A Strike of Black Lightning

by RustyKat

One Really Rough New Start......

There was a loud crash outside Twilight Sparkle's house. Twilight woke up with a start, and looked around.
"Spike did you hear that?"
The baby dragon ignored Twilight, so she decided to investigate to what made such a loud sound. She passed a clock, that read 4:30am, and stared out the balcony at the stars winking in the sky above. what could make such a loud sound? she wondered as she looked around on the balcony. She spotted something small and blue in her tree, and she rubbed her eyes. could i be seeing things? she wondered, as she levitated the object out of her tree. When she caught sight of the object, she gasped.
It was a unicorn filly, her dark-blue mane a total mess. Her coat was saturated with dirt, and she was pretty beat up. She was unconscious, and hung limply in Twilight's magic. How'd a filly get in my tree? she pondered, as she carefully went back in, and placed the filly on a big pillow near her bed. She placed a blanket over the filly, and then promptly fell asleep back on her bed.
The next morning, Twilight got up, and brushed her mane. Afterwards, she checked on the little filly. The unicorn filly was still sleeping soundly, just like spike was. Okay, i've got to get a few things done, she thought, but i'll hurry back here, in case she wakes up. I've got a bunch of questions to ask her. Twilight put on her saddlebag, and promptly left.
It was some time later that Stargazer woke from her sleep. She rubbed her eyes, and looked around. Where the hay am I?? she thought, as she quickly got off the pillow. man, there's a bunch of books here.... Did i end up in a libary ar something?? Her head pounded, and she soon found that she had her side banaged. Twilight had cleaned and bandaged the filly, before she had headed out. Stargazer's thoughts were fuzzy, as she tried to remember how she got here, but the only awnser that popped up was her name: Stargazer. Stargazer got to her hooves, and began to explore the libary. She causiously looked at a window outside, staring at the number of ponies roaming about the town. Gee, that's a lot of ponies. she thought.
Suddenly, there was a pink flash of light, that slowly dissapeared, followed by a gasp of suprise from Stargazer. Twilight was back home.
Twilight was more than suprised. "Oh, you're awake!" she said with a tone of suprise, as she set her groceries down with magic in the other room.
"Are you okay?"
"Who areyou???" Stargazer asked confused.
Twilight's hoof went to her face. "Sorry there. My name's Twilight sparkle, and i am a princess, but it doesn't mean much to me. heh, now i've got wings, big deal." she quickly got back to topic."Who are you, may i ask, and how'd you get in my tree?"