//------------------------------// // Tastes Like Apple // Story: Ranch Hands // by Ezrienel //------------------------------// 7. Tastes Like Apple I hadn't talked to her since we were alone in the hall outside my room the day before, and she must have been avoiding me. I had seen her rushing around and fixing things all day that day, like anything was better than dealing with it. She had left me a little trail of bread crumbs of course, the flyers she had put up right at the spot I left her, an invitation to go apple picking. It wasn't hard to convince Twilight to go with me, she must have thought it was me finally coming around to make friends with the guys. I really just needed to see Applejack again, maybe apologize better or something. I didn't mean to offend her or scare her or whatever I did, I just couldn't help myself when we were all alone and she was... just standing there, looking at me with those, those beautiful eyes. I wasn't totally adverse to letting myself feel something for her even though it was weird and new, I mean how could I? But I didn't want to scare her away or anything, and damn it I couldn't even tell you what I did want. At that moment when she stood before me, staring at me all cute and everything, it had been her lips, and damn it, it was awesome. Just thinking about it drove me crazy, it even kept me up all night tossing and turning, reliving it in my head. That's when I went out into the hall, to clear my mind, and when I found that flyer she pinned up. I must have scared Twilight stiff barging into her room in the middle of the night, telling her we were going apple picking. I had been the one dragging her around that time, plucking her from her room and pulling her to the orchard in tow. Some of the guys had come along too, and I hated that. But there she was, her open-collared blouse tucked into her tight jeans as usual, and those same jeans hidden under her boots at the shin. She must have dressed that way on purpose, to tease me or something. No, she was too decent to do something like that. She came closer and I could see her shining eyes, the whole ranch reflecting into them. Though she appeared surprised or uneasy to see me, she didn't linger on it. Tipping her hat over those same very alluring eyes, she walked right past me without a word. I blinked, actually feeling kind of hurt about it. Well, I frowned deeply as I watched her pick up a ladder from leaning against one of the trees and a basket beside it, I was not someone who could be brushed off. "Hey Rainbow, do you think that—" Twilight started to talk to me, but I was a girl on a mission and stormed right past her. "So what'd you drag us all out here for, anyway? To pick some damn fruit?" I yelled at Applejack, watching her turn around and actually look at me, surprised by my outburst. I let out my breath heavily, glaring at her until she spoke. "Well I guess we should get started then." Didn't even sound like it was directed at me. She tossed the ladder over her shoulder, putting the basket handle onto one of the legs. I could hear the irritation in her voice as she went on, "This orchard spans from here to the mountains, there are thousands of trees and hundreds of thousands of apples. We gotta pick em, we gotta inspect em, then we gotta carry em around and make stuff with em. Who's ready?" "Lead on, Apple-girl." I gestured with an outstretched arm, waiting for her to start. She started off through the trees, intentionally keeping her pace faster than mine so I couldn't catch up to her without running up like I wanted to. Her tactics would not work on me of course, if I know anything about myself it's that nobody is faster than me. I swung around and looked at the guys behind us, quite a ways behind us if I could be frank. They were all looking at each other like they weren't really following what was going on between us, the idiots. Twilight hurried after me in something of a jog, and I could tell that she already knew something was up. Applejack finally stopped once she found one of the biggest, fattest and tallest apple trees I had ever seen. She pretended to look around some more as the rest of them caught up, knowing I wouldn't confront her with all the witnesses around. That's probably why she didn't just run off and leave them behind, too. "It's plenty easy, you can reach a good amount from the ground, but some of the best apples are up a few branches." She nearly threw the ladder to the ground, digging the legs into the ground really deep. I tried to play it cool and aloof, but seeing the ladder wobble a bit as she stomped up it made me give up a bit of my ground. She didn't seem to notice me walk over there, but she felt when I clamped onto it with my hands, holding it steady. Turning to glare at me once more, her eyes narrowed and her voice seeped out, "You ain't gotta hold the ladder, Rainbow." "I want to," I simply replied, holding the stare just as long as she did, though I acted less than concerned