah I decided to come straight home today." answered Apple Bloom, "Where's Big Mac?" "He's out on the field workin'." answered Granny Smith "Stillll!" exclaimed Apple Bloom, "He's usually done far by now." "Yep but ya got ta remember he's gotta finish up AppleJack's work too" said Granny Smith, "It also helps him get his mind off it." Apple Bloom had just realized how'd selfish she had been! She hadn't even considered how Granny Smith or Big Mac was taking the fact that one of their very own was in a hospital with a chance of not making it. Granny Smith seemed to be acting normal as if it had never happened, but she couldn't bring herself to think of how Big Mac was taking it. He never seemed to talk much, but he was a protective brother and he would never let anything happen to the family, especially to his sisters. It was just then that she had realized that Granny Smith was going over a list of chores for her to do and she hadn't heard half of 'em. "Got it?" asked Granny Smith "Uuuuh sorry Granny I wasn't listenen." said Apple Bloom feeling ashamed. Granny let out a long sigh. "We lose one worker and everything falls apart!" yelled Granny Smith "IS THAT HOW YOU SEE HER!" yelled Apple Bloom, "A WORKER". It took a moment to realize what she had just done. She would get mad at Granny Smith but never yell. "I'm sorry Granny I jus-" "No no." said Granny Smith, "I'm the one who should be sorry." Apple Bloom had took a moment to realize what had just happened. Granny Smith had been a hard apple all her life. She was known for being the family member that never admitted they were wrong. But what surprised her most was that she wasn't even told to admit. "I'm just in a bad mood jus give me sometime to rest. It's been a long day" Without waiting for a response, Granny Smith walked off to her room as if nothin' had happened. Apple Bloom had felt terrible about it, but she knew Granny best be left alone. She thought for a little bit and wished there was a way to redeem her self to Granny Smith for what she had just done. Then she remembered her plans, she was gonna try to find the mystical apple trees. She thought maybe if she brought one to Granny Smith maybe she wouldn't be so mad. She thought about getting her friends for the journey but the sun was setting and she was running out of time. She quickly packed some essentials and went off to the Everfree. Before she made it out of Sweet Apple Acres, she caught a glimpse of Big Mac into the sky not moving as if he were stone. The image broke her heart, but she quickly looked away before it caught all of her attention. She hated the fact that she had left with apologizing or any warning of her leaving but she knew his would redeem her. But she would have to deal with it forever...