//------------------------------// // Chapter 3 (Mogard) // Story: A Lucky Belle // by Goodbye1234567890 //------------------------------// Mogard took his position on top of the mountain that housed the hive. He eventually was joined by two others: Inquistrix and Magre. The two were slightly larger than him, and were far older too. Word was that Inquistrix had tried to take their queen's throne and failed miserably. If this is true, then why is she still in the hive? is probably what you lot are thinking. Well stop that! It is my story and you should deal with it. "So noob," Magre said harshly, "y'ready to fight?" "Uh... yeah," Mogard said in mock confidence, "L-lets go beat up some ponies." "No, you don't want to beat them up!" Inquistrix, or Trix as she preferred to be called, "you want to wrap them in the goop, beat the crap outta them, suck them dry of any happy and bubbly emotion, then ssslice their head off!" Mogard cringed at the thought. Sure he was taught to be a mean, lean, emotion sucking machine, and he is fine with that. But something in him made him think this was wrong. I mean, what did they do to us to make us want to go to war? Is food really such a problem that we must kill to get it? Isn't there some sort of spell or something? The two older changelings exchanged glances. They were both thinking the same thing: his loyalty is wavering. "Don't worry noob," Magre said, wrapping a front leg around him and gesturing out in the distance with the other, "out there, there's millions of opportunities to find who you really are. Who knows? Maybe after this whole invasion thing is over, maybe you'll find the right one for you." "Mag!" Trix hissed, "are you trying to get him kicked out of the hive? You know the rules. No contact with ponies of any kind except to drain them of their love." "Yeah yeah, I know." "Then why'd yo-" She was cut off when a hologram of a pink pony with a horn and wings appeared in front of them. The pony was surrounded by a green light and was revealed to be their queen, "are you three ready?" "Ready as I will ever be," Magre said in anticipation. "Prepared and ready to join you, my queen," Trix said with a smile. "Y-yes Ma'am," Mogard said, although the "Ma'am" sounded more like "Mom" to the other two. "You may now take flight," instructed Chrysalis. The three revved their wings and took off. Mogard couldn't hear the cheering as he took flight along side the two others. He couldn't hear the wind in his ears, nor the chatting between Magre and Trix about leaving the hive and starting their own when this was over. The only thing he could hear, was the sound of a tiny voice in his head that was telling him to turn back. When they got to the kingdom, they were escorted by a small group of changelings that had escorted Chrysalis there. They were disguised as guards so they could sneak in and out easier. The three were brought into a large cavern filled with reflective crystals. "Why didn't we make our hive here?" Trix asked herself in wonder. "Welcome to Equestria you three," an unfamiliar voice came out to them. Mogard looked up to see he same pink pony that Chrysalis had disguised herself as. He also saw a set of three very beaten up female ponies. One a minty green, one blue, and another cream-colored with a pink mane. They were barely living. I know what I must do... It's very risky though. Mogard thought to himself. "These things are your disguise," the disguised Chrysalis instructed with an accent of disgust. Mogard closed his eyes and concentrated. He was enveloped by a green light, and soon felt the changes taking place on his body. He was growing hairs all over his black body, and his wings were shrinking into his back. His eyes were growing a tad smaller and were becoming just like the eyes of one of the ponies in front of him. The one he had concentrated on the most. The one he wanted to save the most. When it was over, he looked at his reflection in the nearest crystal. He was the cream colored female with a pink mane. He looked at the original pony the look came from. He made his best "I'm sorry" look that he could. The pony seemed to understand. You' not like them, are you? A voice in his head asked. Like who? Who is this? He thought to himself. The pony in front of you. Oh, yeah. No I'm not like them at all. I do not wish to do this. But I have no choice. I will set you and your friends free at the end of the day, when there was no chance of being caught. He thought. This, I promise. I will hold you true to that. Thank you. Mogard looked at his two companions and saw one had turned into the minty green one, and the other into the blue one. They were admiring their new forms, looking at