Pony Terrestrial

by Arcanel

Decisions, decisions, decisions

Welcome to this new chapter my dear readers. CPM here. To tell the truth I had some initial difficulties on to HOW in Equestria was I going to start this chapter, but here I am. I also hope you like this new POV. And about that, I know some of you will be a bit annoyed and confused about the constant change of POV’s. But there are two things with that. One is that I will change between Arcanel, (or whoever I will “put in charge” of the different groups) the most, but I also go sometimes in between the other characters because I think it makes for a better characterization of the moment and makes more personal for you to feel and understand. The other is, that since there will be other groups of characters (I already know who and where they will be) there WILL be change of POV’s whether you like it or not. So, sorry if that bothers you Anyways, that being said, and as I like to say, without further ado, the next chapter of MLP: around the world. Decisions, decisions, decisions!

I see. Can you read I OWN NOTHING except this fic? Good. Then my job is done.

Princess Celestia’s POV

I have to admit that during my whole life I have seen many strange and very disconcerting situations. I have seen life and death situations. I have watched much chaos and order, despair and relief and much more. But in my more than long life I have not been in a situation like this. So for the first time in a long time, I cannot help but think:

What in the world of Equestria should I do?

Indeed the fact that my faithful student DID have something to do with a miscalculation in her spell doesn’t change it at all. She did not want this to happen and I’m glad she tried with all her heart. After all, it was my fault to let something like this happen. I think I pressure her too much for her own good, or rather she feels too pressured to do things. But I now have two more important problems. The first being that if Twilight was thinking of everypony that she had met so far then it might lead to other ponies been teleported here, and the second, the now unconscious human, named Arcanel, lying on the floor of HIS home, on a totally different world from our own. ‘Very well… I should first resolve the problem at hand. I do not have a way of sensing other ponies in Equestria, let alone on a different world. But… what do we do? It is not as I can wake him up with a spell. Even I do not have the power to wake somepony up from an unconscious status’ I brainstormed.

While I was meddling with my own thoughts, I heard somepony speak.

“WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM?!” It was the voice of my dear sister, Luna.

“We didn’t do anything to him, did we?” She was asking with worry in her voice. (Giggle) Even if it is somepony from another world, she is still worried of everypony’s well being. I’m really glad you are back Luna. But she does bring a point. What DID happen to him?

“I do not know sister” I said, disappointed with my own lack of answers. “As far as I can see, he seems to have drunk something in that strange…glass…tall cup and then he went unconscious”.

“Did any of us do something to him without realizing? I am a bit scared about this but I don’t think we should see this human, Arcanel, like a bad guy. I mean he might even help us on getting out of this place. Or maybe even explore it. After all, it is not every day you travel to another world…even if it was the fault of somepony else” My faithful student said, a bit of sadness still lingering in her voice. ‘Oh Twilight, do not worry yourself with that. I should be the one to blame. This was too much even for you. I got too confident and this happened. I’m sorry’ I thought with sorrow.

“Nope, I don’t think so. I too think he isn’t a bad guy. (Sigh) I just hope he can really help us. Don’t worry Twilight, everything will be okay” Spike reassured.

“Neither did I” Rarity affirmed. “Indeed he seems to be a gentlepony…or should I say gentlehuman? The point is he looked ABSOLUTELY miserable after he said that outrageous statement. But he apologized and promised to answer all of our questions. I hope he is alright” Rarity said with worry in her voice too.

“I wanted to…but no, I didn’t. Besides I don’t think he is a bad guy. Although I admit I almost went and bucked the hay out of him when he said the thing about us not existing and whatever. That was a VERY bad thing for him to say. But he seemed to be just saying what he thought was the right thing to say. I should know. I’m not too good with that” Rainbow Dash said, with anger and sincerity in her tone. I do have to admit that, while I overreacted, I was mad at him myself. I have not lived the past more than thousand years because someone else said so. But… I think I should not have got myself so carried away. After all, I am a princess. It is not very…diplomatic of me to want to hurt him (or send him to the moon. Your choice XD) when he could not even explain himself. (Sigh) I should be ashamed of myself.

“I know Rainbow. But as you said, ah mahself don’t think he is a bad guy. I didn’t do anything to him because of his…reaction. After that, there is no way ah would do something to him. Besides, he was truthful from beginning to end. That, in my family, earns at least some trust for me. By the stars though, what happened to the alien thing? I mean, Arcanel. I too didn’t do anything” The holder of Honesty said, preoccupied with the human’s health.

“I-I-I-I didn’t do anything too I-I’m sure he is fine though. B-But we should try and wake h-him up if we can…I mean, if you agree with me” The holder of Kindness stuttered, nervousness in her speaking.

“Flutters’ is right!!! We need him in the “Questions and answers” party, so he can play too. Let’s wake him up!!!” Pinkie Pie said. (Giggle) That pony sure is the most positive one I have ever met in my life. I’m glad she and her friends are that of Twilight. They truly have a beautiful bond of friendship.

“HEYYYYY!!!! ALIENNNNN!!!!! I mean HUMANNNNN!!! I mean ARCANELLL!!!! It’s time to rise and WAKE. UP!!” The holder of Laughter shouted at the top of her lungs. If it were not for the fact that I have been to one of her many parties, I think I would have gone deaf. She certainly is one to do parties all the time.

“Pinkie!! I don’t think we can wake him up like that!! He is unconscious” Twilight explained, looking a bit exasperated.

