The Nightmare Reborn

by vintage brony

Salvation in sight

“Haha! That's hilarious! So she actually yelled his hat off?” Evan said with a smile on his face as he and Kebert left his house.

“Yes it was pretty funny if I do say so. Luna apologized but every once in awhile she tends to use that Royal Canterlot Voice in an inappropriate situation.” Kebert said with a smile at the memory.

“I need to see if she will allow me to do some measurements of the force that voice has. It would be very interesting to study how she can withstand using that.” Evan said as he took a bit of a waffle he was levitating in front of him.

“I'm sure she would be happy to oblige, and thank you for the food and for housing me again. I should send a letter to her soon to arrange for a new place to stay.” Kebert said politely.

“Eh no rush, the couch isn't that comfortable I know but its always good having a friend over.”

“I agree, so shall we check on Nuudo? I feel rather bad that we left him in the emotional state he was in. And he may need help with the brothers.”

“Sure lets go, but lets see if Kidd wants to go first.” Kebert nodded in acknowledgment and the two made their way to his house next door. Once he was outside Kidd reluctantly followed them to get Kristoph and Lunar from their home. Lunar only to happy to follow his friends and Kristoph had nothing better to do so he followed a well.

The Broken Joystick was locked when they arrived, but when they knocked Hocus answered and let them enter and followed downstairs to Nuudo's home. “So how has Nuudo been? He was really upset yesterday.” Kristoph asked as they walked to the containment cells where Nuudo was still monitoring.

“He refuses to leave till he finds a safe way to get those Seeds out of them. He feels really guilty no matter what I tell him.” Hocus answered yawning as he talked.

“What about you? Did you even sleep last night?” Kidd asked and gestured to the bags forming under Hocus's eyes.

“We sleep in shifts to make sure the brothers were safe.”

“Well maybe the both of you should go rest for awhile and we could watch them.” Kebert suggested.

“Nuudo would feel better if he were here and I'll guess I'll just sty with him, thanks though.”

“Hold on, I'll catch up to you guys in a second I need to send a letter. Evan can you help me send it?” Kebert asked politely.

“Uh sure.” The two made their way outside while Kebert wrote out his letter, quill in mouth.

“So uh, why do you need my help to write a letter?”

“Well its not the writing I need help with. More like the sending that requires your help.” Kebert said finishing the letter and casting his gaze to Evan's horn.

“My horn? I have no idea what your thinking.”

“Well Luna gave me this scroll to teach a unicorn a certain spell. - He tossed him a scroll that was sealed by a moon shaped emblem. Evan unraveled it with some grey magic and read it, a smile growing on his lips.

“Wow this is cool! I didn't know that there was a spell that could send scrolls like this! This renders the postal service obsolete!”

“Which is why not many know of it. It would put a lot of pegasi out of their jobs and all. But this is an urgent matter so I need you to send this letter to princess Luna right away.”

Evan nodded and gave the spell one more look over before fixing his best determined look to the letter. His horn glowed and the letter stretched and deformed before bursting into flames and the ashes scattered into a gently blowing breeze.

Evan panicked, “Oh gosh! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to! - He tried to catch the ashes with his magic to no avail. - Oooohh...” He groaned feeling ashamed of himself. “Sorry Kebert...”

“Well you tried your best so there is no harm in that. And I can always rewrite it and send it another way.” Kebert said putting a hoof on his shoulder to comfort him. Then a flash of light appeared near them and they heard paper on the ground. A glance around and they found a rolled up scroll with a moon seal on it. “A letter from princess Luna!”

“So it worked? But it was on fire...” Evan said feeling better he didn't mess up.

Kebert looked the scroll over and his eyes went wide and a smile slipped on his face a moment later. “ The other guys are gonna wanna hear this.” He simply said, rolling up the scroll and setting off inside. Evan quickly followed him in shutting the door behind him with magic.

“So, now that your brilliant plan has not only failed but now the enemy surly know of us and our plans. - Sombra paused for both breath and to take in her frustration with a smile on his lips. - What now?”

Nightmare growled while she fumed, “Well there is no other choice, I have to leave this body and find refuge in a unicorn within the next few days. Then I shall be in a position to continue without hesitation.”

“And what if there are no unicorns here that will suffice?”

“Then I shall have to resort to drastic measures.” She said menacingly trying to regain her composure. Calm yourself. If I lose control at such a crucial point then I shall no doubt lose to these strange ponies. I shall have to keep close tab on them. And if it does come to me not getting a host in time then well... I hope Sombra doesn't mind sharing his body for awhile.

“Well can you at least tell which of these pathetic ponies in this town can be used as your next host?”

“we just have to observe and I'm sure we can find a suitable target. So we should stop wasting time here and start the search.” She said turning to leave out of the store/ home that Sweet Stratus lived in. “You shall be hiding just out of sight in case someone were to recognize you. Just watch out for those seven bothersome pest from before. If they come back then we might have to start in a new town.” She instructed, checking the windows to ensure no one saw her leave the store.

Baby sitting duty it is then. Sombra thought. He then doubled over as his tail started to lose its shape and form smoke. His horn glowed brightly as he caught all of the smoke and force it back together to reform his tail. Crystals form around his hooves and his horn ceased its glowing. He let his head hang low and he panted heavily from the exertion.

“Maybe once I get a unicorn body I can do something about that. Now hurry up and get a move on.”

He grunted in anger that doubled as an acknowledgment and his whole body lost all color until he was as dark as a shadow. He then leapt to an dark alleyway ready to follow Nightmare on her search for a new host. Once I get back to my empire I can rejuvenate myself be able to live another couple of centuries. Until then I have to find to keep my body from fading into nothing. Much like Nightmare Moon, but I have my own body and magic. She was birthed from magic itself so she cannot live without it. That in a sense is her weakness, but in my empire I have no weakness. Sombra thought with a devious smile.

