//------------------------------// // Prologue: Creation of Equestria // Story: Mystery of the Forest: Daughter of Gaia // by Vinetion //------------------------------// ~10,000 B.D. (before discordian reign)~ "Every time, every bucking time." says the wood coloured pegasus to herself as she directs the forest to make homes for the ensuing migration. "I've been doing this for what? five? ten-thousand years now? and these trees still persist on being the lazy bastards they've always been." Down below hundreds of tree saplings emerge from the ground as oaks, pines, and firs all start to merge together into a massive forest. "I mean i understand this is my "eternal duty" and all but seriously, I would have thought this would get easy over time. *sigh* oh well, time to go and call in the migration". And with that she flew over to the nearby mountain and waited for the clouds to part. As the first rays of morning began to show the mare lets out a high piercing whistle that echoed miles around and even to the valleys below to which she was answered with the roar of thousand beating wings. Across the sky came a techni-colored swarm as birds of every type appeared. "Looks like this migration is even bigger." with that she took off towards the flock and started directing them towards their nests in various order. "You pigeons go to south end, while all of the ravens head off to the western cave section." "No! you stupid bluebirds i said west lake not east lake! ARGH! why is this never simple?!" And so continued the migratory mayhem that happened last year, the year before and all of the years before. For the last ten-thousand years since the beginning of this wild world. This beautiful world teeming with creatures and vast nature as far as the eye could see. Was only a ball of dirt in a void of space until one entity came along. A single caring soul who felt sadness looking down on the desolate rock. This beings name was Gaia, the goddess of nature and bringer of life. Upon the planet she planted a single seed which grew into a mighty oak tree spanning miles high with branches mighty and strong that stretched far and wide as though to embrace the planet itself. From this tree bloomed golden blossoms that shined down light that brought life to the world below it. It's great roots bore through the earth upturning and fertilizing the ground from which plants emerged. From the base a hole opened and the first creature of Gaia's creation appeared ranging from the smallest of mice to grand dragons that headed towards the mountains. Throughout all of this there was one problem Gaia had forgotten. Who would take control of this world once she had moved onto another world? And with that she created a creature of both land and sky, a child of her own you could say. She called upon the spirit of an elder yew tree to form the body of this creature. From the powerful eagle she borrowed the wings to allow flight. Vines twisted and wrap around the wooden base to coat the creature in a thick yet soft skin to which leaves and moss grew to make the coat. A white mane of the clouds and tail thus sprouted from head and tail. With a drop of morning dew and nature essence to grant control over the life of the planet. The mane changed to that of green and cyan striped. Before her was creature so beautiful, a daughter to call her own but this creature was missing a vital component. From deep within herself Gaia drew a shard of her own soul to give life and immortality to her daughter. So that she may take upon her duties for time eternal. With the final piece in place the creature glowed a soft green the wooden base softening turning into muscle and sinew. Once the process was complete it fell to the ground with a *thump* and looked up with a confused look. "Good morning daughter, can you speak?" asked Gaia to the small thing in front of her. It simply shakes her head and continues to look at the glowing being oddly. "That is unfortunate but we can fix that later okay?" she asked with a smile on her face. "Would you like a name young one?" The young creature nods furiously. With a coy smile Gaia says "You are my daughter so i shall name you rosily?" the creature looks away in disgust. "Oh? with an attitude like that how about thorn tail?" the creature is horrified at the thought. "How about Vinetion than? it means nature caller" the small creature nods at the idea. Gaia than pets vinetion on the head with a motherly look about her. "From now on you are Daughter of Gaia, Vinetion nature caller, and upon my departure of this place you shall take over my duties as the god of nature" the thought of being a god pleased vinetion at the time but was immediately saddened at the thought of losing her mother. Gaia had picked up on this and said "Do not worry my young-ling I shall remember you always and you, I. I will make sure you will be ready to take on all that will stand before you. Tomorrow however we should work on your speech" she ended with a wink. And with that Gaia and Vinetion headed off to a hovel to sleep the night away. A/N With this being my first fanfic i will take all the criticism you ca throw at me and will greatly appreciate it. while there may be spelling errors here and there i will take care of those when i can. If you can while the story goes on point out what my high points are and what my low points are so that i may improve upon them later for certain parts of the story. for anyone who may or may not enjoy this story, i can tell you now this will not update quickly or often. do not be surprised if a week goes bye without updates. ~Vinetion~