My Little Sharknado

by Greenback

Attack On Ponyville

“Uhhh... Twilight?”

“Not now, Spike,” Twilight said, focusing her attention on more pressing issues. With the help of Mayor Mare, she had been able to distribute runners to all the ponies in Ponyville, warning them that, due to the incoming storm, an evacuation was in process. They were to take only their most essential belongings and evacuate the town via the train station. From her position on the top of city hall, Twilight watched the crowds below, making sure they were orderly and organized.

So far, thank goodness, everyone was remaining civil, and there were no signs of panic...that is, except from Spike.


“I'm sorry Spike, but whatever it is, it'll have to wait.”

“It can't!”

Groaning, Twilight turned away from her viewpoint on top of city hall. “What is it?”

Grabbing Twilight's head, Spike turned it so that she was looking to the southwest of Ponyville. And in an instant, all thoughts about an orderly evacuation were banished from Twilight's mind.

A tornado was raging towards Ponyville, and it was a big one too, powerful enough to cause major structural damage, along with substantial loss of life if it wasn't diverted immediately. Thankfully, it was going slowly enough that a fast pack of Pegasus ponies would be able to turn it back.

“Rainbow Dash!”

The Pegasus pony swooped from the sky, having caught sight of the tornado. “I see it, Twilight!”

“You have to turn that tornado away, no matter the cost!”

“On it!”

Swooping around Ponyville, Rainbow Dash gathered up the Pegasus ponies she could find, and formed an impromptu squadron, which then flew towards the tornado, their tiny forms soon lost among the swirling winds.

Spike watched them go. “Twilight, what do we do if they can't turn it back?!”

Twilight didn't like to think of that possibility; if any pony could turn back a rampaging tornado, it was Rainbow Dash. But, if for some reason they failed, and the tornado continued on its present course, then things could turn catastrophic very quickly.

“Spike, go get the mayor. Tell her we have to speed up the evacuation, because we've got a tornado coming our way!”

There were panicked shouts and yells below city hall.

“Uhhh...I think they saw it.”

Twilight's orders were unnecessary, for the crowds were now running towards the train station. Mayor Mare was trying to keep things calm, but wasn't having much luck.

Leaving Mayor Mare to deal with the crowds, Twilight looked back towards the tornado, anxiously counting down the seconds since Rainbow Dash's attack had begun. Pegasus ponies usually were able to turn rampaging tornadoes around in less then a minute. Trouble was, it had been longer then a minute since Rainbow Dash's group had entered, and yet the tornado was still coming.

If anything, it now seemed bigger.

Grabbing her binoculars, Twilight looked through, hoping to spot Rainbow Dash and the others. Her heart sank, for there was no sign of them...but strangely, there seemed to be other forms inside the tornado. Unable to get a good look, she turned the focus knob, peered through again.

What she saw next would remain etched in her brain until her dying day, something out of a nightmare from the deepest, darkest depths of tartarus.

There were hundreds of snapping, roaring sharks in the tornado.

What in the name of Celestia is that?!

Wanting to see for himself, Spike grabbed the binoculars, looked through, and instantly wished he hadn't. “Are those...sharks?!”

As if responding to having its secrets revealed, the sharknado sped up, continuing on its unstoppable journey towards Ponyville.

There was no more time to wait. “Spike, hop on!”

As Spike grabbed hold, Twilight took off, her wings beating as she headed towards the train station. As a princess, it was her duty to do everything she could to protect her subjects, and with Rainbow Dash's group having failed, it was up to her to protect Ponyville. She would do her best, but could have greatly used Applejack, as her herding skills would have come in handy to control the panicked citizens.

As it was, Twilight would have to do things herself...and hope that Applejack and her family could ride out the storm.


“Big Mac!” Applejack yelled over the roaring wind. “Ya still with me!?”


Frantically tying down another net, Applejack looked to the massive numbers of other trees scattered across the family's many acres. They had managed to secure and tie down a few dozen trees, but had hundreds more to go.

“Ya think we can save the trees?!”

“Nnnnnope!” Big Mac yelled back.

The wind howled even harder then before, and the apple trees bent. As if mocking Applejack's efforts, the nets were ripped from their respective trees like tissue paper, leaves being torn from the branches. The apples held on a little longer, before they snapped off and flew off into the sky.

“No!” Applejack ran towards the nearest tree in a desperate attempt to save it, to hold it back, anything. But Big Mac, realizing that it was already too late, grabbed her by the mane and held her back as their beloved trees were ripped from the ground and yanked away, one after another.