“And how In the name of Equestria do you expect us to do that?” Hocus asked with a raised eyebrow.

“And why would we bring them to Ponyville? Whats there that we need to bring them to?” Asked Evan, just as in the dark about it as the others.

“Well the princess just sent me a letter saying that she is going to get the Elements of Harmony together to purge the Seeds from them.” Kebert explained. “So we need to get them secured and put on the next train to Ponyville.”

“And everypony in this town is just gonna be cool with us parading these two to the train station? We barely got them to not alert the Royal Guards last time. Now I wouldn't be surprised if they brought pitchforks and torches to chase us out of town.” Kidd said.

“Well we have a letter from princess Luna herself so there shouldn't be a problem.” Kebert said.

“Well where is Nuudo? If we're seriously considering this then we're gonna need his help.” Kristoph pointed out.

“I'm right here.” Nuudo said as he came out of the brother's cells looking angry. “And I don't think I should go.” He said simply.

“What are you talking about Nuudo!? Come on Ponyville is so much fun! And we can meet my friend that lives there!” Lunar said excitedly at the thought.

“Because I helped this to occur and if I go to them they will most likely do away with me.” Nuudo said flatly. Everyone in the room fell silent and looked at the zebra. Kebert was the one to finally break the deadly quite that had surrounded them.

“No they wont, you have my word on that Nuudo.” Kebert walked up to Nuudo and put on a comforting expression.

“And how do I know they wont?”

“Because I know the princesses and they will forgive you, as long as you try to fix this wrong.”

“And what about the keepers of the Elements?”

“I don't know.” He answered honestly. “ But from what I've heard from the princesses and the letters Celestia receives from the keeper of the Element of Magic, they are good ponies.”

“Hmpf, isn't everypony?” He said angrily as he glared at the ground. Kebert could see that he was holding something back but they didn't have the time to delve into it now. It would have to wait till they got those two to the Elements. But to do that we need Nuudo. Kebert concluded.

“Well how about this, you can watch from a distance once the train nears the town. We will explain your situation and that you mean them no harm. Once we are sure you'll be safe well signal for you to come over. Sound good?”

Nuudo put a hoof to his chin and scratched thoughtfully for a moment before answering. “I guess that could work. I'm putting a lot of trust in you guys though understand me?” Everyone in the room nodded in acknowledgment, especially Lunar who nodded furiously and became dizzy as a result. “Good, now to get to business then. We cant take off the shackles or they could use their magic to get away. And well have to form a perimeter around them to make sure they don't try to run. And lastly watch out for any suspicious ponies.” He finished.

“What do you mean suspicious ponies?” Evan asked. “Who here is suspicious?”

“Well if these Seeds are in those two then Nightmare Moon cant be too far behind. She could try to break them loose. Or use more ponies to do it for her.” Nuudo explained.

“Are there any clues that could give away that its Nightmare Moon? Or somepony under her control?”

“Well Nightmare could be anypony. If she is at full strength then she can take over anyone's body easily. But if she was at full strength then she would be storming Canterlot right now. So I assume that she is still recuperating. Depending how much power she has and if she has a unicorn body.”

“Hmm tell me more.” Evan getting that curious itch for information.

Hmm, no she is an earth pony. Nightmare thought as she watched another pony take off her bonnet to revile that she had no horn. No that's a pegasus. She saw the mare in question take off her jacket to show she had wings. No doubt Sombra is having a chuckle or two at me looking around like a clueless foal. She turned to leave the clothes store she had entered and walked out into the daylight. She had to suppress the overwhelming urge to ruin all these happy ponies day. All of they're smiling sun-loving faces. She caught herself mentally. I cant do anything yet, I only have enough reserve magic to last me a week. I cant spend it on these noponies.

Nightmare pulled her hood she wore as far down over face as she could get it. The more I see them the more I hate them.

“Ugh I hate you!”

The sound of that anger was like the tinkling of bells to Nightmare's ears, which perked up and moved in the direction of the noise, her head following soon after. She saw a teenage unicorn and what appeared to be her father. The daughter had tears forming in her eyes and she glared at the father defiantly. “How could you leave me!?” She screamed, gaining the attention of everyone within sight. The father looked around and saw all the eyes that watched them.

“Come on now honey, lets go talk about this at home.” He said reaching for her hoof to escort her away. She pulled back her hoof out of disgust and before yelling again.

“No! I'm not going anywhere with you! What kind of father are you!?” Tears were now streaming down the mare's face uncontrolled. Her father looked flabbergasted at her words, even flinching as if they were physical blows. Before he could try his hoof at calming her she turned and galloped off hiding her face as she ran. The father simply stood there hoof outstretched before hanging his head low.

As the scene played out before her Nightmare's smile grew from a slight smirk to one that reached from ear to ear. Now that, is something I can work with... She then slowly walked in the direction the girl ran, hoping to go unnoticed.

Sombra saw the girl's outburst and frowned. If this works its both bad and good. Its good because now the original plan can go as planned. I help her gain power here and she grants me power once my Crystal Empire returns from limbo. Yet its bad because she once again gains the upper hoof in this partnership. He then grunted in pain as his right foreleg started to turn to smoke. Horn aglow he forced his body into one piece once again.

He breathed heavily as he was lost in thought. I have to get to my empire soon or time will catch up to me and I'll fade into nothingness. He got to his hooves and gave a fierce look to the ground before him. I shall not fade! I will last the centuries! I will not become history! I am history! I am the past present and the future! Nothing shall prevent me form returning to my former glory and power.

His breathing returned to a normal rate, he turned his body as black as a shadow again and slowly followed Nightmare on her way to claim her next victim.