and caring. "I do this all the time by my lonesome, y'know, I don't need the support," she snapped at me, closing her hands and pressing her knuckles against her hips. "Yeah and when you fall and break your neck you've got no one to blame but yourself," I retorted, my own voice cracking a bit as I raised it. We were both too stubborn to back down, so we just stood there looking at each other like glares could maim. "Uh, guys?" We both woke up a bit as we heard Twilight's voice and looked over to see the whole lot of them just scratching their heads and watching. "You going to get on with the demonstration?" "Right, right," I heard Applejack masking her stress and troubles and clearing her throat to go on. "Well any who, you reach right on up and find one that looks bright red and ready, then you just put yer fingers 'round it and give it an easy tug and twist." "I wouldn't mind one of those myself." My ear twitched as I heard one of those same snide sexual comments from my team mates. Without even thinking, I bent down and grabbed one of the fallen, decaying apples from the ground. It didn't bother me much that it was rotting away in my hand, so I went ahead and threw it at the offender, hitting him square in the neck and winding him. He was lucky it was rotting, or else he might have started choking. Applejack didn't even seem to notice, or say anything about it anyway. "If it's ready it'll come off without a hitch." She twisted it at the stem and it easily snapped off. She pulled it down and showed us this divine looking apple, perfectly symmetrical and everything. It kind of reminded me of— "And there ya have it, one of the sweetest apples you ever did taste." Yeah, that sounded right, and didn't I know it. "Is that a guarantee?" I raised my eyebrow, smirking as I got her attention again. "Why, you wanna have a bite?" Applejack leaned down on the ladder and returned my daring expression, before shoving the apple right into my mouth. I made a muffled noise of surprise as she did it, I wasn't quite expecting her to be so rough. She smiled as I took a bite and chewed it, and if I wasn't mistaken, I think the act was somehow flirtatious. "How is it?" "It tastes like an apple," I told her with my mouth still full, the juicy sweetness making me salivate more than normal. Of course, I wouldn't tell her all that. "Well I certainly hope so." Applejack laughed as she sat on a step of the ladder. "Go ahead y'all and give it a try, pick and apple and have a bite or two." I didn't want to admit it, but these apples were really something special. I looked up at her as she leaned her arms onto her bent knees, and I absently took another scrumptious bite. Maybe I had been too forward with her, but I would have thought that was the sort of thing she would respond too. Then again, even I felt awkward about it and uncertain, and here I was initiating contact. I really must have been crazy. The rest of the bunch finished picking their snacks while I polished off my own, and from each mouth that tasted the sweet, sweet fruits came musings of delight. I guess I could relate, after all. Applejack climbed back up the ladder then and started plucking some more apples, placing them into the big round basket she had brought along with her. "So, you're graduating this year too, right?" I asked in nonchalantly, though I already knew the answer. I was mostly just trying to get her talking. She just nodded as she kept on picking those apples, so I went on, "Got plans for next year?" "Yeah, I got a full scholarship to Quest State," Applejack said, and modestly added, "I run track, y'see. My grades ain't great, but I work hard." "Yeah, I hear that." I smiled at the familiar story, it was something like my own. I sighed and remembered the reason we were all here in the first place. "Doubt I'll get a free ride though, our soccer team sucks. It's our last game to qualify for the city championship two nights from now, but no scouts come to watch us, and I wouldn't want them too if they did." "I dunno much how you play, but with that attitude I'd wager it ain't too good," she told me, though it didn't sound like she was taking a shot at me or anything. Still, I was defensive about it. "What's that supposed to mean?" I growled as I watched her reaching out for the apples, her clothes squeezing her body the ways I almost wished I could. "Listen to me sugar cube, there ain't no one who wants to watch a game where the players are all down on themselves. You want people to watch? Get yer head out of the mud, and give yer feet a chance to make a splash." She didn't look down at me while she was speaking, but as she finished she touched my shoulder, and she handed me a warm smile and an unexplained wink. Something about her spirit had me hypnotized, and maybe that was exactly what she was talking about. She went right back to her duties though, and I couldn't have thought up anything to say to her that could have possibly been an adequate response. I suppose