The Night Shall Last FOREVER!

by SonicRainboom360

In the end

Once the Elements had Nightmare Moon covered in the power, they tried to hold it for as long as possible. Sweat dipping off their faces. Nightmare Moon has been waiting for this and was unable to do such a thing last time because it caught her off guard.

Nightmare Moon began to use her magic. It was much more powerful than the girls alone. Her horn began to glow a light red colour and once it was very visible to the mane six she shot it in the direction of them all. It was very strong and Twilight couldn't figure out why her powers were that advanced during the time of the moon. But never the less they all kept going. Nightmare Moon clenching her teeth together begins to fly forward. The force of her magic and the initial strength was overwhelming. Their magic against her's in a battle for the world. Nightmare Moon relaxed and then shot once again. This time she used as much power as possible. Some of the girls were too weak and couldn't handle it. The red beam shot through the elements and hit Twilight in the chest. This sent her and the others flying back hitting the ground hard. Some arrows hitting around them, they tried to get up and move out of the way of the war as quickly as possible. Nightmare Moon-still flying in the air chuckling, the flew off to the castle. Celestia was nowhere insight and Twilight was deathly afraid that she had been thrown into the middle of the battle ground. The girls took refuge behind a small brick building as the watched Nightmare Moon fly off. Twilight could feel the kingdom slipping away.

Nightmare Moon arrived at her domain and walked proudly to the front door. Once she opened the door and walked in she was instantly stabbed in the shoulder by Celestia. Her horn penetrated the dark colour of Nightmare Moon's flesh, and she screamed out in pain. Her eyes wide with fear and apology, Celestia had tears running down her face as she could feel the warm blood rushing out and over her head. Celestia pulled out forcefully and Nightmare Moon feel on the ground screaming in pain. Celestia knew this was the only way to weaken her sister so she could overpower her in order to regain balance. Scratches and blood covered the once pure coat Celestia had. Blood covered the floor as Nightmare tried to stand. She stumbled over into the sight of Celestia and shot a weak beam to her. Princess Celestia quickly reflected it off and walked over to Nightmare who had tears going down her face. She sighed deeply.

"Nightmare Moon, I am and always will be the ruler of Equestria. You are just a power that has overpowered my dearest sister. Leave now and never come back."

B-but I'm nightmare moon, thy ruler of the night and all. You cannot defeat me, peasant. Y-you have no power over the night..."

Nightmare knew she had been defeated when the Elements of Harmony barged into the room. They looked down utterly shocked at the sight of what had happened moments before.

"It's okay girls, everything is under controlled." Celestia reassured.

"You sure about that, princess? It doesn't look like it to me" Applejack said.

"Yes I'm sure" Celestia said looking back down to Nightmare Moon.

Nightmare Moon looked into Celestia's eyes. Her eyes-cat like screamed in rage. Celestia stood her ground. Growling came out of the form Nightmare Moon, and the whole room was shaking. A dark, mist like substance came out of Luna and dropped her on the floor. It quickly seeped out of the door and into the streets. Once it was completely gone everypony stopped fighting. Looking around as if they had no idea of what has happened the past months.
Luna laid on the ground, bleeding from her wound. She was weak and frail. Celestia helped her sister to stand. Everypony knew that Luna had never wanted to become Nightmare Moon, but it merely took over her body and mind.

After a year of the war being over, the ponies resumed their ordinary lives. They will never forget the bloodshed. Stains fill the streets and walls. Applejack made an effort to cover them up with paint but it's still remains. Houses have been re-built, stores have once again opened and most ponies can sleep in bad at night. But sadly thousands of ponies smiling and laughing are faced with realization that most of their dear friends will never return.
Celestia still rules over Equestria next to Twilight. Luna rules the night once again. She still has the visible scars from Celestia but has forgiven her. Luna has been under careful watch along with the night encase anypony catches a glimpse of the dark mist.
No sightings have been reported, and the sun and moon correspond equally once again.