Up All Night

by TheFoxern

3: Punishment

When Corser opened his eyes, he was in a dark cell. He knew it to be a cell immediately, be the large, locked wooden door and the bars. The bars are a dead giveaway. What set this apart from a normal cell, or at least what Corser would have considered normal, was the large mirror. It flashed white, and he saw Celestia, and that purple pony, and several others, which he recognized as Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy. Celestia was saying something to the purple pony. Twilight was her name, wasn't it? “I told you that you needed to make some friends, nothing more. I saw the signs of Nightmare Moon's return and I knew it was you who had the magic inside to defeat her, but you could not unleash it until you let true friendship into your heart. Now if only another will as well. Princess Luna!” Luna gasped, and the mirror seemed to swivel to her. She looked nothing like she had, but it did not change the way Corser felt. “It has been a thousand years since I have seen you like this. Time to put our differences behind us. We were meant to rule together, little sister.”

Every other pony seemed to be shocked suddenly, saying, “sister?” Had that not been common knowledge? Corser had known that, but he supposed not everypony had memories as far back as he did.

“Will you accept my friendship?” Celestia said, looking down at Luna. In the background, everypony was leaning foreword, and Pinkie fell foreword.

“I'm so sorry!” Luna rushed foreword to Celestia. “I missed you so much, big sister!” The mirror flashed once again, showing nothing but the empty blackness of the cell.

Corser laid down on the floor, and closed his eyes. The cold stone actually felt good. Something about the cold always felt good. Comforting. “Happy endings for all, but Corser...” He mumbled as he slowly fell asleep.

It was the best sleep he had ever had. For the first time in his life, he dreamed of himself. Standing in the empty blackness speckled with stars. He felt... Good. He could live here. He could die here. Nothing mattered anymore. Everything was going to be fine and had never been wrong.

But waking to a loud clang, broke that illusion immediately. He got up slowly, there was light spilling in through the door, and he saw an armored figure in front of him. “Let's go. Your trial will be starting soon.”

Corser did not recognize the pony he now followed, or the three others behind him. But he recognized the hate in their eyes. He was sure that they would relish his execution. Surely word of his betrayal had spread far now. How he sided with Nightmare Moon, without hesitation. The came to a large door, with an elderly pony standing beside it. The doors opened and the elderly pony came up beside him. Corser spoke before he had a chance. “I refuse council. Nopony would defend me, nor will I put anypony into a position where they are forced to.” The doors shut behind him, and he looked up to see Celestia. “Nopony would care to listen to my words, and the Princess has already heard my reasons.”

He walked slowly to the seat in the center of the room. He had seen a trial such as this a very long time ago, though it was a simple dispute. “For the record, Corser... You refuse council?” Celestia's voice boomed around the room, silencing the muttering.

“For the record? Nopony will defend me, nor will I allow anypony to be forced to,” he felt the need to repeat himself on that point. For the record.

“I have heard your reasons for your actions... But this court has not, will you repeat them?” Corser looked around the room as Celestia spoke. Everypony looked at him with hate, some even flinched at his gaze.

“I will not,” he said, looking at Celestia. “Those words where meant for you, and I feel they would be detrimental to certain ponies if they where to be on record.” It sounded vaguely a threat, but Corser meant it as a promise of silence. If he has a choice, he will not speak to anypony for the rest of his life. Which wouldn't be long.

He closed his eyes as he tried to recapture the feeling from the dream. He wondered if he would ever be that happy again. “Very well then...” She shifted papers on the table in front of her. “Corser. You are charged with aiding Nightmare Moon in her attempt to overthrow me. How do you plead?”

Corser opened his eyes slowly. “Plead? You where there,” he said, staring at her.

“For the record.”

He sighed, shaking his head. “For the record then... I plead guilty, though guiltless.”

There was a murmuring behind him. “What do you mean?” Celestia said, looking down at him. It was hard for her not to look down on anypony, but Corser truly felt as though she where towering over him.

“I am guiltless, in my belief that what I did was right,” he said, and felt himself be struck with something. He looked down to watch the rock roll away. “And I would do it again, without hesitation. Nightmare Moon... Luna... It matters not,” he spoke softly as he watched the rock come to a stop. “She is the Princess I choose to follow.” His shoulder stung from where the rock had hit him, and it had apparently been thrown quite hard, as he could feel blood trickle down his arm. He could not remember ever bleeding. He had never had any injuries worse than a bruise.

“Then you leave me no choice.” She straightened up, staring down at him. “Corser. I sentence you to be Luna's personal guard.”


“You are to remain with her for the majority of time, and assist her in-” the crowd grew loud, and Celestia raised her voice to be heard over them, “retraining until I see she is fit to once again take control of the night! Until then you will remain in Canterlot, and continue acting as the night! Court Is adjourned!” She gave him a rather inappropriately large smile, and walked out.

Without any other option, he followed after her. “What? That's it?” It was the only option, it was either run into the waiting group of guards, the crowd, or follow her.