bothering her while she was working would be rude of me anyway, unfortunately. I leaned against the ladder lazily instead, yawning as if it would pass the time. I jerked up as the ladder budged and hurriedly turned and wrapped my arms around it, holding it still. Applejack glared down at me angrily, but for my defence the best I could do was grin and sheepishly scratch the back of my head. I was alone in my room by the time the sun was going down, and I could hear the boys in the common room shouting like wild. I just rolled over, facing my back to the door like I didn't give one damn what they were all up to. I really didn't, I mean it was our last night on the ranch, and for all I knew I would never see Applejack again. I closed my eyes tight for a moment, trying to get her out of my head for even a minute. I hadn't seen the coach in a while, Big Mac had driven him out to get cigarettes and they hadn't been back for at least half an hour. The boys took that as a free pass to do whatever it was that amused them. I heard the back door open, seeing as how it was so close to my room, and pulled myself up. If it was Twilight leaving, she must have had a good reason. I stretched my legs out and went to the door, opening it but a crack to see if her door was open. I pulled it open more and went to go out into the hall, maybe check on her and make sure she wasn't wasting away in her room breathing in the dusty old smell of studies all night long. I was about to touch her doorknob though, when her whole door opened right in front of me. "Oh, Rainbow, was that you getting in?" Twilight asked me with a concerned expression. "I didn't know you left." "I didn't," I told her as my eyes drifted down the hall towards the boys. I felt my jaw clench up tight as I saw her there: Applejack, leaning over their table like some flirtatious barmaid. She was all dressed up fancy, dark jeans and a tight blouse, made to suit her curves better by the suede vest fitted perfectly with tassels and designs. I stepped away from Twilight's door, letting her get back to reading if that's what she was going to do. However, she, too, seemed interested in whatever was going on down the hall. I could hear them even from here, whistling or barking or spouting gritty slang I didn't even want to decipher. I slowly came up behind her, but merely watched, waiting to see just what it was she wanted from them. All eyes were on her as she leaned one hand on their table and crossed her cowboy boots behind her in that sexy way, and I was not surprised by their focused gazes. After all, she even managed to command my attention. The boys at the table put their cards face-down on the table in front of them and pulled the illegal cigarettes out of their mouths; they must have felt like such bad-asses or something about it too. Didn't fool me one bit. "Hey baby, what brings you by?" our mid fielder spoke up, leaning closer to her as if to smell her hair. It pissed me off already, I was the one who should have been feeling that blonde silk between my fingers and taking in her scent. But still, I watched on like I was hollow to it all, not even my face contorting to show my troubles. "My brother told me he was drivin' your coach into town," she smoothly replied, her words flowing through the otherwise silent room like drapes fluttering on the wind. "Nearest town is an hour's drive away, and another hour back. Thought you boys might need some supervision." The guys all hooted and laughed as she smiled at them, giving them exactly what attention fed their egos. "You sure are right about that," the goalkeeper agreed, as the team moved to make room for one more chair around the table. "We're just playing a couple rounds of poker, but we can up the odds a bit if you think you can persuade us." I definitely did not like where this was going, and could just feel my blood boiling under my skin. Something told me they were planning to bet on that nice pull-apart shirt of hers, if not her jeans. "Gets mighty lonely in the ranch house," her voice taunted me, this suave and sultry tone some devil's tool to steal me away. I knew it worked just the same on the men who stood around her, as it was damn near irresistible. "Maybe you wanna deal me in for a hand or two?" "A hand, I can do." One of our other strikers went for what he was best at if nothing else, scoring. But I would never let him get near the goal, just the same as it was on the field if we ever played on opposite teams. I grabbed his wrist about an inch away from his intended goal, Applejack's all too sculpted rear. I squeezed at it until I heard the bone click, nearing it to broken as best I could without crossing the line. I stepped even closer until Applejack stood back up and recognized me gripping the eager wrist of my horny team mate. Her eyes met mine under the dim lights of the common room, which were all burnt out in odd places and sprinkled with insect corpses. The rest of the room was silent, awaiting our