//------------------------------// // School assailment // Story: Luna in school // by Moniker //------------------------------// Celestia smiled at her sister already ready to go to school. "Oh my Lulu, you're ready aren't you?" Celestia smirked. Luna nodded sheepishly. "Yes, are you ready?" she asked. Celestia rolled her eyes. "Not quite," she admitted. "Why not?" she asked letting out a sigh. Celestia chuckled. "I'm just kidding Lulu." Luna frowned at her lying sister. "Let's go Tia." Celestia nodded. "Okay," Celestia smirked at her sister. "Thinking about last night are we? You know it's natural to say some-pony's not your coltfriend." "I told you he's not my coltfriend!" she yelled blushing quite visibly. Celestia smirked again. "Fine," she rolled her eyes. She walked out the castle grounds. To her surprise Star Light wasn't at the door. "Worried Lulu?" she asked at her sister. She huffed. "No, I am not," she responded calmly as she was calm. Celestia and Luna walked to the school. She immediately saw Freaking Rich and Silver Ingot talking amongst each other as normal. That was until the teen mares spotted Luna. "Hello, princess," Silver Ingot bowed. She was immediately bumped by Freaking Rich. She got up straight away. "C'mon Silver, don't bow to her," she hissed. Silver Ingot pushed her glasses closer to her face. "Yeah won't happen again," she shrugged. "So, have you heard in three more days it'll be Homecoming?" she asked. "Oh, but like you can actually get a date," Freaking Rich mocked. Luna rolled her eyes. "I can so get a date," Luna scoffed. "Well, good, I'll see you at homecoming then," she waved her hoof goodbye. Luna chocked on her words. What just happened? she thought. "Tia what just happened?" she asked. "I think you need to find a date," Celestia laughed hard afterwards. "C'mon Tia this is serous!" Luna hissed loudly. Celestia pulled down Luna's hoof which was covering her mouth. "Now, you can always ask Star Light, he's already more or less your coltfriend," Celestia ignored Luna's rant of how Star isn't her coltfriend. After some convincing she sighed. "Well, I guess this is my only choice," she sighed. She quickly noticed Star's dark blue body. He levitated his headphones off his head and opened the door. Luna slowly walked up to the dark blue stallion. "Hey Star," Luna grinned slightly. He returned Luna's smile. "Hey, Luna, you ready for your classes?" he asked. She nodded. "Yeah, I got all my books in my bag," she lifted her bag with her magic. He smiled warmly. "Good, well, I better get to class," he turned and started walking. "Look out!" Luna warned a bit too late Star ran into the door. "OW," he groaned touching his muzzle. He only had one tooth chipped. "Whatever, I'll swing by my dad's place later," he shrugged. "Well, see you later," Luna waved as she walked through the door. She sighed as she walked into a classroom a new looking teacher walked in. "Hello I'm Mister Shiver," he walked in the classroom. “Good morning class, today, is a great day for me, it's an assailment. I picked your partners for you, Princess Celestia is partnering with...Prince Emerald, Silver Ingot is partnering with Freaking Rich of course, Neon Blue, is partnering with Gray Skies, enjoy the partnership," he announced. "Alright, you are to choose an event in history, with this event you perform a play, on stage," he added. Luna raised her hoof. "Excuse me, but will others see?" Luna asked. He nodded. "Yes, in fact, the entire school and staff, isn't it exciting?" he smiled happily. Luna stared at her hooves. "Yeah...exciting," she sighed silently. She has some stage frights, she never feels comfortable around crowds. "Alright, class you are to take the rest of class to research for the assignment with your partner," he reminded. The class nodded. "Yes Mister Shiver," the said in unison. The bell rang loudly symbolizing recess. Luna picked up her saddle bag and met Star Light. "Hey Star," she smiled. The blue body turned to her. "Hey Luna, so what do you think we should do for class?" he asked. She tapped her chin. "How about how the peace and harmony was created," she brought up. He shrugged. "Better than what I was thinking, so let's do that," he said floating a scroll. He sighed. "Alright, hopefully my stage fright won't act up," he admitted. Luna gazed at him. "Really, you have stage fright?" she asked. He nodded. "Yeah, I know it's silly," he sighed. Luna shook her head. "No it's not," she put her hoof on his back. "I have stage fright too." "You do?" he asked. A strange voice laughed at both of them. "Great, you two have even more in common than before," it called out. Luna sighed. "Be quiet Prince Emerald!" she demanded. He rolled his eyes. "Fine, but it's true," he mocked. She sighed. "Hey, Star, I was wondering, would...would you like to go to Homecoming together?" she asked. "Only as friends," she added. He tapped his muzzle. "Yeah, I agree," he answered. "That's great!" Luna admitted. He smiled at her. "Let's get to work," he said. Luna nodded in agreement. "Yeah, let’s get to work.”