“That's it? I think you have been punished far worse than you think,” she replied, and stopped once they where a ways away from the noise. “You have suffered countless deaths. You have lived the lives of thousands. I believe you have suffered enough... And I am sorry. I put you through much...”

He looked at her a moment. “Where is Princess Luna? If I am to be her personal guard... I'm going to start now... And how long until sunset?” For some reason, the sense of responsibility was invigorating. But it was probably more the fact that he was not going to be executed.

“Sunset is not for several hours,” Celestia said, smiling slightly. “If you head down this hall, and up the staircase at the end, you will find Luna. She has not left her room since we returned.”

He did not give Celestia a second glance, and headed off down the hallway. She had spared his life, time would tell if that was a mistake. Right now he was more focused on Luna. She abandoned her ideas of conquest so easily, and had changed so much. What had Celestia's student done to her? There where so many questions buzzing through his head now. He slowed as he came to a staircase, taking each step in slow turn. What would become of him? “Personal guard... I guess there will be ponies against her even now...” He muttered, and stared at the door at the top of the stairs. “And me...” The doors where large, though when he tried them, unlocked. He pushed them open, despite it being day, it was dark. The windows thickly curtained, and the room painted dark.

In the middle, was a large pile of blankets. “Who's there?” He heard the soft voice, and it ran a shiver down his spine.

He turned and closed the door gently, closing his eyes. His night vision had been ruined by the courtroom, but here... Here it was nice. “I swore loyalty to you,” he said softly. “Though it proved of no value...”

There was a moment of silence, before a shifting behind him. “Corser...” Her voice was soft, and he knew not how to answer. He felt as though he failed. “You are alive...” She sounded longing, as if begging for it to be true.

“I am.” He leaned against the door slightly, taking a deep breath. “Celestia spared me... Instead sentencing me to be your guard, and tutor...” He turned to look at her, she looked so young now. As if with the loss, she gave time in exchange for her life.

“I begged...” She said, laying her head down onto a pillow, closing her eyes. “I begged her not to kill you... It was my fault... I did everything... I... I begged...” She looked on the brink of tears, but did not seem sad. At least not over that.

“I would have preferred you not have...” She stared blankly at him. “I was prepared to die for what I believe. Knowing that you begged... She did not spare me out of kindness... She did it to further torment me... To see the one who I revere downtrodden to such lows, and know there is nothing I can do...” He could not look at her anymore.

“But you are alive, Corser...”

“Alive, and forced to do what she wants me to...” He closed his eyes, slumping against the door. “But I am being selfish... You are the one who has suffered this indignity... So close to your goal...”

He heard rustling again before she spoke, “and yet I would have failed in the end... She explained it to me, and what you told her... I do not know if you're attempts to convince me would have succeeded...”

“It would have,” he said, taking another deep breath. “There would have been no alternative... All of your subjects would have otherwise died... You would have had to raise the sun. I know it was going to be a challenge, but I know you would have seen reason...”

“I hope that you would have been correct,” she whispered. She was standing a short distance away from him. “But you cannot continue thinking of what if's... We lost. We had lost before it even began.”

He looked at her, it was odd not having to look up anymore. “Then you have no plan for a coup?” She shook her head, and Corser turned away. “Then I have nothing but what she has given me...”

“Do not think of it that way Corser,” she said as she sat down.

“How should I think of it than?” He refused to look at her. Every time he did he felt the fault of their failure crushing him.

“You are all that I have left, Corser... The only pony beside my sister... She has punished you with the thing that I wanted most...” Once again he forced himself to look upon her, her tears fell softly. “Is that truly such a horrid punishment, that you would prefer death?”

Now he felt worse. “No... I'm sorry... I chose my words poorly...”

“Do not think of it as punishment... This is your second chance... A chance to do things that you could not... You are my guard... My Captain...” Her voice was soft, and Corser could tell that it was a struggle for her to even stand. She had not stayed in her room out of choice.

“Come...” He said, taking a step to her side. “You should rest...”

The smile she gave him, made him feel better. She leaned against him for support as he lead her back towards her bed. “Could you... Get me something to eat? I asked for something earlier but nopony ever came back... It wasn't unexpected... They all expect me to turn...”

He nodded slightly, as she made her way back under the covers. “As you wish, my lady.” She gave him a large smile, which faded only slightly as she fell back to sleep. He moved out of the room quietly, and leaned against the outside of the door. There where several realizations he made at the top of that staircase, in front of that door. First, she made him Captain of the Night Guard, which had no ponies. Second, she was weak, and tired from the whole ordeal and would take time to have any strength. Third... He finally had somepony to care about besides himself, and that felt good. And lastly, he had no idea where to get food.