inevitable confrontation. I twisted our striker's wrist just a spell more, I mean it's not like he needed it or anything, and it was the closest I could get to touching Applejack herself and showing her just how angry I was with her. Either way she seemed to pick it up, and cocked her head at me. "I don't need yer help, Rainbow. I can take care of my self just fine, thank you," she snapped at me, and from where I was standing it sounded to me like she was actually welcoming all that masculine attention. I certainly was not. "Look, I don't know what you're trying to do, but coming all the way out here dressed like that?" I tried to hint what I was implying, but the accusation just made her all the more angry. The men stepped back a bit as our glares collided. "Dressed like what? What exactly are you sayin'?" Applejack asked me as if she wanted to be civil about the whole thing. Upon hearing the stifled, excited laughs of our sweeper, she broke free of her repressions and slammed both her hands hard onto the table in front of us. "And just what in the hay are you snickerin' at?" "They feel the tension between us too," Though they probably didn't know what kind of tension it was. "Pardon?" she slowly spoke, her dangerous tone all the more enthralling to my daring side. Applejack gave her attention back to me and pushed herself up to full height, which was just above my own, though that might have been the doing of those saucy boots. I didn't really want to reveal our affairs to everyone either, so I decided instead to play a little game of chicken with the farm girl. "So how about this, how about you answer the question that's on every guy's lips right now." My hand touched her shirt just below her breast and trailed down slowly and sensually, feeling her breath quicken to a halt and her stomach muscles contract under the attention. My fingers flicked against her apple-shaped belt buckle and nestled themselves right behind it, though we both waited patiently for the words, "How far down do those freckles really go?" I heard the slap more than I registered it against my cheek, and it was so hard that she turned my head clean away from her. I blinked a bit, not expecting such a violent reaction so quickly to come from her, but there it was. Everyone else held their breaths as I looked over at her, with this incredulous stare that demanded an explanation. She stiffened up under the attention though, and I could see the blossoming fluster of an embarrassed blush appearing against her cheeks. It actually nearly killed me to look at her then, I could see her eyes shining under that same dim light, and it was as if they were on the cusp of watering over her speckled face. She turned abruptly and walked right down the hall, her boots clicking all the way across the hard wood floor. I even saw the screen door fly open, and watched her swaying body disappear into the night before I moved too much. As she left though, suddenly the mood picked right back up, and I felt my own team mates high-fiving me in sequence. I looked over at the lot of them, though I could feel my cheek hot with the swelling and throbbing with the pain. They laughed and cheered, grabbing at me and hugging like they thought I was some kind of hero or something. I didn't really understand what had changed or conspired, but they must have thought that I was some daring bad-ass, some no-limits player just like the rest of them. I blinked a bit as I got used to it, until the confident smile graced my face and I accepted all their praise. It may not have been the bonding Twilight was looking for, but it was a start, anyway. I grinned as they all joked around, repeating my words and guessing at the results, but felt the dismal gaze of someone whose opinion mattered somewhat more to me. Down the hall, I could see Twilight staring at me, her expression disappointed and angry. It upset me to look at her, all alone down there while my fickle, senseless team showered me with much desired appreciation. She shook her head at me and went right back into her room. She was right of course, it was disgraceful of me to make someone I felt so strongly about feel so objectified and awful. I just smiled though and avoided the most of it, waiting until their cheering had gone down and their attention went elsewhere again. All I came to the ranch for was their acceptance, it would be nice to finally have the support of my team. It was what would win me some scholarship or a silly game, wasn't it? But at what cost? I found myself alone in my room again, and at the end of the day, whether I was persecuted or admired, that's where I'd end up. All alone, and guilty. I tried to close my eyes once again, blaming Twilight and all her stupid lessons and reasons that had given me a conscience, blaming Applejack for being just so damn herself. I sat upright suddenly, and let myself feel cold in the draughty air as my blanket fell and folded on my lap. I rubbed my hands over my eyes and