//------------------------------// // Chapter 40 // Story: The Darkness in our Souls // by Black Light //------------------------------// Chapter 40 I was laying down a few feet away from the cliffs edge, not wanting to see the bottom ever again. I had long since stopped holding my hoof against my cut, and blood was forming a small puddle around me as it flowed slowly from the wound. I don’t know how long I had been laying there. The blood that was now starting to cake against my for leg told me that it had been more than a few minutes at least. A noise behind me caught my attention and I turned one of my ears to listen for the sound. I heard my name being shouted. I recognized the voices shouting out as the girls. On the edge of my hearing I heard a loud gasp. It sounded like it was high off the ground. I thought it was safe to assume it was Rainbow taking a higher view of the terrain. I heard wings flapping rapidly in my direction. I thought about what I must look like right now. Laying on the ground with a limp body and a puddle of blood surrounding my body. I probably looked like a corpse. I slowly lifted my leg and started to push myself into a standing position. I heard the sound of hooves hitting rocks and I turned my attention behind me. I saw Rainbow, Skies, and Twilight leading off the group. The rest of the girls as well as Spike following behind. Rainbow and Skies both ran up to me and brought me into an embrace, but I was too out of it to return the gesture. The rest of the girls were frozen as they took in my ragged appearance, I was pretty sure Fluttershy and Rarity were both close to fainting right there on the spot. Then the inevitable happened. “Shadow… where’s Starry Night?” Twilight asked. I cringed slightly as she asked and my vision was drawn to the edge of the cliff. I looked away quickly not wanting to remember. Rainbow began to walk over to the cliff, but I reached out with one of my hooves and stopped her. I shook my head weakly hoping she knew it meant I didn’t want her to see. She reached up and took my hoof in hers. After a moment she moved my hoof back onto the ground. I knew that this would probably happen. Even if I asked her not too, she needed to see. Both Rainbow and Twilight walked over to the cliffs edge and peered over. I saw their eyes go wide and they backed away, Twilight trying not to hurl as she turned away. They looked at me. “Is… is that?” I simply nodded my head still looking at the ground. Those who hadn’t seen over the side wore worried expressions, but they still had a hint of confusion. I saw Applejack open her mouth to ask, but with a small shake of my head I stopped her from asking. I started to walk away back towards the town, but my legs gave out from underneath me. I was in no condition mentally to go anywhere on my own. My exhaustion was catching up to me and the realization that she was gone was finally truly setting in. As I lay on the ground a let out a loud scream that was fueled by terror, anger, pain, and so many other emotions. My mind finally gave out and the world disappeared for me. ~~~String~~~ I slowly started to wake. I was aware that I was laying on a bed. I could tell that the bed was well conformed to my body. That could mean one of two things. Either I was at home, or I was in the hospital. I opened my eyes and saw the white surrounding me, definitely hospital. I sat up on the bed and took in more of my surroundings. Nopony was in the room with me, but there was a small not hanging from the bed. Using my magic I picked it up and read it. ‘Reserved for Shadowmere’ I gave a small smile and a chuckle. I guess I’m not the only one that’s getting tired of me coming here. I looked to my side and saw myself hooked up to a heart monitor again. I reached over and turned it off before disconnecting it from me. I got off of the bed and started to walk around my room. My mind was still a bit fuzzy and I was trying to remember why I was here again…Starry. As the memories became clearer and clearer I was consumed by sadness yet again. The sound of a door opening got my attention away from the memories for a moment. I turned and saw the girls all standing in the doorway. When they saw me, Twilight and Rainbow started talking to the others about something. Whatever it was the girls didn’t seem too fond of it, but they nodded their heads. Twilight and Rainbow thanked them and walked in the room while the rest waited outside. ‘I see so they want to talk about that.’ I gave a greeting in the form of a small wave and gestured them to take a seat in some of the chairs in the room. We all sat down, but nopony said anything for a while. I decided to break the silence. “You want to know what happened up on the mountain, don’t you?” I said to them. After a small moment of hesitation they both nodded. I sighed. “Alright, I’ll answer whatever questions you have.” Twilight asked first. “Did you- was it you that-?” She was having some trouble asking the question but I knew what she wanted. “I didn’t push her off the cliff, she jumped.” I told them. “Why, why would she do that?” Rainbow asked. “Because she thought that we wouldn’t be able to find a way to save both of us in time, so she wanted at least one of us to live.” I answered. I began to grit my teeth and eventually my rage spilled out. “DAMMIT! It should’ve been me!” Twilight and Rainbow were surprised by my outburst, but recovered quickly and walked over to me. “It shouldn’t have been anypony.” Twilight told me. I looked between the two and then lowered my head. “I know, I just… I just wish I could do more. In the end she was able to do more than I ever could. She took control away from the darkness while it was at its full strength. I’ve never been able to do that. I’ve always had to wait him out. At the end of it all she was stronger than me, and I was the one that couldn’t do anything.” “She took control of the darkness?” Rainbow asked. I nodded. “She managed to wrestle away control from her darkness, and she managed to keep control of her body until- until she-” I stopped speaking. I didn’t think I needed to finish that sentence. They both knew what it ended with. The girls remained quiet for a while before they asked the next question. “So is it over, did Starry actually save you?” Twilight asked. I nodded. “Yeah, I felt the strength return to me as she, you know.” I answered her my eyes starting to tear up. That’s when I realize something that really bothered me, and that I was ashamed of. I had never even cried. I hadn’t cried for her or cried for what she did for me. As the thought dawned I didn’t hold back the tears. I wanted, no, I needed to cry. I needed to prove that what she did meant something to me. That it meant more than I could ever say or describe with words. Rainbow and Twilight both came and embraced me, trying to support me as best they could. I cried for a good five minutes before I regained my composure. “What did you do- what did you do with the body?” I asked. Twilight answered me. “I sent a letter to the princess telling her everything that happened as best I could. She responded and sent a small group of guards to retrieve the body, so she can have a proper burial.” I nodded. “Thanks Twilight.” I told her before I got out of the chair I was on and walked back over to the bed, I needed the rest. The rest of the day was relatively uneventful. After Twilight and Rainbow had finished with our conversation they let the rest of the girls come in to see me. They all were happy to see that I was alright, but underneath it all I could tell they were extremely saddened, and who could blame them. They’ve always lived in a town that never had any crime. The only deaths here were those that died of old age, and yes that’s sad, but it can’t even compare to the death of somepony who was taken before they were meant to. They had never know this type of death, and it wasn’t even the worst kind. Even me, who had seen the worst types of death still cried for this death. It’s sad that ponies like them have to know this type of death.