“Awwwwww but it’s the only- Wait I know!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed. “How about this!!” She brought a drum out of nowhere and started playing it. I feel compelled to ask her how she does that. There does not seem to be any physical way for her to take things out. Not even with magic I can do what she does. Hmmmm… (Don’t try Celestia, it’s Pinkie magic. It is for her and her alone. It’s unexplainable. Ask Twilight, she knows XD).

“Pinkie!!! What Twilight meant was that sound won’t wake him up. We need to find another way” Rarity stated.

“Awwwwwwwwwwwww” Pinkie Pie pouted. “Fine”

“Should we buck him and see what happens?” Rainbow Dash asked. I had forgotten how…feisty she was.

“Rainbow, we should avoid physical pain. For his sake yah know” Applejack countered.

“Hey! I’m just throwing ideas…Oh I know. How about I grab a cloud and pour water over him? That should wake him up, right?” The holder of Loyalty proposed.

“(Sigh) As much as I agree, we can’t get out. Not only we don’t know this world, but, even if what he said about every human knowing about us is true, we can’t risk somepony seeing us. There is also the fact that we also don’t know how this world works. And if that wasn’t enough, it might bring trouble to Arcanel” Twilight explained. I am glad that she is so wise. She could easily take my place, if she were not a unicorn. But she is not an alicorn. No, I am. And I have lived too much to leave my place just like that, even less to one of the ponies I care about the most. I hope I have been doing a good work so far. Only time will tell for my little ponies…

“Oh fine. I’m out of ideas” Rainbow Dash said. “Somepony else think, cause I have done enough” She finished.

“I may have an idea” Applejack started. “How about magic? Ah know It’s not common for me to offer the magic way, but I can’t think of something else. Twilight, Rarity. Do you know any spells to wake him up?” She asked.

“I’m sorry but I don’t know any spell that can do that” Twilight answered with disappointment in her voice.

“Neither do I. I’m really sorry, but I only know basic spells. Anything further than that is out of my knowledge” Rarity said, she too disappointed at her own lack of power to help. Exactly how I feel right now. (Sigh) I know I have to know something to help him.

In that moment of moment of searching through my memories, I heard a shout.

“I know!!!” It had been Luna. “Sister, do you remember that spell to check somepony’s status? It might help us know why he is unconscious and give us an idea on how to wake him up” She said with hope and excitement in her tone.

“Hmmmm… A status checking spell? Ah yes! I remember it had been so long since I last used it that I had completely forgotten all about it!” I said, raising my voice just a bit, both because now we at least had an idea on to what to do, and because I was ashamed for not thinking it as well. “Great idea Luna! Let me see if I can still do it” I said.

I started to focus my magic on my horn and pointed it at him. I then saw that he looked like he had a very fast beating heart, though slowly decreasing, and a slightly altered mind. ‘So that was what happened. He was too nervous and because of it he passed out. The poor thing. We were too hard on him. He also appears to react like us as well. Humans and ponies might be too different after all’ I concluded as I started releasing the magic.

“I found out what happened” I announced with happiness. Everypony stood close to me to listen. I then explained.

“It seems we made him too nervous and because of it, passed out” I started, blushing a little. “I believe we should wait until he wakes up on his own” I finished.

Everypony who was listening also blushed a little. Then, somepony spoke.

“Then what should we do Princess?” It was Twilight. It was indeed a good question

“Well… I really do not know. After all we cannot wander around and we can’t leave Arcanel here. I am sorry I do not possess the answer” I said, doubt and worry filling my mind.

“Oh, do not worry Princess it is okay” The holder of Generosity reassured me. ”You should not apologize, please. This is a…strange situation I believe even you would have trouble deciding what should be done”

“Thank you Rarity” I said. I was really thankful by her words. Everypony else seemed to be in thought after my words though. Until I heard another voice speaking.

“How about some of us stay with Arcanel and the rest goes to explore this house?” Twilight proposed.

“Yeah. Good idea Twi’” Spike affirmed.

“A-Are you sure? I mean this is Arcanel’s house after all. W-Wouldn’t that be wrong?” Fluttershy asked with a pang of worry. She was indeed right. But…

“I know how you feel Fluttershy, but we must at least learn of our surroundings. We should not touch anything but we can see how this building seems to be” I explained. I will admit that I was curious about this building but there was also the fact that it was not ours. Before I could offer myself to stay and watch over Arcanel, somepony spoke first.

“Well if everypony agrees then I want to stay with him. After all it was my fault I involved ALL of us in this, and it was also partly my fault to leave him in this state. I owe him this much, at least” Twilight confirmed, determination in her voice. I felt proud but also sad, because she is trying to amend but it wasn’t entirely her fault.

“I-I want to stay with him. I hate to see somepony like this and not watch over him” Fluttershy said, she too with determination. (Anybody want to be Arcanel right now? XD).

Everypony agreed to them both. After a few seconds of silence, I spoke.

“Very well. If nopony else wants to stay, then let us be going then” I said.

After that, I and everypony else followed outside and further into the house…

WELL that is it! I also want to say this. If there was a drama tag I should probably put but there isn’t…so I tell you DRAMA ALERT!!!!! XD. Nah there will be a bit of drama like this (turns out I’m somewhat of a sucker of it), but I will mainly write comedy or adventure stuff. Thing is I’m writing this with those two, with characters NOT OOC’d, plot of story, and not too much randomness (Pinkie aside XD). So please do not turn back because of the drama. Besides I can break it well enough into something funny if I need to XD. Well, that being said next up comes investigation of the house. And believe me when I say this. It is impossible for that to NOT have funny stuff and again believe me; I have a lot in mind (insert evil laugh). You know my catchphrase: Comment, R&R, haters ignored, flamers abhorred, etc, etc. CPM out.