forehead, letting them sift through my hair and mess it up like it ought to be. If this was my last day at this ranch—and as much as I hated to think— the last day with Applejack, I just couldn't leave things as they were. I threw off my covers and stood up again, hearing my own nervous heart beat in the otherwise silent room. It had been quiet for hours and I had just lay there letting it be that way. Once the coach got back he started screaming at the boys, and they had gone to bed a long time ago now. Only the crickets and wind told of life now. I pulled my door open, listening carefully at first in case and steps were to be heard. But as I imagined, the night was sleeping just like everyone else. I crept across the floorboards, avoiding what little I knew of the squeaky floorboards from my few days at the ranch, and so slowly pushed the screen door open it was like a long harmonious yawn of some distant shrieking bird. I closed it carefully behind me too, leaving it unlocked, and waited for any response. Finding no betrayal to my defiance, I felt my bare feet through the gravel until I reached the farm house. It creeped me right the hell out as I opened their front door, and I felt like some sneaky robber or something just stalking about in their home. I didn't really know where I was going, but I had seen the stairs through the archway when I had dinner with them and only hoped the bedrooms were up there. I froze on the second top step, hearing the conspicuous creek that rang out as some cry for help. I looked down at the cursed thing with a toothy frown, wishing it would call out something about a false alarm. Either way, the more I waited the more I realised that it was safe. No one came out to find me, and ushered by the close call I hurried up to the second floor, only to find at least five doors along the hall. I groaned to myself and pressed my palm to my face before giving it my best guess. The first door in front of me looked too easy, so I peered down the hall to be sure first. The door down the hall on the left had all these cute little decorations on it, so I assumed that was Apple Bloom's room. Down further was a new looking door, like a guest room or something. The one at the end of the hall seemed plausible, but I attributed such masculine placement to an older brother or elder, and the one beside it too. So, I had no other option than to try the first door, no matter how daunting it seemed to be. I pressed myself against it and touched the cool metal of the doorknob, listening to the slow, easy breathing of the inhabitant. I noticed that the door was already left negligently ajar, so I peeked in, knowing her by distant silhouette as quickly as I'd know my face in a mirror. I stepped in and closed the door behind me with the knob still turned, gently letting it turn back into place in my control. I came right up to the bed, her sleeping form seeming so vulnerable and fragile in the light of the moon that sung in through the parted drapes. Her hat was hung up on a pillar in the middle of her room, somewhere it must have always slept. Beneath it, this cosy little bed for her dog rested, though there was no dog there. Her hair fell around her straight as ever, though it was out of the pony tale just as I had seen it when we were alone by the creek. I walked around the bed, my eyes tightly fixed on her, and let my shadow slide up her body as I did. As much as I thought about it, I couldn't come up with a way to wake her without seeming like a murderer, so the best I could do was go for the gentle approach. I leaned over the far side of her bed, so I could get a look at the door in case someone walked in, and positioned myself over her. "Hey, A.J., you asleep?" I asked even though the answer was pretty obvious. She just kept breathing quietly, and it was too tempting to resist. I slowly raised my leg and pressed my knee on the soft mattress, and then the other, crawling closer to her. I was so barely hanging above her now, our lips so perfectly already introduced that to let them meet again seemed entirely sincere. But I did not indulge, and instead tried to whisper once more. "Applejack?" But nothing. I pulled myself fully up onto the bed and reached towards her, finding her hands on her midsection folded up over top of the covers. They were cold, the cool spring's night taking hold of them like I wanted to. I squeezed them a bit, letting my own hot blood warm her up. The touch must have stirred her, because she made some fragment of a noise and took my hand suddenly, turning over in her sleep in the opposite direction and yanking me off balance. I landed right behind to her, my hand taken captive, in this suggestive and inexplicable position. I closed my eyes tightly to calm down before I made my move to try and get her up and aware again, "Yo, Applejack, come on that's not funny." I pulled against her grip, but she was strong. I leaned closer, feeling my breasts touch her back and press up close. "Let