Applejack's screams of despair were lost among the howling maelstrom as Big Mac dragged her towards the house, from which ceiling tiles were flying off. But while Big Mac had expected a strong wind, he was not prepared to see the giant tornado that was now bearing down on their farm with great and terrible fury. But what he saw inside the tornado surprised him even more.

Even Applejack, overcome with grief at the loss of her beloved apple trees, was shocked at the sight before her.

“What in tarnation?!”

Sharks lunged forth from the tornado, snapping at the trees, chewing them into sawdust and pulp as the tornado reached the barn. Once raised to the tune of merry singing and family fun, it was now demolished by the terrible fury of the ocean's alpha predator.

Running for the house, Big Mac kicked the door open and dashed inside. Granny Smith was waiting for them in the basement, lantern held high. Glass shattered as Big Mac and Applejack fled inside, slamming the doors shut behind them.

“What in blue blazes are sharks doin' out here?!” Applejack said.

“Sharks?” Granny Smith said. “Don't be silly Applejack! There ain't no sharks in these parts! Never have been, never will! And speaking of apples...” she peered around the basement. “Where's Apple Bloom?”

Applejack's heart nearly stopped as she looked around, realized that her little sister was nowhere to be see. “Big Mac, have you seen her?!”


The ceiling was torn away as the shark's serrated teeth made quick work of the wood. The wind sucked in, threatening to yank all three into the storm. Applejack grabbed onto a pillar, with Big Mac grabbing her flank, and Granny Smith his. And as the sharks swirled about them, Granny Smith lost her grip and was sucked in.

“Granny!” Applejack shouted.

Big Mac struggled to hold on.

“Big Mac, hold on!” Applejack shouted. “Don't let go!”

But the force of the winds was too much, and Big Mac lost his grip, falling away into the tornado with a panicked, “Nnnnnnnnooooo!”

Then Applejack, unable to hold on any longer, lost her grip and was sucked into the sharknado, the roars of sharks drowning out her panicked screams.


“This special meeting of the Cutie Mark Crusaders is called to order!” Apple Bloom said, banging her gavel on the podium. “Thanks for coming on such short notice!”

“Sure!” Scootaloo said.

“Not a problem!” Sweetie Belle said.

“Now girls, as we all know, a tornado filled with sharks is coming down on Ponyville, and I think it's our destiny to stop it!”

Windows shattered as the Cutie Mark Crusader clubhouse was assaulted by the sharknado's terrible winds.

“Therefore, I propose that we temporarily call ourselves the Cutie Mark Shark Slayer Crusaders! All in favor?”

“Aye!” Sweetie Belle said.

“Aye!” Scootaloo said.

Panels of wood were ripped from the clubhouse, allowing the wind to scream inside.

“Okay everyone, get yer official Cutie Mark Crusader battle gear on!”

The three little fillies dressed themselves in burnt armor leftover from the time they had discovered that their talent was definitely not defeating demons from the underworld. Once they were ready, they gathered near the clubhouse door as the roof was ripped away.

“Okay everypony!” Apple Bloom said, hoping up and down in excitement. “Here's the plan: Scootaloo, you get onto your scooter. Sweetie Belle an me will ride on, and we'll all fly into the tornado and beat them sharks until they beg for mercy!”

“Are you sure this is a good idea, Apple Bloom?” Sweetie Belle asked. “I mean, I've never tried to beat up a shark before.”

“Don't worry, Sweetie Belle! And besides, this just might be the only way to get our cutie marks! As mah big sis says, we'll never know until we try!”

A wall was ripped to shreds as sharks tore into it.

Scootaloo jumped onto her scooter, and the other two took their places behind her. “All right girls, here we go!” Apple Bloom yelled. “One, two, three!”

With a happy shout, the three little fillies jumped out into the sharknado, and were promptly sucked up, learning life's greatest and most joyous lesson: It's a really stupid idea to jump into a tornado filled with rampaging sharks.


With nary a hiccup, the sharknado demolished Sweet Apple Acres and continued on, briefly changing course towards the Everfree Forest. And as Twilight had predicted, the fuzzy wuzzy widdle creatures of the forest panicked. Unlike ponies, they had a sixth sense that alerted them to the presence of incoming sharks, and responded accordingly.

Deep within the forest, Zecora mediated within her hut, contemplating her place in the universe. Having just gotten back from a party in which she had engaged in a drinking contest with Berry Punch, it was harder then she expected, the potent apple beer making her thoughts fuzzy and unfocused. She also failed to notice when the floor began to shake, sending potions, brews, herbs, and liquids tumbling from her shelves, containers shattering on impact.

Loosing her balance upon her meditation pole, Zecora fell to the floor. Woozy, she stumbled to her hooves, barely able to keep her balance.

