The Sins Of Immortality

by Missguided


The Sins of Immortality
By: Carmack21

In the wonderful land of Equestria there lived a purple unicorn mare, her name was Twilight Sparkle. Many would describe her as a studious mare others would say she was eccentric at times, but all could call her their friend. She was one of the most powerful unicorns in Equestria, which allowed her to do many feats. She was able to soothe an Ursa Minor, vanquish the darkness from Princess Luna, defeat chaos itself, and save her own brother from a succubus named Chrysalis.

Her accomplishments however small did not go unnoticed. Princess Celestia Diarchy of Equestria bestowed upon her young pupil the powers of an alicorn, after Twilight saved her friends from a spell that went terribly wrong. With no help and her friends all depressed she saved them by creating new magic, a feat which in itself is a miracle.

Though many of her tales are epic, everyday life for the newly crowned alicorn has been maniacal. Town’s folk who hope to receive a favor from the new princess line up at the door of the Golden Oaks Library in hopes of speaking with her.
As the days turns into weeks and weeks into years, a terrible sense of sadness insinuate upon the mare. She knows that her life will last forever but her friends will molder under times elusive grasp. Her friends push that same thought to the back of their minds knowing death will come because it’s natural. Although Twilight loves her friends, she complies with their wishes that she lives a long and prosperous life and quit trying to find a cure for them.

This story takes place amongst the last few days that her only remaining best friends Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy have left. It was a cold winter that year; the weather team replaced some of its older blood with new, but by doing so caused a massive snowstorm that blanketed the entire land with a few feet of the wondrous white powder.

With a great heave Twilight was able to drive forth the two wooden doors of the Ponyville General hospital, letting in the crisp weather from outside. Briskly entering the building she set to closing the doors to prevent the cold from entering any longer. The nurses quietly observe who it was, but just as quickly went back to work. Stowing the scarf Rarity had hoof stitched for her almost five years ago for hearths warming eve on the rack, and checking her saddle bags one more time she made her way to the front desk.

A sad smile crept its way up her face when she approached the check-in desk, and asked which room her two dear friends where residing in. The white earth pony mare behind the desk acknowledged her by checking the list to confirm that they were still in the same room, before conferring the directions to Twilight. She pointed down the hall and said “First door on your left, room 101.”

“Thank you nurse Jolly.” Twilight said as she initiated her small walk to her destination. ‘First door on the left, Room 101.’ Twilight repeated to herself. Nearing the door flashes of the past swept through her mind.

Memories of picnics with her two friends, pet play dates, and many more enjoyable experiences they all shared, whirled through her mind as she slowed her pace. A single tear of regret formed in her eyes. Why did all her friends need to pass while she stayed behind?

Looking up Twilight realized that she was standing in front of the door. Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath she put a thin smile on and moved her hoof to knock on the solid oak door only to meet thin air. Opening her eyes she found a pale-pink coated mare with blue eyes in the recess of the door.

“Pinkie Pie, you should be in bed!” Twilight stood half stunned and half amazed that the earth pony. They quickly hugged; Pinkie was the first to pull away.

“Oh Twilight, you know that meeting friends gives me strength, but could you help an old mare back to her bed?” Pinkie Pie sheepishly smiled.

Twilight complied with the task, making sure to fluff the pillows by magic for her tired friend. Looking around she noticed that a certain yellow coated pink mane mare was missing. A greenish curtain separated Pinkie from the other occupant as well.
“Whe-“she didn't have to finish when a voice from behind the curtain spoke up.

“Surprise. I was supposed to jump out and yell surprise when you came in but I fell asleep, sorry.” Fluttershy moved the green curtain to one side to reveal her hiding place. Time took its toll on her once pink mane turning it to an almost sickly grey.

Twilight cantered over to the shy mare, and gently hugged the butternut Pegasus. The last memory of the three of them together was almost a year ago at the funeral of Rarity, which played over in her mind… ‘It seems like yesterday we all became close friends.’ Pulling back from the hug, Fluttershy laid back on her cushiony hospital bed.

Twilights wings rustled a little bit, the agitation of losing her friends was wearing on her. They reminisced about old times, the way they met, and of course all about Pinkies parties. Seconds past too minutes which then turned into hours, all the fun times, sad times, and crazy times that they all shared up till the exact date.

Twilight tried her best to not weep while the stories were told but she couldn't help herself, soon the floodgates were opened and she cried into the hooves of her Pegasus friend. Fluttershy could not help herself either and started to weep as well, and quickly bent down to hug the purple alicorn. Pinkie leaned over and tapped Twilight on the shoulder to get her attention. Twilight whirled around to see Pinkie was smiling and holding a box in her hoofs.

“I had to get these brought in by some very special ponies for an occasion just like this.” Pinkie said as she looked side to side making sure no pony heard her besides the other two occupants of the room. Opening the box revealed three perfectly made cupcakes; each had what looked to be there cutie marks on them as well.

“Pinkie how did you get those, you’re not supposed to have them…” Twilight went into quick though but threw all thoughts out the window. ‘It is Pinkie we are talking about here.’