me go, Freckles!" "Who the—?" she murmured but I felt her go still under the covers. She suddenly turned right over and nearly hit my nose with her own, our eyes clashing in what bits of light we used to our advantage. She took in a breath and yelped a loud and long-held shout, scrambling to get away from me until I pinned my hand against her mouth. Her muffled screams still slipped out, but I shushed her again and again until she understood well enough what was going on. "Jeez, you're going to give me a heart attack!" I whispered and sighed in relief as she went quieter, though her eyes grew angry with me and she said something that sounded something like— "Givin' you a heart attack?!" she barked into my hand, and I finally gave her a bit of air. "What the heck are you doin' in here, Rainbow? How did you even—?" "Quiet down, A.J., it's the middle of the night," I warned her as I touched her tasty lips again, making sure she intended to stay quiet before letting her have some more space. "Yeah, the middle of the night and some crazed girl is lying on top of me and stiflin' my screams!" she whispered hurriedly, and I guess I could understand that it sounded rather terrifying. I grinned and tried to shrug it off before responding. "Hey, if I could wake you up without acting like some rapist I would, trust me," I argued quietly as she tried to shake me off of her. At least rapist was better than murderer, by some margin. "Forgive me if I find that hard to believe!" she growled again and pushed against my assertiveness, that is, until we both froze to the sound of a squeaky floorboard down the hall. We looked to the door, then instantly looked back at each other in fright. "Get off me, Rainbow!" came another frantic whisper as I tried to get my balance with her shaking the covers about. "Sis?" We both looked at the door again with terrified expressions as the doorknob turned, but before I could say a thing Applejack tossed me right off of her and onto the ground behind the bed, in one clump of blankets and confusion. "You all right?" "Uh, yeah Apple Bloom." She jumped to her feet and stood in front of the bed, I could see her feet from under the bed is how I knew. "Just a bad dream is all." "What about that thud?" she asked in her tired little voice, rubbing the sleep from her eye as if she could spot me from back here. "I fell out of bed, silly." Applejack laughed and explained, shooing her back out the door with her disinterest in talking and her gestures. "And got back up so quick?" I swallowed nervously from behind the bed, thinking that she must have heard me coming up or something. I prayed that Applejack was good under pressure, because I felt like I was about to burst. "You know how agile I am, sis, now go on back to bed. Everything's fine," she told her little sister without hesitation, even chuckling a bit to try and sell the story. Apple Bloom just stood there for a little longer though, sizing the situation up. "You ain't got some guy in your room, do ya?" I covered my mouth in case she had heard my laboured breathing, she was so close to the truth I felt like I was about to scream just to relieve the anticipation. "Apple Bloom!" Applejack called her name in anger, taking it as a means to avoid directly lying. "No, I ain't got no guy in my room, all right? Have I ever once lied to you?" She waited for a response, and there was nothing but a presumed shake of the young girl's head. "This is the honest truth Apple Bloom: I definitely ain't got no guy in here. Got it?" "Yeah, yeah, I got it." She accepted it with a bit of a huff, seeming like she had come in specifically to sniff out some kind of scandal. Applejack just tapped her foot on the ground over and over until her little sister sighed out loud and accepted defeat too. "Al'right, I'm goin', I'm goin'." Applejack saw her out, even looked through the door to make sure she was gone before she closed it with both hands and sighed a breath of relief. I pulled myself up onto the bed, resting my head on my hand and my elbow on the sheet-covered mattress. "Was that necessary?" I asked with a pouting expression, but she shot me something of a death glare and responded promptly, albeit quietly. "Unless you wanted to wake up the whole farm with the shrill cries of a young girl, yeah, it was," she told me as she pushed off the door and came over to me, her plaid pyjamas swaying with what little of her body I could see in such low lighting. "So, are you gonna tell me what yer doing in my room, or am I gonna have to beat it out of you?" "Come on, if it's what you're thinking I'm here for, it would be happening already and you would not be able to resist me." I smirked, and she huffed a disbelieving laugh like she thought it was ridiculous, shaking her head and letting me go on already. "We need to talk, A.J., like seriously talk." "Yeah, about what?" She started getting defensive again, and I groaned as I pulled myself to my feet. "What did you think you were doing