A loud roaring sound came in through the window.

“What is this, that I hear?” she hiccuped. “Perhaps I should investigate, or maybe drink another beer!”

Staggering to the window, she peered outside. The thick groves of trees blocked her vision, but from the way they shook and swayed in the wind, it was obvious something was close by. And in Zecora's alcohol-riddled brain, there was only one possible creature who could create such a storm.

“This wind is from a giant bee! 'Tis safe, I think, to pack up and flee!”

Grabbing her suitcase, Zecora tossed in a few random items, unable to differentiate between priceless heirlooms of her family, and junk from yesterday's mail. Throwing on her thickest, most durable cloak, she grabbed the suitcase and ran outside into the forest, tripping after going five feet.

She had only just gotten back up before hearing the shriek of forest animals behind her, along with the chomping of many teeth. Then the trees began to get sucked into the air, and she saw a massive tornado above her. Zecora had heard of tornadoes, but never seen one before, much less this close. And to her astonishment, an animal appeared in the tornado, one she had never, ever expected to see in all her life.

“Alas, alas, what a lark! For if my eyes do not deceive me, that was a shark!”

Then more sharks appeared, and descended upon Zecora's house, tearing it to shreds with their sharp teeth, until the house was reduced to splinters. Normally Zecora would have wept, but for reasons she couldn't understand, she found the sight to be hilarious.

“Oh, my misfortune is as great as a sloth!” Zecora laughed, “for I just finished paying that house off!”

But there was no time to laugh or mourn lost investments, for the sharknado was now coming after her. Zecora tried to flee into the Everfree Forest, but her intoxication made finding her way all but impossible. And as the sharknado closed in on her, Zecora finally realized the folly of consuming too many alcoholic beverages at social gatherings. For when any Pony, Zebra, Griffon, Minotaur, or other sentient being consumes too much alcohol, their judgement becomes impaired, and they are unable to flee when sharks are on the hunt.


“Attention everypony!” Twilight boomed, using magic to amplify her voice. “As insane as it sounds...and I know it sounds crazy...there is a tornado coming towards us that is filled with sharks! All ponies should head to the train station immediately! I repeat, drop whatever you're doing and run!”

Ponyville was all too happy to comply, and ponies stampeded towards the train station by the hundreds. While one train had already departed (stuffed beyond capacity), another was en-route, forcing the terrified ponies to wait.

But not all heeded Twilight's warning, at least not immediately. Inside Ponyville's boutique, Rarity was still packing her fifteen suitcases, not wanting to leave behind so many of her fabulous dresses.

“Oh, do come on!” she grunted, jumping up and down on the fattest suitcase, trying to make it close, not an easy feat when it was stuffed with thirty five dresses, hats, glasses, shoes, and fabulous fashion accessories. “Do cooperate!”

The sound of screams outside interrupted her. Temporarily giving up on the suitcase, she peered outside, saw the crowds stampeding towards the station. But among them were a few ponies who were exhausted, worn out, and clearly couldn't go a step further. Running to the door, Rarity threw it open. “In here, my dears!” she called out. “Come and take shelter from this dreadful weather!”

All-too happy to take up her generous offer, the ponies ran inside. Closing the door, Rarity latched it shut, took a look at her sudden guests to make sure they weren't hurt. Lyra, Bon Bon, Octavia, Vinyl Scratch, and Berry Punch leaned against the walls, trying to catch their breath, Berry Punch chugging down on a bottle of the hardest berry cider Ponyville had to offer.

“Goodness gracious me,” Rarity said, going into the kitchen to get some hot chocolate. “Whatever in heaven's name is going on out there?”

"You wouldn't believe...*hic* if we told you!" Berry Punch said, finishing one bottle and starting another.

“There's...a tornado...coming!” Lyra wheezed.

Quickly returning from the kitchen with the mugs, Rarity passed them out. “A tornado? Here in Ponyville? Don't be absurd. We don't get tornadoes!”

“That's not all!” Octavia said. “I admit it sounds like the ravings of a drunken commoner—”

Berry Punch burped, glared at her. “Hey!”

“—no offense intended,” Octavia continued. “But it appears that this tornado do I say it...filled with sharks!”

Rarity bust out laughing. “Don't be silly! That sounds like some terrible movie out of Applewood!”

“I assure you, it's true!” Octavia said.

“Hate to break it to ya,” Vinyl Scratch said, gulping down the hot chocolate. “But she's telling the truth!”

“Goodness gracious, is Discord poisoning the rain or something?” Rarity said. “I can see you've been through a lot, but listen to me very carefully. There's no such thing as a tornado filled with—”

A window exploded as something huge and grey slammed through, smashing into the ground, chomping its teeth wildly.

