Growing up

by aham50

Chapter 8

Comet, and Serene arrived at Cloudsdale's Finest. The building was very beautiful, the roman style buildings of Cloudsdale fit it perfectly. Serene stumbled out of the chariot, and comet followed closely behind, to make sure nothing happened to his wife. After they were all settled, and on the clouds safely, the chariot sped away. Serene smiled, as she looked up at the wonderful building. They would remember this for the rest of their lives.
They walked to the entrance. A princely, white Pegasus, with golden armor, stopped them with his wing.
"Name?" the massive guard asked the couple.
"Serene and Comet," Comet replied.
"Ah, the guests of honor, very nice to see you have arrived," the guard replied with a fake smile on his face. He moved his wing, in order to let the couple through.
"Thank you," Serene said as they headed through the door.
"I don't think it's necessary to have the guard, but I guess that it makes this party, just that much safer," Comet said with a questioned face. As they walked in, they were surrounded, by many friendly Pegasi. Each of them, had their own greeting for the two Pegasi, the party was held for. Hoof shakes, and hugs,for Serene. Noogies, and hoof bumps, for Comet. They were already having a great time.
"Serene!" Serene heard somepony shout, from behind the crowd, that had gathered around her. Suddenly a familiar pony managed to break through the crowd, and find Serene.
"Barricade!" Serene shouted, as she connected with her friend in the form of a hug. Barricade was her best friend, aside from Comet. She was one of the royal guards, like the one that stopped Serene, and Comet, at the door. Barricade had recently given birth to a small filly, which turned out to have, a yellow body, and a pink mane. She wasn't too sure she could make it to the party, due to recent events with her husband, and work, but she managed to make enough time, to get to Serene's party. They had known each other, longer than Serene, and Comet had known each other.
"Barricade! I am so glad you could make it! I thought you were busy, or something... How did you manage?" Serene boasted.
"You know me Serene. I can get stuff done. Luckily, my husband was free today, and he can babysit our little filly. I still haven't named her..." Barricade retreated into her mind, thinking of names she had come up with.
"I'm sure you will find one eventually Barricade, now how about we all sit down, and enjoy the party?" Serene announced. Serene, and Comet sat next to each other, at one of the two tables, that were laid out for the party. Barricade sat next to Serene, and they chatted, as did Comet with his "flying buddies".
"Well, so far the names I've come up with for my daughter, are Andrea, and Abby. My husband suggested Fluttershy, since she acts so much like her father. He hates crowds, did you know? I think that's another part of the reason, he decided to stay and look after her," Barricade admitted to Serene.
"Don't worry about it Barricade, I haven't named our filly either." Serene responded, with a supportive look about her. Serene hadn't thought of a name, and didn't plan to, until she saw her for the first time.
The rest of the party, went on, just as Comet had predicted. Nothing bad happened, nopony got hurt, and everypony had a great time. It helped remind Serene, that she wasn't alone, and that ponies supported her.
It was, the best night ever.

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