with those guys, anyway?" I started, calling her on what little bits of courage she seemed to let slip out. I wouldn't get very far, of course. "Well that ain't none of yer business, Rainbow. Now if that's all, I'd appreciate it if you left my room now," she spat, letting me know just how unwelcome I was. "You and I both know that's not why I'm here, and as much as I'm trying to have a civilized conversation you're trying to avoid me like the damn plague!" I tried to keep it quiet, but found myself having to hold my mouth to keep it down. "I don't know what you're goin' on about. All I know, is someone thought it'd be just hilarious if she screwed around with the ranch hands, thought it'd make all her team mates laugh or somethin'." She turned around and crossed her arms like she was protecting herself from me. "Me? You think I was lying to you? That kiss was real, A.J., and you know it just as well as I do, you can't fake that kind of emotion. And you liked it, didn't you?" I tried to get through to her, but she didn't even so much as listen. I tried to get closer but she avoided me again. She didn't even bother trying to tell me how she felt about any of it. "You know what your problem is? You're fake!" "Fake? You watch yer mouth, honey." I got her to respond at least, but I had much more to say than that. "When we first got here you were all about the confidence, the charm." That surprised her to hear, I could tell. "And now you're acting all shy and uncomfortable and angry, what's that about? It's like you don't even know what you want, or who you are!" "Well excuse me! This sorta thing ain't never come up before, all right? Sorry if I'm a little uneasy, ever since you came around I've been all kinds of crazy." She let out her breath as she hit her back to the door again, her hands running through her loose hair. "Well it's coming up now, isn't it?" I approached her commandingly, and I could physically see her shrink under my gaze, nervous to have me so alone and so near, or afraid of something in herself. "And I don't hear you denying anything about how you feel. So do you like me or not? It's a pretty simple question." "I—" She started to say something, but forced herself to stop. I nodded a few times as I waited, but she still didn't give me a straight enough answer for my liking. She did answer, though, "I just don't know, okay? How the heck am I supposed to feel when someone kisses me like that?" "You don't go feeling things because you're supposed to, nothing about this is how it's supposed to be." I flared my nostrils angrily as I stood close to her again, that same closeness we had before. "So what, you're just going to let me leave this place like I was never here? It's that easy?" "I never said it was easy, Rainbow," she argued, and if only for an instant I saw some glimmer of honesty from her, something that told me she would fight for it. But just as quickly, with her evasive gaze, it disappeared. "Thing about me, A.J., is that some people call me reckless or stupid or crazy, and some call me stubborn or pig-headed." I touched her again on her cheek, seeing her body respond even if her mind did not consent. My finger raised her chin up until she actually looked at me. "But all I really know is I'm the kind of person who takes chances." I wished that I would have kissed her again, but I was afraid that she would not kiss me back. Last time was hard enough, to watch her stare at me with those big emerald eyes and reject me. She didn't shake me off though, and something told me she wanted me to just grab her and take her for all she was worth. But I wanted her to tell me herself, from those perfectly shaped lips, when I would be too distracted looking at and commenting on those adorable freckles and that southern accent. She did nothing like it, though. Her lips moved, but the words were cold and despondent, defending herself from my invasive and aggressive means. "Get outta my room." I hoped I had heard it wrong, but the look on her face and the way she moved out of standing in front of the door confirmed it for me. My body went numb with the disappointment, but I just absently nodded. "Well, fine. If that's what you want, then good riddance. Just don't say that I didn't try." The words fell out of me as quickly as I dropped them, wanting to just leave that horribly comfortable room before I started embarrassing myself too badly. I felt the catch in my throat and clench in my chest as I tore the door open and stormed out, leaving her with whatever privacy she thought she needed. If I wasn't so concerned with keeping her out of trouble, I would have just screamed and started punching at her walls, but I kept it all inside as I raced out the front door. This whole ranch idea, it was stupid to begin with. I was better off getting myself drunk at some stupid party and waking up alone on Pinkie Pie's couch. That was the spring break I was meant to have. All this, this was just a torturous waste of my time.