Using her magic Twilight took all three cupcakes out and held them aloof for her friends to eat, while she herself ate the confection very daintily. The sweat treat overwhelmed her taste buds, causing her to take the biggest bite out of the little cake as possible. This caused the two other mares to burst out giggling. “It’s not every day you see a princess losing herself over a cupcake.” Pinkie chuckled.

Twilight unwillingly smiled at the light teasing. Opened her mouth to speak the door was opened, right as she was about to muster a sentence. Nurse Jolly entered the room, checked the machines, wand walked over to Twilight.

“I’m sorry Princess, but these two need their sleep.” She looked around the room and spotted the empty cupcake container, “And I thought we told you ‘No sweets’ Pinkie Pie?”

Pinkie smiled sheepishly, and was about to retort when Twilight stepped up, “I’m sorry Mrs. Jolly I brought them from Canterlot.”

This caught Nurse Jolly off guard, “Well, Princess I know you love your friends, but at this rate sweets will be the death of Pinkie… Her sugar levels are still recovering from last week’s apple pie incident.”

“Apple pie incident, hmm?” Twilight brought her hoof to her chin trying to imagine this ‘Apple pie’ incident, but shook her head to clear her thought. “Is there anything else Nurse Jolly?”

“Yes, I’m sorry to say that you will also have leave in a few moments. These two have most likely exhausted themselves for today.” Looking back over at the two mares, a smile started to creep on the nurses’ face, “See, they have already fallen asleep.”

“It seems they have. Thank you Nurse Jolly for taking such good care of them, I’m sure your mother would be proud. Also how is Mrs. Redheart? Last time we talked was at Dash’s funeral.” Twilight asked as she was escorted out the door and down the hallway to the main lobby.

“She is doing well… although she has been complaining about the retirement home, but that’s only normal.” Nurse Jolly said as they entered the Lobby. “Do you have a place to stay while you are in town Princess Sparkle? Or will you be returning to Canterlot tonight?”

“I have actually made arrangements to stay in the Golden Oaks Library, catch up on some reading that I have put off for a while. And how many times have I said to call me Twilight.” Twilight added with a grin. She made it clear that if she was in Ponyville for a visit, then every pony should just call her Twilight. Grabbing her hoof stitched scarf from the rack and securing her saddle bags, she said her goodbyes to Nurse Jolly, and made her way to her once former house, ‘The Golden Oaks Library’.

The second the door was opened a ballast of chilling wind accompanied by some stray snowflakes swept into the warm lobby. Exiting the building Twilight trudged through the heavy snow, admiring all the little things that she had missed since moving to Canterlot. Icicles glistened from roof tops, small filly angels and snow mares, and a snow fort every now and then. Snow gathered everywhere, unlike Canterlot where street sweepers would use their magic to simply make it disappear. These little things made the aspect of living in Ponyville charitable.

In the distance she was able to spot the library her dwellings when she was a unicorn and under Princess Celestia’s tutelage. Approaching the door she knocked twice which caused a weird feeling in her gut, she was so use to just walking into her tree home. After waiting for a few more moments she decided to open the door; pitch blackness met her eyes, and a shiver ran down her back. Using her magic she lit the candles on the walls, and entered the now well lit room.

“It has been a while since I've been here last,” she made her way to the center table and ran a hoof over the surface to inspect it, “Its sure been a while since any pony has been here.” Her hoof held remnants of dust, which was unusual to her. She left it in good hands she thought, thinking back on who she left it to... “Oh yeah, the Cutie Mark Crusaders took charge of running it… I guess they gave up after the first day though.” Her gaze drifted over to a gigantic stack of books that needed re-shelving and a stack of scrolls. Taking the first scroll into her magical grasp she read.

To my Lil Sis,

It has been awhile hasn’t it sis… I’m not sure if you have moved yet, so I’m copying and sending this letter to both the tree house and to the Canterlot observatory.

Cadence and I are so proud of you, and can’t wait to see you this fall. I heard that Princess Celestia is teaching you some new magic and you are helping Princess Luna adapt to her surroundings. I’m sorry I have to cut this letter short, but the crystal ponies are preparing for the crystal games, and what type of games would it be without the host and hostess there.

Love, Shinning

Putting the letter down Twilight whipped a tear from her eye. Although marrying an Alicorn doesn’t give a pony immortal life, it does add a few extra years on to their existing life span. This letter was one of many that were sent to her by Shinning Armor and Princess Cadence, with a smile she put the scroll into her saddle bags. Taking in her surroundings and every minute detail she made a checklist.

‘If I’m staying here for a few days, there is no sense in not cleaning up… but it’s been a long day today so I’ll do it first thing tomorrow.’ She slowly made her way to the staircase and ascended the steps, her eyelids already drooping from the tiresome day.


Outside a shadow moved from the window in which it watched the Alicorn, plans already churning in its mind. An eerie voice came from the shadow as it moved to the balcony and watched the lavender mare climb into her old bed. “It’s time my dear Twilight.”