their hooves and touching their horns. It was almost as if they ha never turned into one! Hah. Who's the noob now? He thought to himself with a light chuckle. Chrysalis somehow heard this and laughed a small, snobbish laugh. It must come with the form she's taken. Mogard thought with a shrug. "Dear son," Chrysalis said to Mogard as the other two were brought to where they would be living by changeling guards, "please stand by my side." He nodded and stood next to her makeshift throne, "Yes Mother?" "If you wish, you may bring the prisoners to your quarters," she said quietly, "do with them what you wish." This was his chance to show he didn't want any part of this! And he wasn't going to let it slip away. "Yes Mother," he said with another nod. He was still getting used to hearing his new voice, "anything else?" "Yes," she said, her eyes darting toward the corridor that the other two had been taken through, "Keep an eye on those two, I sense they are planning something." "They are," he said and covered his mouth. "Are they?" She said, one eye narrowing in suspicion, "What would that be?" "They are planning to leave the hive and start their own." The queen said nothing else and waved him and the prisoners off. He took the chains that bound them and obtained the keys from the guards. He was shown the way to his living quarters. It was inside of a magnificent castle. The room was large and was decorated with expensive-looking furniture. When they got into the room, he turned around and took off his disguise, storing it in his memory. As soon as the green light subsided, the green one screamed. "What the hay is that thing!?" she screamed loudly, as if she had been unconscious when Mogard had first seen her. Oh wait... she had, "what are you going to do to us?" she looked at the bed and at Mogard with fear in her eyes. The blue one was only slightly more annoying in her reaction. "Oh dear Celestia, have mercy on us," she said backing away slowly, "I haven't brushed today, I'm not ready to die!" "Will both of you shut up?" the cream-colored one said in annoyance, "he isn't going to kill us, Colgate" she looked at the blue one, "and he isn't going to rape us Lyra," she looked at the green one. "I am sorry about my Mother," he said looking down, "I do not wish to do this to your kind any more." "Prove it," the one called Lyra said, rolling her eyes. "I have seen what your land is like from above," he said while undoing the chains on their hooves, "it is a very rich and plentiful land. Where I come from, there is only mountains and desert. One would rarely see life, with the only exceptions being us, the changelings, and wolves that are as thin as skeletons. I do not know what my land was like before we invaded it, but I do know that it was much like yours." "He isn't like them," the cream-colored one said, "look, he's smaller and younger looking than the rest too." "Yes it is true," Lyra said, deep in thought, "Oh all right," she trotted over to the bed and lied down on it, "lets get this over with." "Lyra," the one called Colgate groaned and put a hoof to her face, "I think he's too young to even know what that even means." "oh... I knew that," she said with a slight blush, "so uh... what are you going to do?" Mogard looked straight at the cream-colored one and said, "I'm setting you free. She said to do with you as I wish, and I am setting you free." "Really?" Lyra said, her eyes widening, "we can return to Ponyville!" The three hugged him tightly. So tightly, in fact, that he thought his exoskeleton would crack! He began to struggle to get free. "Oh., whoops, sorry," Lyra said with a blush. The cream-colored one stuck out her hoof, "I never introduced myself. My name is Cream Swirl." Mogard took her hoof and shook it, "Mogard, my name is Mogard." "That was the beginning of how a changeling had a change of heart and fell in love with a beautiful mare," a mint green unicorn with a blue mane and yellow eyes said. "Aww," a small filly unicorn with changeling eyes and a white coat and blue mane moaned, "is it over already?" "I'm afraid so dear," a pure white unicorn with a purple and pink mane said soothingly, petting her mane, "at least for tonight." "Okay," the filly said and curled up in her bed, "will you at least continue it tomorrow? I want to hear how the two meet." The green stallion looked at the mare in amazement, "I-I guess so, I never thought it was a very interesting story." "Okay daddy, good night." The two older unicorns left the room. When the door was closed, the stallion said, "Sweetie, what should I tell her?" "Tell her the truth, you said you would," the mare, now known to us as Sweetie Belle, said and kissed his cheek.