Was it the right look for him? That was difficult to tell. He was never very good at fashion, and he was sure that it was way, way, WAY out of style after a thousand years but... But it was Night Guard attire. Luna had mentioned that it was something that was required to be worn by guards, when he had brought in food. Of course that was after finding Celestia, raising the moon and starting the night. Bit now he felt mildly silly looking in the mirror. The light purple armor, the odd frill on his head... He would have to make major adjustments to this. He did like the sort of cape though, that would stay. It had taken an hour to find a suit that fit, and was still in good enough shape to wear. Honestly he'll be rid of the entire outfit if he has any say to it. And he could only find the front two hoof guards. But it would have to do. He had to recruit, and his first stop was the bar. It was where the guards went when they where off shift. It seemed the best place. When recruiting guards, best to talk to guards first.

It was silent as he moved through the garden to the bar, it was apparent that it used to be some odd barn converted into a bar, or a bar that was supposed to look like a barn. Why somepony would do that, Corser had no idea. What he did know, was the entire place went silent when he entered. He took a few steps in, to make sure that he had everyponies attention. “As many of you know, I am not Captain of the Night Guard,” there was an annoying of murmuring, “and since I am currently the only Night Guard, we are recruiting.”

There was a moments silence, and then the entire bar burst into laughter. “Nopony would ever join a traitor like you!” There was a pegasus who pushed a pony out his way. The laughter died down to chuckles, as he approached. Bright gold mane, with blue fur.

“You tell him Jet!” Somepony called.

The pony known as Jet approached Corser, despite probably having a few beers, he was sturdy on his feet. Corser watched the way he walked, it was easy tell he was a tough pony. One who liked fighting. Yet as he approached, he knew exactly what he was going to do. Corser leaned slightly to the side, and watched as Jet's hoof went through the space his head had occupied. The bar immediately went silent. He leaned back, and watched as Jet's other hoof went past. “Stand still!” Jet snarled.

But despite his words, Corser easily dodged everything Jet threw at him. Where had he learned to fight? Corser had never been in a fight in his life. Then the thought struck him. His life. How many warriors memories did he have in his head? The fighting experience of thousands culminated into one pony. Corser didn't even look as he kicked a back leg out, which connected with Jet's back leg, sending him face first into the floor. “Interesting...” Corser mumbled as he looked back at Jet, who struggled to his feet.

He ducked as another hoof flew over his head, and this pony got a return hoof under the jaw, sending him sprawling over a table. Over and over ponies came at him, each one, dropped with a single hit. Only when the majority of the room was on the floor, and Corser was well out of breath, panting, did they finally stop. “Ya know what?” Corser said, breathing heavily. “Nevermind... I retract my invitation... I don't want... Any of you... Under my command...”

He turned, and saw a sight that he really, really did not want to see. “What do you think you're doing?” Shining Armor said, staring at Corser. “Who are you? What are you doing in that ridiculous armor?”

The comment about the armor seemed unnecessary to Corser, going by the circumstances. “I'm Corser... Captain of the Night Guard...” He was still out of breath. “These ponies attacked me... Calling me a traitor... Granted... It's true... Still hurts my feelings though...”

“And so you beat them?” He was glaring at Corser, but Corser had felt that glare from the leaders of armies, and in turn given that glare to subordinates. And they did it better.

“I am not... Going to simply let some pompous pony lay me out when I have received a full pardon,” he said, finally regaining his breath. He wasn't sure if he could take Shining Armor in a fight, either of might or magic. And even if he could, should he? It would be more work for himself in the long run. “Now, you are blocking the exit, and I would like to leave.”

To his surprise, Shining Armor actually moved out of the way. “Then get out.”

He did not hesitate, but nor did he rush. He strolled out of the bar, as if he owned the place. Which honestly, he felt like he did. None of those ponies had even struck a single blow, or even gotten close. That first one though... He would need to be watched. Corser wasn't sure how many times he put that one down... That... Jet. He would be a pony to be reckoned with if he had more skill.

Despite regaining his breath, Corser was exhausted. He had the knowledge, and the ability, but not the stamina to keep it all going. He retired to Luna's room, which was the only place he felt safe in the palace. Luna gave him a soft smile upon his return. “I'm not wearing this,” he said as he began removing the armor. “It's cumbersome, and chafes. It might have been fashionable a thousand years ago... But it needs some major redesign before I wear it again.”

Luna giggled from her bed of pillows. “Alright. I will not make you wear it.”

He pushed the armor into a pile, glad to be rid of it. “I met Shining Armor, and his ponies...”

“Oh?” She was looking out the window, which was open now. He guessed it must be hard for her to not be able to do her job. To be stuck in bed while she recovers. “Who is that?”

There was a moment of hesitation. “He is the captain of the Day Guard.”

She looked at him, slight puzzlement on her face. “How did that go?”

“Got in a fight,” he said with a sigh. She perked up slightly, but he raised a hoof. “I'm fine. And they'll be fine... Eventually.”

She laid her head back down, looking at him. “I was not aware you where such a fighter...”

He sighed and sat down. “Nor was I... But apparently I am... It is because of the curse. Endless battles... Thousands of lives... All those memories...”

He looked at her, to see that she was smiling. “Then you are more than capable of being my captain.”