“Sharks!” Rarity screeched.

The shark thrashed about, whacking over racks of dresses, mannequins, and sewing equipment, as well as knocking Rarity's suitcases over, snapping each open, and sending the dresses, shoes, and fun fashion accessories across the floor.


With the fury of tartarus itself, Rarity leapt to attack, but the shark was faster. Perhaps sensing food, it lunged, forcing Rarity to twist out of the way, inadvertently exposing Lyra and Bon Bon to the full fury of the shark's hunger, and in seconds they were gobbled up whole.

Berry Punch gave a loud hiccup. “Run!”

While horrified at the sudden loss of Lyra and Bon Bon, Rarity knew that there was nothing to be done for them, or her beloved dresses, and ran to the stairs. “Follow me!” she shouted. Octavia and Vinyl were right behind her, but Berry Punch wobbled all the way up, barely able to keep her balance, the bottle of cider falling from her hoof.

"Oh boy...that was my last bottle! Hey Rarity! You...*hic* any more? I could really use—"

They were halfway up when another shark hurled through another window and tackled Berry Punch, who vanished into the dark void of its mouth, only able to let out a single, surprised shout before the jaws clamped shut.

Reaching the upper floor of the boutique, Rarity waited until Octavia and Vinyl Scratch were in before slamming the door shut. All three could only listen in horror as both sharks worked their way up the stairs, their hunger still unsatisfied. And though no more windows were smashed, the three soon heard more sharks coming up as well.

“We're trapped!” Octavia said, shoving a desk in front of the door. Vinyl pitched in, using her horn to move Rarity's bed into place.

Rarity ran to the nearest window and kicked it open. “Help!” she yelled. “Oh please, won't someone help?!”

The door cracked and splintered as several hundred pounds of hungry sharks smashed against it, knocking the barricade aside.

“Help!” Rarity yelled, and this time she was heard, for Twilight shot over. She hovered over the balcony, Spike riding upon her back.

“Rarity!” Spike shouted. “Are you all right?!”

“Get us out of here!” Rarity shouted. “There are sharks coming in!”

Twilight floated back a few feet. “Everyone, hold on!” Using her magic, she grabbed the three and levitated them off the floor, carrying them away from the boutique. But it was slow work, and the door was smashed to pieces as sharks leapt inside.

One shark spotted the ponies and leapt from the balcony, its cavernous mouth stretched to the breaking point. Twilight saw it coming and just barely managed to get clear, the shark's teeth missing Vinyl's tail by inches.

"Whoa!" Vinyl shouted.

The shark fell to the ground below, and was soon joined by more sharks, for the sharknado had reached Ponyville and was smashing its way through the countless houses and buildings before it. Those that weren't destroyed outright by the winds were chomped to pieces by the hundreds of sharks acting like living buzzsaws, reducing everything in their path to rubble.

The last stragglers, who had failed to heed Twilight's warning, tried to run towards the train station, but were too late. Either they were gobbled up by the sharks, or sucked into the sharknado by the merciless wind, which acted like a giant vacuum cleaner. Even with her wings, Twilight struggled to reach the train station, where the last train had pulled in, and was now being stampeded as Ponyville's residents crammed themselves in like sardines in a can.

Seeing the sharknado closing in, the train's conductor realized that it was simply too close, and made the most agonizing decision of his life. Either he would be able to save most of Ponyville, or none at all.

The engines were started, and the train began to pull away from the station. Those who weren't onboard screamed, leapt on, scrambling to the roof, or hanging on for dear life. But not everyone made it on, and the smarter ones fled, running for their lives.

Swooping in low, Twilight reached the engine, dropped Rarity, Octavia, and Vinyl Scratch off. Spike leapt from her back, clutched Rarity tightly, overjoyed to see her still alive, and not inside the belly of a shark.

The train reached full speed, and shot off down the tracks, just narrowly managing to avoid the sharknado as it hit the train station, destroying it, and sucking up hundreds of poor, innocent ponies who hadn't gotten away in time, their screams lost among the roars, and the ding of a single triangle.

All the ponies onboard turned away, unable to watch the destruction.

Twilight watched, her heart breaking as the train rode on. She, and hundreds more, had managed to get to safety. But hundreds hadn't, and now Ponyville was reduced to rubble, leveled by the sharknado, which now moved off in another direction, seeking to consume more towns, more cities, and more ponies.

Watching it go, Twilight had the horrible feeling that, even with all the efforts of Pegasus ponies, and perhaps magic itself, the sharknado was unstoppable.

She had no idea how right she was.